Zeke's Rule

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Zeke's Rule Page 7

by Jenika Snow

  “WHAT HAPPENED WASN’T your fault; I’m going to protect you.” Zeke would tell his men where to look. Gerald was a bigger coward than even he’d given him credit for. It was a Friday, and it would be a busy night. He was going to get Shakes to take care of Alessandria while he went hunting for this bastard.

  “Thank you.” He stroked her hair, loving the silky feel of the strands as it glided through his fingers. The last three weeks had been good to her. The bruises had gone from her face, and the ones on her body were fading. He’d caught a glimpse of her tits before he’d allowed his presence to be known, and for the first time in his life, he felt like a sick bastard watching her when she hadn’t realized he was there.

  Her body was driving him crazy, and most of the time, all he wanted to do was take her, fuck her, and keep her. She was a nice woman, and after everything that she’d been through, he found that to be the most shocking thing of all.

  Alessandria wasn’t a bitch. She was a good woman, a woman that had been dealt a fucked up hand. Daniella’s mother had been a bitch, and she’d not experienced half of the evil that Alessandria had.

  The tears took time to subside, and Zeke held her through it. Her time with Gerald had affected her deeply. He’d been in his office on the phone when he’d seen her standing, staring at the gate. Time had passed, she’d taken a step toward it, and then several steps back. She was afraid to go outside, and it didn’t take a genius to realize why. Gerald had made Alessandria terrified to live her life and to simply walk down the street.

  One day, he was going to take that long walk with her.

  Yes, he had many enemies, and it would be dangerous, but he’d lived with danger all of his life. Daniella was still alive and pregnant with her first child. He wasn’t doing badly keeping the women he cared about safe.

  Zeke cared about Alessandria, probably more than he should.

  “Thank you,” she said again, pulling away from him, and pulling him away from his thoughts.

  He released her and couldn’t help himself as he cupped her cheek. She was a beautiful woman, and she enthralled him the moment she entered a room. He couldn’t look away from her. Running his thumb across her plump bottom lip, he heard her sigh.

  “It’s not split anymore.”

  “No, it’s not split.”

  Zeke closed the small gap between them, sinking his fingers into her hair. He wouldn’t fuck her, she was still bruised, albeit fading, but he needed to kiss her. Slamming his lips down on hers, he wrapped her long hair around his fist so tightly that she had no choice but to rise onto her toes. He tugged on the length, and she moaned at the slight pain.

  Her lips opened, and he plunged his tongue into her mouth, tasting her. She was exquisite, and he was addicted. Since he’d met Alessandria, he’d not had any other woman to slake his desire. She was consuming his life, taking over his soul, and he didn’t know what to do about that.

  The sound of his cell phone ringing had him pulling away.

  “I’m sorry if I hurt you,” he said, opening his eyes, and staring down into her dilated pupils.

  “You didn’t hurt me; I loved every second of it.” Again, she licked her lips, and all he saw was her tongue licking his cock. All rational thought fled his mind.

  Chapter Eleven

  “WE’VE FOUND HIM, Boss.”

  Zeke held his cell tighter against his ear and stared at Alessandria. He felt rage fill him that the motherfucker had been found, and although he wanted to be with her in every way, he planned to be honest with her about everything first. These last few weeks had been eye opening for him, had shown him that he could love a woman. Hell, he loved Daniella, but that was his daughter. The way he felt for Alessandria went against the grain of the person he was, went against everything he’d ever felt. He cared about her, wanted her safe, and he was going to make sure that happened.

  Hell, he’d been close to having her, to taking her, moments before. Now, after this call, with the fact Gerald had been found, Zeke knew that shit had to be taken care of.

  “Set things up. I’ll be in the office tonight.” He disconnected the cell, and for a second, all he did was stare at Alessandria. She’d either heard the conversation, or she could just tell by the obvious murder on his face what they’d been talking about.

  While still watching her, Zeke put his cell in the inside pocket of his suit jacket, about to tell her he’d be back, that he had business to handle, but she opened those lush, red lips of hers and started talking instead.

