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Icehole Page 6

by Kiera Dellacroix


  When they entered the small lounge it was empty with the exception of the fair featured Lieutenant Ring, who was sitting up asleep on the couch, his mouth hanging open. Malory walked over and nudged him from behind.

  “Looks like your show is over,” she said, gesturing to the blue-screened television when he groggily turned eyes in her direction.

  “Uh... yeah,” he said tiredly, lifting himself to his feet and sleepwalking out of the room silently.

  Malory watched him go with an amused smile and turned to her companion. “So what’s playing?”

  Corky ambled over and opened a large cabinet containing a huge assortment of DVD’s. “You choose,” she offered diplomatically.

  Her eyes widened when she saw the collection. “Oh, cool,” she said happily, ambling over to peruse.

  “You don’t seem to know a lot about this place for being the one in charge,” Corky observed.

  “I’m pacing myself,” she replied dryly, extending a case. “Let’s watch this.”

  Corky looked at the cover and sighed. “Can we pick something else?”

  “What’s wrong with ‘Reservoir Dogs’?”

  Corky just rolled her eyes.

  “Fine, you choose,” Malory said indifferently, walking around and flopping down on the sofa.

  “Okay,” Corky said cheerfully, spending a few minutes going over her possible choices. “How about ‘Hope Floats’?”

  “What’s it about?” Malory asked curiously.

  For an answer, Corky walked over and handed her the case to read, waiting for acceptance.

  “I think I’d rather set myself on fire,” Malory proclaimed, tossing the case on the coffee table as if it offended her.

  Corky closed her eyes and sighed.

  After ten minutes of offers and rejections they finally agreed on ‘Kingpin’. A movie that Malory enjoyed immensely, often laughing raucously at the crude humor that Corky endured with small sighs, eye rolling, and the occasional small chuckle.

  As soon as it ended, Malory spun around in her seat unexpectedly, ending up on her back, her legs dangling over the end of the sofa and her head in Corky’s lap. She stared up at her surprised companion hopefully. “You wanna make out now?”

  “You’re unbelievable,” Corky said, amused despite herself.

  “So is that a yes?”

  “I think I’ll pass,” Corky said with a grin.

  “Come on, you know you want to,” Malory rumbled teasingly.

  Corky brought a hand up to smooth red hair from the face in her lap. Surprised at herself, she tore her hand away as if it were on fire. Displacing the woman from her lap roughly, she stood and took several steps away from the sofa.

  Almost thrown to the floor, Malory resituated herself confusedly and turned a questioning look on her companion. “Well, gee,” she said quietly. “A simple no would’ve sufficed.”

  Corky threw her a regretful look. “I’m sorry,” she said. “Maybe we better call it a night.”

  Malory frowned but nodded her acceptance reluctantly. “Come on,” she said, standing up and gesturing to the door. “I’ll walk you to your quarters.”

  Corky nodded and preceded her into the hall, glancing over her shoulder occasionally at the obviously moping woman. Coming to a decision, she turned when they reached Medical and held out a hand, which Malory tentatively took with a quizzical expression.

  Corky pulled her forward and stood on her tiptoes, planting a gentle kiss on her cheek. “Goodnight, Malory,” she said sweetly and quickly disengaged to retreat into her quarters, closing the door behind her.

  The Commander watched the door close and let a goofy smile take control of her features. She turned on her heel and happily bounced down the hall toward her own quarters.

  “A wimoweh, a wimoweh, a wimoweh,” she sang cheerfully.

  05/02/02 - 0730 hours

  The next morning, Malory entered the mess and was disappointed not to find the doctor in attendance. She poured herself a cup of coffee and took a seat with the educated types, hobnobbing with them cheerfully for close to an hour. When they eventually broke up to go make themselves busy, she rapidly found herself bored. Torn between returning to her office to do nothing and paying the doctor a visit, she chose the latter.

