Simon... Spellbound (Studs & Steel Book 6)

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Simon... Spellbound (Studs & Steel Book 6) Page 3

by Heather Mar-Gerrison

  He chuckled, “It sounds as if you’re a very busy guy.” He said, “So what were you doing last night, then? Apart from swooping in like Superman and saving me from the date from hell?”

  I shrugged, grinning at the hero acknowledgement, “I guess I was just trying to have a little alone time.” I said, “Is that a bad thing?” I was flirting a little – he was so damned good-looking I just couldn’t help myself.

  He sucked in a breath and regarded me with slightly narrowed eyes, “I’m not sure,” he said, “If you’re okay hanging out in gay pubs, it’s bound to happen at sometime or other. Is it gonna cause you trouble? ‘Cause I’ve gotta warn you – I usually try to avoid trouble.” I got that by trouble he meant, I avoid guys that are in the closet, but he was smiling at me, “I think I might like your sort of trouble though. In fact I’m thinking I could do with a healthy dose of trouble like you in my life.”

  I beamed at him, “Bring it on.” I murmured.

  Chapter 8 – Interview...


  The next morning I woke up feeling a little worse for wear, which wasn’t the best idea, since I had a job interview. I’d known about it the night before but I really wanted to see Simon and I really didn’t expect it to be such a successful evening. We finally parted company after a few rather nice goodnight kisses at 2am.

  Still, at least I hadn’t been drinking and was able to drive to the club where I hoped I’d be working before long. I’d been between jobs for too long.

  I took the relatively short drive to the club and got out of the car. I heaved a sigh as I looked at the club. It wasn’t much to look at from the outside. The large shiny signage was kind of cool. Big block lettering shouting out to all of the neighbourhood that this was the gay club to be seen at ‘Studs and Steel’ wasn’t quite so dramatic in the daytime without the dramatic white lighting but it was still pretty impressive.

  The club wasn’t open until the evening but the interviews, for the extra bar staff, were being held today and I was, as usual, early.

  There were a few cars parked up in the car park. That would likely be the management but I doubted any of the other staff were within the place – why turn up for work when you weren’t being paid?

  I made my way over to the doors wondering the whole time if this was a really bad idea. Simon might not like me applying for a job at his place of work...

  I was surprised when the door opened as soon as I got to it and I found myself eye-to-eye with a friendly face.

  “Hi,” he said, sticking his hand out to me, “I’m guessing you’re either Bailey or Raife, since we’ve already met and hired Jaime.”

  I nodded, my heart sinking a little that I was up against two other far more interesting sounding guys, “Bailey,” I said a little breathlessly, “I’ve got an interview...” Well of course you have an interview you great turd.

  The guy grinned, “Don’t be nervous.” He said, “Rob’s a total pussy-cat.”

  I chuckled, “Really.” I asked sceptically.

  He nodded, “Honestly.” He said, “He thinks we’re all his extended family – you’ll fit right in, I’m sure.”

  I frowned. I wasn’t built anything like him, that was for sure, “What do you do?” I asked.

  He grinned, showing brilliant white teeth, “I’m Buzz, the doorman.” Buzz? Hang on a minute – was Simon’s brother? Why the hell did he have a name like Buzz when Simon was called Simon? I was so confused. I made a mental note to ask Simon when I next saw him.

  Buzz was still smiling at me, “We’ve had to extend the bar hence the recruitment program – but I’m guessing we may have to recruit another bouncer or two – this place is getting more and more popular and I’m good,” he flashed another amazing grin, “but I can’t be in two places at once – as much as everyone seems to think I can.” He chuckled.

  I nodded slowly, “Yeah,” I agreed, “I can see how that could be a problem.”

  He grinned, “So if you have a bear of a boyfriend...?”

  I blushed, thinking of Simon and wondering if he’d mentioned meeting a guy called Bailey – but then I dismissed the thought. One date didn’t make him anything like my boyfriend – yet – but I was definitely working on it... “Uh, I’m single at the moment.”

