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Icehole Page 11

by Kiera Dellacroix

  Corky was assaulted by another round of teasing laughter but she set her jaw and held her ground, clamping down on the impulse to flee from the room. “I shall take your suggestions under advisement. Obviously, I’m not as skilled at it as the rest of you.”

  Her comment delighted the men and they laughed rowdily. Grudgingly, she found their antics to be infectious and began to laugh a little herself.


  Malory remained at her desk until well after suppertime, attempting to fight off the straggling remains of anger that still stubbornly lingered. Since taking command, there had been several injuries to a staff that had endured exactly none prior to her arrival and she was feeling responsible. Firmly entrenched in her funk, it took her a moment to realize that Corky was waiting hesitantly in the doorway.

  “Hiya,” she said gently.


  “Can I come in?”

  “Of course,” Malory said with a frown. “You can come see me whenever you want.”

  Corky entered and shut the door behind her. “You didn’t come to dinner.”

  “I wasn’t hungry.”

  “Someone looks like they’re sulking,” Corky said teasingly, getting a small smile for her efforts.


  Corky walked around and scooted Malory’s chair back so she could plop down on the desk in front of her. “I visited Clovis in his jail cell. He said you were so mad at him earlier he was afraid you were gonna order him shot,” Corky said amusedly.

  “I considered it,” Malory said seriously.

  Corky chuckled and hooked her feet through the arms of the Commander’s chair, slowly pulling her forward. “Expecting any company?” she asked lightly.


  “How fortunate,” Corky said agreeably, leaning forward to kiss her tenderly.

  “Well, Doctor,” Malory said pleasantly when she withdrew. “Whatever brought that on?”

  “I just wanted to,” Corky said casually.

  An evil smile.

  Corky’s brow wrinkled. “Why are you grinning like that?”

  “Because you’re mine now,” she said wickedly.

  “Is that so?” Corky asked haughtily.

  “Uh huh,” she purred. “You’re powerless to resist me.”

  “Does this mean you’re mine too?”

  “I’ve always been yours, it just took me a while to find you.”

  Corky absorbed the words thoughtfully. “That was a sweet thing to say,” she said finally.

  “It’s true,” Malory insisted softly. “I’ve waited my whole life for you.”

  Corky didn’t know what to say in the face of such freely offered devotion, it touched her to the point of being unable to form words.

  Malory read the emotions on her face. “I know,” she said with a smile.

  “Y…you know what?” Corky managed.

  “You love me too, you just can’t bring yourself to admit it,” Malory said smugly. “But you’ll come around.”

  Corky smiled. “ I want you to come around.”

  Crimson brows knitted. “What?”

  For an answer, the doctor pulled her feet from Malory’s chair and leaned forward to turn the Commander’s chair around, wrapping her arms around her from behind and placing a kiss on her neck.

  Malory leaned into the contact huskily. “Now I see what you meant,” she whispered contentedly.

  “So, if you’re mine, can I do anything I want with you?” Corky murmured sexily in her ear.

  “Anything,” Malory confirmed.

  “I’d like to see if I could get you to be as loud as I was last night,” Corky whispered, chewing on an ear playfully.

  “I dunno about that, I’m pretty incredible,” Malory said conceitedly.

  Corky chuckled, dropping her hands to softly knead the Commander’s breasts, pleased when she arched her back and purred at the contact. “I won’t deny that you’re very skilled,” she said teasingly.

  “Gimme a break,” Malory scoffed. “I was so good I almost screamed out my own name.”

  Corky laughed, momentarily pausing in the application of her attentions. “You kill me,” she chuckled, leaning further over the Commander’s shoulders to unclasp her belt, letting the gun and radio fall to the floor through the back of the chair and moving on to the buttons of her fatigues.

  Malory’s eyes dropped to the fingers at her waist, watching desirously as they lightly completed their task and a gentle hand snuck in under the elastic of her panties. She hooked her knees over the arms of her chair in anticipation, shivering with the sensation of the long awaited contact and slowly exhaling the deep breath of a softly contented moan.

