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Icehole Page 13

by Kiera Dellacroix

Corky swatted her hand away. “Stop that,” she chided playfully.

  Malory sighed in disappointment. “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Mistress?” Corky said amusedly. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Why nothing, my little dominatrix,” she teased. “By the way, last night was the best night of my life,” she added, placing a kiss on the thigh she was resting her cheek on.

  “It was the best night of my life too,” Corky whispered. “I sort of lost control, I’m sorry. I just wanted you really bad.”

  “That’s nothing to be sorry for,” Malory said seriously. “I enjoy every second of being with you.”

  “Then what’s with the dominatrix comment?” Corky asked huffily.

  “I was just teasing,” Malory said amusedly.

  “Did I do something you didn’t like?” she asked worriedly.

  “Of course not,” Malory soothed. “Short of beating me, I’d probably like anything you wanted to do to me. It excites me when you’re excited and my body is as much yours as it is mine.”

  Corky grunted thoughtfully. “That leaves open a lot of possibilities,” she said slyly.

  “I hope so,” Malory hummed lasciviously.

  Corky stared fondly at the head in her lap. “You give yourself so completely, Malory,” she said quietly. “You’re an unbelievable lover.”

  “Only for you.”

  “Why me?”

  “Because I love you.”

  “How can you say that so convincingly, we’ve only known each other for such a short time?” she whispered.

  “I trust my heart,” Malory answered simply.

  Corky debated with herself for a moment. “Then how is it you say you know I love you too?” she asked finally, eagerly interested in the answer.

  “Because your heart shows what your mind is trying to reconcile.”


  “Your mind tells you there’s a thousand reasons not to love me, but its arguing a case its already lost to your heart. Its just being stubborn.”

  Corky dedicated a moment of thought to that. “And you obtained this mage-like wisdom exactly when in your thirty years?” she asked finally.

  “The day I fell in love with you.”

  “And when was this, how did you know?” she asked inquisitively.

  “I suspected it from the start but I knew for certain the day I called you to my office,” Malory said, rolling over and beaming a smile.

  Corky frowned at the memory. “Uh huh,” she mumbled. “Was that before or after you left me in there to converse with your dumbshit doll?”

  Malory snickered. “It was when you smiled at me even though you hated me and suspected I was up to something.”

  A reluctant smile. “I remember doing that and actually thinking for a second you were charming,” she admitted.

  “I am charming,” Malory said defensively. “And lovable,” she added with a playful smile, looking up at her companion winningly.

  Corky chuckled. “How do you walk through doorways with that fat head?”

  “I take a deep breath.”

  “You’re something else, Commander,” Corky said playfully, leaning over to place a kiss on her forehead.

  “Tell me something I don’t know,” Malory responded smugly, suddenly turning in the doctor’s embrace and nipping playfully at her underwear.

  “Stop,” Corky exclaimed with a giggle. “That tickles,” she added, hastily inserting an obstructing hand between her legs.

  Malory grudgingly subsided and threw a quick glance up to meet smiling brown eyes. “Let me see,” she said seriously.

  “Let you see what?” Corky asked modestly.

  “Don’t tease, let me see,” Malory said gravely.

  Corky immediately felt the flush of arousal and glanced down at blue eyes that were steadily transfixed upon their target.

  “Let me see,” Malory repeated impatiently.

  The flush quickly became all consuming and Corky let a hand lower to pull aside her panties, revealing herself to avidly watching eyes. Her nipples hardened pleasantly in reaction to Malory’s audible breath of anticipation and time dragged on excruciatingly as the Commander made no further movement or requests and just continued to study her from close range. She squirmed under the excitement generated by the intense scrutiny for as long as she could, trying not to crumble. Her resolve faded rapidly.

  “Malory, please,” she asked beseechingly.

  The request was all it took and she was instantly caressed by a long and agonizingly slow stroke of Malory’s tongue that resulted in a sharp exhale and a shiver that ran length of her body. Grinding her teeth, she dislodged her lover gently and clasped her legs together in blockade. Breathing deeply of frustration, she turned a look into questioning blue eyes.

