Dirty Girl

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Dirty Girl Page 10

by Rory Reynolds

  I avoid telling him about how she had to drag me out of the house and that she’s the only reason I didn’t just curl up and die when the loneliness became unbearable.

  Our food arrives and our conversation stops so that I can pork out. I wasn’t joking when I said I eat like a pig. I sigh in appreciation as the sweetness of the pancakes melts across my tongue. And I might moan just a little when I take that first salty taste of bacon.

  “Fuck, you’re sexy. The look on your face as you savor every bite has my cock so hard.” His voice is low, but I still look around the diner praying that no one heard his crass language.

  “Jenson,” I whisper-shout. “You can’t say stuff like that to me here.”

  He looks at me salaciously, licking his lips. “I can’t help that you get me hard.”

  My panties are soaked and I squeeze my thighs together to relieve the ache that’s growing between my legs.

  “I bet you’re wet right now.”

  I know I’m at least thirty shades of red and I’m thanking my lucky stars the diner isn’t busy with the morning crowd. I give Jenson a dirty look, hoping it will help keep him under control. I almost laugh out loud at that one—no one controls Jenson.

  The bell on the door jingles and I look up to the smiling face of Nora. With a friendly wave to Pammy—the gossip monger no doubt called my friend—Nora walks directly to our little table. The open, friendly smile that normally graces Nora’s face falls into a scowl as she glares at Jenson.

  “Are you the fool that knocked up my sweet Dylan and then ran her off?”

  The look on Jenson’s face as he takes Nora in is priceless. The best way to describe Nora is June Cleaver. She’s sweet-as-pie and everything about her screams harmless. Right now? I am tempted to hide the forks because she’s got murder in her eyes. Jenson clears his throat and wipes his mouth with his napkin.

  “Nora!” I scold, shocked at her outburst.

  “What? It’s the truth.” She focuses her scowl on me for a moment, before leveling her glare back on him. “This young man fucked up.”

  I gasp, completely thrown for a loop by Nora’s vehemence. I’m about to come to Jenson’s defense when his warm hand covers mine.

  “It’s okay, Dylan. She’s right,” he concedes.

  I try to speak up again, but Nora cuts me off with a look. Jenson gives my hand a comforting squeeze before continuing. His piercing blue eyes are unblinking as he admits his guilt in this situation. My heart aches because he’s taking the blame in something that isn’t just his fault. I’m at fault in this, too.

  “I put you in a situation that made you doubt me. In trying to protect you, I ended up hurting you. I can’t change what happened, but I can promise to not make the same mistakes again.”

  Nora grunts, but Jenson doesn’t stop there. He turns his focus completely on her, as he continues. “Ma’am, thank you for taking such care with the woman I love. I promise you that I will never give Dylan a reason to doubt me again. I’ll do everything in my power to make her and my son happy.”

  A blinding smile spreads across Nora’s face and she delicately wipes under her eyes with her handstitched handkerchief. I can tell that he’s won her over and I breathe a little sigh of relief. Jenson lightly squeezes my hand, drawing my attention back to him. The look of love reflecting back at me is more powerful than anything I’ve ever witnessed.

  I’m so lost in the moment that I nearly jump out of my skin when Nora claps her hands together. “Great! Now that that’s settled, I have to say we’re sure going to miss our girl around here. She was a real lifesaver, what with taking on the reading circle duties at the library.”

  I look back and forth between Nora and Jenson, mouth agape. I want to throttle her. We haven’t talked about my moving back yet. I assume that he’ll want me there and I’ve already decided it’s the best thing for our baby, but I don’t want to assume he’ll be ready to pick up right where we left off.

  It’s only been a day since he found me and discovered I’ve kept his baby a secret from him. There is a good possibility that once it all sinks in, he won’t want me like he once did.

  “Uhm… we haven’t really discussed that yet, Nora.” I try to hide the anxiety I’m feeling, but from the way Jenson’s grip tightens on my hand, I don’t succeed. I’m horrible at hiding my feelings and have the worst poker face.

  “Nonsense. Of course you’ll be going home now, dear.” Her tone expresses how ridiculous the idea of me staying here is.