  “You’re very wet,” Corky whispered into her ear and curiously withdrew her hand to verify.

  Malory watched the hand emerge excitedly, feeling the doctor’s interested gaze over her shoulder as she examined her glistening fingers.

  “Very wet,” Corky confirmed, flushing powerfully in arousal when her hand was seized and Malory erotically sucked on her fingers, her knees wobbling weakly by the time she was finished.

  “God, Malory,” she stammered.

  “Touch me again,” Malory said hungrily.

  Corky chewed on her neck passionately. “Why doesn’t the Commander rate a larger bed?”

  Malory blew out a frustrated breath, not in the mood to have a conversation.

  “I mean it’s so hard to fit two on a cot comfortably,” Corky said seductively, brushing her hands over Malory’s breasts, smiling at the whimper she emitted at the touch.

  “Don’t tease me,” Malory pleaded hoarsely. “Please touch me again.”

  “I know a way we can both fit on a cot,” Corky whispered, teasing nipples so hard they stood out proudly through the fabric of Malory’s shirt.

  “I’ll do anything you want, Corky,” Malory said submissively, biting her lip at the stir created by the doctor’s caresses.

  “Would you like to be on the top or bottom?” Corky asked, pinching the nipples between her fingers painfully and gleefully soaking up the stifled weep of pleasure.

  “Huh?” Malory rasped.

  “I want to be on bottom, wanna know why?” Corky asked wantonly.

  “Tell me,” she squeaked.

  “Because I want all of you,” Corky said slowly.

  Malory flew to her feet and shoved the chair out of the way, engulfing Corky within her arms and single-mindedly capturing the doctor’s lips with her own.

  Corky wrapped her legs tightly around Malory’s waist as she was lifted bodily off the desk, returning the kiss with equal fervor while the Commander bounced them off the furniture and walls haphazardly in the haste to enter her quarters.

  05/07/02 - 0745 hours

  The first thing Corky noticed upon rising was Malory’s ass, which was inevitable since her cheek was resting on it. They were spread out on the floor, their bodies forming a large ‘T’ in a mass of scattered blankets and an overturned cot. Her gaze traveled down the length of a shapely pair of legs to note that one foot was still wearing a sock. She smiled at the sight and rolled over onto her back for a long, satisfying stretch.

  Her companion was apparently still dead to the world as her soft snoring indicated and Corky rolled back over to place a kiss on her new pillow, happily reliving the memories of the previous evening. Her new lover was relentless in her need to please and be pleased, wonderfully uninhibited, frighteningly passionate, surprisingly submissive, and energetically attentive. Abruptly, her thoughts turned dark and the sated smile she had been wearing slowly transformed into a scowl. Had Malory shared herself in the way she had last night with her previous lover? The idea raised her hackles in jealousy and she rolled over to glare at the sleeping mop of red hair, deciding to ask her about it when she woke.

  Another thing that bothered her was Malory’s easy confession of love. She seemed so convinced and cavalier about it that she felt guilty about not being able to say it back. The Commander
began to stir so she put the thought away for later consideration and turned her attention upon her waking companion.

  “Malory,” she said softly.

  “Hmmm?” she purred contentedly

  “You gonna get up?”


  Corky chuckled and craned her head around to bite her pillow.

  “Hey!” Malory yelped.

  “You didn’t like?” Corky asked coyly.

  “It just tickled,” Malory rumbled.

  A smile. “Can I ask you a question?”


  “How long were you with your lover?”

  “Which one?”

  Corky’s brows knitted angrily. “What do you mean which one?” she asked peevishly.

  Malory chuckled. “You’re so easy.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I guess I set myself up for that,” she said with a sigh. “Are you gonna answer my question?”

