Montana's Way

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Montana's Way Page 7

by Shelia M. Goss

  Sean disagreed. “We’re not sure if Driskoll hasn’t already set things in motion.” Sean pulled out his phone. “Norman wants me to give him ten million dollars, but that’s not going to stop him from doing what he plans.”

  “Driskoll is not a threat. My men will see to that,” Agent Sleeves boasted.

  “Driskoll is not just one person but a team of people who will do whatever Norman tells them. Right now he’s angry and he’s set to make DFW an example of what his ultimate goal is, and that’s to bring the people of our great country to their knees. As a soldier, I cannot and I will not let that happen. So I’m asking—no, I’m begging—you to do as Troy has asked so we can all work together and save the citizens of this great city.” Something Sean said must have softened Agent Sleeves’ stance. He saw him lean over to the man seated to his right side and whisper. The guy got up and left the room.

  “He’ll take care of that. In the meantime, we need for you two to tell us as much as you can.”

  Sean leaned over the desk and shared as much as he cared to share with the Feds.


  Montana eased her body down in the hot bubbling water. She exhaled as she felt the tension leave her body as she lowered herself into the tub.

  All was well in her world at this moment in time. Savannah was safe. Nothing else mattered. She leaned back in the tub and closed her eyes. Visions of Sean filled her thoughts. She smiled as she reminisced about their kisses. Whenever they kissed, the world seemed to get small and they were the only two who mattered.

  Her hand eased its way underneath the bubbles. Her body temperature rose as she thought about Sean touching her in her most intimate spots. Her hand eased in between her legs. She imagined Sean planting kisses. She moaned as the heat built up in her body. She used her fingers to pleasure herself as she called Sean’s name out loud several times while reaching a climax.

  A knock on the door broke the trance she was under. Asia yelled from the other side, “Montana, are you okay in there? You’ve been in there an awfully long time.”

  Montana chuckled. Asia would mess up a wet dream. “I’m fine. I’ll be out shortly,” she yelled loud enough for Asia to hear her.

  Montana washed off and dressed in something comfortable. Both of her sisters were sitting in the living room. Savannah lay on the couch, staring at the ceiling. Asia sat on the loveseat with a laptop in her lap.

  “What’s up?” Montana said, as she plopped down right beside Asia.

  “I’m trying to look up more information on those people who took Vanna. And, sis, there’s a lot of bad stuff here.”

  “Like what? Tell me something I don’t already know,” Montana said as she leaned over so she could also see the computer screen.

  “Driskoll is some rogue organization who blames the government for everything. They went on a killing spree in Arizona a few years ago. Remember the time when a lot of the mayors of towns in that state were targeted? Well, Driskoll is the organization behind it.”

  “Wow. That’s why I’m thanking God that Vanna and Troy made it out safely.”

  “Driskoll is the name of the founder who died right before they did the Arizona massacre. Sean was one of the ones instrumental in capturing who was said to be the mastermind behind the plan. Up until yesterday, Driskoll had been quiet,” Asia said.

  “I wonder why they chose to do something now,” Montana commented.

  Savannah sat up. “There’s something I need to tell you.”

  Montana and Asia both looked in Savannah’s direction. Savannah continued, “Although I wasn’t physically tortured, I was mentally. They sat me in a chair and the moment I sat down on it, a bomb was activated.”

  Montana felt a panic attack coming on, but took a few deep breaths to calm down. “Are you serious?”

  Savannah said, “Very much so. If Sean didn’t know how to deactivate it, I wouldn’t be sitting here with you now. It’s possible he and I would have blown up when that building exploded.”

  Montana said, “Thank you, God,” several times.

  “That Norman guy is pure evil. His eyes were coal black and empty. I swear it looked like he didn’t have a soul behind those eyes.” Savannah’s body shivered as she spoke about him.

  “We can’t just sit back and let him get away with this,” Montana said.

