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Icehole Page 2

by Kiera Dellacroix

  She scanned the list of military personnel and noted that they numbered thirteen, including herself. All branches with the exception of the Marines Corps were represented. Five from the Coast Guard, six from the Air Force, one from the Army, and of course, one Navy. She thought that a little odd, but then again, the whole endeavor struck her as odd. Considering the ultimate goal was to investigate several anomalous sonar readings almost a kilometer below the ice. According to estimates and if all went as planned, excavation would reveal the discovery to human eyes by October. There were pages of text describing why the scientists were in such an uproar over the project, but they might as well have been written in Latin for as far as she was concerned. She only skimmed the first few paragraphs before tossing them aside and declaring herself a layman. The scholars were creaming their jeans over the expected find but she couldn’t muster an ounce of excitement, considering relics and fossils to be about as interesting as watching a lump of shit dry in the sun.

  She was more concerned with how she was to occupy herself underground for the next eight months. As soon as the pilot dropped Daniels at McMurdo and returned, the entire facility was to be sealed, allowing no one entry or exit until flights resumed in the far distant summer. She groaned in prediction of a boring eternity spent within the confines of her quarters and again turned to watch the landscape pass by in a never-ending white blur.


  Corky looked up from her computer with a frown when the flashing red light on the ceiling caught her attention.

  So our new monarch arriveth.

  When she got out of bed this morning her first thought was to avoid the new boss lady for as long as she could. However, memories of the scathing lecture she had received from Larry the night before soon assailed her and she thought it prudent to at least give her the benefit of the doubt. She smiled a little, remembering that she had indeed underestimated the man and was going to miss him terribly. Not wanting to give Larry any more reason for worry, she grabbed her jacket and started making her way to the entrance, joining more than one of her colleagues in the halls. All of whom were headed in the same direction and obviously eager to meet the new cheese.


  Malory watched with detachment as the helicopter began to descend between two men standing with flares in the middle of apparently nowhere, their figures a stark contrast against a solid white background. She glanced around curiously for any other hint of population or machinery and came up lacking. Upon touchdown, she removed her seat belt and made to open the door but was called up short.

  “Commander,” Ring said turning in his seat to look at her. “You can get out, but don’t stray away from the aircraft, it’s a long drop.”

  She stared at him confusedly and nodded slightly in agreement, sparing another glance at the environment she found herself in and coming away with nothing but miles of white, featureless ground for as far as the eye could see. When her boots hit the snow, one of the two signalmen approached her and saluted, a young man with blonde farm boy good looks.

  “Commander,” he said loudly over the dying roar of the helicopter blades. “I’m Staff Sergeant Hanson. Please don’t wander. Are you ready to enter the facility?”

  “Yes, carry on,” she said distractedly, more than a little curious to see how things unfolded.

  Hanson looked to the pilot and received a thumbs up and another from his counterpart on the other side of the helicopter before speaking into his headset. “We’re secure, let it drop,” he said and then added. “Commander, please stand inside the barriers.”

  She let her gaze drop to her feet and was surprised when the ground began to sink from underneath her. The barriers made themselves readily obvious as she found herself on a platform about the size of a tractor-trailer. Within a few seconds, a wave of warm air assaulted her and she chuckled as the platform lowered them, helicopter and all, into the facility, the floor of which was about two stories beneath them.

  “Imagine that,” she said quietly.


  Corky looked on with interest as the platform began its descent, her eyes searching for the woman that would no doubt be a thorn in her side for the duration of the rapidly approaching winter. She wasn’t alone in her curiosity, for she couldn’t see a face among the personnel that wasn’t present.

  Her eyes tracked to the figure standing next to the helicopter, which she assumed was soon to be their fearless leader. As the platform got closer to the ground she frowned, the woman was wearing a battered black sombrero that had the front brim pinned back to the crown with the little gold insignia of her rank.

  “She looks unorthodox from here,” Clovis grumbled good-naturedly from beside her.

  “No kidding,” she replied, scrutinizing the woman from a distance. Her features couldn’t be made out, due in part to the glacier goggles that covered her eyes and the shadow her ridiculous hat cast upon her face.

  Corky watched grimly as Larry approached the platform when it completed its journey and offered her his greetings. She wished she was close enough to hear what was being said.


  “Commander Lovecraft,” he said amiably, offering her his hand. “I’m Larry Daniels, it’s good to meet you.”

  “A pleasure,” she said with a smile.

  “We need to get the platform back up. Hanson and Terrel will get your gear stowed in your quarters,” Larry said. “It seems everyone came out to greet you, any objection to introductions?”

  “Not at all, lead the way,” she said cheerfully and followed him off the platform to the group of people waiting in the distance.

  “Great,” he said jovially. “Afterwards, I’ll give you the nickel tour?” He looked at her for approval and got both a nod and another smile.


  “Here she comes, Rivers,” Clovis whispered. “Square those shoulders and puff out that chest.”

  She swatted him playfully. “Shut up,” she added distractedly as she watched the woman stride gracefully in their general direction. They came to a halt in front of Mark Isaaks and her eyes widened in appreciation as the sunglasses came off and the sombrero was swept back to hang from a cord around her neck.

