Tristan_Intergalactic Dating Agency

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Tristan_Intergalactic Dating Agency Page 1

by V. Vaughn


  V. Vaughn

  Sugarloaf Press

  Copyright © 2017 by V. Vaughn

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover by Croco Designs

  Editing by Jodi Henley and Angie Ramey

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  About This Book

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  About the Author

  About This Book

  Everything Cassie Nichols hoped for in life has finally fallen into place. She’s madly in love with her sexy alien husband Tristan, has a client who will make her a partner at her law firm and a baby on the way. But her perfect life falls apart in an instant when she’s taken to the hospital and discovers she has to be on bedrest until her child is born. The condition puts her job in jeopardy, and threatens the financial stability of her family. To make matters worse a startling discovery about Tristan is made. One that could land him in jail. As Cassie tries to save everything she’s worked so hard to get she discovers she can’t do it alone. But can she find a way to trust the Tristan she thought she knew?

  Chapter 1

  “I’m pregnant,” I say to Tristan, my alien husband who came to earth for me through the Intergalactic Dating Agency. I let out a sigh and plop down on the couch in the living room of our high-rise apartment where it seems like he’s been camped out since we returned from our honeymoon five months ago. He’s writing the great Eroscian-American novel.

  Tristan sets his laptop down and shuts the cover with a click to give me his attention. He blinks for a moment before he grins. “Really? This is fantastic news!” But he frowns when he notices my scowl. “What’s wrong, Cassie?”

  “The timing sucks.”

  He nods. “Your big case.”

  Not long after we got married, I landed a big client coveted by every associate who is aspiring to be partner, and Tristan knows how important it is to me. I thought the stress of my job was what was making me tired for the last twelve weeks, but now I know I’m in for months of this exhaustion as I form another body inside mine. I let out a sigh. “I’m about to have my brain cells sucked out by a baby, and it’s going to seriously impact my effectiveness.”

  “I don’t think that’s how it works.”

  I shake my head because I forget my alien husband doesn’t always understand my words. “It’s a figure of speech meaning pregnant women tend to be forgetful. Most likely it comes from being tired all the time since our bodies are working overtime.”

  “Oh. Well whatever you need me to do so you can get enough rest, I’m on it. Unless...”

  I let out a small noise of disgust at myself. Tristan and I talked about having a family and decided while we wouldn’t actively try just yet, we also wouldn’t keep it from happening. Especially since I’m approaching thirty. I say, “I’m sorry. I’m not expressing myself very well. I do want our baby.”

  I smile when he grins at me. Falling in love with Tristan was easy. Not only is our physical chemistry through the roof, as my pregnancy only weeks into our marriage proves, but he’s happy taking care of household duties like cooking and cleaning. For the first time in my life that I can remember, it’s not my responsibility to scrub the toilet or make sure there is milk in the refrigerator. He’s going to make a great stay-at-home dad. I snuggle up to him and soak up the warmth of his warm body. When he puts his arm around me, I push my pessimism aside. “I hope he has your eyes.”

  Tristan chuckles. Eroscian eyes have irises that actually swirl with their color, and he knows how much I envy his. “You want a boy?”

  I place my hand on my stomach as I think about why I assume my baby’s male. It’s likely because men in my life have always made things harder, because I don’t really have a preference what sex my child is. “I don’t care as long as our baby is healthy.”

  “Want me to see if I can tell?” asks Tristan. Eroscians can get inside humans with their mind. They can see things as well as make us feel stuff like warmth or subtle pressure, but it’s not something most will do without permission.

  “I’m not sure you can,” I say. “Our baby isn’t much bigger than a lime right now.”

  “I have my ways.” Tristan winks at me before he places his hands on my belly and leans down to whisper, “How do you feel about football?”

  I chuckle and push him away. “Very scientific.”

  He shrugs. “Apparently our child is too small to talk too.” He pops up from the couch and reaches for me with his hands. “We need to go shopping.”

  “What?” I let him pull me up. “We have plenty of time to get things, Tristan. Like six more months.”

  “No we don’t. We need to get the book that tells you everything you’re supposed to know.”

  I recall the book he’s talking about. We watched a clip about it on TV the other night. A new version with chapters for Eroscian men has just been released. Since he’s going to have a million questions about how we deal with childbirth on Earth, I decide that’s a good idea. “Okay, but I’m starving. I need to eat first.”

  Tristan’s face falls as he sighs. One of the things I love about my husband is how he finds adventure in simple activities, so I say, “Tell you what. Instead of cooking tonight we can go to the diner after the bookstore instead. We can even invite Jake and Hannah if you want.” Jake is the Eroscian husband of one of my best friends, Hannah. He and Tristan hit it off right away, and they spend more time on the phone chatting than most of my women friends do.

  He grabs my shoulders and says, “Deal,” before he kisses me. He breaks away quickly. “We’re having a baby!”

  I let out a yelp when my husband lifts me off my feet and twirls us around. He sets me back down as I chuckle. It’s hard not to be excited with his enthusiasm, and I smile. “We sure are. Are you ready for this?”

