Dirty Girl

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Dirty Girl Page 5

by Rory Reynolds

  I’ve spent the day reading the newest book in a series about big blue aliens and their human mates. I’m a complete book nerd. I’ll admit I stalk the authors I love on social media and stay up until all hours of the night sometimes when a book is too good to put down.

  I look at the clock for about the hundredth time in the last five minutes—midnight. Frustrated, I punch my pillow and try to get comfortable. It’s useless. I can’t sleep. I’ve been restless for hours. Even my book couldn’t hold my attention anymore.

  My mind keeps playing over the things Jenson and I did. Lord have mercy, the physical parts were awesome. The things he said. Not just the dirty talk—that was hot—but when he claimed me as his more than once. It made my heart race to hear the words come from his mouth.

  I roll over to look at the clock again, only to see ten minutes has passed. It felt more like thirty. Giving up, I get out of bed and grab my robe. Hopefully, Jackie hasn’t come home yet. I listen at my door and when I decide the coast is clear, I sneak down the hall to Jenson’s room just like I used to.

  The second I enter his space I feel relief. It’s been a hell of a couple days and I’m drained, both emotionally and physically. I drop my robe on the floor and crawl into his bed. I’m instantly enveloped with his scent and the tension I’ve been carrying all day melts away. I bury my face in his pillow and drift to sleep.

  * * *

  Mmm, I think to myself as I snuggle deeper into the warmth surrounding me. I bury my face into my pillow and inhale deeply, remembering how comforting it was to crawl into Jenson’s bed last night. I’m practically rubbing my body against the bed when his big hand cups my ass and pulls me against his body.

  “You keep moving around like that and I’m going to end up buried inside you.” Jenson’s sleep rough voice has my panties melting right from my body.

  I can’t find a single downside to his threat. Instead of doing as he says, I wiggle closer to him, pressing my breasts to his side and wrapping my leg around his thighs. Reflexively, his hold tightens on me and I sink into the sensation, loving every second of being in his strong arms. It’s like a dream come true. One I hope that I never wake up from.

  “Tempting as you are, I don’t plan on having my way with you right now.” I must make some kind of sound because he chuckles and drops a kiss to my head. “I’ve created a monster,” he teases, his fingertips finding the soft curve of my hip, digging into the sensitive flesh lightly as he tickles me. I jerk in his arms, giggling.

  “Okay, okay!” I gasp, trying to push his hand away. “No funny business.”

  “Good girl. I want to talk to you about moving into the penthouse with me.”

  Wait, what?!

  I shoot up out of his arms, turning quickly to look down at him. “Are you insane?” I ask incredulously.

  Jenson purposefully rises to his elbow. Wrapping his hand around the back of my neck, he pulls me down until we are nose to nose with his eyes boring into mine. “I’m insane about you. I don’t know how many ways I can tell you that you’re mine. It’s simple. My penthouse is ready to move into and I want you with me. I can’t imagine having to send you home every night. I won’t be away from you. You. Are. Mine.”

  Oh, God.

  He’s serious. Totally, completely, not brokering any arguments, serious. I want to say yes. I want to tackle him down to the mattress and rub my body all over his while I scream yes over and over again, but this is crazy. It’s too fast. Not to mention what Jackie would say—or their parents for that matter.

  “I can’t move in with you…” I start, but I’m interrupted when I hear Jackie pounding on my bedroom door down the hall. “Oh shit,” I whisper shout, totally panicking.

  I jump from the bed, practically tripping over my own feet on the way to the door. I put my ear to the wood and listen. Jackie is obviously standing outside my bedroom, talking at me through the door. I can’t make out what she’s saying, but it sounds like she’s getting frustrated.

  Shit, shit, shit.

  I’m half a second away from a coronary when Jenson’s big, naked body crowds me against the door. His hands rest on either side of my head as he pushes against my back, the ridged line of his cock presses against me. He bundles my hair in his fist forcing me to arch my back when he lightly tugs. Lips to my ear, his voice is a sexy rumble that causes my nipples to tighten and my pussy to drip. “Quit acting like this is our dirty little secret.”

