Harley's Surrender: Wild Kings MC: Dander Falls

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Harley's Surrender: Wild Kings MC: Dander Falls Page 16

by Erin Osborne

  “I’m not fuckin’ playin’ Steel. If you don’t head home now, I’ll take you back to the clubhouse and lock you in a room so that you try to get some rest,” Gage says, letting his authority as President take over. He’s not my friend right now, he’s giving me an order as my President.

  “I don’t give a fuck what you think you have to do. No disrespect Gage, but what would you be doin’ if that was one of your kids out there alone. You had no clue if they were hurt or sick? If they were bein’ taken care of? You’d be out searchin’ until you physically couldn’t go on any longer. Well, I can still go and I’m goin’ to,” I tell him, starting my bike and taking off without waiting for him to respond.

  Looking in my mirror, I see two more bikes flying down the road to catch up with me. I’m not sure where I’m going, or what else I can do to find new leads to where Alan has found to hide and what he’s done with my daughter. There has to be something that we’re overlooking here and maybe riding the streets will show me that piece of information that we didn’t see to begin with. I look in the windows of the houses and the apartment buildings as I fly by, hoping to see a light on, someone standing up and looking out. Anything to make me stop and talk to them. I even pass the apartment building I used to live in. there’s not a single light on in the front of the building, no extra cars indicating a party going on, or anything else to make me want to pull over at the shithole I once called home.

  We circle the town for hours and hours. I’ve stopped a few times to talk to escorts, junkies, and dealers on the street. Everyone knows Alan, but no one wants to help me find him. It doesn’t matter to them if he has my baby. All they know is that we’re looking and they’re not going to give up anything. I’ve flashed money, thrown a few beat downs, and still no information. They should be terrified of me coming after them instead of a junkie that has no following. Unless there’s more to Alan than we know. It doesn’t make sense that these people are afraid of him. His only concern is getting his fix and making sure that Harley goes back so he can use her like he used to. Fuck!

  Trojan and Tech peel off and head to their homes a few hours after I began my own search. I can’t blame them. Trojan has kids at home and I’m sure that he wants to see them and Darcy, spend time with them even if it’s at my house. Fox is probably ready to head back to the clubhouse and get in front of his computers. Normally, he wouldn’t have left them, but he already looked into everything he could and didn’t see anything on the cameras or find anything about where Alan could be hiding out. Fox should be here and the two of them can look at everything with fresh eyes once they get together.


  I finally saw my opportunity to get my slut of a sister’s baby and take away her happiness. You can bet I sat by and watched as everyone swooped in on their house and the pain that was etched all over my sister’s face and Steel’s face. He’s ready to pounce and beat the shit out of someone. It’s a good thing that I’m always going to be a step ahead of them and they’ll never find me. I’d go in and get Harley now, but it wouldn’t accomplish what I want to. Getting her now means that she’ll be back with her daughter and there’s others around her. I want to take her when no one is around to point the finger at me. I could kill them, but I don’t want to. It’s such a mess and I don’t want that shit getting on me.

  As soon as I saw everyone leave, I made my getaway with the baby and the slut that was watching her in the backseat. The baby is sleeping, and the bitch is knocked out. She sure did put up a struggle and tried to stop me from getting to my niece, but I’m better than her. I’m better than every single one of them. That knowledge is what’s going to make sure that I win, and they all lose. See, they might find me, but they don’t know that I work for someone. That someone is willing to do anything I want to keep me happy and alive. If I end up dead, their secrets come out and they don’t want that to happen.

  The man I work for is powerful. He’s not a mob boss or in law enforcement. No, he’s a senator with a closet full of skeletons. I know all of his secrets and that’s why I get what I want, when I want. The only thing he can’t help me with is my sister. It’s fine if I help him kidnap girls and boys to sell. Hell, he even keeps some for himself. But, he can’t dirty his hands by helping me get my hands on her. That would draw too much attention to him and I can see his point. If he steps in my way though, I can guarantee that his secrets will come out and the world will know what he’s been up to.