  “You’re the one doing all the work. Before our baby arrives, I’ll have had plenty of time to prepare.”

  I don’t have to ask if Tristan’s rethinking being the one who stays home with our children. It was one of our first discussions, and he made it clear he has no issues with me being the breadwinner. My stomach clenches thinking about my work. “I suppose you’re right. I’m going to go change,” I say.

  While I make a comfortable living, I’m just starting to get used to the extra expenses of adding Tristan to my household. How much more is a baby going to cost? My husband is a writer with dreams of being a novelist. I told him I didn’t care if he worked at a job that brought in money, and to go ahead and work on his craft without fear of paying the bills. Things are certainly not tight, but with another mouth to feed and all the things a baby needs? And if he’s staying at home taking care of our child, how is his writing career going to have a chance?

  My closet door scrapes open as I slide it, and I slither out of my suit jacket. Once I landed the client who will make my career, I thought I was setting myself up to handle the costs of a family easily. But now? I’m afraid maybe we got pregnant too soon. What if it means I can’t handle the pressure and time requirements of a high-profile case and have to bow out?

  I shake my head at myself as I wiggle into a pair of j
eans that will soon be too snug to wear. More than anyone, I know the best-laid plans can go awry. I suppose it’s fitting that one more thing in my life is a struggle. I walk over to my dresser and take off the pearl earrings I wear to work every day. They’re a treasured keepsake of my mother, who died when I was a little girl. She, too, was a lawyer and the reason I became one.

  A brush rasps through my locks as I pull it through hairspray residue and make a ponytail. Once my mother was gone my life changed. My father fell into a bottle of whiskey and never resurfaced. After a few years he ran out of money, but by then he was too far gone to do anything about it, and I took over as the head of our household.

  I could have been bitter and crept into a dark hole like my dad, but it’s not in my DNA to settle for what comes my way. Before the men on Earth were nearly wiped out, I was called a bitch by my male colleagues. But I like to think I’m a fighter, driven to rise to the top.

  I glance at the picture of my mom holding me in her arms. It occurs to me that she managed to make partner at her firm after having me. At that time my father was a stay-at-home dad, even though it wasn’t as common as it is today. I think before my mother died he was probably good at it too. I have no doubt Tristan will be great considering the way he already nurtures me. I kiss my finger, and the glass of the picture frame is cool under my finger tip as I place it on my mom’s image. I can do this. And I will.

  Chapter 2

  Plates clash and conversations buzz in the diner as Tristan and I wait for our friends. After we order drinks, Tristan pulls out the book we bought. The pages rustle as he thumbs through it. “There’s a section about being pregnant at work.”

  I can’t imagine it will tell me anything I don’t know, but I humor my husband. “Um-hmm.” I sip on my seltzer, and bubbles tickle the back of my throat as I swallow.

  He grins as he glances up at me. “There’s one about pregnant sex too.”

  I chuckle and lean in close to speak softly. “You’ve been having it for a few weeks now.” The memory of what my sexy alien does to me makes me blush a little and I say, “Maybe you should write that book.”

  He waggles his eyebrows at me. “Maybe I should. But...” He frowns. “What is it you say? I don’t kiss and talk?”

  I grin at him. “Kiss and tell.”

  “Right.” He leans forward and places a hand on my knee as he grins. “Got any plans for after dinner?”

  I open my mouth and put my hand over it as I fake a yawn. “I’m awfully tired. Maybe I’ll call it an early night.”

  “Excellent plan.” Tristan gives me a knowing look as he slides his hand further up my leg. “I’ll tuck you in.”

  I chuckle as I stop his traveling hand and think about how lucky I am that my alien match is so perfect. I don’t think I’ve ever been happier. I say, “I bet you will.”

  A girl calls out, “Hey, guys!” and I glance over to see Hannah and Jake coming toward us.

  I scoot over as they join us in the booth. Hannah is practically bouncing as she says, “I’m so glad you called us, I have some exciting news to share.” Since I know she and Jake are trying to get pregnant I look at her expectantly. She says, “We’re having a baby!”

  “That’s so exciting.” I hug my friend and then glance at Tristan. He looks like he’s about to explode so I nod at him.

  Tristan lets out a breath of air as if he was holding it in. “We are too.”

  “Nice!” says Jake as he and Tristan exchange high fives.

  “Really?” asks Hannah. She hugs me again. “Oh my gosh. Congratulations. We’re going to be moms together!”

  “When are you due?” I ask.

  “December second.” You?”

  “November first.”

  Hannah frowns, and I think it’s because she believes I’ve been keeping my pregnancy a secret. I say, “I was taken by surprise. I mean we weren’t even trying, and even though I’ve been tired, I’ve been so busy with my new client it never occurred to me I was pregnant. I just found out this afternoon.”

  Hannah shakes her head at me. “You work too hard, Cassie.”

  “She does,” says Tristan. “But you know how our girl is.”

