Alpha Defenders_Fury

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Alpha Defenders_Fury Page 2

by Lyzie Carlisle

  “It would be helpful to size them up before they become aggressive toward us,” Trav agreed.

  Chapter Two

  Jen gathered up towels for the three of them to use at the hot springs pool. She looked forward to a fun, pleasurable time in the water with Roger and Trav. She couldn’t help thinking about what they looked like completely naked. They were so sexy. Although Trav was a bit leaner than Roger, they were both built and so strong. Both were handsome, Roger in a modern-day Viking sort of way with his aqua-colored eyes, reddish light-brown hair, and deep baritone voice, and Trav in his lean and muscular dark-haired, Texas-cowboy good looks. His golden-brown eyes and that sexy, raspy Texas drawl mesmerized her at times.

  She couldn’t wait to float in the water between their beautiful bodies while they supported her, one in front and the other behind. Just the thought of them fucking her in the warm spring water turned her on. Her folds were already wet and swollen with the possibilities that teased her. She looked forward to playing with them in the big swimming hole formed by the warm springs.

  Trav joined her. “Ready?”

  “I’m ready.”

  She picked up the folded towels. Trav carried a big jug of cold water and a carton of cold drinks. They headed down the hall toward the kitchen and entry hall area from which they could take the door near the front entry into the garage where they kept their big pickup truck.

  Roger joined them, his arms full of sacks of snacks. They put the food and drinks behind the front seat and piled into the truck. Roger drove, and they quickly reached the parking area near the natural pool at the base of the red rock hill. Leaving their food and supplies in the truck, they headed for the path up the hillside.

  Jen didn’t hear any sound but the birds and squirrels as they walked up the path. “I don’t see Jeff or Ry around anywhere.”

  “Maybe they took the day off from rock hunting,” Roger said.

  “Let’s check out the cave opening before we go back to the swimming hole,” Trav suggested.

  “Sounds good.” She smiled at him.

  They walked up the path until they reached the large cave opening. She followed Roger inside with Trav close behind her. She took in the paintings on the sides of the cave and the area of the ceiling blackened in the past by the campfires of the people who must have used the cave for shelter. She didn’t know which group of Native Americans had left the drawings, but the designs were colorful, complex as well as abstract, and some seemed to her to portray one type of symbol while others seemed to represent hunting. Around the edge of the cave opening there were pictographs of desert animals.

  After taking a quick look inside the smaller cave that led deeper into the hill, they retraced their steps and walked back down the path toward the warm springs pool. Jen heard the motor of a truck coming nearer in their direction. The truck stopped, and the truck’s doors opened and closed. She heard the voices of what sounded like one woman and two men.

  “Could that be Valerie?” Roger glanced at Trav.

  “Sort of sounded like her. We’ll find out soon,” Trav replied.

  The strangers’ conversation continued. Jen heard water splashing as the three of them neared the bottom of the hill. When they could see through the branches of the surrounding trees, she thought she recognized the three swimmers. She’d met Valerie very briefly at a C.P.O. meeting awhile back, as well as the two guys with her.

  “That’s definitely Valerie, and the guys look familiar, as well.” Trav glanced at Roger.

  They paused at the turn in the path to take in the scene below.

  Roger turned to Jen. “I don’t think that we ever told you about rescuing Valerie.”

  “No, I don’t believe you did. Tell me about it.”

  “I’ll never forget that bad scene at the country club Trav and I witnessed the summer after we graduated from college.” He kept his voice lowered so only she and Trav could hear. “We’d been at the country club late one evening, after a dinner for club members, when we headed to the bar area to look for our friend, Valerie Moore. We’d sort of grown up knowing her. She’s a year younger than we are. She worked at the club in the bar. That night, almost everyone had left the club as far as we could tell.”

  “Suddenly, we heard a woman’s desperate protests coming from a room behind the bar,” Trav said softly. “We rushed to the room and found a man on top of our friend on the floor. She was fighting him, wildly trying to protect herself as he tried to force himself on her.”