  She burst into Medical with a happy smile only to have it slowly change into a frown; the place was deserted. Disenchanted, she was turning to leave when she spotted an abandoned stethoscope residing upon a countertop. Excited at the discovery, she wasted no time in experimenting with it, immediately putting it on and listening to her heartbeat. When that activity became dull, she began placing it on every object she could find, hoping it would make a noise. She was in the process of clicking Corky’s desk lamp on and off in the hopes that the light bulb would make a cool sound when a throat being cleared signaled that she had been caught playing.

  She turned to find the doctor staring at her from the doorway, her face a mixture of curiosity, peevishness, and amusement.

  “Uhm... I was just...uh...” she struggled, noting Corky’s raised eyebrow and finally opted for the truth. “Okay, I was fuckin’ around.”

  “No kidding?” Corky asked dryly.

  Malory shrugged lamely, watching the doctor set her coffee down and walk over to grab the end of the stethoscope dangling on her chest.

  “This is not a toy,” Corky said sternly and for good measure flicked the sensor sharply and pulled the scope from her ears.

  “Oww,” Malory yelped.

  “What are you doing in here anyway?” Corky asked, trying not to be amused at the chastised look she was receiving.

  “I guess I wanted to see you,” Malory said truthfully.

  Corky looked at her inquisitively for a long moment, unsure what to say in response. “I...”

  “Commander?” the radio on Malory’s waist squawked loudly.

  Irritated at the interruption, she snatched it from her belt. “What?” she barked.

  “Uhm... Commander, are you alone?” McNeely asked strangely.

  “No,” Malory said confusedly. “Should I be?”

  “I think that would be best, Commander,” McNeely suggested.

  “Very well,” she said slowly. “Five minutes.”


  Malory put the radio back on her belt with a wrinkled brow.

  “What was that about?” Corky asked curiously.

  “No idea,” she said quietly. “Uhm... I have to go,” she said awkwardly, making tracks for the door.

  “Malory?” Corky said before she could leave and she stopped in the doorway, turning a pleased look over her shoulder.


  “Drop by my quarters tonight, if you want,” Corky said shyly.

  A slow, shit eating grin. “Should I wear something sexy?”

  “Do you own anything sexy?” Corky asked rolling her eyes.

  “Just my birthday suit.”

  “Come fully dressed.”


  Malory walked the last few paces to the bottom of excavation, breathing heavily. The conversation with McNeely had been cryptic and uninformative, the man only saying that they had found something and her presence was required. She took the last step and let out a relieved breath; the going down was tiring and painfully slow. The men were standing about fifty yards away, apparently standing around and shooting the shit.

  “Sergeant Major,” she yelled out and McNeely broke from the crowd, starting an easy jog over to meet her and she admired him as he approached. Easily a decade and change older than her, the Sergeant moved with an easy grace that spoke of a lifetime of physical conditioning. Other than the dark brown hair above his ears that had started to gray, one would suspect the man to be a least ten years younger than he actually was. His green eyes sparkled with intelligence and hinted at a barely suppressed sly humor.

  “What’s the big deal?” she asked when he arrived.

  “Just come take a look
,” he said with a haunted expression.

  She started striding in the direction of the other men, McNeely falling into pace beside her. “What’s with the cloak and dagger shit, Sergeant? What the hell did you find and why does it smell like a whorehouse at low tide down here?”

  McNeely shook his head. “You’ll need something to cover your nose, the smell is worse over by the guys.”

  Malory watched as he lifted a rag to cover his mouth and nose. Thinking it best to follow the man’s advice, she dug in her pockets for a handkerchief and followed suit. “Sergeant, I want some answers,” she said threateningly.

  “I wish I could give them to you,” he said sincerely.

  She was about to call the man up short but paused as they came in range of the rest of the men, suddenly feeling uneasy as she took in the expressions on their faces. The crowd parted for her and she walked through them to see what they were all so bothered about, coming to an abrupt halt and tightening the grip on her handkerchief.