  “I showed you mine, now show me yours,” she demanded.

  Malory blinked confusedly but flopped over on her back almost immediately to wiggle out of her underwear, tossing them across the room hastily when they passed her ankles. Still on her back, she looked up at the doctor quizzically and received a raised eyebrow in response.

  “I can’t see you from there, turn around,” Corky said quietly, watching eagerly as Malory spun around and immodestly spread her legs over both sides of the cot to display herself, her eyes dark with expectation.

  Corky leaned forward seductively to place both hands behind Malory’s knees, slowly forcing her legs up and back until they rested on the panting Commander’s chest.

  “You’ll need to hold these out of the way until I’m finished,” Corky purred prettily. “I want you to watch me do this.”

  Malory readily put her knees behind her elbows, placing her hands under hips to allow herself an even better view of the impatiently awaited event. She bit down on her lip anxiously as Corky hovered and ran investigational fingers over her.

  “God, look at you,” Corky whispered. “You’re so excited,” she added softly and abruptly descended, receiving a hastily muffled squeal at the contact.

  Malory’s head lolled back in pleasure but snapped up almost instantly in perceived denial, shooting a pleading look at Corky that begged her to continue.

  “You have to watch. If you don’t, I’ll stop,” Corky explained maddeningly.

  Malory nodded urgently in acquiescence, rapt eyes ardently studying the proceedings and grunting in animalistic gratification as lips tenderly covered her. She tried desperately to prolong her release but the pointblank observation of Corky’s attentions brought it forward irresistibly and when brown eyes glanced up from their task to meet hers lovingly, it was not to be denied.

  “Corky,” she whined and then it was upon her.

  Corky smiled in satisfaction at Malory’s quick and energetic climax, riding the resulting convulsions out merrily and meeting each thrust of her lover’s hips with equal fervor. Waiting until legs dropped in an effort to get away before finally relenting and trapping Malory’s body beneath her own, falling forward to place kisses on a belly that still shook with the occasional spasm. She waited a moment for Malory to subside and rose to undo the buttons of her jersey, receiving not a whimper of protest as she nursed heavily from the breasts her labor had exposed.

  “Cor…” Malory started.

  “Bend over,” Corky interrupted demandingly, abandoning the attention she was lavishing on the chest below and rising to kneel on the floor.

  Malory swallowed excitedly and rolled off onto the floor. Corky patted a space on the cot and she moved forward to obediently to rest her elbows on the spot the doctor had indicated. Meekly allowing Corky to position her as she wished and suddenly gasping when a hand seized her hair forcefully to pull her head back and the other stroked her skillfully, probing softly for access.

  “Yes,” she rasped throatily, subserviently spreading her legs widely and arching her back in offering.

  All of the fine hairs on Corky’s body bristled with the thrill of Malory’s gift and she placed a soft kiss on her hip before en
tering her delicately. Her mouth dropping open with desire as Malory gripped the far end of the cot with both hands and thrust backward onto her two extended fingers powerfully, imbedding them within her and crying out loudly. Malory trembled slightly in aftermath and then renewed her thrusts dynamically, moving wantonly with needy intent. Her aggressiveness was so passionate that Corky enthusiastically moved to meet her, moaning quietly as her own stimulation grew by leaps and bounds.

  “Take me, Corky.”

  The breathlessly whined words only added fuel to the fire of her own already brightly burning libido and Corky lustfully increased the power and speed of her thrusts, her hand colliding into and against her lover forcefully. Malory responded to every stroke with a hedonistic grunt, her arousal so evident that Corky could feel it trickling down her arm.

  Her whole body pulsated with a previously undiscovered yearning that clamored for immediate attention. Unable to refuse, Corky released the grip she had on Malory’s hair to see to her own urgent demands.