  “I dunno,” Malory said quietly. “I wouldn’t consider a few hours of teenage fumbling in the backseat of a car very long.”

  “Is that it?” Corky asked incredulously.

  “Yeah, until I was with you.”

  “But…never mind.”

  “But what?”

  Corky sighed. “You seem so experienced,” she said reluctantly.

  “I finally found the person I was meant to be with,” Malory said softly. “I love her and I love being with her. I waited a long time to experience that.”

  “Malory,” Corky sniffled, touched.

  “Don’t get all choked up on me or I’ll have to fart to lighten the mood.”

  An involuntary snort of laughter. “How romantic,” she snickered.

  “Ya think?” Malory said brightly, lifting a hand off the floor and waving it in Corky’s face. “Here, pull my finger.”

  Corky slapped the hand away with a chuckle. “Don’t be so gross,” she chided.

  Malory dropped the hand back to the floor and shrugged.

  Corky raised herself to a seated position and pulled the covers off the Commander playfully. She frowned in disappointment when Malory didn’t react in the slightest and slapped her pillow, which only resulted in an arousing raising of her hips.

  “Oh,” Malory purred. “Do that again.”

  Corky giggled. “Stop, won’t someone be looking for you this morning?”

  “Nope, McNeely has a crew in excavation today with a few of your nerdy friends.”

  “What are they doing?”

  “Drilling and taking sonar readings to assure me that we’ll not encounter any more pockets and clearing away the cave in from yesterday,” she explained. “I’ll be glad to see the summer,” she added wistfully.

  “Why?” Corky asked apprehensively. “You’re not going anywhere are you?”

  “No,” she said. “But they’ll be sending a lot more people and installing a long overdue elevator in that stupid pit.”

  “It’s not stupid,” Corky defended. “Think about the advances we could make in technology from a find like this. What we could learn.”

  “Did it ever occur to you that maybe we weren’t meant to find this thing?”

  “No,” Corky said thoughtfully. “Why would you think that?” she asked curiously.

  “I find it odd that back in the day when the highest form of life on this planet was probably a lonely protein, those aliens chose the most remote and uninhabitable region on the globe to crash into. What if they did so intentionally? What if they were carrying something that they didn’t want found?”

  Corky hummed thoughtfully for a long moment. “I never considered that but I should point out that there are several planets in our system they could have chosen that offered them a better a chance of never being discovered. I mean, Earth is the only planet in the system that supports life.”

  “What kind of life are you talking about? According to what you guys tell me they would’ve found our atmosphere deadly and who knows, they might consider a planet like Jupiter paradise. And what if they didn’t have the time to make a better choice and took the closest and best option?”

  “Is that what you think?” Corky asked inquisitively.

  “I don’t know what to think but I will say I could’ve lived my whole life without seeing that damn creature you guys pulled out of the ice. It gives me the heebie jeebies.”

  Corky giggled. “You mean our fearless leader is actually just a big ‘fraidy cat?”

  “Perhaps,” Malory admitted.

  “How funny,” Corky said teasingly. “Wait ‘til the guys hear.”

  Malory chuckled.

  “Speaking of the guys, how long do you plan on imprisoning Clovis?” Corky asked. “He feels bad enough about it as it is and he only told Dr. Ballenger to take it off long enough to fix it.”

  “He should have clasped Ballenger to his own harness or instructed Daly to anchor another rope,” Malory said dryly.

  “Malory,” Corky said softly. “Clovis isn’t a soldier, he did what he thought was best, thinking it would only take a minute to correct the problem. It was just a freak accident, the odds of something happening when it did were astronomical. You were awfully hard on him and he was already coming down hard on himself.”

  “Did he ask you to plead his case?”

  “No, he’s a good man, Malory.”

  She sighed. “McNeely pretty much told me the same thing,” she said with a reflective grunt. “Alright, I’ll speak to your pal Clovis later today.”