  He raised an eyebrow, “Really?” he said, “I’d have thought someone like you would have the pick of the bunch.”

  I shrugged, feeling my face heating up at the compliment, “Maybe I’m too picky.”

  He nodded sagely, “Nothing wrong with being picky.” He said, “It’s how you end up with the racehorse instead of the donkey.”

  I chuckled and nodded, “Nice analogy.” I murmured.

  “Take a seat.” Buzz waved his hand in the general direction of the bar area. I looked around. It was absolutely stunning in here. I’d never been to the club on a night out. I tended to stick to the bars nearer to home – feeling safer there than venturing out to places like this but Simon had mentioned it and I was really curious. Maybe he’d come in when I was tending the bar and we’d get chatting... chance would be a fine thing.

  I sat down and looked around. I can’t lie, I was absolutely bricking it. I’d helped out at the bar belonging to my uncle the year before while Id been on holiday in Greece. It didn’t mean I knew how to run a busy bar that was full to the brim with guys all wanting cocktails with weird names and weirder ingredients all night long...

  Stop worrying, I commanded myself, you haven’t even met the boss yet...

  Buzz had offered me a coffee and came over with it at that moment. “Rob’ll be with you soon.” He said, “And the dancers will probably be here soon too so you’ll have someone else to talk to – I’m just going back out to the door to greet the others.”

  I nodded and waved my hand in the air to show that I’d listened to him, “Sure, sure.’ I agreed. My nerves were returning now that I was alone with my very nice cup of coffee. I breathed in slowly through my nose, trying my best to calm my nerves. The last thing I needed was to start off my IBS. That really would be a disaster – farting in the interview... or worse. I gave myself a mental shake. No need to even think about the worst happening.



  I jumped slightly and looked up. A young guy, probably around the same age as me, maybe a little older, was looking at me with a smile.

  I smiled back at him, “Yeah, that’s me.” I said as I scrambled to me feet. I stuck my hand out to shake his. He shook my hand heartily, “My name’s River and I’m one of the dancers here – you’ll actually be taking over my position at the bar if you’re taken on – we’re all doubling up our roles at the moment and while that’s okay – it’s a bit full on and the punters are getting a little pissed off that they’re coming to see a show that isn’t really happening at the moment.” He chuckled.

  I laughed along with him. He was incredibly good-looking and totally charismatic. “I can understand that.” I said.

  He nodded, “Oh, yeah.” He agreed, “Totally.” He smiled, “We’re all hoping that Seth – he’s the bar manager – will be back soon and everything will get back to sort of normal. It’s not the same without him.” He looked sad and I wondered what the deal was with this Seth guy.

  “Is he on some sort of extended leave?”

  River nodded, “Yeah,” he said, scratching his neck, “He was involved in a really bad car accident a week or so ago – his girlfriend was killed and he was really badly injured – he severely broke his leg and suffered quite extensive burns. He’s in an induced coma at the moment.”

  I winced, “Oh, my God.” I said.

  He nodded, looking grave, “Yeah, it was awful.” He seemed to shake himself and smiled ruefully, “Come on – I’ll show you to Rob’s office.”

  I followed him through the club to the mirrored wall at the back of the club. My jaw dropped as one of the panels turned out to be a door, “Oh, my God.” I laughed, “That’s fucking awesome!”

chuckled, “Yeah.” He said, “And no – it can get pretty embarrassing coming out of here at night when you’ve got guys humping against it and admiring the length of their dicks.”

  I choked back a laugh, “They don’t?”

  He raised an eyebrow, “Fuck, yeah they do!” he said.

  Holy shit. What the hell was I getting myself into?

  River opened the door and showed me inside. I sat down on the sofa and waited.

  I’d heard voices around the club before River came to my rescue, but I hadn’t actually seen anyone – the staff quarters were clearly kept hidden from the main attraction, which I guess was a good thing. There were bound to be guys that got fixated with the dancers and it wouldn’t do for them to be able to get into the private areas of the club.

  I waited a few minutes and then the door at the back of the office opened and Rob walked in.