  He drops his other hand from the door, slipping his fingers directly into my panties and unerringly finds my clit. The rough pad of his thumb circles the sensitive nub as he pushes two of his thick digits into my wet core. I try to bite back my moan, but fail terribly. The pleasure is too much, too fast. He’s working my body like a fine-tuned instrument. Every stroke of my clit is timed perfectly with the thrusting of his fingers, until I’m a quivering mess of need.

  “That’s it. Soak my fingers. You’re going to come, aren’t you?”

  I nod my head furiously. Each motion adds tingles of pain to my scalp from where he’s still got my hair fisted.

  “Yeah, you’re going to come with my sister right on the other side of the door. You’re going to cry out your release and she’s going to hear how dirty you are.”

  He’s right, I can’t hold my orgasm at bay. Heat builds in my belly until I’m a tightly coiled spring barely balancing on the edge. I desperately hold back my release. Unwilling to let go when Jackie is just across the hallway. But holding it back only makes me burn hotter. I can hear the wetness of my pussy every time Jenson moves his fingers inside me. My clit is so engorged that the lightest touch curls my toes.

  “Please.” I gasp, willing him to stop this delicious torture.

  “All you have to do is let go, Dylan.” His voice is liquid fire to my already burning body. Temptation and sin with the promise of ecstasy. “Come for me.”

  My control snaps and the most powerful orgasm I’ve ever experienced rolls through my body. The force is so strong my muscles seize as I scream out my release. Chanting Jenson’s name repeatedly as his fingers thrust into my pussy—drawing out my orgasm until my knees give out.

  Jenson cradles me in his arms as he carries me over to the bed and sits with his back to the headboard. We are quiet for a long time, both lost in our own thoughts. He finally breaks the silence, bringing me back to reality with his words.

  “She didn't hear anything, you know.”

  I love him for trying to alleviate my worry, but I don't believe for one second she didn’t hear. Hell, the neighbors down the street probably heard my screams, let alone my best friend that was less than twenty feet away. “Jenson there's no way that she didn't hear that. I practically screamed the roof down.”

  He smiles wide, flashing his perfect white teeth. “She walked away long before the finale.”

  “Oh, thank you, baby Jesus.” Relief washes over me. I'm not ready to tell Jackie and if she found out like that… I'd never live it down. The look on Jenson’s face is a cup of ice water down my back. It completely ruins any comfort I found in the fact that we haven't been found out. I hate that it hurts him, but I’m terrified of the repercussions. I haven’t even come to terms with being in a relationship with Jenson—if you can call some hot sex and him growling about me belonging to him a relationship.

  “Just because she didn’t hear you this time, doesn’t mean we aren’t telling her.” His tone is resolute and I know without a shadow of a doubt that he’s not going to back down. I should be happy about how sure he is, but the truth is I’m scared. Without the Johns family, I’m completely and utterly alone in the world. If things end badly between us, I’ll lose everything I have left.

  My brain tells me it’s stupid, that the risk isn’t worth being alone in the world. My heart says to grab ahold of Jenson with both hands and don’t let go. Common sense says this is lust, but my naïve heart says it’s love.

  It was only supposed to be a teenage dream. Unrequited and unexplored. The temptation
of making it real—of giving in to everything Jenson’s promising with his smooth words and hard body—is impossible to ignore. I know I’m going to end up surrendering to whatever he requests, even if it breaks my heart.

  * * *

  “Dylan,” Jackie whines. “You have to come tonight.”

  I reach into the fridge for a bottle of water, weighing my options. I absolutely do not want to end up at some kegger with a bunch of idiots getting drunk and hooking up. I spent the better part of my high school years avoiding those kinds of situations, but my normal excuse of having homework or needing to study no longer apply.