  Corky smiled in satisfaction and let her eyes roam appreciatively over the form stretched out in front of her. “You know, if I had known how good you looked without your clothes and that dumb hat you wear, I might have warmed up to you sooner,” she said conversationally.

  “Please, you were hot for me from the start,” Malory said knowingly.

  “I wanted to kill you,” Corky said dryly.

  “Fuckin’ kill me,” Malory agreed. “In that order.”

  A laugh. “God, you’re vain.”

  “Nope, I just know the score,” she corrected.

  “Uh huh, and how would you know I had anything else on my mind except your painful death?”

  “Because every time you looked at me, angry or not, you had this little twinkle in your eye like someone was ticklin’ your cooter with a feather.”

  “I did not,” she said in a mixture of indignity and amusement.

  Malory rolled over and cocked an elbow to support her head. “Oh, yes you did. Now, get out from under those blankets and let me look at you.”


  She rose to her hands and knees and advanced seductively, watching in amusement as Corky hastily scooted away only to be trapped against the overturned cot. She lifted the edge of the covers and crawled underneath them, tickling the quaking doctor as she slid up her body, her head emerging from underneath the blankets between Corky’s breasts where she began a trail with her tongue that ended with a soft kiss.

  “I love you.”

  Any reply on Corky’s part was forgotten as the words were followed by a hand that touched her intimately. “Uhm…” she started but was silenced by another kiss.

  “Tell me later, I’ll be back in a little while,” Malory whispered as she disappeared back under the blankets.


  Malory almost skipped into the mess to grab lunch, having seen Corky off about an hour before and already missing her. The doctor had left her quarters reluctantly to go check in on her patient and she herself had gone to see Clovis and let the man off the hook.

  She had just sat down with her long overdue cup of coffee and was eyeballing her burger and fries hungrily when her radio squawked for attention. She tried not to sigh.


  “This had better be good,” she warned irritably.

  “The interior of the section unearthed yesterday is accessible, Commander,” McNeely reported. “They’re requesting more personnel to investigate.”

  Malory chewed on her
lip. “And your feelings on the subject?”

  “From what we gather, It’s about as safe down here as we can make it, seems to be pretty solid.”

  “Let ‘em have at it,” she decided.

  “Understood, McNeely out.”

  She tossed her radio on the table and dove into her food with abandon.


  An hour later, Malory strode into the lounge and shook her head upon spotting Lieutenant Ring reclining in front of the television. Even though the man was second in rank only to her, she sort of envied him. His one and only job was to be a pilot, leaving him pretty much without a place in the chain of command. He had no responsibilities other than to fly the helicopter and since air travel during the Antarctic winter was a suicidal proposition, he pretty much had nothing but time on his hands.

  “Lieutenant,” she said. “Wanna arm wrestle for control of the television?”

  He craned his neck around and gave her a smile. “If I won would I still retain control of the TV?”

  “Nope, rank hath its privileges.”

  He chuckled and picked himself up off the couch. “Then I concede to your superior arm wrestling skills.”

  “Ahh, a wise officer,” she said sagely. “You’ll have a long and prosperous career.”

  “Indeed,” he agreed genially and handed her the remote as he passed. “Your command console, skipper.”

  “Why, thank you,” she chuckled.

  She waited for him to leave and ambled over to peruse the available selections, spending a moment in consideration prior to deciding on an oldie but goodie. She popped it into the machine happily and made herself comfortable on the couch, managing to stay awake just long enough to get through the opening titles.


  Voices slowly pulled her from her slumber and she was dimly aware of being caked with sweat, a nagging fear surrounding her like a malignant mist. She struggled for consciousness, feeling it was just within her grasp as noises were already penetrating the fog, a man and woman were talking only a few feet away.

  “But you need no doors to find God. If you believe…” the woman said.

  “Believe?! If you believe you are gullible. Can you look around this world and believe in the goodness of a god who rules it? Famine, Pestilence, War, Disease, and Death! They rule this world.”


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