  “We grabbed the man’s arms and pulled him off her and shoved him hard against the door,” Roger said. “We didn’t recognize him as being anyone we knew around the club. When we told him to leave her the hell alone, he ran out the door.”

  “We heard him running down the hall as we turned back to our friend,” Trav said. “I’ll never forget. The sound of the attacker’s footsteps altered, changing to the rapid repetition of a running canine, probably a werewolf.”

  “As Valerie straightened her clothing, we helped her to stand and asked her if she was all right,” Roger continued. “She insisted she was and thanked us for coming to help her. She said she hadn’t been raped and she felt lucky that she’d been able to fight the man off until we’d found her. We stayed by her side and followed her home after she finished the work she needed to do. After making sure she was safe and all right, we left her house.”

  Jen gave her head a little shake. “She was so lucky you guys were close by and heard her yelling.”

  “We actually felt responsible for her being alone and attacked.” Trav shook his head. “We felt then, and even now, that we should have known she was in danger working late by herself. We believed wholeheartedly that we should have helped her with her job so that she didn’t work late hours alone, endangering her very life.”

  “After that happened to her, we did everything we could think of to protect her,” Roger said. “The next day, we contacted the president of the country club, with her permission, and told him what had happened.”

  Trav gave Jen a faint, ironic smile. “Shortly after that, Roger and I were contacted by the chairman of the C.P.O. foundation and asked if we’d be interested in helping with cases for people who needed help against criminals. We checked it out and decided to be part of the group. We both knew we wanted to and joined in right away.”

  “Our friend, Valerie, was asked to help with charity work for C.P.O. during daytime hours,” Roger explained. “Working for C.P.O. also got our minds off our disappointment over breaking off with the girl we’d had a crush on in college.”

  Before Jen could ask about that, Trav continued down the path, and she and Roger followed him.

  “Howdy,” Trav greeted the swimmers as they neared the access to the pool. They had left the water and were sitting on a big boulder now, water streaming from them and down the rock.

  “Hey,” the two nice-looking, well-built guys said in greeting.

  “I hope we’re not interrupting anything private.” The pretty blond woman, Valerie, smiled at Jen.

  “Not at all.” Jen thought she and Valerie must both be adventurous types and had a lot in common. “We came by for a relaxing swim.”

  “Evidently this is a popular local swimming hole for people who live in this area.” Roger grinned at Valerie. “It’s been a while since we’ve run into you, Valerie.”

  “Haven’t we all met somewhere before?” the guy with blond hair asked.

  “I believe we’ve all seen each other before at a country club dinner,” Jen suggested.

  “Yeah, that’s it.” The guy with shoulder-length dark hair smiled at Jen. “At a dinner for the charity foundation, C.P.O., right?”

  “That’s right.” Jen gave him a friendly smile back.

  “Do you mind if we join you for a swim?” the blond guy asked.

  “Fine with us,” Roger said. “We came over here for a swim and to check out the cave up the hill.”

  “That’s an amazing cave,” Valerie said. “I
took my two friends up the path to see it the other day.” She smiled at Jen. “I’m an old friend of Roger and Trav. I worked at the country club before I joined C.P.O.”

  “I’m Roger Masterson, and this is Jen McClain and Trav Savage.” Roger gestured with a hand toward Jen and Trav.

  “Chris Hawk.” The blond guy reached toward them and shook hands with each of them.

  “I’m Joe Damon,” the dark-haired guy offered as he shook their hands.

  “How long have you been in the area?” Trav asked.

  “Not long,” Chris said. “Headquarters sent us here to help solve a problem with a gang led by a shape-shifter. They said he’s been plaguing this area for years.”

  “That sounds like the same guy we’ve been sent here to round up.” Roger shook his head. “We were told that lately he’s become more dangerous than ever before.”

  “Yeah, that’s what they told us,” Joe said. “I wouldn’t be surprised if they sent a few more people over here to help catch the guy.”

  “The three of us work as a team,” Trav explained. “Do you also work as a team?”

  “Yeah,” Chris answered. “We have since we joined C.P.O.”

