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by Teased, Tied

  She felt it; sure it was a tongue depressor. It pushed down on her tongue, sliding along her spit-drenched tongue, Cherry knowing where it was going and what it would make her do. She hated when he made her choke, but she couldn’t do anything to stop him, her mouth pried open and his hand holding her head submissively still. “GGGLUGGH! She gagged but it was muffled, the worst part was her stomach turning. It pulled out a little, but then went back in until her throat convulsed on it again. It finally pulled out, Doc holding her head back as she tried to swallow the mouthful of spit.

  “Ten centimeters, Cherry. Very good, you should be proud of yourself. One more test and we will be finished with your mouth, and I can take the mouth ring out.”

  She had no choice in the matter, unable to say anything. She could only wait and hope he wouldn’t make her gag again.

  Isaac took out the long probe, setting it for twelve centimeters. At the end was a small balloon made of industrial-strength rubber, not inflated yet. The end of the probe had a small gauge that would show the depth and the girth of the balloon after it was inflated. “Take a deep breath, and then breathe through your nose. It will make it easier.”

  She felt something push into her mouth, not like the tongue depressor, this was just a thin rod, though something was bigger on the end but not very big, just soft and mushy. It slid over her tongue, Cherry doing as he said, sucking a lungful of air. She felt it hit the back of her throat, but this time Doc didn’t back off. It continued to push in even as she gagged. She felt the harshness of it, sliding through her gagging mouth and into her throat. It felt like it was trying to enter her stomach before it stopped. She gagged again, the thin rod still stuck in her throat. Her nostrils flared as she struggled to breathe. She felt panic when the hissing started. Something was growing in her throat. It felt like a ball inflating, growing bigger. She choked and gagged, but it grew bigger, blocking her throat like a giant ball. It pushed hard against her muscles, feeling them spasm in reaction. It was still hissing and growing longer, Doc holding her head tighter. Drool was running down her chin, the hissing finally stopping.

  “Just a minute and I will take it out.” He looked at the gauge. He was impressed. She could accommodate the corona of a cock that was eight centimeters long and four centimeters in diameter. She was going to make some lucky man very happy, and Isaac thought he knew whom. “Eight centimeters long in your throat, Cherry. Very impressive.” He released the air in the balloon and pulled it out with only one more gag. He pulled the ring gag out of her mouth, wiping her chin for her.

  He took a pill and put it on her tongue. “Swallow it.”

  She could finally talk again, though her throat was a little sore. “What is it?” She still swallowed it first before he answered her. It was bitter and salty, grimacing at the taste. She was glad it when down quickly, but the taste refused to go away. “YUK!”

  “Don’t like that taste, Cherry.”


  “It’s an acquired taste. After a while, you’ll enjoy it. The pill will soak up the excess saliva. Don’t want you drooling all over the place.” It also was a short-term aphrodisiac.

  “Finished now?”

  “One more, Cherry.”

  She felt her legs lifted up higher, knowing what was next. It could only be one thing. She bit her lip when she felt the cold, thick crème rubbed around her anus. She couldn’t stop the muscles from contracting under the cold touch, but a finger began to press the thick lubricant into her reluctant anus.

  “Ever been fingered in the ass, Cherry?

  “NO, please don’t.

  “I have to test the elasticity of your anal tract. Someday a man might want to sodomize you. A girl’s anal passage can take more of a cock than her pussy, though it will tend to straighten out the intestines as it passes through the bends. Some girls have been known to have anal orgasms. Men love a girl’s tight back passage, tight round passage that caresses a man’s organ with hundreds of muscles that ripple over it.” His finger slid easily through the lubricated anal ring and sank into the hot depths of her rectum. She took it without even a whimper.

  She began to feel funny again. Her mouth continued to fill with saliva, but she felt a trembling in her belly, between her legs. She hated to admit it, but the finger in her backside felt good. It was humiliating for Doc to probe her there while the others watched, but she felt a heat in her bottom that she never felt before. She struggled not to start fingering her pussy. The finger began to push in and out, Cherry knowing he was lubricating it for something bigger. He pushed things into every one of her other holes, she didn’t have any illusion that this would be any different.

