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by Teased, Tied

  Cherry was confused. It was nothing like the United States. Men, not boys were interested in her. Men she didn’t know how to handle. They overpowered her, making her do and feel things that were unnatural and perverted. More men saw her naked pussy or felt it than ever happened in her whole life. She feared what tomorrow would bring, feared that she would submit to powerful men again and they would take what they wanted from her body. She was afraid that she would enjoy what they did to her. She exploded, her fingers dragging out the orgasm as she imagined three men taking her at once, all of them wanting her, one in her mouth, one in her pussy and her ass penetrated by the last one. She could feel them all cumming in her at once.

  Collette knew that Barcelona was going to be like the company back home but more intense. They took her body, Collette accepting what they did to her. Here, there were more of them, not only lusting after her, but also Lola and Cherry. She couldn’t protect them, hoping they could stay out of the way of men that wanted their young, tight bodies. She closed her eyes in the tub as she remembered the last Friday night with Jorge. They had orally satisfied each other, Jorge making her take his cock into her gullet as she choked and gagged. She could still taste his cum in her mouth or was it just her imagination. She should hate it, but she didn’t. It only excited her more that her mouth could bring such pleasure to a man. She was sure that other men would want to do the same thing to her. Or more.

  * * *

  Cherry was the first to leave on Monday. She grabbed a cab after a tearful goodbye, as if they were splitting up forever. They would be in the same city, but they all knew it would be different from now on. They were grown women, each seeking out their own destinies. Even her mother was starting over. It was exciting to do it in a strange country.

  The cab dropped her off early, Cherry going in with her suitcase. She was wearing her best clothes, but she noticed right away that she was out of style with the others. They took their dress seriously, the girls looking like they were going out for a night at the theatre or a cocktail party. She saw four girls as soon as she went in, Cherry jealous, just as beautiful as she was. None of them wore a bra, the gentle sway of breasts tantalizing beneath white blouses. If the girl arched her back, Cherry could make out the image of hard, brown nipples poking erotically beneath the silk blouse. If that wasn’t enough, the top three buttons were open, the slightest movement and you could see her bare breasts inside. They hissed as their thighs touched as they walked, finally dawning on Cherry that they were probably wearing real silk stockings. That meant garter belt, sexy garter belts. Their legs were long and sleek, the muscles of their calves drawn taut by the four-inch heels that were strapped around their ankles.

  “You must be Cherry.” It was easy for Noely to pick her out. She was the one out of place. “I’m Noely. I’ll show you around today. You’ll meet our boss Derek tomorrow after you get settled. I’ll show you to your room so you can change into something more appropriate.”

  She followed her down the hall; her skirt pulled tight over the nicest ass, it swayed so hypnotically. Cherry had to work at doing that; Noely did it naturally. Her heels clicked and her nylons hissed as they walked out of the main building and went to one of the smaller buildings.

  “There are six apartments in each building. Only one person is in an apartment, so you will have your privacy. There is a main dining room, but each apartment has a kitchen as well if you decided to cook or want to entertain. The bathrooms are to die for, large soaking tubs and showers big enough for two.”

  “Are we allowed to have guests?”

  “Do you mean male guests?”

  “Yes, male guests.”

  “Of course. We are all sexually active girls. There are also other accommodations on the grounds.”

  “For male guests to stay?”

  “I said we are all sexually active girls. There are accommodations for that.”

  Cherry was too naïve to know what she was talking about and afraid of sounding that way if she asked what she meant.

  “This is your room. I’m next door.” She handed the key to Cherry as they walked in.

  She couldn’t believe it was this nice. It was bigger than she expected and furnished nicely. There was a large television with a VHS player. The couch was large, big enough to lie down and stretch out on. All of the tables were made of wood, the legs scrolled steel. The kitchen wasn’t large but fully equipped; a wooden dining room table with six chairs around it. She walked into the bedroom, much more impressive than the rest, as if she would spend more time in here than there. The bed took up much of the room, a white comforter making it look so soft. It had a wooden headboard with wooden slats on it. Each corner had a post that stood up almost majestically, the wood carved with intricate vines. What topped each post was indescribable. It stood up about a foot long, topped with what looked like an oversize grape, all intricately carved. The footboard was almost identical. It must have been old, the finished rubbed off in places on the wood, giving it that antique look. At the foot of the bed was a wooden bench, two end tables with lamps at the sides. The room was bright, partly from the expansive floor-to-ceiling windows and sliding-glass door that led to a patio. It faced the larger building in the center. It was even brighter due to the wall of closet doors that were covered with mirrors from floor to ceiling. “What’s in that building?”

  “Derek lives there and entertains clients and guests.”

  “Have you been in there?”

  “All of the girls have. Derek takes good care of the girls. The smaller houses holding the apartments are all clustered around his house, each girl’s bedroom opening up to his house.”

  “How long have you been here?”

  “Six months now.” She still remembered when she arrived, not so naïve as this one, but she learned quickly and adapted.

  “Do you like it here?”