  Malory’s head fell forward at the reprieve and she turned a glassy look over her shoulder, exultantly climaxing as eyes surveyed the scene that greeted her. Her whole body shook with the pleasure of it and she impaled herself on Corky deeply, crying out blissfully in gratification and collapsing to the floor to catch her breath. Letting the sweat of her effort dry slowly, she sighed in contentment as Corky withdrew from her slowly. After a long, calming moment, she rolled over to watch the doctor pleasure herself.

  “I love you,” she said adoringly.

  Corky offered no response but a sharp intake of breath that was accompanied by a rapid escalation of movement from the hand within her underwear.

  Malory moved forward gracefully, taking her time and watching the activity with fascination. “Let me take these off so I can see better,” she requested quietly, pulling on the waistband of the doctor’s underwear and smoothly removing them as Corky fell over onto her back.

  Malory placed a kiss on the back of an occupied hand. “I like to watch,” she offered thickly.

  Corky responded with a little moan, pulling the hem of her nightshirt up over her breasts and raising her legs to provide a better view.

  Quickly captivated, it was only when Corky began to emit a series of rapid whimpers that Malory eased forward to gently replace the frantic finger, sighing happily as legs wrapped themselves around her head in ownership. Her eyes rose to catch Corky experimentally tasting the ends of her fingers and the beast within stirred again.

  05/08/02 - 0700 hours

  Malory awoke face down on the cot and shot an arm out blindly in annoyance, slapping the harshly screeching alarm across the room to crash into silence. She smiled at the weight still asleep directly on top of her, Corky’s breath whispering along the skin of her back pleasingly .

  “She loves me,” she said knowingly.

  “We’ll see,” Corky mumbled tiredly and Malory chuckled.

  “You weren’t supposed to hear that,” she said amusedly.

  “Uh huh,” Corky said around a lengthy yawn. “What time did I fall asleep last night?”

  “It was right after you sprayed me and proclaimed me your bitch,” Malory said seriously.

  “I did not,” Corky giggled.

  “Speaking of which,” Malory said uncomfortably. “I need to use the little Commander’s room.”

  Corky chuckled and rolled off to let her rise from the cot, watching in appreciation as she stretched extravagantly upon standing. Her spine popped audibly several times and she grunted in satisfaction.

  “Geez,” Corky laughed. “Did that feel good?”

  “Yep,” Malory said cheerfully, striding over immodestly to sit down and relieve herself.

  Corky observed in enjoyment. “You’re not the least bit shy, are you?”

  Malory shrugged. “I’m here with you, why should I be?”

  “I dunno,” Corky admitted. “I think it’s sort of sexy actually.”

  “Watching me go to the bathroom is sexy?”

  Corky snickered and rolled her eyes, flopping over on her back to stare at the ceiling. “So, what song are you named after?” she asked over the sound of a flushing toilet.

  “What brought that to mind?” Malory asked inquisitively.

  “Dunno, suddenly curious I guess.”

  “An old Bob Dylan tune, ‘Quinn, the Eskimo’,” Malory said mildly as she stood to wash her hands.

  “Never heard of it,” Corky said. “Are you part Eskimo?”

  “No,” she chuckled. “How many Eskimos have you ever seen with red hair and blue eyes?”

  “Then I don’t get it,” Corky admitted amusedly, craning her head around to look at her. “How does it go?”

  Malory finished drying her hands and turned to Corky with a smile. “Come all without!” she sang noisily as she gyrated ineptly and Corky instantly slapped a hand over her mouth. “Come all within. You’ll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn!”

  “Oh, my God! You’re such a boner.” Corky buried her face in the blankets and laughed delightedly.

  “What?” Malory said indignantly, scowling.

  Dancing brown eyes peeked out at her. “Was that the Cabbage Patch?” she snickered.

  “What are you talking about?” Malory asked confusedly, placing her hands on her hips in annoyance.

  “Never mind,” Corky chuckled. “Maybe it was just funny because I never saw anyone do it in the nude or with such a complete lack of rhythm.”

  Malory stomped her foot irritably and Corky hid her face again to indulge in a fresh gale of laughter.

  “I do too have rhythm,” Malory protested childishly.