  “You found him, didn’t you?”

  He nodded. He wasn’t going to lie to her, wasn’t going to sugarcoat anything either. She knew who he was, what he did for a living, and that he wasn’t a good man. No, Zeke was far from good.

  “I’ll be going after him tonight, ending this for you, because I know you’ve been worried about him, even though I told you not to.

  She looked down at her feet, and he lifted her head with his finger under her chin. She stared up at him with her wide blue eyes, ones that did something to make his cold, dead heart beat a little harder, a little faster.

  He took a step closer to her, making sure their chests brushed against each other. He wanted so badly to just take her right then, seal their fate that she’d always be his. Zeke didn’t want to let her go, he couldn’t.

  There was something special about her; something that made him want to be a better man for her. Even though he knew that would never happen. He’d never be that Knight in shining white armor for her, not in the traditional sense. He’d always protect her, always be there for her, even if she didn’t fully understand what all that meant, but he’d never be the good guy. And he new she needed that in her life. He knew she needed a life that wasn’t filled with the violence and danger that surrounded him.

  Knowing all of that, realizing he should give her a chance to get away from this shit, to get away from him, Zeke still couldn’t walk away. He couldn’t let her walk away.

  He smoothed his finger along the line of her jaw and cupped her cheek. Her flesh was smooth, healed, and he couldn’t stop himself from leaning down and kissing her again. She was sweet, clean, and fresh, and he could get lost in her. Being with Alessandria made Zeke feel he could get lost in the world, in his life. He knew there was something fucking incredible about her, something special that made all the other women from his past pale in comparison.

  He pulled back, let go of her face, and took a step back. “I’m going to end this for you, make sure you never have to fear him, or any of the ugly shit he brought with him ever again.”

  He watched as she swallowed, the line of her throat working from the act.

  “I’m having Shakes, my son-in-law, protect you while I’m gone. I trust him with the life of my daughter and unborn grandchild; he’s the only one I’d trust with you.”

  Her eyes widened a fraction.

  He stepped forward again, lowered his head an inch, and said, “And when I come back, when it’s all said and done, I’m going to fuck you, Alessandria.”

  She gasped softly.

  “I’m going to fuck you and let you know that you’re mine, that you are the one I want.” After straightening and staring at her for another second, memorizing every line and angle of her face, he turned and left. He shut her door behind him, grabbed his cell again, and dialed Shakes’ number.

  “I need you at my place now. I have something I need you to watch and protect as well as you do my daughter.”

  Shakes gave a grunt of response.

  Zeke disconnected that call, kept moving down the hallway, descended the stairs, and left the house. He was going to get his hands dirty tonight, bloody, real. He was going to make Gerald wish he’d never fucked with Alessandria or him. By the time Zeke was finished, Gerald would be begging for death.

  ALESSANDRIA HAD BEEN staring out her bedroom window well after Zeke had left. She’d watched his car race down the driveway, knew that he was going to kill Gerald, and a part of her felt pleasure in
that. There was also a little self-hatred. She hated that she hadn’t been strong enough to take care of herself and her problems, hated that she’d gotten herself—let herself—get involved with all of this ugliness to begin with.

  An approaching dark SUV pulled up the driveway and parked right by the front door. The man that stepped out of the driver’s side was big, tattooed, and heavily muscled. He looked dangerous, looked like he could kill a man with his bare hands.


  Touching her lips, she felt them tingle from the kiss she’d shared with Zeke right before he’d left. It had been soft, sweet almost. No tongue, no pressure. Zeke had given her that kiss as though he were sealing something.

  He was. He was sealing the fact that you are his.

  Knowing that, knowing Zeke wanted her, wanted to fuck her, should have made Alessandria want to leave, want to escape and not get trapped in this web of desire and security. But reasoning and desire were very powerful emotions, and she wanted Zeke.

  What would he handle her honest, when she actually admitted what she wanted, when she told him how she liked the pain with her pleasure, how it had been her darkest secret her entire life? Would he be like Gerald and think she deserved what she got, that the beatings were justified because she liked pain?