  “Girls will do anything to get a job here. Not sure what connections you had to get this, but thank whoever it was in the most gracious way you know how. My parents are wealthy and they couldn’t buy my way into here.”

  “What will I do here?”

  “You’ll start out as the receptionist in the main building. You will be on display there, so you have to be perfect. If not, the only way is out.”

  “That strict?”

  “You are from America. It is different there. Here, men are the Masters and we are here to serve. Being beautiful and intelligent are our skills. Pleasing is our mission.”

  “I am learning that quickly and have only been here a couple of days.”

  “I like you, Cherry. I never had an American friend before. I hope you make it. Now, I don’t want to sound snooty, but is that the best clothes you have?”

  “I noticed they were out of place. The girls here dress very sexy all the time?”

  “You don’t like sexy? I love it; my pussy is always wet as I walk around. I think I could make myself cum walking.” Noely laughed, but she was serious. She loved the way her naked breasts rubbed her nipples against the silk blouse, keeping them in a perpetual state of erection. The hiss of her nylons made her think about her thighs, and they grew wet from her pussy, her only regret was that she had to wear panties. She loved the way she looked in the high heels, even nicer when she was naked except for the garter belt and silk stockings that would frame her pussy.

  “The company pays for most of your clothes. We will go to Jacques after your exam and get something for you to wear before Derek has a heart attack.”

  “Exam. What exam? Do I have to take a test? I thought I was hired already.” Cherry panicked.

  She liked that she was taking an interest in the job. She thought she might be one of those girls that had to have everything laid out on a plate for them. This job would require many changes in Cherry, hoping that she adapted to her new life. “A physical exam, nothing to worry about. Your body definitely looks healthy. It’s at one, just after lunch. You should be out by three, and then we can go shopping.�

  Two hours for an exam sounded long, but many jobs required extensive tests before they could start work. She only hoped it was a woman doctor. With so many girls, she expected it to be so.

  They ate lunch together, neither one of them eating much, Cherry nervous over the exam. “I’ll walk you over to the hospital.”

  Cherry almost forgot that this was a hospital. It was in the large building, going down the main corridor and taking the elevator down to the lower level. They walked down a long hallway, Cherry not seeing anyone since they came down. “It’s pretty empty down here.”

  “Most of the patients and doctors are at lunch. Hopefully, it will stay empty, that means everyone is in good shape. I’ll leave you here. It’s in here. Meet me in reception when you are done. Remember, just go with it, Cherry. I want you to stick around.” Noely still didn’t fully remember her first exam, probably glad she didn’t.

  She opened the door, a small waiting room with a couple of chairs. There was no one behind the sliding-glass door. She waited for a minute before a man came out with a white coat on. Her heart skipped a beat. A man, probably the doctor. “I’m Cherry, here for an exam with the doctor.”

  “You can call me Doctor Isaac or Doc, whatever is easier for you.” He went around and opened the door, a small bell ringing when it opened. “In here, glad you are on time. You must be new.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Nervous and not dressed very nice. I hope both of your maladies improve.”

  She looked around the large room that they entered. It was not what she expected. In the United States, exam rooms were sterile rooms, white walls, white floor, gleaming stainless steel tables and chairs. Not the least was the dreaded gynecological chair that all women hated the most. It was the most humiliating thing they had ever had to survive, though it was a runner up with what they did to them at customs. He seated her at his desk, a nice dark-wood desk, her chair next to him. There were several cabinets and tables, but they were all fine pieces of wood, not sterile tables to strap someone in. The only thing that was even slightly menacing was a black leather chair, more of a lounge chair. It half reclined, the chair modern in design, almost wavy instead of flat. It was upright where the head would be then it sloped down to the butt, rising up again so the legs would be higher before it went down again for the feet. It was one of those chairs that were supposed to be contoured naturally to the shape of the human body. There was even a wide couch with a small table in front of it, almost like a conversation pit.

  “Your mother had sent your doctor’s records with your application and I have reviewed them. You are a very healthy girl; I’m just here for the formality of confirming it. You look a little nervous. You ready to begin?”

  “I was wondering where the nurse was?” There was always a female nurse present with a male doctor.

  “You Americans are such spendthrifts. That is why your healthcare costs are running away. In Venezuela, healthcare is free to all. We don’t waste money on useless tests that only make the doctors rich or on unnecessary people. We use nurses where they do the most good, in the hospitals taking care of those that need round-the-clock treatment. There they are the angels of mercy. Here, you’re in the hands of a professional doctor. You don’t object to a man touching you when he is making love to you, do you?”

  She couldn’t say anything. This was the way they do things in this country. She either had to accept it or forget about this job. After seeing the apartment and the place, she wanted to work here.

  Isaac got up from his desk and grabbed the waiting needle. He walked over to her. “Roll up your sleeve.” She did it as soon as she saw the needle. That’s good; he hoped this one would go easy.

  “What is it?” She pulled her sleeve up.

  “A number of vitamins, B12, iron and a few others. I noticed from your tests that you are slightly anemic. Hold still.” She didn’t even flinch when he pushed the needle into her flesh. He emptied it, pulling it out and sitting back down. It wouldn’t take long.