  Isaac nodded to Louis. He got up from the couch and softly walked up until he was standing next to Cherry’s head. His cock was already out, the eight-centimeter corona glistening with his cum already.

  “Relax your ass, Cherry. He slowly began to push the colon tube into her. It wasn’t very thick, but it was long, over sixty centimeters. It would map out every kink and bend in her intestine and then Isaac could determine how long of a cock she could take without considerable pain. For the size he was thinking, no girl could take it effortlessly.

  It felt like a snake was sliding up into her guts. It kept moving, not really hurting, just filling her with something going the wrong way.

  “Turn your head to the right, Cherry.” Louis had his cock out, Cherry’s cheek touching his cock.

  She felt something hot touch her cheek. It jerked, but then stood still, heavy on her skin. She licked her lips, the saliva still flooding her mouth, but she still felt the heat in her loins, burning her with desire. Not even the snake that bore into her belly could quench it. She felt the pain when it hit a bend in her guts, but it pulled back then forward again, finding its way through the bend. It continued its journey into her, Cherry not knowing how far it would go before it would stop.

  “If you open your mouth, it will help the excess saliva from accumulating.” He saw how easily she obeyed without question. Louis moved his hips closer until his cock was touching her lower lip.

  She felt it touch her lip. With so much spit in her mouth, she couldn’t help it, her tongue wetting her lip and touching something hard and spongy on her lip. Her tongue lashed over it, more of the salty taste in her mouth from the pill. She felt the first cramp as the snake was deep in her bowels. It stopped then began to pull out, feeling her reluctant anal ring tugging as the long tube began to pull out. It felt like it was heating up her anus as the tube continued to friction across the reluctant hole.

  “Stick out your tongue, Cherry.” He watched her pink tongue snake out of her moth, but Louis was more excited. He placed the head of his cock on her tongue and held his breath to see her reaction.

  It was heavy on her tongue, Cherry confused, but all she could think about was the relief as the tube pulled from her ass. It finally pulled all the way out, her anal ring snapping shut.

  “One more, Cherry. This time for the girth.”

  She felt it enter her ass hole, a slim, soft object. When he said girth, she expected to feel a giant dildo shoved up her ass. Or maybe that is what she was hoping. She was getting hotter; the shame of having her ass probed and stretched for the amusement of the men was having the opposite effect on her. She felt it push deeper into her bowels, this time it was still thicker than the tube, her muscles reluctantly stretching and taking it inside without too much trouble. The thing on her tongue began to bounce up and down.

  “That will soak up the excess saliva, Cherry. Close your lips around it slowly. Yes, that’s the way.” Her pretty, pink lips began to enclose Louis’s cock head, his eight-centimeter corona, perfectly shaped for her throat, though today he would not have that chance. “A little more, Cherry, take a little more in your mouth. Suck on it and it will soak up the saliva. Use your tongue to lick it.” Louis moaned as Cherry began to suck his cock without realizing it.

  It felt funny in her mouth, coming alive as her tongue touc
hed it, but she obeyed without question, the saliva feeling like it was diminishing. It must be working. If she could only get that salty taste out of her mouth, but it only got worse, feeling like it was blanketing her tongue.

  “It’s going to grow in your ass, Cherry. Don’t fight it.” The probe began to expand in girth, part of it still outside her anal ring. Her ring would have to stretch around the widening girth as well as her insides. He would stop when her stomach began to cramp around the probe.

  She had to contend with the growing monster in her ass, her tongue absently licking to soak up the saliva, feeling the object get sucked in deeper into her mouth by her lips. Her mouth was flooded with the salty taste, feeling like a thick paste that blanketed her tongue. She grimaced, but it mixed with the saliva and invaded every nook and cranny in her mouth. “MMMMgg,” she complained, the object in her ass began to fight her muscles in a painful manner as it expanded her elastic anal walls.