  “We’re tougher than we look, right, Valerie?” Jen grinned at her.

  “That’s for sure.” Valerie grinned back at her.

  “We’ve been told that the gang leader we’re looking for has been seen in this red rock area lately,” Roger said.

  “That’s what we’ve heard, as well.” Joe nodded, agreeing. “We haven’t seen anyone who looks like the description we were given. Today is the second time we’ve been to this area, and you’re the only folks we’ve seen here.”

  “I think he’ll turn up when he wants to threaten people again,” Trav said. “Headquarters advised us that this gang leader has told those he’s attacked that he’ll rule this area.”

  “Not if we put a stop to his plans.” Jen shook her head.

  “And we will stop him.” Roger met her determined gaze.

  “How about that swim?” Trav asked her.

  “I’m ready.” Jen looked forward to playing in the hot springs pool with her guys.

  “So am I,” Roger added.

  They stripped down to their swimming suits and stepped into the warm water using the boulders along the edge for steps. Roger and Trav gave her a hand down the huge red rocks into the water. Jen noticed that Valerie had stretched out on a big blanket at the side of the pool. Valerie’s friends, Chris and Joe, had joined her. It was obvious what they had in mind as Chris and Joe rested their arms across her body and began kissing and stroking her.

  Jen was aching and hot just noticing those two guys caressing Valerie.

  Roger slipped his arm around Jen’s waist and pulled her back snuggly against his muscular torso. She could feel his hard, aroused cock against her butt cheeks. Trav moved close in front of her and slipped her swimsuit down her hips and off her, holding her legs with one arm as he did so. He tossed the scrap of fabric onto a nearby boulder and lifted her legs around his hips.

  “Wrap your legs around me, babe,” Trav said, his voice a soft growl.

  Jen did as he asked. She couldn’t help noticing the threesome on the bank as they moved and writhed together. She wondered if it was a ploy to draw out the evil gang leader or if it was real. Were they a serious threesome?

  What if Jen’s reaction to Trav and Roger and their reaction to her was more than what the three of them claimed it was? She’d told them she never planned to become serious about anyone ever again after the last guy cheated on her. But the need she felt for Trav and Roger, and the pleasure she enjoyed with their touches, made her wonder if something more than mere pleasure had snuck into their lives.

  That thought made her nervous. Trav slipped his thick, hard cock between her folds, surprising her. A deep gasp escaped her, and her hips jerked, her sensitive flesh sliding against him, tantalizing her. “Trav,” she moaned, enjoying the sensations but disappointed at herself for losing control of her reaction.

  “What’s the matter, babe?” Trav asked her, his voice sounding soft and concerned.

  “Nothing. I’m sorry,” she said quietly.

  “No need to be sorry about anything, hon,” Roger said against her ear. “Would you rather not play now?”

  “No, I want to. You and Trav have already made me hot and needy.” She reached up to caress Roger’s neck and smooth her fingers through his hair while she spread her thighs wide for Trav. With her other hand on his side, she urged Trav closer.

  “We’ll take care of you, babe.” Trav’s voice was soft. He slid his cock from her swollen flesh.

  Wanting his caresses, she gasped as he eased a thick finger inside her needy sheath. She held on to his side as he pushed that tantalizing finger deeper and stroked her inner walls. A low moan escaped her with the hot sensations. “Oh, my God. More, Trav, please.”

  She panted, her hunger building. He delved deeper inside her channel and gently circled her clit with his thumb. The incredible ache increased, and a whimper escaped her. Her body tightened. Trav lowered his head, his warm breath teasing her breasts. He took one tit into his mouth and squeezed gently. The zing of intense pleasure raced through her body and slammed through her pussy. A moan of extreme ecstasy rose and escaped her as the hard contractions took control of her.

  Gradually her body eased, and she relaxed, replete. “That was incredible, guys,” she said softly. “Thank you.”

  “My pleasure,” Trav said, smiling at her.

  “Mine, as well,” Roger said and pressed his warm lips to the side of her face.