  I found out that he had to take on a more hands-on role when the club he used to work with was slaughtered. The Soulless Bastards let greed and pussy get in the way of pussy. When I told him, I knew who killed the club, I earned major points with him and that’s when my assent to the top of the food chain really began. I get paid to bring people, kids, to him and in return he makes sure I don’t get jammed up by the law.

  Anyway, I get back to the apartment that I’ve recently rented and slap the bitch awake so she can take the baby upstairs and make sure that she stays quiet. I’ll have her make a list of everything we’re going to need before I call Rhonda in to go to the store for me. Rhonda’s a bitch I let ride my cock every now and then. All she wants in return is the drugs that I can give her. The sex is mediocre, but she wants my attention and I use that to my advantage. In a way, she’s taken over Harley’s role in my life. The only difference is I can fuck this bitch.

  Harley needs to be knocked down a peg or two and learn that she’s not anything special. I’m the man that’s going to do that. Again. I had her right where I wanted her once before and it’s going to be the same way again. Yeah, I’ve seen her starting to blossom and accept people in her life. She’s been talking to a counselor and getting her shit straight. Too bad it’s going to be for nothing by the time that I get her back and begin her training all over again. It’s not fun beating on anyone but her.

  “Take the brat in the bedroom and make sure she stays quiet. I’m not playing games with you right now. I’m giving you ten minutes to get her in there and make a list of what she’s going to need. You hear me?” I ask, wrapping my hand in her hair and giving it a yank to get her attention.

  She nods her head at me before I let go and give her a rough shove in the direction of the bedroom. While there’s only one bedroom in here, I don’t care if she has it. I don’t plan on sleeping that much. The drugs make it hard to sleep anyway. Even if I don’t want my sister happy and to know love or anything good in her life, I don’t feel the same way about that baby. I’m not going to hurt her or make her hurt in any way. She’ll grow up learning, and knowing, what she is and what her role in life is. I’m here to guide her and make sure she knows the truth.

  Chapter Ten


  IT’S BEEN FOUR DAYS AND WE’RE NO CLOSER to finding my daughter then we were when she was taken. Every member of all three clubs has been out on a daily basis in shifts so that someone is out there twenty-four hours a day. Tech and Fox have been trying to pull any video footage they can to see if they can get a lead on Alan and how he managed to get my girl with no luck. I’m running out of options and ways to find out any information that we can. We’ve called in every marker and given out a few when we wouldn’t normally do that.

  Harley is inconsolable, and no one can reach her. She sits in Quinn’s room, wrapped in her blanket, and holding that teddy bear. It’s the one that Quinn usually has with her at all times of the day and night. I see her smelling it now and then, like she can feel our baby girl’s presence with her when she does that. I’ve tried taking her in our room to lay down and get some rest, but she fought me so hard. I have a few marks on me from that. It was the first, and only time, Harley showed any signs of life. She’s not talking to anyone and the girls can’t penetrate the place that she’s in right now. Karen can’t even reach her. I can’t stand to see her like that, so I’m staying away as much as I can. This is all on me and I can’t stop until I return her heart to her. Then, I’ll decide where our future goes from there.

  Kim is on her way here. She left this morning and should be here in a few days. She’s not going to take her time, but she’s going to be careful and make a few stops along the way. There’s something about her that tells me she has a medical issue right now. I’m not sure what it is, but you can tell by her movements that something is not right. When we were in Savage Bend, sometimes she would move quicker than we could blink. Other times, she was slow moving and had a limp. I’m sure that Harley knows what’s wrong with her, but she’s not saying a word. I know that my girl told her what was going on, and that’s why she’s making the trip here. Maybe she’ll be the one to penetrate the dark place that Harley has gone to. I don’t if anything can at this point.

  Today, I’ve decided that I’m going to scour every inch of the ‘underworld’ of Dander Falls. Someone is going to have the information that we need to find Quinn. Playboy and Wood are with me as we make our way to our first stop. There’s a small diner on the East side that a few of the local prostitutes frequent. I know they’ve been talked to, but I’m hoping the sight of three of us will make them remember something about Alan and places that he frequents. It’s the only thing I can think of as the second, minutes, hours, and days tick by and I have no clue if Quinn is okay.

