Freedom's Sword, a Historical Novel of Scotland

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Freedom's Sword, a Historical Novel of Scotland Page 23

by JR Tomlin

  "They thought I'd forget." Andrew's eyes were solemn. "But I didn't. I could never forget my own country or my own people."

  "I never thought it," the Bruce said gently.

  "You'll take my oath? I will be your man. I swear it."

  "Gladly, lad." Robert de Bruce, king of the Scots, held out his hands. "Your father's lands and his titles are yours. Lord of Avoch and Petty and Bothwell; all are yours as they should be."

  Andrew dropped to his knees and reached up his clasped hands. The Bruce grasped them firmly--the strong, lean hands of a boy. Andrew's face made his chest ache. The lad was the very image of his father. Dear Jesu...

  In a clear, ringing voice, he made his oath, "I, Andrew de Moray, become your man in life and in death..."

  Appendix 1

  Historical Notes

  Andrew de Moray's feat of raising the north of Scotland against King Edward I of England has long been ignored. One of the few good sources for information on this amazing man is Evan MacLeod Barron's The Scottish War of Independence, which I highly recommend to anyone interested in Scottish history. I used that source heavily in the writing of this novel.

  As much as possible, I used the actual history rather than making up events. The events themselves were the stuff of legends or should have been. There are a few places where I took literary license. I simplified the events around the deposing of King John de Balliol, known in history as Toom Tabard, and I made up the character of Andrew's wife from whole cloth. Although it is known he was married and his son was born after his death, the records of whom he was married to were lost in the devastation of the long wars of invasion.

  Regarding Andrew de Moray's death, there has always been some doubt whether he died during the Battle of Stirling Bridge or of wounds afterwards. I agree with Barron that the evidence for his death of wounds afterwards is compelling.

  Appendix 2

  List of Historical Characters

  (In order of appearance)

  Andrew de Moray -- Leader of the uprising in the north of Scotland against Edward I and co-commander with William Wallace at the Battle of Stirling Bridge.

  Andrew de Moray, Lord of Avoch -- father of the Andrew de Moray.

  Edward I of England -- known as Longshanks for his height.

  John de Warrenne, 7th Earl of Surrey -- English commander in the attempted conquest of Scotland under Edward I.

  John Comyn, Earl of Buchan -- (not be confused with John Comyn, Lord of Badenoch) one of the Scottish commanders who surrendered to the English after defeat at the Battle of Dunbar.

  John de Balliol -- King of Scots from 1292 to 1296 who was captured and forcibly deposed by the English Edward I and known to the Scots as Toom Tabard or Empty Jacket.

  Sir Robert Boyd -- Scottish patriot during the uprising against Edward I and later faithful companion of Robert de Bruce.

  John of Strathbogie, Earl of Atholl -- one of the Scottish leaders at the Battle of Dunbar, captured and imprisoned by the English after the Scottish defeat.

  Sir William le Hardi, Lord of Douglas -- Scottish nobleman and warlord taken prisoner after the rape of Berwick, father of Sir James, Lord of Douglas.

  Robert de Bruce -- lord of Annandale and earl of Carrick who became contender for the throne of Scotland after the death of his grandfather, Robert the Contender, and later King of the Scots.

  Hugh de Cressingham -- treasurer for the English king in Scotland during 1296-97.

  David de Moray -- uncle of Andrew de Moray and later Bishop of Moray and loyal supporter of Scottish independence.

  Alexander Pilchie -- a burgess of Inverness who served as Andrew de Moray's lieutenant.

  William Wallace -- Scottish knight who, with Andrew de Moray, was a co-commander of the Scots at the Battle of Stirling Bridge and executed by the English for High Treason in 1305.

  Sir James the Good, Lord of Douglas -- son of William le Hardi, loyal lieutenant to King Robert de Bruce, known as the Black Douglas by the English.

  Andrew de Moray, third of that name -- son of the hero of the Battle of Stirling Bridge, Scottish leader during the Second War of Scottish Independence, Guardian of Scotland, Lord of Petty and Bothwell.

  Appendix 3

  Map of Scotland - Castle Locations

  Appendix 4


  Cover design by: JT Lindroos


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  Novels by

  J.R. Tomlin & C.R. Daems

  A Kingdom's Cost

  Scottish Historical Fiction

  Eighteen-year-old James Douglas can only watch, helpless, as the Scottish freedom fighter, William Wallace, is hanged, drawn, and quartered. Even under the heel of a brutal English conqueror, James's blood-drenched homeland may still have one hope for freedom, the rightful king of the Scots, Robert the Bruce. James swears fealty to the man he believes can lead the fight against English tyranny.

  The Bruce is soon a fugitive, king in name and nothing more. Scotland is occupied, the Scottish resistance crushed. The woman James loves is captured and imprisoned. Yet James believes their cause is not lost. With driving determination, he blazes a path in blood and violence, in cunning and ruthlessness as he wages a guerrilla war to restore Scotland's freedom. James knows he risks sharing Wallace's fate, but what he truly fears is that he has become as merciless as the conqueror he fights.


  Talon of the Unnamed Goddess


  Alisha is the newest Talon of the Raptor Clan, mercenaries prized by rulers, nobles, and the wealthy as elite bodyguards. Like all Talons, she survived the five Ordeals and ten years of grueling training.

  Alisha is not the strongest mercenary in the Raptor Clan, but she is the craftiest. Only tricking her opponents into underestimating her got her through the long years of Clan training. Those years honed her weapon skills, but not as much as her sharp wits. Even the ability she gets from the rune she was given by the Unknown Goddess depends on her guile.

  Her first assignment for the Clan, to guard a young princess, requires all Alisha's skill, wit, and her newly acquired rune to keep the young heir to the kingdom alive.


  Scales of Justice


  A hundred years ago, a treaty jointed the seven provinces under a king and created a system of equal justice for nobles and commoners. The Sisters of Astraea were proclaimed the judicators of the land because they had gold vipers that could tell truth from lie. A gift bestowed on each judicator by the god Naga.

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