Alpha Defenders_Fury

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Alpha Defenders_Fury Page 4

by Lyzie Carlisle

  “I think there’s a good chance he’ll show up in that area again,” Trav said. “From what we’ve heard, he’s been seen there more often than in any other place.”

  “I think we should also check out other places in that vicinity,” Jen said, looking from Trav to Roger.

  Roger nodded. “Let’s get ready and head out. We can have a picnic lunch and maybe a swim.” He gave Jen a suggestive look, and she responded to him with a smile.

  When they arrived at the hot springs pool, there were at least half a dozen beat-up looking trucks in the parking area. A large group of couples used the pool or sat nearby drinking beer, and all of them were rough looking.

  “I’ll bet they’re part of Wra’s gang,” Trav said.

  “I think so, as well,” Roger said. “Let’s head over to the pool area and see what we can find out. If something suspicious starts, we’ll be outnumbered, and we should head back to our vehicle as fast as possible in that case. Everyone agree?”

  “Right,” Trav said.

  “Jen? You agree?” Roger asked her.

  “Yes,” she said.

  They each took a cold bottle of water from their cooler with them and walked over to the hot springs pool. The crowd there glanced their way briefly and ignored them.

  “This doesn’t look too promising as far as learning anything new,” Trav said softly.

  “Let’s hike up the path and explore the hillside a little way,” Roger suggested. “Keep your eyes on those guys though. We don’t want to find ourselves suddenly in a dangerous situation.”

  “You lead the way,” Trav said. “We’ll be right behind you.”

  Roger headed up the path toward the big cave. Before he reached it, he noticed a path that headed off to the side. “Let’s go this way. We haven’t been along this path before.”

  Jen and Trav nodded in agreement and followed him. The path headed upward around the south side of the rocky hill. As the path became steeper the ground became rougher underfoot.

  “How far up do you think we’ve walked?” Jen asked.

  Roger stopped. “I’d say we’re about a third of the way up.” They took a moment to catch their breath.

  “Let’s keep going,” Jen said. “It might be helpful in the future to know where this path leads.”

  They continued up the steep hillside, which gradually became rougher with small and medium rocks covering the path in some places. Roger heard rocks rattling down the hillside above them. The sound of laughter followed from more than one man.

  “Someone else is up there ahead of us,” Trav said.

  “If the falling rock comes any closer, we’ll need to head back down and get out of the way,” Roger said.

  Just then a louder rattling of rocks sliding and rolling down the hill rumbled from above them. Some of the rocks reached their area and appeared large enough to hurt someone badly.

  “We need to find shelter fast,” Trav said.

  “There’s a path leading off this way,” Roger said, motioning toward it. “Let’s head in that direction.”

  Jen and Trav quickly followed Roger. The rocks continued to rain around them. They covered their heads with their arms. The path leveled out at the edge of the base of a cliff.

  “There’s a cave or some sort of crevice. We can duck inside.” Jen pointed to the shadow ahead of them.

  “Let’s go, quick,” Roger urged as some smaller rocks and gravel pummeled them.

  They ducked and hurried inside the opening in the solid red rock. It was large enough for them to stand close together. A loud rattling of rocks sounded and rained down the hillside outside the small cave. Some of the rock hit the large boulder near the path on one side of the opening and hit them. As the falling rock turned into a landslide, they put their arms around each other and hugged the back wall. Roger and Trav sheltered Jen with their bodies. The dust made them all cough and made it hard to breathe.

  Gradually, the thunder of the rockslide lessened, and at last, the noise of the rolling rocks stopped.

  “Are you all right?” Roger looked from Jen to Trav.

  “Yes,” Jen said and coughed some more.

  “I’m fine. How are you?” Trav asked Roger.

  “Just fine,” Roger said. “I have a feeling that rockslide didn’t start by itself. I’ll bet some of the bastards belonging to that gang down below were on the hill above and saw us drive up. They started that slide on purpose when they saw us climbing the path.”

  “I think you’re right,” Jen said as she wiped the dust from her face while Roger and Trav wiped it off their faces with their sleeves.