  Oh, my gosh. She’s stunning.

  Corky’s eyes took in the wealth of thick, dark red hair that suddenly flowed down past the woman’s shoulders, the hair framing a face that was classically beautiful and was home to a pair of startling pale blue eyes.

  She was jarred from her thoughts as the woman stopped in front of McNeely and he saluted her crisply. She turned to Clovis and brought a finger to her mouth in a gagging gesture, getting a subdued laugh from her companion.

  Malory saw the pantomime out of the corner of her eye and covertly studied the two as she continued making her way through the line of introductions. Catching the undeniably attractive and dark featured little woman rolling her eyes more than once. About the fourth time the gesture repeated itself, she was more than a little irritated.

  “This is Clovis Stokes, our senior archeologist,” Larry said as she came abreast of a sandy-haired and monolithic man easily six inches taller than her own five-ten height. And from the look of it, almost two hundred pounds heavier.

  “A pleasure,” she said politely, her hand disappearing within the enormous grasp of his greeting.

  “Nice to meet you, Commander,” Clovis replied cheerfully.

  “This is...” Larry started as they moved to stand in front of Corky, who had an expression of mortal boredom etched onto her features.

  “No need for introductions here, Mr. Daniels,” Malory interrupted politely. “I would recognize the janitor anywhere.”

  It took several long seconds and a few audible snickers from those close enough to have heard the comment for Corky to get past the initial shock of being so blatantly insulted.

  Malory beat back a pleased smile as the woman visibly ground her teeth.

  “Actually, this is Corky Rivers, our MD,” Larry said
carefully, afraid that his own amusement might show itself.

  The Commander shrugged indifferently. “My apologies,” she said extending her hand in the brunette’s direction, waiting until Corky’s grasp was within her own before adding, “it was an honest mistake.”

  Corky paled in the effort to keep her composure. “Charmed,” she finally ground out sarcastically, quickly withdrawing her hand.

  “Of course you are,” the Commander said condescendingly before moving on to the next in line, purposely dismissing her as insignificant.

  What a fucking bitch! Corky fumed silently as the woman moved away.

  “And this is...” Larry continued but Malory’s thoughts were miles away. It looks like the next six months won’t be so boring after all.


  The tour ended with Larry showing her to her quarters which consisted of two rooms, one of which served as her office. She noted that all of her gear was stacked neatly against a wall and she took a seat in one of the two chairs that sat in front of the desk, gesturing for Larry to take the other one.

  “The facility is impressive to say the least,” she said conversationally.

  “Yes, it is,” Larry agreed as he seated himself. “Any last minute questions?”

  “A few, if you don’t mind?” she asked politely. “I understand you’re flying out tonight and the facility is to be sealed upon the pilot’s return?”

  “That’s correct. I’m looking forward to spending some time with my family and lounging around in a warmer climate for a few months,” he said with a smile.

  Malory chuckled; she liked the man. “Well then, I won’t keep you any longer than I have to.”

  “What would you like to know?” he asked amiably.

  “The military personnel, what are their current duties here?”

  “Well, from the Air Force there’s Lieutenant Ring the helicopter pilot. Then there’s Tech Sergeant Alvarez, Staff Sergeants Hanson and Terrel, and Airmen Daly and Cohen, all of whom are assigned to flight operations, supply, equipment maintenance, and mechanical,” Larry reported. “From the Coast Guard there’s SCPO Reynolds, the station engineer. PO’s DeSoto and Butler, who manage computer operations and communications, PO’s Percy and Coy are paramedics. From the Army there’s only Sergeant Major McNeely, who oversees day to day operations and takes care of all ordinance and demolition.”

  “Any problems I should be aware of?” Malory asked.

  “Not a one,” Larry said confidently. “All of them have performed flawlessly and have been invaluable in service.”

  “Glad to hear it, “ Malory said in satisfaction. “I’ll meet with them individually over the next few days. Is there anyone among the NSF I should keep an eye on?”

  Larry thought carefully, assessing the woman across from him. There was no mistaking the warning volley she had fired at Corky earlier; indeed, it was the rare person who could flummox the volatile little doctor as easily as she had. In fact, Corky had been suspiciously missing from her post when he had shown the Commander the medical facilities. He supposed it wouldn’t hurt to soften the road a little bit.

  “Dr. Rivers,” he said simply.

  “I kinda figured,” she answered with a grin. “What’s the story?”

  “It’s complex,” he offered lamely.

  “I kinda figured that too,” she said with a chuckle. “Gimme a summary.”

  “Let’s just say she’s had the military run roughshod over her on a few occasions,” he explained. “Some of it’s very personal and she’s still bitter.”

  “Good enough.”

  “Commander, I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that if she were incapable of doing her job, I wouldn’t have approved her position here,” he said hastily. “In fact, she’s one of the most talented doctors I’ve ever met. Despite any personality she might throw at you, underneath it all she’s a very outgoing and friendly person.”

  “Don’t worry, Mr. Daniels,” she said mischievously. “She’ll still have a job when you return.”

  Larry sighed in relief. “I was worried. She knows how to push the envelope.”