  Pulling up, we shut our bikes off and leave them parked behind the diner. I already called and talked to the owner, Marty. He’s going to make sure that no one messes with our bikes as we walk the area. With the amount of money, I’m giving him, there shouldn’t be a scratch on them. I’ll do whatever it takes to bring my girl home though. She doesn’t deserve to be wherever she is with Alan right now. Quinn is so precious and deserves to be home and loved on by her mom. I’m questioning whether or not I deserve to be a part of that life right now, but only time will tell. Harley may never let me in again after this fuck-up. Hell, I know I’m never going to forgive myself for making the biggest mistake of my life.

  We walk a block away from the diner before we reach the first prostitute. Playboy walks up while we hang back to try to sweet talk this bitch. He’s got a certain way with females and I know that right now I’m not in the frame of mind to lay the sweetness on that’s needed. I’d rather scare the shit of these girls and get them to talk. It hasn’t worked in the four days that I’ve been searching like a madman to find my daughter. So, we’re going to try this approach and see if Playboy or Wood can get the girls to talk. I’m just hear t listen to the ones that want to open their mouth. If I have to offer them protection and bring them into the club to do that, I’m willing to take that chance and accept the wrath of the club if it means we get information.

  Before too long, I see Playboy leading the girl across the street to the motel that I’m sure she frequents. Wood and I follow behind them, close enough to see where they’re going. We stay back far enough so that we don’t spook her and make her clam up again. I’ve already talked to this girl twice and I’m not sure what’s made her change her mind about talking now. Maybe Alan fucked up and pissed her off. I just hope that she knows enough of the truth to give us a lead or point us in the right direction.

  Playboy and the girl walk from the office to a room on the first floor. It’s toward the end of the building and I’m glad that it’s obscured from any eyes that might be watching. There’s a huge tree sitting there that blocks the last few rooms. Wood and I make our way over there and wait until they get in the room. Playboy doesn’t shut the door all the way, leaving it propped open just an inch so that we can push our way in. Wood gives me the signal and we walk to the room and I make sure the door is locked with me standing in front of it. This bitch has no way out of here now.

  “Okay. I know you’ve talked to my boy here more than once and haven’t been co-operative before. What’s changed your mind now?” Playboy asks the girl sitting on the bed before us.

  She takes a second to look at each and every one of us before she begins telling us a story that has my skin crawling. “Alan is a douche canoe of epic proportions. He’s basically my pimp and I know that it’s wrong for me to be protecting him. I’ve been thinking about what you said,” she says, looking directly at me. “I know the girl that you’re talking about. I’ve seen her with him when I’ve been there partying. She wasn’t in a good situation and I’m glad that she got out of there when she did. What you guys don’t understand is that Alan is protected. He’s working for some guy and his job makes me sick. They steal girls and boys that are barely legal. I know they’re being sold somewhere, to rich sick fucks that aren’t pure in their intentions. I’m not sure who his boss is, all I know is that he’s powerful and doesn’t want the secrets Alan knows to reach the public.”

  “How do you know this?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest while leaning in closer to look directly at the girl to see if she’s feeding us a line of shit or not.

  “I overheard him on the phone. See, when I party, I drink a little here and there. I don’t do all the drugs and shit the rest of the girls do. So, I can keep a pretty straight head while playing the part of an alcoholic. It’s worked to keep me off Alan’s radar. Look, I need to know that none of this shit is going to come back on me. I’ve got a baby boy myself and looking at him the past two days has gutted me knowing that your daughter is out there with him,” she tells us, looking directly at me and not pulling her attention anywhere else.

  “I’ll make sure you have the protection of my club. We can put you and your son in one of our safe houses with around the clock protection. We’ll help you get a job and back on your feet. I just need to know information about Alan and where he could possibly be right now,” I tell her, sitting down on one of the chairs to show her that I’m not using my strength and power to dominate her. I genuinely want to help this girl out if that’s what she truly wants.