  Her mind almost refused to process the sight in front of her and she felt her knees go weak. When she finally found her voice, it came out sounding as alien as the appendage protruding through the ice.

  “What in the blue fuck is that?”

  No one answered her and eventually she recovered enough poise to study the find in front of her. About six feet away was what she assumed to be part of an arm, the skin greenish-black and biomechanical in appearance. At the end of the appendage was what she guessed was the creature’s hand, although it only had two fingers and a lethal looking claw that served as a thumb. The fingers themselves arachnid in structure, multi-jointed, and curled around the sides of the wrist like a ram’s horns. The smell was overpoweringly foul.

  Finally, she turned away from the scene and surveyed the faces surrounding her. “Anyone not here that knows about this?”

  “No, Commander,” McNeely said. “I wouldn’t let anyone leave.”

  “Good call,” she said. “Cover that thing with snow and mark it, then all of you join me by the ramp,” she ordered and marched off, her mind already putting up walls to distort what she had seen.

  When she reached the ramp she plopped down on the snow and took off her hat, the portable lights making her warm and so bright she wished she had brought her sunglasses. Some of the men had walked back with her and they followed her example as they waited for the ones who had stayed behind to arrive.

  Eventually, McNeely and Alvarez walked up and she stood to address them. “Well, I guess we all knew they were digging up a spacecraft, we shouldn’t be so surprised to find one of the passengers,” she said quietly. “Personally, I never stopped to think about how alien an alien might be.”

  “No shit there,” Alvarez commented getting a few reluctant chuckles.

  “Mr. McNeely, how satisfied are you with the safety of present working conditions down here?”

  “Went faster than I thought it would, skipper,” he said. “I was gonna give the green light by the end of the day.”

  “Very well,” she said thoughtfully. “I want everyone here to keep this under your hat until tomorrow and I’ll address everyone in the morning. I’m sure more than one of the geeks will get a hard-on over this. However, I feel the need to take some precautions...”

  “I concur with that, Commander,” Reynolds interrupted looking at her questioningly; she nodded for him to continue. “We have no idea what we’re dealing with here, no telling what that thing is gonna look like or be capable of when they dig it out.”

  Malory blinked. “Are you suggesting that it might still be alive?”

  “What I’m saying is we don’t know a damn thing about it. It looked pretty preserved to me, who knows what its constitution might be if thawed out. I would suggest an armed detail to oversee the excavation from this point and to stand guard over anything biological they might pull out of here.”

  “I am in full agreement with Chief Reynolds, Commander,” McNeely said stoutly, prompting several of the men to speak up in conformity.

  Malory played with her sombrero thoughtfully for a moment. “Very well, starting tomorrow I want all military personnel issued sidearms, to be carried until it is deemed unnecessary. Also, I want the men providing security over the dig issued rifles. You’ll see to this Sergeant Major and I’ll want a full accounting on a daily basis.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Additionally, I want to make damn sure that everyone has radios with them at all times. Let’s also see to it that we have constant communication with McMurdo, even if this means going outside daily to clear the dome for the communication dishes. And start keeping a closer eye on the weather. Chief, this is your responsibility.”

  “Yes, Commander.”

  “Lieutenant Ring isn’t down here but I also want the helicopter in a constant state of readiness in the event of an emergency, I’ll inform him when we get topside. Is there anything else that needs to be brought to my attention at this time?”

  She looked around expectantly.

  “Alright then, if an issue comes up take me aside before I address everyone in the morning. Any questions?”

  There were none.

  She put on her sombrero. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”


  Malory scrubbed herself thoroughly in the shower, attempting to wash away the uneasiness that still lingered. Upon exit, thoughts of space monsters were pushed aside in anticipation of an evening spent with the doctor and she hurriedly made herself presentable. Being unable to contain her enthusiasm, she arrived at Corky’s quarters only fifteen minutes after the duty shift.