  Jackie didn’t push me while we were in school. She knew how important it was for me to make good grades. My parents had high expectations for me. Success wasn’t optional, it was mandatory, which never bugged me. I’ve been a book nerd since birth and school came easily for me. When my parents died, I easily could have slacked off, but I kept up with my study habits. Silly as it sounds, it made me feel like they were still part of my life. If I followed their rules, then they were still involved.

  My heart clenches in my chest. It’s been eight months since a drunk driver took them from me. The pain of losing them is still a physical ache. Some days it feels like it’s been forever, other days it feels like it was just yesterday.

  Jackie’s fingers wiggle back and forth in front of my face. “Earth to Dylan.”

  I swallow back the lump that forms in my throat every time I get caught up in thinking about my parents. “Sorry, what were you saying?”

  “That’s it, you’re coming tonight. No arguments this time. You can’t just hole up in this house by yourself and wallow.” Jackie pulls me into a side hug, resting her head against mine. “I know it still hurts, but you’ve got to move on. They wouldn’t want you to be so unhappy.”

  Am I unhappy? Yeah, I miss them like crazy, but I’ve not been wallowing… Have I?

  “It’ll be fun!” Jackie practically bounces with energy as she tells me the big plans for the night.

  “Uh, Jacks, I hate to be a party pooper, but I can’t dance.” She rolls her eyes so hard I think they might get stuck.

  “No excuses, you’re going with us. End of.”

  “Going where?” Jenson interrupts, his tone proprietary. He stalks across the room, coming to a stop ridiculously close to me. The heat from his body seeps into my back and his scent surrounds me. I can barely hold back a moan. My body instinctively wants to be touched by him. I mentally scold myself into keeping that small distance he left between us. I’d like nothing more than to lean into him right now, for him to hold me, but that’s the exact opposite of what needs to happen if I’m going to keep this thing with Jenson under wraps. At least for now.

  Jackie glares at her big brother, probably thinking he’s going to poo-poo her plans. Not that she’d listen. “We’re going clubbing.”

  Jenson sucks in a breath through his teeth. I dare a glance over my shoulder at him. His posture is rigid, but the look on his face is that same aloof expression he always wears in my presence. It warms my heart that he’s honoring my wish to keep whatever this is between us quiet. The only noticeable sign of his agitation is his ticking jaw. I’m not sure if Jackie picks up on his stance, or if she’s just defensive, but she continues telling him that there is nothing he can do about us going out. That we are grown ass adults—her words, not mine. Every word out of her mouth ratchets up Jenson’s level of tension, but the only perceivable change is that he’s added a raised eyebrow to match that jaw tick.

  “You’re right,” Jenson interrupts.

  “What!?” I half-yell, half-whine. I whip around to face him so fast, I almost lose my balance, but his steadying hands on my shoulders prevent a fall.

  “Jackie’s right. You are, as she said, ‘grown ass adults.’ I can’t stop you from going out.” He shrugs his shoulders as if it’s not a big deal to him. Which I call bullshit on because the man is so wound up so tight, you can practically see the tension rolling off him in waves.

  “But… but…” I stutter. I had been counting on him telling her there was no way we were going. That we were underage and he forbids it, but no, he’s completely on board. I’m still reeling from everything when Jackie squeals and pushes me out of the way to throw her arms around her brother.

  “Thank you!” Jackie is positively vibrating with excitement as she runs out of the room. Before she disappears up the stairs, she turns and levels a glare my way. “Either you be ready by eight or I’ll dress you myself.” With that threat she turns and dances her way up the stairs to start her primping routine.

  She’s barely out of eyesight when Jenson’s big arms are pulling me in close, surrounding me in their warmth.

  “Dammit, Jenson. I don’t want to go clubbing,” I grouse, pulling away from him. Trying to extract myself from his embrace is proving useless because every time I pull against his hold, he tightens his grip. The bastard just chuckles at my efforts and starts running his lips across my jaw, nipping me with his teeth every so often. He keeps up the sensual torture until I’ve relaxed into his hold and am tipping my head to give him better access.