  “Driven,” says Hannah as she grabs my drink to take a sip. The waitress appears and I say, “I’ll take the burger, medium, and French fries.”

  “She’ll have a side of steamed broccoli too, please,” says Tristan. He winks at the girl. “We’re having a baby.”

  Jake says, “Us too.” She smiles as she writes on her pad and I chuckle at how proud the guys are. Once our orders are in and the waitress walks away, Jake asks me, “What kinds of foods are you craving?”

  I think about how hungry I’ve been lately, and since I attributed it to the stress of my high-profile client I’ve been focused on eating right to keep the extra pounds at bay. I shrug. “I don’t know. I’ve been living on Oliver’s shakes for breakfast so that’s good, right?” Our friend Morgan’s alien husband, Oliver, invented a nutritional energy powder that’s taking the world by storm, and I’m a convert.

  “No late night trips to the store for ice cream?” Jake asks Tristan.

  “Not yet.” He reaches over for my hand. “Cassie knows I’d go if she asked.”

  I smile at him. “You do take good care of me.”

  Hannah says, “Jake does the same. And he’s got me eating so well every night I’ve just about forgotten I used to survive on chips and toaster pastries.” She reaches down to her stomach. “This baby has me eating a lot though.”

  I smile when I recall that Hannah’s not exaggerating. She found herself an alien who loves to cook, and he takes care of her in ways she really needed. I ask, “Have you told Morgan yet?” I think about our friend who now lives on a big farm about an hour outside the city. She and Oliver had a little girl last fall.

  “No. I was waiting until we saw them again on Saturday. You’re still coming to dinner, right?”

  “Oh.” I think about how much work I have to do for a motion I’m making on Monday and frown.

  “Don’t give me that look,” says Hannah with a stern voice. “We haven’t seen you in forever. Do you even remember the last time you talked to Morgan?”

  The three of us girls used to get together no less than once a week when we were all single, but since we’ve all gotten married we don’t see each other as often. I say, “It’s been a while, but it’s not just due to my schedule. Morgan’s busy being a mom, too.”

  “Well she managed to get a babysitter, and you know whatever Jake makes is going to be amazing. No excuses. Even the most successful lawyer in town needs a break once in a while.”

  Tristan nods as he waits for me to agree. I sigh. “Fine. We’ll be there.”

  “Oh,” says Tristan. He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a tin of tea. He hands it to Jake. “This is the stuff I was telling you about.”

  I tease my husband. “You’re letting him in on the secret stash?” A while back, I represented the first alien to be arrested for caffeine consumption. It was a high-profile case, and the media had a heyday with it. Accusations were raised that our president had knowledge of the issue and did not address the problem. While I think the rumors have merit, it muddied the waters for my case, so I publicly stated that, until proven otherwise, the accusation against President Stone was a smear campaign. A week later, a package came to my home. It didn’t contain a note, but the tins of tea with the presidential seal and text on the back detailing the story of the president’s desire to provide a safe alternative to coffee for aliens made me assume it was a thank you gift from the president herself, and some intern overlooked including a card. The mix of herbs supposedly provide energy benefits similar to coffee, but in a non-addictive form for aliens.

  Hannah takes the container of tea from Jake. “Presidential tea. I saw something about this on TV. Does it really work?”

  Tristan smiles at her. “It does. I’ve only tried it once, but it gave me an amazing amount of ener

  Plates thump before us as the waitress sets them down, and I inhale the intoxicating odor of my burger. Now that I know I’m pregnant, I’m going to give in to my hunger. We’re all quiet as we begin to eat, and I let out a little sigh of appreciation when I taste my first bite.

  Hannah says, “I know,” she holds a fork full of meatloaf in the air. “I feel like a cavewoman with the way I’m craving beef.”

  I speak over my mouth full of food I can’t seem to shove in fast enough. “Me too.”

  The two of us continue to eat quickly and make little noises. When I’m done, I resist the urge to lick my plate and notice Jake and Tristan watching us with confused looks on their faces. “What?”

  Jake turns to Tristan. “I’m a little afraid right now.”

  Hannah looks at me and starts to laugh as she drags her finger along her plate for the last of her mashed potatoes. “We’re kind of gross.”

  I glance down at the ketchup on my shirt. “Yeah.” I should be horrified at myself, but somehow it’s funny to me too. I tilt my head towards the guys. “It’s their fault. We were civilized earth girls before they came along.”

  Hannah reaches over and snags one of Jake’s carrots. “Exactly. It must be the alien influence.”

  “Definitely.” I let out a sigh of contentment and lean back to loosen my jeans.

  “Full?” asks Tristan.

  I shake my head. “I was making room for ice cream.”

  Jake grins. “I knew it.”

  “Hmmm.” Tristan reaches for the book we bought tonight, and he flips to the back. “Ah ha!” he says. He reads out loud. “Erocian dad, don’t be alarmed if your wife has an insatiable appetite. Your alien genes may trigger a primal instinct in her neither of you knew existed. Don’t worry. The extra—” Tristan cuts himself off and looks up. “I guess it’s normal.”


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