  I stood, feeling suddenly unbearably nervous again.

  He smiled and strode forward, “Bailey,” he said with a smile, “Good to meet you.”

  I nodded and tried to smile through my nervousness, “Good to m-meet you t-too.” I stammered.

  “Hey – no need to be nervous – it’s not so much an interview as a getting to know you session – relax.”

  I laughed and nodded, “Okay.”

  Rob sat down at his desk and leaned back in his chair, “So,” He started, “What attracted you to Studs and Steel?”

  I shrugged, “I don’t know really.” Great start. Way to go Bailey. Walk right out of the door now. “The advert kind of grabbed my attention and the place just looks really cool...”

  He smiled and nodded, “Have you come as a guest before?”

  I shook my head, “Uh, no.” I admitted, “I tend to stay closer to home when I go out.”

  He nodded again, “And have you done bar work before?”

  I swallowed, “No, sir, not really...” I admitted, my anxiety levels rising with every passing second. I’d pass out if I wasn’t careful. Suddenly my head started swimming and I lost most of my hearing. Time to escape before things got embarrassing. I got up, “I don’t think I’m really cut out for this,” I gasped, “I’m sorry I wasted your time.”

  I stumbled towards the door that led back out to the dance floor but in that second, the door burst open and two guys landed on the floor in front of me. They were laughing loudly and swearing at each other as they grappled with each other on the floor.

  I heard Rob’s angry voice as if through a fog. My eyes were fixed on one of the guys on the floor. I recognised him immediately – I was kind of fascinated with him. Simon...

  “Simon! Thai! What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  They sprang apart like a pair of dogs doused with water and looked up at Rob guiltily. “Sorry, boss.” The guy called Thai spoke up, a grin breaking out over his rather beautiful face, “Things just got a little out of hand.”

  “I’m trying to conduct an interview in here.” Rob said, sounding more amused than angry.

  I hadn’t been unable to take my eyes off Simon yet, and finally he looked up and our eyes met. His jaw dropped, “Bailey!” he exclaimed, a look of delighted surprise on his face that made me feel warm all over.

  I nodded, “Hi, Simon.” I murmured. My panic attack was subsiding and my hearing had come back in full HD. Everything seemed louder than ever.

  “What are you doing here?” He asked scrambling to his feet and dusting his jeans down, “I thought you said last night that you were concentrating on your studies.”

  I shrugged, “I am – but I also need the extra money.” I shook my head, “but I totally blew it.” I laughed embarrassedly, “Had a panic attack before I even got started – so I was just leaving before I shit myself and really made a fool of myself.” Stop talking Bailey, for fuck’s sake – Rob’s still right there!

  Simon frowned, “Hey,” he said, reaching out and taking my hand in his, calming me down almost the instant our skin touched, “You’d be great working here.” He looked at Rob, “Isn’t that right, Rob?”

  To my surprise, Rob seemed to agree, “He’s certainly got the right look.” He agreed, “I was just about to tell him that we could start training him on the bar tonight, but he was trying to escape – so I guess I should thank you and Thai for being a pair of idiots and stopping him in his tracks.” He was teasing me.

  I looked around at him in shock, “You’re really willing to give me a chance when you saw me go to pieces like that?”

  Rob shrugged, “Everyone loses it sometimes.” He said easily, “We’re a family here – we look out for each other – and I can see that you and Simon already have a connection,” he smiled and his eyes twinkled. He was a fair few steps ahead of what was really going on between Simon and I but I was hopeful that he was right, “so I’m satisfied that we can work something out. How about a month’s trial?”

  I nodded, “Wow, thanks.” I beamed at him, “That’s brilliant.”

  He grinned, “Simon – can you show our new recruit the ropes? And has the other guy arrived yet? Raife wasn’t it?”

  He nodded, “I saw Buzz chatting to someone earlier so I’m guessing that might be him. And the other guy starting was Jaime wasn’t it?”

  Rob nodded, “Yeah,” he agreed, “Nice kid – pretty much completely deaf but in this place that’s probably an advantage.” He chuckled, “His lip reading is impeccable.”