  Louis felt her humming on his cock, her lips wrapped tightly around it as she sucked it deeper into her mouth. He wasn’t going to last much longer before he came in her unsuspecting mouth.

  “Can you feel it inside you?” Her belly jerked when her stomach cramped on the growing monster. Her pink anal ring pulled wide around the probe, almost seven centimeters in diameter. Isaac was surprised that she could take that much without more complaining, though her mouth was kept busy with exciting Louis’s cock. One final test for her and it will be over.

  “TTTOOO Bbbiggg,” her words mumbled by the flesh of Louis’s cock stretching her lips.

  “I’ll take it out, just perform one more test. Squeeze your ass muscles.”

  She clenched her lips tight around the cock in her mouth and squeezed on the hard shaft in her ass. She jumped when she heard a strange squeak.

  “That’s you doing that. The harder you squeeze, the louder it gets. Do it ten times, and I’ll take it out and you are through. Make it real loud. When you get it number nine, I’m going to rinse you mouth out. I want you to swallow it all. You passed the exam with flying colors.”

  She was glad it was almost over. The thing in her mouth actually felt good, all except for the taste. Her tongue made it dance in her mouth, Cherry not sure what it was.


  “Squeak! Squeak!” She could hear them louder.

  “Squeak! Squeak!” She strained hard, but it grew harder. She felt the thing in her mouth grow bigger. It must be reaching the maximum amount of saliva that it could soak up. That is probably what will fill her mouth. At least this way she would only have to contend with it once.

  “Squeak! Squeak!” That was louder. She was so proud of herself. Suddenly her mouth was flooded. It was so thick and salty, Cherry grimacing from the taste, but she gulped and swallowed as the hot fluid slowly sank into her belly.

  “Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!” The last times the loudest, her mouth still trying to contend with all the fluids that flooded her mouth, but she gulped and eagerly swallowed all it. Four times it filled her mouth; four times it filled her belly. She felt relief as the probe in her ass shrunk and her muscle forced it out. The thing in her mouth slipped through her lips but not before her tongue licked it clean.

  By the time Doc pulled the mask off, the lights were on, the room empty and Cherry laying on the chair, her legs freed. “You can get dressed, Cherry. Thank you for your cooperation.”

  “It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Thank you, Doc, for taking such good care of me. I was nervous at first with a male doctor, but you were every bit a gentlemen. She looked around the room, no one on the couch watching her. It was just her imagination. She got dressed, looking at her watch, almost three. Time goes by fast when you are having fun. She felt good, not even sure why. The exam was a little hazy, not sure what happened and what was her vivid imagination.


  College in a Strange Culture

  Lola wanted this more than the others. At eighteen, she wanted to live her own life. It had been exciting since she turned eighteen. It didn’t turn out very good with Salvador, but the experience was exciting. She still was undecided on what happened in customs. She never had the feelings that raced through her body before, shame, humiliation, but also a perverse sexual excitement to be used in such a way, especially in front of her mother and sister. The captain acted as though he had the right to do it to anyone, as long as it was a female. It was a strange society in Venezuela, but this was her home, so she would have to play by its rules.

  Everyone was crying when they parted, Cherry leaving first, finally Lola got into the cab. It was as though her mother thought she was sending her off to kindergarten for the first time, not college. She had to promise to call tomorrow.

  The metal gate was open today as if welcoming Lola. The cab followed the driveway up to the main building. It was like a park inside, lots of trees, benches to sit down on, even a small gazebo. The buildings looked old; some of them had vines climbing up the sides. It was like an ivy-league college in the United States. She grabbed her bags and dragged them inside after paying the cab. The cab driver didn’t help her carry her bags inside, but he stood by the car and watched her. He was smiling as he eyed her ass swaying. Men were more sexually blatant here.