  “Dylan, love.” Jenson’s voice breaks through my building anxiety. “I don’t want there to be any confusion between us. I fully intend to take you home with me when I leave. I’ll stay here with you until I’ve convinced you to come home. And then once you’re back where you belong, I’m going to marry you and we will raise our son together.”

  My mouth gapes open. Jenson might not realize it, but he just gave me the whole world.

  “Well, you gonna kiss her or not?” Pammy shouts from the counter. I snort out a laugh through happy tears.

  With a cocky smirk, Jenson stands from his chair and pulls me to my feet. The kiss he gives me is toe curling. Definitely not appropriate for public, but I don’t care. I kiss him back with just as much fervor. The few patrons in the diner clap and cheer. I pull away with a blush, and huddle into Jenson’s chest. I swear I live in a constant state of embarrassment around him.

  * * *

  Jenson has been here for a week helping me get ready to move back to California with him. There wasn’t much to pack since I don’t have much more than what I moved here with. In fact, it all still fits into the same large suitcase and duffle bag I had when I left. We’ve spent time with Nora and Bill during the day and at night we reconnected both in and out of bed. It’s been an emotional, yet wonderful week.

  We’re standing next to Jenson’s rental car, saying our goodbyes. Nora’s arms wrap around me in a warm hug. When she pulls away, I see she’s crying.

  “Oh, look at me,” she titters. “I told myself I wouldn’t do this.”

  Bill releases Jenson’s hand after a firm handshake and wraps his arm around his wife’s shoulders. Pulling her in close, he presses a kiss to her temple. “I don’t know who you think you’re fooling with that tough act.”

  I laugh at that, because it’s true. Nora is tough-as-nails and she’s proven that she’s got a protective streak a mile wide when it comes to me, but in reality, she’s a big softy.

  “This isn’t a real goodbye,” I remind them. “You’ll be heading our way in just a couple weeks.”

  Nora and Bill offered to drive my car out to California since there is no way I can sit that long with this huge belly. Jenson has tried to convince me over and over that my pregnant body is even sexier than my non-pregnant body, which made my hormones go crazy—first with tears that he wouldn’t be attracted to me after I give birth, and then again when Jenson explained in explicit detail all the ways he’ll fuck me after I have the baby. His words made me so horny, I could’ve crawled out of my skin.

  “I know. I know. It’s just you’ve become like a daughter to me,” Nora confesses.

  I’ve done a good job at keeping a firm grip on my emotions today, but that has just gone right out the window. Through my tears, I stumble into Nora’s arms. My heart is swelling in my chest for this new family I’ve gained. I went from completely alone in the world to having a fiancé, a mother and father figure, and a baby on the way.

  While they’ll never replace my parents, Nora and Bill’s love and support means the world to me. I’m so thankful for everything they’ve done for me. I’ll never be able to repay the kindness they’ve shown. I tearfully pull away from Nora, knowing that it’s time to leave.

  My gaze lands on Jenson. Bill has him pulled a little to the side and they are talking in hushed tones. I’m not sure what they are discussing, but it appears to be serious. Jenson gives Bill another firm handshake as they separate. I wouldn’t be surprised if a threat of bodily harm was p
art of that manly send off.

  “Call me when you land,” Nora reminds us for the hundredth time.

  Jenson leans down and kisses Nora’s cheek. “I’ll make sure she calls you right away.”

  I giggle at how she goes on about handsome young flirts. Bill just smiles and rolls his eyes at his wife’s antics.

  Jenson helps me up into my seat and kisses my lips sweetly as he clicks my seatbelt into place. With one final tearful goodbye, we’re on our way to the airport and our future.



  “He’s beautiful,” my wife says, her voice tinged with wonder. Her eyes are glossy from tears and if I’m being honest, mine are a little wet, too.

  I lean in and run my fingertip over my son’s soft cheek. My lips brush the top of his head before I press a hard kiss to Dylan’s temple.

  Even with her hair a complete mess and exhaustion painting her features, she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I can’t help but appreciate her beauty. I’m a lucky son-of-a-bitch.

  The hospital room door opens a crack. “Knock, knock. Can Auntie Jackie come in?” she sing-songs quietly.