  Asia stated, “Let’s let Troy, Sean, and Mike handle this. They are the experts.”

  Montana disagreed. “I know but, sis, there has to be something we can do.”

  Savannah said, “There is. I think I know where he’s going.”

  “We need to call Sean and Troy and let them know, Vanna.”

  Asia pulled out her phone. “Call them.”

  Montana dialed Sean’s number but kept getting his voice mail. “What’s Troy’s number?”

  “I don’t have his new number,” she responded.

  “Dial 972-555-2030,” Asia said.

  “Hello, you’ve reached the right number but at the wrong time. Please leave a message,” Mike’s voice mail recording said.

  Montana handed Asia back her phone. “Okay, nobody’s answering their phone. Let’s get dressed and head to their office.”

  “I guess we’re riding with you since I have no car,” Asia said.

  Savannah asked, “Where’s your car?”

  Asia looked at Montana. “Should I tell her, or do you want to tell her?”

  Montana gestured that the floor was hers. She left the room to find her shoes as Asia informed Savannah of Asia’s car exploding. When she made it back downstairs they were waiting for her at the front door.

  “Maybe we should check your car for a bomb too,” Savannah said with a serious face.

  Montana’s heart went out to her sister. Her ordeal had to have been traumatizing. “Everything’s okay. Remember, the guys had everything checked out.”

  They slipped into the car. She waved at one of Troy’s men as she backed out of the driveway. Thirty minutes later she was at the gate of Troy and Sean’s office. The guard recognized them, but asked, “Are they expecting you?”

  “No, but . . .” Montana responded.

  Asia leaned over and said, “Call Mike and tell him we’re here.”

  The guard talked into his phone but in a low voice. He released the button to the gate. “Someone will escort you inside.”

  Montana drove through the gate and parked in the nearest empty parking spot. Mike met them at the door.


  Sean and Troy were at the Federal Building for at least five hours sharing information with the agents and trying to devise a plan that they both were satisfied with. When they were getting back in Sean’s car, that’s when he realized he had some missed calls. Several of them were from Montana. He dialed her number right away.

  He was happy to know they were okay but wasn’t too happy to find out they were at the office. He got off the phone with Montana and said. “Those three are going to be a problem,” Sean said to Troy.

  “Stubborn and the Blake sisters go hand in hand.”

  “I see that,” Sean said as he drove to the office.

  When they arrived, Sean eased into the closest parking spot he could find.

  The ladies were so wrapped up in what was on the computer screen that none realized they were no longer alone.

  “I thought I told y’all to stay at your place,” Sean said, looking directly at Montana.

  Montana swiveled her chair around. “Last time I checked, I was a grown woman and could do whatever I please.”

  “You are definitely all woman,” Sean said as he licked his lips.

  Troy cleared his throat. “Savannah, you should be home resting. You’ve had a grueling twenty-four hours.”

  “And so have you. More so than me and you haven’t gotten any sleep yet,” Savannah noted.

  “I will in due time,” he responded.

  Asia interrupted, “Hey, I know all of you lovebirds are a little testy right now but we got some important things g
oing on.”

  Asia handed Sean a printout. Sean didn’t want to know how Asia was able to tap in to what was supposed to be confidential information. She was Major’s daughter so that was all the answer he needed.

  The information on the print out wasn’t a surprise. He and Troy had just been debriefed on it by the Feds. Details of some of Driskoll’s past crimes as well as information the Feds received from an informant of some future plots Driskoll had planned to execute were listed. The list only confirmed what Sean already knew. Driskoll was a psychopath that needed to be off the streets.

  Sean’s phone rang. He noticed the same strange “999” number so he knew it had to be Norman. He hit the speaker button.

  “I see you’ve been talking to the Feds,” Norman was no longer using the computer generated voice, as he spoke on the other end of the phone.

  “Norman, you left me no choice. We got the chip you implanted in Troy’s arm.”