  Simon raised his eyebrows and nodded, “Right,” he said. Turning to me he smiled, “Come with me.” he said, taking my hand again, “I’ll give you the grand tour and then we’ll get started behind the bar.”

  Chapter 9 – Magical...


  That first day, showing Bailey around and watching him learn how to pull a pint and flirt with the clientele had been absolutely magical. He was really good looking – to the point of being kind of beautiful and it would be fair to say that I was really attracted to him.

  It was manically busy for a few days after that though, and apart from seeing each other at work, there was little time for any further dates between us.

  Finally, we both had the same day off and I really wanted to spend some time with him – but I also had to go to the hospital to see Seth and I didn’t really think it was fair to drag him along with me when he didn’t even know him.

  I’d mentioned Seth a couple of times to Bailey but I don’t think he really understood just how close we all were at Studs – or if he would really understand that we really were just friends – albeit extremely close friends.

  Seth was still in a coma, which was really beginning to get the guys and I worried. We’d all figured he’d be awake again after a day or two of them stopping the medication that had him in the induced coma – but it had been almost a week already, now since they’d reduced the meds and he was still unconscious. The staff didn’t seem to think it was strange, though, so we had to take whatever comfort we could in that.

  I hated hospitals. I hated the smell and the misery and the never-ending grey, soulless corridors that all looked the same. However, I loved my friend and he needed his friends around him while he battled to get himself fit and healthy again.

  I turned the corner and spied out of the corner of my eye a young man that I vaguely recognised walking towards me. He was coming from the ward and it occurred to me that he’d been here the other day when I’d come with Buzz and Franz. I nodded as I passed him, figuring that he must be here to see a loved one too. I was a little surprised that he looked at me as if I was something to fear and scuttled off towards the exit. Jeez. I knew I was tall – but intimidation was never something I could be accused of possessing. I frowned and headed for the entrance to the ward.

  I went up to the reception area and smiled at the woman sat down.

  She smiled back at me, “Hello, there.” She said, “How can I help you?”

  I cleared my throat nervously. Buzz had done the talking last time we were here, “I’m uh, here to see my friend, Seth M

  She nodded, “Ah, right – you do know that he’s not awake yet?”

  I nodded, “Yeah,” I said, “I uh, I do know that – I just don’t like to think of him being here all by himself.”

  She blinked, “Oh, he hasn’t been – you’ve actually just missed another one of his friends – Joel?” She was looking at me as if I was supposed to know who she was talking about.

  I frowned. Joel? I’d never fucking heard of any Joel. I shook my head, “I don’t know all of his friends – I’m more a work colleague, really.”

  She smiled, “Well, go on in – he’s in the room at the end.”

  I nodded and still wondering who the hell Joel was, I opened the door and went inside.

  His hair looked as if it had been stroked away from his face. Had the mysterious Joel done that?

  Suddenly I wondered if the guy in the corridor was Joel. He’d looked quite a lot younger than us, though... I had absolutely no idea if he knew him or not – and besides, the guy could have been visiting anyone...

  I sat down and thought about something I could tell him. I felt a little silly talking to him when he couldn’t even respond, but at the same time, it seemed completely pointless to sit here in silence.

  I started to tell him a little about Bailey. “He looked so cute when Thai and I burst through the door and landed at his feet – you’d have laughed your head off, Seth.”

  I sighed. I wanted to hear his low chuckle. It was amazing that someone so quiet and unassuming could be missed so much – but Seth was like the centre pin for the whole group of us. His mild manner was soothing somehow. Without him at the club, the atmosphere just wasn’t the same. We were all trying hard. Hell, Rob had the builders in, extending the bar – and it was coming on a treat, too, just so that things would be better for Seth when he came back to work.

  “You should see the place, Seth – you won’t recognise it. All the seating down the wall has been ripped out and more’s been put in on the back wall instead and the bar now extends all the way down to the bathrooms – you’re gonna fucking love it!”


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