  When the door opened, Malory beamed what she hoped was her best winning smile. “Hi there!” she said brightly to the woman still dressed in her lab coat and wearing a bemused expression.

  Corky tried not to laugh. “A little early aren’t you?”

  “Am I?” Malory asked in mock surprise. “Can I come in?”

  Corky considered. “Alright,” she said slowly.

  Malory immediately brushed past the little doctor and walked into the room, spotting the cot instantly and flopping down excitedly. “You would think that with all the money they poured into this place they could provide more than a cot for everyone to sleep on,” she speculated cheerfully, casting a come hither look in Corky’s direction.

  “Make yourself at home,” Corky said sarcastically as she closed the door.

  “I will, thank you,” Malory said jovially.

  Corky shook her head. “You know, I haven’t even had time to take a shower.”

  “I don’t mind waiting, go ahead,” Malory said with a happy glance at the extremely exposed shower stall situated in the corner of the room and turned a sly expression back in the doctor’s direction. “I like to watch,” she added conspiratorially.

  Corky didn’t know whether to be upset or amused. “I don’t think so,” she said dryly.

  “Why not?” Malory asked reasonably. “I’d let you watch me.”

  A small chuckle. “Why don’t I meet you in the mess in about half an hour?”

  “Huh?” Malory asked in disappointment. “I thought you asked me to come to your quarters.”

  “I did, but I’m not taking a shower with you in the room.”

  “Would it make you feel better if I joined you?”

  “No,” Corky laughed.

  “Why are you playing so hard to get? I know you’re warm for my form.”

  Corky’s mouth dropped open. “God,” she muttered incredulously.

  Malory grinned shamelessly.

  “I can’t believe you,” Corky said in wonder. “Do you honestly expect to win me over so easily with your ham-fisted charm?”

  “Well...” Malory considered, raising a finger to her lips thoughtfully, “...yeah,” she said as if it were obvious.

  Lips tightened into a tense line. “Not too long ago, I would’ve pissed all over myself in joy if you were to have suddenly died and now you expect me to just jump
in bed with you?” she asked angrily.

  “What better way to bury the hatchet?” Malory asked, spreading her arms invitingly. “Come get some.”

  A sharp breath. “Get out,” she hissed.


  Corky pointed to the door. “Get out.”

  “But...” Malory attempted.

  “Get out, Commander.”



  Malory rose from the cot slowly, belatedly realizing that she had painted herself into a corner. Plans to rectify the situation raced through her mind but one look at the doctor’s red face told her anything she might say or do at this point would not be welcomed. Dragging her feet, she slowly shuffled past the fuming doctor and stepped into the hall, the door loudly slamming shut behind her.


  05/03/02 - 0730 hours

  Still sulking from the night before, Malory emerged from her quarters and sat down in her chair, displacing Little Lovecraft and setting her on the desk in front of her.

  “Well, my friend,” she addressed the toy. “Looks like I screwed the pooch. Any advice?”

  She stared at the doll as if she expected it to answer. “I thought so,” she said despairingly. “Any comments?” she asked and reached out to pull the string.

  “Like I give a shit,” Little Lovecraft said sarcastically and she chuckled.

  “Thanks,” she said with an amused smile. “You always cheer me up.”

  She heard footsteps approaching from the hall and hurriedly stuffed her companion into a desk drawer. McNeely stopped at the doorframe to knock but stopped when he saw her at her desk and she gestured him in. He placed a holstered .45 and two magazines on the desk in front of her.

  She stood to attach the weapon to her belt. “Everybody equipped?”

  “Yes, Commander,” he said. “You were the last.”

  “Anything I need to know this morning?”

  “Not that I’m aware of.”

  “I want everybody to take turns watching over excavation.”

  “I’ll prepare a duty list. I have Alvarez and Cohen slated for the job if they go down today.”


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