  She laughed. “Sounds like a challenge.”


  Malory watched with a nagging feeling of foreboding as the men pulled the ski-equipped helicopter off the platform with elbow grease and the assistance of an ATV. It was the last thing to be done before the platform was raised for the winter. She didn’t know why, but suddenly the idea of being trapped inside for almost eight months was unnerving. They had of course, the means to travel in the event of emergency, but that luxury was all too dependent on the violent Antarctic winter. A winter spent over a thousand miles from any established outpost on an area of the continent that had an average temperature of eighty-seven degrees below zero and was, more often than not, buffeted by wind speeds ranging from forty to a hundred and twenty miles per hour.

  She tried to suppress a shudder as she surveyed the cavernous chamber that served as the entrance and Receiving. She estimated the size of the area to be an acre or larger and the white walls that had been carved from the ice, seemed to be a great deal more ominous now than they had when she arrived. Irritated with herself for her case of the creeps, she was glad to hear Hanson yell out to her.

  “Commander, we’re ready to seal her up.”

  It took her a second to give the order. “Do it.”

  She watched as Hanson spoke into his headset and gave a thumbs up in the direction of a long, narrow window that was situated several meters off the ground in one of the far walls. The distance made it impossible to identify the figure behind the glass of Operations, but she assumed it to be Chief Reynolds.

  The platform started its ascent and she abruptly decided that she didn’t want to be present when it completed its journey. Her first thought was to return to her quarters and begin the tedious task of unpacking, but she changed course impulsively. She had seen Daniels off earlier, watching with interest as everyone had materialized to bid farewell to the man. Of particular note was the diminutive figure who had rushed forward to embrace him, eventually letting him go and quickly retreating down a hallway, wiping at her eyes.

  She entered Medical unnoticed, Dr. Rivers was speaking to the man she remembered as Percy and both had their backs to her. Content to remain unobserved, she waited patiently and inquisitively took in her surroundings, her attention eventually landing on a specimen jar filled with a vile looking green liquid. Morbidly curious, she stepped closer and examined the contents of the container, unable to identify the squishy looking organic mass floating within. Engrossed in her study, she was startled when her presence was finally noticed.

  “Commander,” Percy exclaimed, coming to attention and throwing her a salute.

  “Percy,” she said pleasantly. “Lose the salute or its gonna be a long winter.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said, standing a little easier.

  “Lose the ma’am too,” she added, noting that the doctor hadn’t bothered to turn around or acknowledge her in any way. “Commander or Lovecraft will do in a pinch.”

  “Very well, Commander,” he replied with a little grin.

  “Pass the word, will ya?” she requested. “I don’t wanna have to go through this with everyone.”

  “Will do,” he said. “Is there anything I can help you with?”

  “Nope, was hoping to have a word with Dr. Rivers.”

  “Oh,” he said, standing uncomfortably in place for a moment and then lighting up in sudden understanding. “Oh, of course. Excuse me, Doctor,” he added hastily, skipping into a less than graceful exit.

  Malory watched him leave with a look of amusement, a little miffed that the doctor still hadn’t bothered to acknowledge her. Not wanting to be the first to give in, she hopped up on one of the examination tables, reclining with her hands behind her head and crossing her feet at the ankles.

  The silence stretched into minutes and still the doctor carried on as if she were alone in the
room. Grinning at the back presented to her, she raised eyes to the ceiling and began to count the little holes in the tiles above.

  A full twenty-minutes passed, the silence finally broken when Clovis burst robustly through the door.

  “Hey Corky, I...” he started loudly but trailed off when he noticed the lounging Commander.

  “Uhm... excuse me,” he stuttered.

  Corky finally turned and opened her mouth to speak.

  “Quite alright, Mr. Stokes,” Malory interjected quickly. “Dr. Rivers informed me that she wanted to see me naked at the earliest opportunity.”

  “Uh...” Clovis stuttered but quickly thought the better of it and, with a confused look, simply turned on his heel and left the room.

  Malory turned her attention back to the doctor and grinned unrepentantly at the rapidly coloring cheeks, almost laughing as she observed the woman struggle with her temper. When she finally spoke, it came out as a strangled rasp.

  “What is it you want?”

  “Nothing really,” Malory said, smoothing a pretentious finger over an eyebrow. “Was just looking for a place to rest the feet, my dogs are killin’ me,” she added with a wiggle of her boots.

  Brown eyes narrowed to slits. “I thought maybe you had come to apologize?”

  “Apologize?” she said with mock confusion. “Whatever for?”

  Hands clenched into fists. “Does being in charge entitle you to be a jerk?” Corky asked bluntly.

  “Nope,” Malory replied easily, nonplussed. “I just get off on it.”

  “Metaphorically or sexually?”

  “Perhaps both.”

  “So our little conversation excites you in some manner?”

  “Too early to tell.”

  “Odd,” Corky said thoughtfully. “Scientifically speaking, I was of the understanding that a frigid bitch like yourself couldn’t get wet in the shower.”

  “Oh, that’s more like it,” Malory exclaimed happily, raising herself to a seated position. “Now I’m definitely turned on, would you like to confirm? In the interest of science, of course.”


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