  She wanted Zeke more than she’d ever wanted anyone. Her need for him rivaled her need for freedom. A few weeks in his home didn’t give her knowledge into who he really was, not all the way, at least.

  Alessandria thought about what Zeke would do to Gerald, and nothing but pleasure and a sense of finality filled her. She wouldn’t have to worry, wouldn’t have to look over her shoulder for him when she wandered beyond Zeke’s steel gates.

  Zeke had been honest with her, given her space and time to heal. He gave her the sense of calm that she’d need so desperately. She’d be honest with him and tell him exactly what she wanted: him and her freedom.

  Chapter Twelve

  “HE’S IN THERE, boss,” Boscoe said from the front seat of the car. Zeke didn’t have many men with him, but he didn’t need many men for what he had planned. The strip club where they were was rundown, sleazy, and just looking at it told Zeke this was the perfect place for this to go down. Standing outside, just around the corner, was a girl who couldn’t be older than sixteen, and she was giving head to a man old enough to be her father. This was not the way to conduct business, any business, but this also wasn’t his issue because she wasn’t one of his girls.

  It wasn’t like that was the worst thing he was seeing. No, there was another couple of girls wearing hardly anything, clearly drugged out by the way they acted, and waiting for some action. The women were also badly bruised, and around their neck was a sign that read fuck for free. They obviously didn’t give a shit, were probably paid with drugs, and the johns would pay the pimps with cash.

  The women looked miserable. This was what he hated about street pimps. They had no respect for the women who worked for them. Often, they abused the girls, getting them addicted to drugs, and then making them work for said drugs. They had no life and one of the reasons why Zeke made sure his women got the best treatment and care.

  All of his girls had the best care money could buy. They were loyal to him, and loyalty meant a great deal.

  “This is fucking disgusting.”

  Zeke watched as the man gripped the back of the girl’s head hard and slammed deep inside of her mouth, making her take it all. Zeke liked being rough, too, obviously, but he made sure the women he was with liked what he was giving them.

  “Tell me I can kill the bastards,” Boscoe said.

  “Let me at the fucker,” Zeke said with no emotion. Climbing out of the car, Zeke approached the scene. The young girl started to gag, fighting the man who was now laughing as she struggled to breathe. Grabbing his gun from the back of his pants, he unhooked the safety, aimed, and fired without thought. The man jerked out of her mouth and fell against the brick wall before sliding to the ground. The girl panted on the ground, glanced up at him, and then after a second scrambled away.

  He left the mess for Boscoe to deal with, and Zeke entered the club. There were plenty of guys watching the girls strip. He could tell some recognized him as he walked through the shitty club, and he heard his name whispered in fear.

  When he did a loop around the bar and didn’t see Gerald, he grabbed the barman and started asking questions. Zeke knew what Gerald looked like, had even seen a few pictures.

  “Never heard of him,” the barman said.

  Zeke really wasn’t in the mood to be lied to, and it was clear this asshole didn’t know who he was speaking with. Aiming his gun at the bastard’s dick, he said. “I’m not in the fucking mood. Where is Gerald?”

  “Upstairs.” Zeke put a bullet in the man’s dick just because he’d lied. The man panted and gasped for breath. The naked women in front of him quickly moved out of his way. It didn’t take him long to find the man he was looking for. Feminine screams were easy to follow, and Zeke just knew Gerald was the one making those girls squeal. He rounded the corner, walked down the hallway, and then stopped at the closed door the sounds came from. Slamming open the door, he watched as Gerald fucked a girl in the ass, hurting her the whole time.

  “What the fuck, man; get out.” Gerald didn’t even turn around.

  He hurt Alessandria.

  That’s all Zeke could think about.

  Without thinking, just remembering Alessandria’s bruised and battered face, Zeke aimed the gun at Gerald. Firing a bullet into Gerald’s foot, he felt a huge wave of satisfaction as Gerald pulled out of the girl and started screaming in pain.