  “You were supposed to find that after I delivered Troy’s dead body to your doorstep.” Norman sounded disappointed.

  “This has to end.”

  “I promise you if you give me the money and meet some of my other demands that nothing will happen. I will have my men destroy the vials and we both can go on living our happy lives.”

  “I have the ten million dollars but there’s one problem,” Sean said.

  “And what’s that?” Norman asked.

  “I don’t know if I can trust you. How do I know you won’t pull the okey-doke on me?”

  “You don’t. But I’m telling you, I may be many things, Sean, but a liar is not one of them.”

  Sean eased in the chair so he could get more comfortable. “Everyone lies, Norm.”

  “It’s Norman. Have some manners.” Norman sounded agitated.

  “Norm, tell me, how can I guarantee you won’t go ahead with your plans?”

  “You’re not going to ask me what my other demands are, Sean? Don’t you want to know?”

  “At this point, does it really matter?”

  “Do you not care about people?”

  “Look. Norm. I’m tired of playing this game with you. It’s getting old. Either you’re going to give me something I can work with, or you can forget everything.”

  Norman laughed out loud. Then they all heard a loud boom as if he slammed his hand against something. “You’ve forgotten who is in control. The same way I got to your friend is the same way I can get to you. Do you think you can really stop me from doing what I want to do? No. I have people in many places. How do you think I found out about you, Sean? Answer that.”

  Sean wanted to know how he knew about the bond he and Troy shared. Did they have a mole among them? Sean didn’t want to doubt anyone on their team, but in this line of business, sometimes money overrode loyalty.

  Sean said in a calm voice, “Norman, you’re right. You have all of the control right now. All I want to do is make sure you get what you want and I get what I want. And what I want is for the citizens of this city to be safe.”

  “They will be, if you abide by my wishes.”

  Sean stated, “I know you want the ten million dollars. What are your other demands?”

  Mike mouthed the words, “Got him.”

  Norman said, “I want you.”

  Sean remained quiet. Norman kept talking. “I want you and that will save the people. Are you prepared to be a sacrifice for millions, Sean?”

  Troy shook his head no, but Sean ignored him. “When do you want this transaction to take place?”

  “Tomorrow. I will call you back with the time and location.”

  “Before that happens, I need some assurance that we get all of the vials you have and that you will call off your whole operation of poisoning the water system.”

  “Sean, you have my word. I will leave the vials in a black suitcase at the designated location for one of your comrades to get. But, Sean, if I think there’s any funny business going on, not only will I kill you, but we will move forward with our plans and then your death would be in vain. And we don’t want that to be the case, now do we?”

  Sean knew that he was embarking on something dangerous. He had to do whatever he could to save lives. He made that vow when he became a member of the military, special forces, and when he decided to join Troy in their security operations firm. “I will do whatever I need to do to save the people.”

  “Glad to hear that, Sean. I will call you back at zero nine hundred tomorrow for further instructions. Remember, no funny business or not only are you dead, but many others will die along with you.”

  Norman hung up the phone without waiting for Sean to respond.

  Sean looked up at the scared look in Montana’s eyes. That was the first time in his career that he felt bad about putting his life on the line.


  Montana felt a panic attack coming on. She was normally calm but with Savannah being abducted and now Sean putting his life on the line, she just couldn’t take it. She felt herself hyperventilating.

  Sean jumped up out of his chair and ran to her side. Asia rushed out of the room and quickly returned with a cup of water. Montana put her head between her legs and took in a few deep breaths as she was taught to do by their dad. She hadn’t experienced panic attacks since she was a little girl. Now they were back.

  Once she was able to get some form of control, she sat up in her seat and saw several pair of worried eyes staring back at her. She took a sip of the water Asia gave her. “I’m sorry I scared y’all. I’m okay.”

  Sean placed his arm around her shoulders. “See, that’s why you should have stayed at home. This is a dangerous thing. I should have taken the call in private.”