  Cherry began to feel a heated glow in her body, her muscles suddenly relaxing, a tingling then it felt like she was floating. “I feel woozy.”

  “I know English fairly well, but I don’t know woozy.”

  “Lightheaded, dizzy, relaxed.” She could almost feel her body slumping in the chair.

  “That should be a good thing. When you came in, I thought you would jump out of your skin. Vitamins will do that for you.”

  Besides vitamins, it had a drug that worked on the center of the brain, a sort of calming agent. Then there was a stimulant that affected the nerve sensors, heightening every sensation. Almost like cocaine but non-addictive. She would feel stimulus much deeper, but her wellbeing would not be concerned by what he was doing or what was happening around her.

  She couldn’t deny the way she felt. Calm, carefree, unconcerned. “Yes, that’s much better.” He seemed to be a good doctor, caring about her wellbeing. It made her feel more comfortable.

  “Let us continue then. I am going to check you physically to make sure you can withstand the rigors of your job as well as to check to make sure you are sexually fit. Young girls that work here have lovely bodies that are built for the pleasure of men. Not the young boys that chase after you and only want to get into your panties for five minutes before they roll off of you. You need older men that will take their time and guide you through the pleasures that only an experienced man can unleash in your untrained body.”

  Sexually, the word should have scared her, but it didn’t. She knew way too much about older men in just one day. She seemed to be an attraction to them. Not only her but also her sister and mother.

  “In America, they examine girls in sterile rooms on frightening metal gynecological exam tables that look like an octopus putting you in obscene position. Here we do it differently. I will dim the lights soon and turn on soft music. If I need brighter lights to examine you, I will give you a blindfold to keep it from your eyes. Do not remove it; I will do it. The bright lights could harm your eyes.”

  It was almost like her dentist that gave her gas and a tape player with her favorite music. She floated off, ignoring that he was drilling in her mouth. He often had to tap her arm because she was closing her mouth. “Okay, Doc.” It sounded funny to call him Doc.

  “AAAAAAHHH.” He touched her arm, jumping as if a thousand volts of electricity struck her. Even his hand sitting on her arm felt like it was moving, the slightest movement of his hand feeling like a caress all the way up her arm. “It feels like my skin is alive. I never felt anything like it before.” It felt good, so good.

  “That’s good, Cherry. It will make my job easier. I will be checking to make sure your body is responsive, sexually responsive. Young girls’ bodies are firm, tight and elastic. They can take the more rigorous sexual demands of an older man.

  She squirmed in the chair, clenching her thighs together, feeling her pussy muscles clenching as if there was a lover inside her. She was growing wet and aroused. He was talking about sex, yet she didn’t know what he meant. “I don’t know what you mean,” she finally admitted, not even sure if she cared to know. She was so relaxed.

  “Young boys want to stick their cock into you and climax after a couple of strokes and fill you with their cum. Older men will take time with young girls. Stroking their bodies until they are heated, teasing them to the point of ecstasy but making them beg for the sexual release they seek. They will make more demands on the girl before they will give them the pleasure they want. They will require more rigorous sexual demands from them, making them take on multiple partners at one time; his friends helping to satisfy the girl. Or repeating the acts multiple times, the girl taken from one plateau to the next until she is sexually exhausted. Young girls need to be taught the pleasure of pain.” He was ready to begin the exam. She said nothing, but he had seen this many times before, Cherry squirming in the chair. If he wasn’t here, she would have her fingers under her skirt and be mastu
rbating shamelessly. “Let me help you over to the chair.” He turned down the lights until they were soft, the soothing music starting in the background.

  She had to force her legs to move as he led her over to the strange chair. She almost fell into it, her skirt sliding up her legs, but she didn’t see any reason to pull it down. The lights were low, but as she reclined in the chair, she saw a large mirror in the ceiling aimed down at her. She couldn’t see her reflection, the angle meant to throw off the reflection in front of her. It must be so he could see.

  “You okay, Cherry?”

  “Yes, I feel so good.” Her vision was a little fuzzy, but she felt all the cares go from her body. She heard the bell in the other room, the one that went off when the door opened.

  “I think you are too reclined for the first part of the exam.” He brought the straight-back chair and placed it in front of the lounge chair. “Sit in this.” He helped her into the chair. “Sit up straight.” She obeyed, seeing her firm breasts pointing out so nicely. He nodded silently to the three men that sat down on the couch in front of her, Julio, Dilan and Louis.

  She was sure that she saw someone walk in, but her eyes wouldn’t focus very well and the room was kind of dim. “Is anyone else in the room, Doc?”

  “I have young girls that grow excited and flushed when other men are watching them. Especially during something as intimate as an exam when they have to expose and show their nude bodies. Does that excite you, Cherry?”

  If she had been asked that a week ago, she would have said no. But since she arrived in Venezuela, it was different. She couldn’t deny how wet she was when the captain probed her in customs or how wet she got when the man in the restaurant the other day felt her up and made her stroke his cock. It was so forbidden and exciting. She should say no, but the word came out of her mouth before her brain registered. “Yes.”


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