  “How old are you?” he asked the girl.

  “Nineteen,” she hesitated then stuttered out.

  He gave her a pointed look. “Don’t fucking lie to me.”

  “Sixteen,” she said right away. Withdrawing a business card of an officer that was on Zeke’s payroll, he handed it to her. “Phone this man; he’ll help you.”

  The girl was shaking, but she took it. Her fate was now out of his hands. Once she was out of the room, and it was just the two men, he turned his head and spit. This fucker disgusted him.

  He walked over to the prick. Grabbing Gerald by his hair, Zeke hauled him off the ground. He walked them out of the room, through the strip club, and to his car that idled outside.

  “Everything good?” Zeke asked.

  “Golden, Boss,” Boscoe said.

  Zeke threw Gerald into the back of the car. Climbing in beside him, Zeke aimed his gun at Gerald’s head.

  “You fucking shot me, man,” Gerald was saying, panting.

  “I’m going to do a whole lot worse to you in a couple of hours.” Turning to the front seat, he nodded at Boscoe. “You know where to take us; I’ve got some boys who want to have a little fun, too.”

  “Will do, boss.”

  He hurt Alessandria.

  Over and over in his mind, he saw Alessandria’s bruises, and it made him want to hurt this son of a bitch even more. By the time he was through with this asshole, he was going to be wishing for death.

  “I don’t know who you are,” Gerald said.

  “You know who I am so cut the shit. You and I both know what you planned, what you used Alessandria for.”

  Gerald groaned. “Alessandria’s lying. The only thing that bitch is good for is cock and taking a beating.”

  Hitting Gerald on the side of the head with the butt of gun gave Zeke even more pleasure.

  “You wanted to take me out, to bring my business, my empire down. Well, wise guy, take me out.” Gerald went to move, but Zeke pushed the gun against the bastard’s dick. “Your barman, if he lives the night, is going to go through life knowing what it’s like to have no dick. I’d be happy to give you the same fate. In fact, I’d be more than happy.”

  “Shit, man, I’ll make a deal. Whatever you want, but leave my junk alone.”

  “Did you leave Alessandria alone when she begged? No, you didn’t.
You beat and raped her until she was broken.”

  “Fuck, she likes it like that, okay. Alessandria likes pain. I was giving her what she wanted and now she’s bitching and moaning.”

  He slammed the butt of the gun against the man’s dick this time. Unlike some men, Zeke didn’t have a problem shooting a man’s dick off, not if meant that he was going to get what he wanted in the end. Gerald was a repulsive man and deserved all of this and more.

  “We’re here, boss, and they are waiting for your signal.”

  “Excellent. Let’s go ahead and get started.” Climbing out of the car, he kept a firm hold on Gerald and made his way toward the entrance to the abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. He liked owning abandoned buildings since it was a great place to do business, and the cops usually looked the other way…for a price.

  Once inside the building, Zeke tossed Gerald to the center of the room. Kicking him to the floor was a little bonus for Zeke.

  “Give me the rope,” Zeke said to one of the men waiting for his orders. Once he had the rope, he started by tying it around the Gerald’s wrists, and then hanging the rope from a meat hook hanging from the rafters. Next, he stripped Gerald down so he was completely naked. Surrounded by men he trusted with his life, Zeke made them all look at the sick fuck before them.

  “What do you think, gentlemen? I think he’d make a good doll, don’t you? A doll to fuck and use for whatever anyone wants.”

  Gerald’s eyes went wide. “What the fuck, man? I’ve done nothing. I’ll give you whatever you want.”

  Zeke punched Gerald, breaking his nose. “You’re bleeding on my floor, and you hurt Alessandria. I just saw your little set up, and I have to say, I’m hugely disappointed at what you are trying to offer me. It’s fucking disgusting. You take school girls and use them.” Zeke shook his head. “I’m a monster, but even I have standards.”

  “Too damn right,” Boscoe said.

  The men didn’t like it when little girls were put to work and raped. He didn’t like it.


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