  “You haven’t found your releases, though.” She looked from Trav to Roger. “My turn.” She grinned at them, a feeling of fun filling her.

  “Not so fast.” Roger chuckled, grinning back at her. “Come here, babe.

  Jen complied and went willingly as he pulled her close and turned her so her back was to the front of him. She realized she had a clear view of Valerie wrapped in the arms of Joe and Chris, where they reclined together naked on their towels on the other side of the pool. The three of them seemed perfectly at ease and relaxed, their legs entwined. Chris and Joe caressed the inside of Valerie’s thighs and higher, making her moan and spread her legs wide apart. Jen couldn’t help watching them as Chris covered her mouth with his while he caressed her breasts and squeezed her nipples. Joe shifted closer to her mound as he stretched out between her legs and lifted them with his arms so her knees were bent. He spread her thighs wider with his hands and parted her folds. Sunlight reflected off the moisture along her dark pink slit. Joe caressed the inside of her thighs with one hand, making her spread her legs even wider. He lowered his face to her pussy and made Valerie moan with the caresses of his tongue and lips.

  Watching them made Jen’s belly and pussy ache with burning heat again.

  Roger turned her to face him. “Wrap your legs around my hips, babe.” Roger’s voice sounded strained.

  She knew Roger needed his release. She spread her knees apart and wrapped her legs around him.

  Trav moved close behind her and gently parted her butt cheeks. He caressed her crack and her tight hole with his gentle fingers and positioned his thick, hard cock against her rim, tantalizing her. The slide of his huge cock along her sensitive flesh made her shiver. He moved slightly away from her, and she reached back and grabbed hold of his rock-hard cock. She heard his deep, groaning growl as she gripped him with her fingers wrapped securely beneath the bulbous head. As he circled her puckered rim with his fingers, pleasuring her, she jerked, and a whimper of need escaped her.

  Roger held one of her knees against his hip and slipped his other hand between her thighs. He found her slick hole with his long, thick fingers. She inhaled sharply with the sweet, hot sensations as he slid one long finger deep inside her needy flesh. A moan escaped her as he caressed and taunted the inner walls of her passage. While Roger continued to stroke her, building her pleasure, Trav slowly slid a thick
finger into her tight hole. He teased her gently just as Roger was doing to her pussy. Their fingers caressed the same inner wall, and she bucked and shivered, moaning with their incredible touches.

  They never stopped as she lowered her free hand and grasped Roger’s hard cock at the base. She slid her fist up and down the length of him, panting with her own impending climax. She held on to Trav in the same way as hot pleasure increased inside her belly. She moaned with the sweet ache as intense contractions slammed through her. Her orgasm continued as she heard Roger and Trav shout with their climaxes. She felt their huge, hardened cocks pumping their ejaculations in the grip of her hands. Slowly, her body relaxed, and Roger and Trav growled softly as they did the same. She released their cocks, and Roger kissed her lips gently while Trav kissed the nape of her neck, making her shiver. They eased their thick fingers from her openings, causing little contractions to ripple through her pussy. She moaned again with the teasing pleasure.

  “That was amazing, guys,” she said softly.

  “You’re amazing.” Trav kissed the side of her cheek as he smoothed one strong arm around her beneath her breasts to help her stay afloat.

  “Thank you, babe,” Roger said. “That was incredible.”

  “I could float here all day. I feel so relaxed.” She lifted one hand to smooth her fingers over the back of Trav’s heated neck.

  Roger lifted her knees in his hands to give her more support. “I’d like to, as well, babe.” He grinned at her.

  She smiled back at him and then turned her head to see how the other agents were doing. “We shouldn’t hog the water.” She grinned at Trav and looked up at Roger.

  “I guess not.” Roger lowered her legs and put his arm around her waist.

  They slowly made their way to the side of the pool where they could climb up over the small boulders and out of the water.

  “We should probably gather our stuff and head home,” Trav said. “Doesn’t look like the shape-shifter’s going to show up today.” He pulled on his clothing.

  “We haven’t seen any sign of him,” Chris agreed as he sat up where he rested with Valerie between him and Joe.


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