  In the following quiet, Roger heard male voices and chuckles. He could just make out what they said.

  “That old demon will be happy to hear what we did to those nosey hikers,” one man said. “He doesn’t want them around his new hideout.”

  “He’ll get a kick out of it, the crazy bastard,” a second man said.

  “He’ll thank us for taking care of ’em for him,” a third one said.

  Roger listened to their footsteps as they headed downhill. So, this was definitely Wra’s present hideout. Roger met the knowing gazes of Jen and Trav.

  There was just enough light coming into the narrow cave above the pile of rocks outside for Roger to see the way out. “We’ll have to dig our way out of here. Stand back, Jen.” He wanted to get Jen and Trav out of there fast to avoid being trapped by more of Wra’s gang.

  Roger worked with Trav to push the pile of rock from the opening of the small cave. At last there was a large enough opening for them to step over what was left and leave the crevice. He and Trav gave Jen a hand climbing out of their shelter. Now it was quiet outside except for the noise of the party below at the hot spring.

  “I think the bastards who threatened us have taken off,” Roger said.

  “I agree,” Trav said.

  “The cowards didn’t even show their faces,” Jen said.

  Bruised and dusty, they made their way down the hill in the opposite direction from the natural pool below and headed to their truck. Without any more problems, they got into their truck and headed home.

  “We need to contact headquarters,” Roger said, “and let them know that Wra’s new hideout is somewhere in the red rock hill.”

  Chapter Four

  When they arrived home, Trav helped Jen down from the truck. “I’m ready for a nice warm shower and a soak in the Jacuzzi. How about you?” he asked Jen and Roger.

  “Sounds perfect,” Jen agreed.

  “Count me in,” Roger said. “Let’s grab some sodas to drink while we relax.”

  They headed to the kitchen and found their favorite sodas in the fridge. They each took a long drink and headed for the bedrooms. After they grabbed a change of clothing, they dropped their dusty clothes in a pile in the master bedroom that had a Jacuzzi as well as a shower and stepped into the shower first.

  Roger and Trav checked Jen over for bruises and found a few on her shoulders and back but nothing serious. She checked each of them in return, finding about the same number of bruises on them as she had.

  “I’m so sorry you were hurt, babe,” Roger told her. He hated that Jen had been bruised and threatened by worse in that rockslide. What if she’d been seriously injured? It was bad enough that she’d been bruised. Somehow, he had to protect her and hopefully convince her to leave this particularly dangerous case to him and Trav. He decided to talk to her about it later after he discussed it with Trav. He and Trav needed to be on the same page about how to protect Jen.

  After they quickly showered off, they filled the Jacuzzi with water that was warm enough for their comfort and all climbed in.

  Jen swished water over their bodies, and they did the same for her.

  One thing led to another and Roger knew their bodies heated, just as his did, with their need to have gentle sex.

  They left the hot tub and toweled off but didn’t bother to dress.

  “I’d like to take you from
behind. Is that all right with you, babe?” Roger felt almost ready to explode he wanted her so badly.

  “That’s fine with me.” Jen turned and smiled warmly at him.

  Roger crossed to the night table and took out a couple of condoms for himself and Trav. Then he picked up the tube of lubricant and put it on the dresser across from the bed. After rolling on a condom, he slathered plenty of lubricant all over his engorged cock. His cock hardened even more. He hoped he could control his reaction to Jen long enough to pleasure her and give her satisfaction. He watched as she caressed Trav’s cock.

  Trav closed his eyes and moaned, obviously loving what she was doing to him. They stood at the end of the bed. Trav pulled Jen close against his torso with his hands cupping her upper arms. Jen tilted her head to meet Trav’s gentle kiss on her lips.

  Roger watched Trav and Jen as his best friend caressed the woman they both cared deeply for.

  She gently broke the kiss and moved down Trav’s body, licking and kissing his body. Roger heard Trav’s swift intake of air as she knelt on the soft rug and closed her lips over the head of his hardened cock.