  “I didn’t agree that you could go clubbing. In fact, the idea of you being anywhere near drunk men looking for an easy lay makes me want to go on a murderous rampage. I agreed that you deserve to have some fun, so I offered a night out to Pitch Black completely on me.” He kisses my lips almost chastely, but the hard length of his cock proves that he’s not immune to our closeness. “This way I can watch over you. Make sure no one touches what’s mine.”

  I look up at him with lust glazed eyes. I should be upset that he manipulated the situation, but I’m not. I love that he’s jealous. It makes me think maybe this thing between us could be real. That maybe jumping in with both feet isn’t a complete mistake.



  After long, frustrating hours, we are still no closer to finding out who broke into the club or why. The person walked straight into my office and disabled the primary security camera. Luckily there are back-ups, but even those feeds don’t shed any light onto the situation. Once in my office, they went directly to the hidden staircase that leads to my penthouse and when they couldn’t gain access, they left.

  Reg and I tightened up security. New passcodes, more cameras, and double the security personnel during business hours—we’re not taking chances going forward. Especially, since I’m moving back into my penthouse. Now that Dylan is finally mine, there is no need to continue living in my parent’s house.

  At the girls’ graduation party, there were no fewer than five assholes drooling after my girl—not that I can blame them. She looked absolutely stunning in a white sundress. It hugged her curves like a second skin, flaring out just enough around the hem to let the breeze lift it, exposing an indecent amount of her creamy thighs. My dick was so hard that day, I worried it would be permanently damaged by my zipper.

  I’ve been waiting years for little Dylan Thomas to grow up so that I could make her mine. I wasn’t about to risk someone else getting their hands on her now that she is finally old enough for me to make my move. So, I had to come up with a plan—which is why I used the excuse of remodeling my penthouse as a reason to move into my parent’s house and closer to Dylan.

  It’s been hard as fuck waiting and watching her these last two months, but there was this overwhelming sadness clinging to her. Losing her parents was rightfully hard on her and made it nearly impossible to get past her defenses.

  She’s walked around the house like a lost waif since graduating. I was desperate to make a move. In fact, I had planned on having her within a week, but I held back. I’m a bastard for the way I pushed her this weekend, but hearing those two assholes talking about how they were going to get into her pussy before they left for college was the last straw. The fact that she is just as hungry for me as I am for her is surprising.

  “Man you are wound tight,” Reg interrupts my thoughts. “You need to get laid.

  “Fuck you.”

  He barks out a laugh. “Still waiting for the kid?”

  “Dylan isn’t a fucking kid…” I start, but the words freeze in my throat when she walks into the club followed by my sister. Reg follows my line of sight and he whistles.

  “Now that’s a fuckable piece of ass.”

  Unable to hold back my irritation, I shove him against the one-way glass we are looking through. My arm is at his throat and I just barely hold back from pummeling his face. “Do not ever speak of her like that again.” His hands come up in placating motion. “In fact, don’t even fucking look at her.” I put a little more pressure against his throat, making sure I got my point across, before releasing him.

  “That’s Dylan? No wonder you’re tied in knots over her,” Reg says, shaking off my aggression like it’s nothing. Which isn’t far from the truth, it’s not the first time one of us has gotten physical with the other.

  “Jesus Christ, what the hell is she wearing?”

  I promised myself I would observe and only step in if there was a problem, but seeing her in that shimmery gold concoction—I don’t think a eunuch could keep away. The dress hugs every inch of her body, fitting her like a glove. The top is low-cut, the neckline scooping down between her breasts showing not only the pillowy tops, but the soft sides, too. The way they move as she strides across the room tells me that she’s not wearing a bra. I can just imagine how her little nipples are poking through the material.

  I’ve barely cataloged how short the skirt of the dress is when she turns around and I see that the back of the dress dips down almost to the top of her sexy ass. Fuck me. My eyes skate down past her bottom and stop on the fuck me heels she’s wearing. Everything about her screams sex. Every single man in this place is eye-fucking her right now. They all want her and it’ll be over my dead body.


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