  Dylan looks at me hesitantly. I may have been a real bear and kicked everyone out of the room while she was in labor. Seeing my girl in so much pain had me on edge, and the happy banter between Jackie, my mom, and Nora drove me over it. My crazy wife wanted a natural childbirth and every contraction wracked her body with pain. I hated every moment. Even now her discomfort is evident every time she shifts on the bed and I can hardly stand it.

  “Come on in, Jacks. Your brother is under control,” Dylan teases. I growl in response, baring my teeth a little. “Mostly,” she amends.

  Jackie laughs, giving me a hug before approaching the bed where my heart is laying.

  “Oh... look at him.” Jackie gasps.

  “Would you like to hold your nephew?” Dylan asks.

  I want to push my way past Jackie and block her from grabbing my son. Ever since I got Dylan back, I’ve been possessive. It physically hurts to be away from her. I know it’s irrational, but I don’t care. She’s mine and she can never leave me again if I’m always by her side.

  I feel the same level of possession for my son—with them together, even more so. I want to secret them away and lock them in the safety of our home. I want to keep them to myself and not share them with anyone.

  “Look at you little man,” Jackie coos. “Does he have a name yet?”

  Dylan and I couldn’t agree on a name so we decided to wait until he was born to pick one. We’ve been so wrapped up in enjoying these first moments as a family, that we haven’t had a chance to discuss it yet.

  Dylan speaks up first, her voice wavers. Exhaustion, stress, and hormones—though I’ll never admit to thinking that last one since I don’t have a death wish—are causing her to be emotional. My poor sweet girl. “No we haven’t. I’m a horrible mother. I can’t even name my baby…” The rest of what she says is lost in a garbled sob.

  I cradle her in my arms, offering my support and strength. Though I admit this is mostly my fault. I wanted his name to be perfect and nothing felt quite right. I feel like an ass in this moment, because I didn’t realize how heavily it was weighing on Dylan.

  “Well, Jack is a great name,” my sister jokes.

  Dylan groans and shakes her head smiling. Jackie has been angling at this since the day she found out Dylan was pregnant.

  The baby fusses and roots against Jackie’s chest. “Sorry, little man. Those are closed for business.”

  Dylan reaches out for our son and Jackie carefully places him in the cradle of her arms. My heart nearly bursts with love as I watch my wife with our child. I hardly notice Jackie showing herself out of the room.

  “What about Zachary?” I ask, running my fingertips lightly over his downy soft head.

  “After my dad...” Dylan starts, but loses her voice to more tears.

  “It’s a good strong name.”

  She looks up at me with pure love and devotion. I press my lips to hers and chuckle a little when Zachary fusses. “We’re going to have to talk about that, little man. Daddy gets to kiss on mommy whenever he wants.”

  Dylan giggles and a soft blush covers her cheeks.

  “I love you, Jenson.”

  “And I love you, my dirty girl.”

  The End


  Once again, I want to start this with a huge thank you to my readers. Thank you for giving my words a chance and for all your support. I’m immensely grateful to each and every one of you.

  They say it takes a village to raise a child, but I’m fairly certain it takes two villages to publish a book. I’m lucky that my villages are filled with amazing people who are willing to put up with me.

  My dear Bee Charmer, thank you for everything. Especially, our late-night pork sword battles.

  My Sanity, thank you for always being there for me when I need you and for supporting me in everything I do!

  Jess, I can’t even. Thank you is a very lame attempt at showing my appreciation, you deserve flashing lights and banners. Or a marching band and choir. Oh! Maybe a statute erected in your honor?

  Penelope, you’re the best. No matter how many times I flail about you always talk me down from the edge with your encouragement.

  Tara, thank you for making everything sparkle and shine.

  Other Books by Rory Reyonlds

  His Hellcat

  About the Author

  Rory Reynolds is a stay-at-home mom of two little monsters. She's a ravenous reader of romance and firmly believes that you can never have too many book boyfriends.

  She writes feisty heroines, alpha heroes, and panty drenching smut with happily ever afters.

  Email: [email protected]

  Facebook: http://bit.ly/2ePjbgL

  Twitter: @RoryReynoldsBks

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  Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2eq5PHW




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