  Roger was about to explode just watching them. Jen licked Trav’s cock, caressing him all the way to the base. She raised her face to meet Trav’s gaze as she cupped his balls.

  “Wait, hon, I don’t want to come too soon,” Trav said as he bent down and lifted her to stand again, cupping her arms with his hands.

  Roger joined them as Jen continued to caress Tra’v cock with her fingers.

  “Spread your legs, babe,” Roger said as he squeezed a large amount of lubricant onto his index finger. He parted Jen’s butt cheeks, and spread the lubricant up and down her dark pink slit and around her swollen clit before circling her tight hole. He heard her moan in reaction to his caresses. He liked hearing her moan with pleasure. He circled her clit again, titillating that little nubbin as he gently circled her puckered rim with the pad of his thumb. She shivered and moaned again, wiggling her hips. Roger couldn’t help smiling with satisfaction that he’d given her pleasure.

  As she moved her mouth over Trav’s chest, Roger noticed that Trav cupped Jen’s breasts in his hands and brushed his fingers over her nipples. She shivered. Roger continued to caress her swollen clit and stroked her labia before sliding one finger slowly inside her slickened sheath.

  “Back toward me, babe,” Roger urged her gently, as she sat down on the end of the bed where he’d spread his knees apart to position her close to his cock. Trav moved with her, the two of them maintaining contact. When Roger moved his thick finger in and out, she moaned deep in her throat. He slipped his finger from her and positioned his hard cock at her opening. As he pushed slowly inside, he heard her soft moan again.

  “Does that feel all right, babe?” Roger asked her.

  She nodded. “That feels perfect,” she said, sounding a little breathless. “Don’t stop.”

  Roger grinned at her reaction as her long damp hair caressed him. He pushed slowly deeper inside her pussy until he was buried to the base of his shaft inside her hot flesh. She felt incredible, like hot wet velvet. Sliding his fingers to her tight hole, he circled the sensitive ring and caressed her crack. With his other hand, he slid his fingers between her swollen pussy lips and continued to circle and caress her swollen clit. Her soft moans of pleasure told him he was doing this right for her. He slowly eased one finger into her tight hole only as far as the first joint. When she didn’t protest, he slowly and carefully delved his finger deeper inside her. Holding his finger still, he began to slide his cock out of her pussy and slowly back inside. In and out, giving her more pleasure and increasing his own. Determined to give her the most pleasure he could, he concentrated on what he was doing to her and eased his finger farther into her tight hole. He caressed the inside wall of her passage, and she shivered. She continued to grip Trav’s cock.

  “Roger, that feels amazing. Don’t stop,” she pleaded. She lifted her face toward Trav’s, and tangled her tongue with his.

  He heard Trav’s moan of deep pleasure.

  Moving his cock in and out of her slick, hot pussy Roger caressed her tight hole and the sensitive walls inside. Suddenly she gave a moan that rose higher and higher, and Roger felt her contractions around his cock and against his stroking finger as she climaxed. Trav growled deep in his throat as he also climaxed.

  Roger tried to hold back, determined to give her as much pleasure as he could. A moment later, he couldn’t hold out any longer as her contractions caressed his hardened cock. He joined them and climaxed with a shout, growling deep in his throat as her contractions spurred his body on. It was so sweet and hot. He loved the way she made him feel.

  Slowly they came down from their extreme pleasure. Jen leaned her body against Trav’s body, looking completely relaxed as he embraced her. Roger moaned deep in his chest as his body eased. After he caught his breath, he slowly slid his finger from her tight hole, and as he did, he felt little contractions from her pussy around his relaxing cock. The pleasure was incredible. He slipped his flaccid cock from her and straightened.

  “I’ll be right back,” he said as he headed for the bathroom. Roger heard Trav tell Jen he’d be back in a second, as well.

  They joined each other in the bathroom and cleaned up quickly. Roger grabbed a clean washcloth and dampened it with warm water and took it back to Jen.

  “Here, babe, let me wipe you off,” Roger said to her. She was resting on the bed on her side waiting for them to return.

  “Thanks, Roger, that’s so sweet of you.” She smiled at him.