  Corky rolled over and regarded her lover with a teasing smile. “Whatever you say, Deputy Fife,” she snickered and sat up to launch into a comically exaggerated and manic Don Knotts impersonation. “You’ve got to nip it! Nip it in the bud!”

  Corky fell onto her back guffawing in hilarity and Malory growled huffily before pouncing on top of her.

  Corky shrieked with laughter and thrashed about wildly, struggling fruitlessly to get away from the Commander’s tickling fingers.

  “Malory stop!” she pleaded desperately.

  The tormenting fingers gradually came to a halt and Malory cast a narrow-eyed gaze upon her heavily breathing companion, waiting until she let her guard down and then darting forward to capture a nipple between her teeth.

  Corky yelped and swatted the top of Malory’s head. “Why did you do that?” she asked confusedly.

  “Don’t tease me,” Malory stated immaturely.

  Corky grinned. “Somebody can dish it out but can’t take it,” she announced playfully.

  “Maybe,” Malory admitted quietly, placing a tender healing kiss on Corky’s breast.

  Corky petted the head on her chest softly. “Aww,” she soothed. “Don’t be such a big baby.”

  Malory mumbled incoherently and lay her head on Corky’s stomach.

  “I’m so exhausted,” Corky said after a moment. “And my tummy kinda hurts.”

  “Maybe it’s something you ate?” Malory offered slyly.

  “Ya think?” Corky asked with a chuckle.

  “Could be,” Malory speculated. “Maybe from now on I should wipe front to back.”

  Corky’s face slowly scrunched up in disgust. “That’s revolting.”

  Malory chuckled juvenilely.

  “You would horrify my mother,” Corky predicted sadly. “I’ll have to train you before you meet my parents.”

  Malory smiled. “You want me to meet your parents?” she asked excitedly.

  Corky groaned internally at the unconscious slip but forged ahead bravely. “Yeah,” she said quietly. “Yeah, I do.”

  Malory squealed girlishly in delight and crushed the doctor in an enthusiastic embrace. “Told you.”

  Corky rolled her eyes but played along. “Told me what?”

  “You love me,” Malory stated triumphantly.

  Corky grunted indiffere

  “Commander?” the radio squawked.

  “Damn it,” Malory said immaturely, rolling over Corky to snatch the radio from the nightstand. “Go ahead.”

  “You said you wanted to look at the second container this morning,” McNeely said.

  “Yeah, I do. But does it have to be so early?”

  “No,” McNeely chuckled. “I just assumed sailors rose with the sun like the rest of us grunts.”

  “Is the ship sinking?”

  “Not that I’m aware of,” McNeely said in obvious amusement.

  “Then let me take a shit, shower, and shave and I’ll get with you later.”

  “Understood,” he said around a laugh. “McNeely, out.”

  Corky listened to the conversation with interest, a small scowl etching her features, she opened her mouth to speak but was silenced by a heavy breast that squashed into her face as Malory rolled over her again to put the radio back.

  “God, these cots suck,” she said irritably. “They’re too small.”

  “Tell you what,” Malory said charitably. “If you’re a good girl, I’ll requisition a larger one for summer.”

  “Really?” Corky asked. “Can you do that?”

  “Sure,” she said casually, noting the slight scowl being directed at her. “What’s with the look?”

  “It bothers me a little that you get along with everyone so easily,” she admitted. “You can be one of the guys and one of the girls. How do you do that?”

  Malory grunted thoughtfully. “I never really thought about it,” she said honestly. “Why would that bother you?”

  “I guess it makes me feel like I’m being left out of something,” she answered slowly.

  “Corky,” Malory soothed. “In an official capacity, I’m in charge here and there are parts of that you can’t be involved in. But personally, I’m yours completely and would never intentionally exclude you from anything.”

  She grunted, slightly mollified.

  “Would it make you feel better if I let you have your way with me?”

  A small smile. “Would you let me spray you?”

  Malory laughed. “You’ve already done a pretty thorough job of marking me. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was another pack of cigarettes outside my door.”


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