  The inside was furnished grandly, old wooden furniture, plush couches with intricate designs carved in the wood. In the front of the room was a desk, a young girl, probably a student stood guard.

  “You must be Lola.” Joselin stood up from behind the desk.

  “How did you know?”

  “We don’t have that many American’s show up every day.” She looked at the girl. She was beautiful, but she did nothing to show it off. Her clothes were frumpy and hid her figure. She didn’t even wear much makeup. “Welcome to International University of Barcelona. I’m Joselin.”

  “Thank you, I’m so excited to be here.”

  “And you should be grateful. You are the first American here. Your parents must be very powerful.”

  “It’s only my mother.” She was hoping for other Americans she could make friends with. “Are there many students here?”

  “One hundred or so. We are very exclusive. We have small classrooms. The professors give each student personal attention that you will find nowhere else.” Though she doubted that any professor would want to give her the personal attention they gave some of the other girls. She wasn’t that beautiful and surely she would be hard to train to accommodate their more jaded tastes. Joselin knew from experience what they wanted from the young students. She had to learn her place quickly when she came here a year ago.

  “How many boys?” That was what Lola really wanted to know.

  “Why none, this is strictly a girls’ school.” She saw the look of disappointment on her face. Joselin never said anything about the girls not having sex. “All of the professors are males, as is the Headmaster, as it should be.” She said that with a smirk on her face. “Let me show you to your room. It’s on the same floor as mine, right down the hall. I will help you out at the beginning, until you get acclimated to our way of life here.”

  Lola followed her up the stairs. She saw some of the other students. They all dressed so formally. Joselin was wearing heels that had to be almost four inches, though she had to admit it sure made her legs look good. That couldn’t be helped because so much of her legs were showing, her skirt short and tight, clinging to her ass as she walked. She wore a matching sweater, Lola sure that it was cashmere. It clung to her breasts and there was no doubt that she was bra-less. She would have been sent home from school in the United States, but as Lola looked around, all the girls were dressed to enhance their bodies. She looked down at her skirt and blouse and felt like a boy.

  The room was nice, not too big, not too small. It had a private bathroom, Lola afraid that there would only be one big bathroom with communal showers. It’s not that she was afraid of being naked in front of other girls, she was just intimidated by the bodies of the ones she saw s
o far. She expected a small twin bed, but this one had a full-size bed. Big enough for two, strange but nice. “It’s a nice room.”

  “Yes, they all are. Put your things together. Here is your class schedule. They didn’t expect you this early today, so you have until after lunch before you have to go to class.”

  Lola was glad the schedule was in English. “Do the professors teach in Spanish or English?”

  “Mostly English, but you should learn Spanish, so you can understand them when they are angry.”

  “Do they get angry often?”

  “Professors are demanding of the students. They push them to learn. Some might call them strict disciplinarians, but you soon learn. You have Professor Vicente for most of your classes. Handsome and very virile. You will like him.”

  It was strange for a girl to call a professor virile. Lola didn’t know what she meant by it, but she wasn’t about to ask. “Will you go to lunch with me?” Lola didn’t want to walk in there alone for everyone to look at her.

  “Of course, I’ll help you in any way I can. I’ll be back at 11:30.”

  She closed the door, Lola sitting down on the big bed, trying to catch her breath. There was a lot to try to figure out and understand. She hoped that she would fit in, especially with the professors. The bed was comfortable, not soft but firm. She lay out on it, closing her eyes for a second. The image of the captain came into her head. She spread her arms over her head as if she were ordered to, the captain standing over the bed. She shook her head no in mock protest, but her legs spread wide, wider to the far sides of the bed. It was wide and the ache in her crotch felt good. Lola jumped when the door opened. “Wwwwhat!”

  Joselin saw her on the bed, her arms and legs spread to the corners. Maybe the girl had possibilities. Maybe there was more to her than she showed. “I forgot to leave you the key to your room. Lock your door for privacy.” She put the key on the table, enjoying the flushed look on her face. She had caught her being naughty.


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