  “You don’t have to risk your life. We can come up with another way. We have to. I’m just getting to know you. I can’t lose you,” Montana blurted out.

  Sean looked at everyone else in the room. “Can you give us a few minutes alone?”

  Savannah hugged Montana before leaving. So did Asia. Once everyone was out of the room, Sean took Montana in his arms. “I have a confession to make. I love you, Montana.”

  “No, you don’t, Sean. You don’t know me enough to say that.”

  “I fell in love with you the first time I saw you,” Sean confessed.

  “But—” Montana said.

  “There’s no buts. I love you. I’m in love with you and that’s why I got to do what I got to do. I wouldn’t be able to look in your eyes if I didn’t do all I could to save the people.”

  “But you don’t have to do this. Who is to say he won’t still poison the water supply? Sean, please don’t do this.”

  Sean’s eyes got watery. “Baby, please don’t cry.” Sean used one of his hands and wiped the tears from Montana’s eyes.

  Montana pulled away. “This is so unlike me. Who am I kidding? This is what you do. You love risking your life.”

  “I wish there was another way around it. If there was, I wouldn’t go this route.”

  “There has to be another way,” Montana responded.

  Sean said, “Let me take care of some things here and tonight it will be just you and me. At your place, though, because I’m not sure if going to my place is entirely safe.”

  Montana had to be satisfied with that for now.

  Montana, when upset, liked to cook and clean. After returning home, to her sisters’ dismay, she went on a cleaning frenzy. With plastic gloves on and disinfectant in her hands, Montana cleaned all of the bathrooms. Once she was through with the bathrooms, she vacuumed the rooms with carpet. She seemed to go over the same spot over and over with the dust rag as she tried to de-stress. She had to think of something to keep her mind off the possibility of losing Sean to the maniac who had kidnapped Savannah.

  Montana decided to cook a roast and potatoes so she put those in the stove before going back to the dusting.

  Savannah entered the dining room, where Montana was dusting, and said, “Sean will be here shortly. Why don’t you go shower an
d put on something sexy for him? We promise to stay out of your way. In fact, we’re going to Asia’s so you can have the place to yourself.”

  Montana felt bad. Here she was forgetting about Savannah’s ordeal and being really selfish with her own life. “Y’all don’t have to. This house is big enough for all of us.”

  “I think it’s best. We’ll be gone by the time you get out of the bathroom. I’ll make sure things are locked and secure.”

  An hour later, Montana walked down the stairs in a simple yet sexy black fitted dress and high heels. She glanced at herself in the side mirror. She laughed when she saw how her sisters had the dining room fixed up for a romantic dinner for two.

  “When did they have time to do this?”

  Montana had cooked and the food was still warming. She hadn’t heard from Sean so she wasn’t exactly sure of what time to expect him. Apparently Savannah and Asia did, because as she was admiring the nice place settings, the doorbell rang.

  Out of habit, she looked through the peephole before acknowledging the person on the other side. Sean’s beautiful face was on the other side. Montana ran her hand down her dress and opened the door.

  Sean handed her a bouquet of roses. “Troy told me I better clean up a little, so how do you like?” he said as he entered and kissed her on the cheek.

  “You clean up well,” Montana responded as she placed the flowers on the table in the foyer.

  “You’re beautiful. Simply beautiful,” Sean said as she led him to the dining room.

  “Dinner is ready so we might as well eat up,” Montana said. She needed to do something to distract her from the heat that filled her body.

  They both played a little cat and mouse game over dinner. Sean shared some stories from his college days with Troy. Montana said, “I’m surprised you don’t remember my sister. She and Troy were a hot item from what I understand.”

  “Troy kept Savannah pretty much to himself. I met her but didn’t spend too much time around her. In fact, your sister sort of kidnapped my friend. I resented her a little at first, truth be told.”

  “Well, that’ll be our little secret.” Montana winked her eye before taking a bite of the apple pie she cooked for dessert.


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