  “My pleasure.” Roger grinned at her. He gently wiped off her slit and her tight opening, and she moaned.

  “That feels good, too,” she said.

  Roger grinned at her. “Anytime, babe.” He took the washcloth back to the bathroom.

  He returned to join Jen and Trav on the bed. “Time for a quick nap before dinner?” he asked.

  “Definitely,” Jen agreed. She snuggled between Roger and Trav, and they grew quiet for a while.

  Roger wondered how he was going to convince her to leave this case to him and Trav for her own protection. He knew it wouldn’t be easy getting her to agree with him on this. Maybe he should wait to say anything until later.

  * * * *

  Wra stared in disbelief and disgust at the pitiful shape-shifters who had failed him yet again.

  “You should have seen them hurry inside that little cave below us,” the leader of the sorry gang said and laughed, the others with him cackling gleefully.

  “Why didn’t you make sure the job was finished?” Wra demanded, his anger edging close to fury.

  “They’d hidden in that little cave, and we couldn’t get to them after the rocks built up in front of it, sir,” the leader whined. “We didn’t know you wanted us to attack them in person.”

  “How did they get out of the cave if it was so hard for you to move the rocks? Next time I tell you to handle a job for me, finish it, no matter what you have to do.” Wra couldn’t believe the mess they’d made of his plans to rid himself of these new aggressors. It wasn’t the first time the pitiful mob that he’d hired failed at their orders to rid him of the members of the local law enforcement, who got in his way and kept him from ruling like he was born to do.

  From generations before, he had been chosen to be the ruler over all. The world he had come from had given him the power to do anything in order to rule. He wouldn’t be stopped.

  “Don’t fail me again, or you’ll be sorry,” Wra growled. “Now get out of my sight.”

  He would rid the land of those who meant to stop him, no matter what he had to do. If those he hired to help him couldn’t do their job, he’d finish it himself and be done with the sorry shape-shifters who groveled before him, failing him over and over. He would have complete control, no matter what he had to do.

  * * * *

  Jen had insisted on cleaning up the kitchen after breakfast. She had shooed Roger and Trav outside to th
e patio and said she would take care of it herself.

  Since Roger hadn’t found an opportunity last evening to talk with Trav, he decided it was a good time to talk privately to Trav about his feelings where Jen was concerned with their present job for C.P.O. “I want to talk to you about something that’s been bothering me,” he said to Trav and motioned for him to follow him to the loungers on the opposite side of the pool from the house. He’d be able to see Jen coming outside to join him from that side.

  “What’s up?” Trav asked him.

  “I’m worried about Jen being hurt on this job we’ve been assigned to do. She could have been injured or worse yesterday when those gang members started a rockslide down on us.” Roger looked at Trav and saw that he nodded in agreement. “It’s probably going to become even more dangerous.”

  “How are we going to convince her to sit this one out?” Trav asked him.

  “That’s what I’m wondering, as well. She’s not going to want to quit. Don’t you agree we have to convince her that she should let us handle this one by ourselves?” Roger frowned with his concern.

  “Yeah, I agree. I just don’t know what to say to convince her.” Trav raised his eyebrows and shook his head, looking bewildered.

  “I think we should bring it up this morning when she comes outside to join us and talk to her in a sensible way about it,” Roger said.

  “What if she refuses to agree with us?”

  Roger didn’t know exactly how to handle that part of the discussion with Jen if that happened. “I guess we’ll figure it out as we go. How do you feel about her being in more danger on this case?”

  “I don’t want to lose her.” Trav met Roger’s gaze, his eyes revealing his deep concern. “I don’t believe I could handle it if anything happened to her.”

  “That’s the way I feel, as well.” Roger shook his head at the situation. There didn’t seem to him to be a solution. “I don’t want to tell her how important she has become to us because I’m afraid then she’ll insist on staying with us on this job. We’ll have to talk with her and convince her that she should step away from this case, since we’re facing a gang of ruthless lawbreakers who are big hulks and move like lightning, and will go to any extreme to get rid of us.”


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