  “I don’t know exactly where Alan is. He’s still in Dander Falls though. We see him every few hours and I know that he’s not driving in here from somewhere else,” she tells me, sitting up straight now and relaxing her position on the bed that I don’t want to think about with all the shit that’s probably covering the blanket and sheets.

  “Have you seen a girl or baby with him?” Wood asks, walking closer to us now that we know she’s not going to try to flee the room and escape our questions.

  “No. As soon as you came to talk to me the first time, I’ve been keeping a watch out every time he comes to see us. It’s always been just him. Once in a while Rhonda, one of the sluts I work with, has been with him, but that’s about it. She thinks her shit don’t stink because she’s been riding his dick and partying with him,” the girl says. I can see her thinking about every interaction with Alan over the last few days.

  “Okay. Playboy and Wood are goin’ to follow you home, so you can collect your son and anythin’ that you’re goin’ to want to bring with you. Thank you for lettin’ me know my daughter is still here. I’ll stand by my word and go make arrangements for you in one of the houses,” I tell her, standing up so that we can make our way over to the diners. “Do you think anyone else knows any other information? Do you have a car that you need to get?”

  “No. Everyone else is so strung out on the drugs Alan gives them that they wouldn’t know anything to tell you. I don’t have a car. I walk everywhere I go,” she tells me, making me realize that I still don’t know her name.

  “What’s your name sweetheart?” Playboy asks, reading my mind.

  “It’s Jennifer,” she says, picking her bag up and walking between us all. “My house isn’t far from here. I’ll give you the address and you can meet me there.”

  “No. You’re goin’ to ride behind me,” Wood says, a look covering his face that I can’t decipher.

  The four of us make our way out of the motel and back toward the diner where our bikes sit. We make sure to keep Jennifer in between the three of us so that anyone paying attention will have a hard time realizing that she’s with us. They can think that she’s still in the dingy, disgusting room for all I care. Right now, m
y main priority is getting back to the clubhouse to see if Fox and Tech got any information for me and to let Gage know we need one of the houses ready to go. Shadow is still at my house and I know that he’s not leaving there. Mike and Wayne will have to get the house ready while I continue to look for my daughter.

  I’m really trying not to let hope surface that Alan is still in town. That’s going to make it easier in one way and more difficult in another. We’ve been searching the whole town for days now and can’t come up with anything. I’m not sure where to go from here and I’m starting to lose what little hope I just got with Jennifer’s information. I watch as Wood and Playboy take off and make their way to get the girl and her son. I’m not sure how they’re going to make it to us with a baby on their bikes, but they’ll figure that shit out. As I take off, I let the freedom of the road swallow my pain and hope. Instead of enjoying the ride, I’m beginning to dread every time I throw my leg over my girl and take off. For me, it still means that my daughter is still missing, and I don’t know when we’re going to get her back.


  It seems like I’ve been driving forever. The past few days has taken a toll on my body and I can’t wait to get to Harley’s house, so I can get out of this car and stretch. As soon as she called me and let me know what was going on with her baby, I knew that I had to be there with her. Harley doesn’t let a lot of people in, but I know she’s getting help with that. We’ve been in constant contact since she left Savage Bend. I can hear the difference in her voice now. She’s happy and learning the things that she should’ve been given a chance to learn as she grew up.

  Steel isn’t expecting me for another day, but I pushed myself to my limit and made sure that I didn’t take any unnecessary stops. The main ones I took was to get a room for one night where I spent my time searching the town and walking into rundown bars to see if anyone there knew Alan. I may not be able to do much, but I know how to get information when I need to get it. It’s the one thing that I learned from my dad before I cut all ties with him. I found out his dirty little secret and it almost cost me my life. That’s why I walk with a limp and why some days are worse than others. He had my car run off a road when it was storming out, so it would look like I simply lost control and couldn’t get it back before I slammed into a tree.


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