Dragonseer (Secicao Blight Book 1)

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Dragonseer (Secicao Blight Book 1) Page 25

by Chris Behrsin

  But I had a wait ahead of me. Cini looked up for a moment, then turned back to the congregation. He then gave a long and boring speech, telling us how dragonseers and Tow used to be enemies. His father before him wanted to exterminate us. But now, dragonseers and Tow had allied and could live together as one. This marriage was not just any old royal marriage, it was symbolic of a significant change in the war effort, where Tow would finally take control of the Southlands and have access to all the secicao that mankind would need. Then he instructed both Francoiso and Charth to put the ring upon our fingers and then it was time to start the good stuff.

  “Let's start with the youngest couple, shall we?” he said. He turned to me and Francoiso. The moment I — or at least Exalmpora addled I — had been waiting for. “Francoiso, you may now kiss the bride.”

  I melted into Francoiso's arms, and he pulled me close to him. “Finally, darling,” he said. “These last days have seemed like they've lasted for months.”

  He opened his mouth and wrapped his lips around mine. I felt the warmth of his breath and something rising even further down. I couldn't wait.

  The king ahemed and gave an uncomfortable laugh. “Now, now, Francoiso. In less polite company I'd allow this, but please here show at least a modicum of respect.”

  Francoiso pulled away, as would a sulky child. “Yes sir,” he said. But he still kept hold of my hand and started playing with the skin there in an incredibly suggestive way.

  “And Charth,” King Cini said turning to the other couple. “Do you take Miss Sako to be your lawful wedded wife.”

  “I do,” Charth said. “Under my protection always.”

  “Good,” King Cini said. “So, you also may now kiss the bride.”

  Even though the Exalmpora had control of my mind, I felt Charth's kiss, or at least I felt the rush of dopamine as his lips closed over Sukina's. Sukina had also somehow become smitten with Charth, although that might have been the Exalmpora talking. Now though we had that subconscious connection between us, no drug, even Exalmpora, could break it.

  “Well, well. Now you're both married, you can do the honours and enter royal society.”

  I turned around so Francoiso could undo the buttons of my calico over-dress from the back. He slid this off my shoulders and his hands kept close to my waist and buttocks as he pulled this down in front of everyone. The white dress that was revealed shone in the torchlight, making me feel very much like a princess. As, I stepped out of the over-dress, I caught a glimpse over my shoulder of Sukina who looked equally stunning. I turned to kiss Francoiso once again.

  “Well, well,” Cini said. “Now that's done, let us begin our celebrations.”

  They, then Artua then Sukina and I followed by the bridesmaids led the way down the aisle. As we walked, Artua turned to us. I felt him establish a channel in the collective unconscious. I guess, now Alsie had gone away, he felt free to do so.

  Mamo, Auntie Pontopa. What's a dragonseer? he said.

  I looked at Sukina surprised. But Sukina simply looked down at Artua and smiled. I'll tell you soon, dear, I promise, she said in our minds. And we walked out towards the banquet hall.


  The only thing we were allowed to drink during the celebrations was Exalmpora, although the king had cleverly disguised it with food colouring, so it looked like red wine, for the benefit of all the guests around us. And I'd never quite tasted meat as rich as white stag or black panther. The panther tasted like a richer version of rabbit, although with a much smoother texture. And I'd had venison before but nothing that settled on the tongue so well as this perfectly marinated white stag, cooked in cashew nuts, mustard and honey. I honestly didn't want to eat anything else than meat that night.

  We sat at the long head table, with the king at the centre. Artua sat next to Cini. Charth and Sukina sat at the king's right and Francoiso and me on his left. The rest of the guests had taken large circular tables draped with silk tablecloths. We sat within a huge banquet hall, as opulent with cold white marble as the rest of the palace.

  I knew many of the guest's faces from the magazines, yet I'd never spoken to any of them. It felt so strange in a way to be part of a wedding without my parents or any of my old-time friends.

  Soon though, I'd had enough Exalmpora, I forgot about them being there entirely. King Cini also seemed merry on his own wine, too much that I don't think he had the clarity of mind to suspect us of anything after all.

  Day flowed into night and Francoiso took hold of my hand and led me to his bedchamber. While I had been staying in that tiny room the king had reserved a room for us fit for a king himself. With several metres between each of the walls and a four-poster bed right in the centre. The torches around the walls had red silk curtains hanging just in front of them, far enough away from the walls as not to catch on fire, but close enough to diffuse the room in a soft red light.

  I was all over Francoiso as soon as I entered the room, my whole body thrumming with passion. But he didn’t melt into my touch, and instead seemed kind of wooden.

  Pontopa, I’ve been thinking, he said in the collective unconscious.

  Thinking? I said. I thought you were the one without the rational brain. And I ran kisses down his neck as I fondled his chest.

  But he pulled away from me a little. No, he said. Charth is right. You’re not yourself Pontopa, and I don’t want to take advantage of you. I’ve wanted this so much. But I want to know you really want it as well. Without the Exalmpora.

  Oh, but this is absolutely what I want. Without doubt. I pushed myself closer to him as he backed up against the bed. There was nowhere for him to go and so I wrapped one arm around him and with other, I began to undo my dress.

  Pontopa, don’t do this. Francoiso said. You have to understand. The Exalmpora. Back then, it changed me… I’m not entirely in control.

  Then that is what we both want, to be wild and free, right? And I lowered my cleavage and then pushed myself up against him. I had strength in my muscles then, powered by something inhuman. I used it to push Francoiso down onto the bed.

  This time, I wasn't going to stop. I wanted this too much. I could feel every inch of my body morphing into something else. My skin pinching and the muscles writhing underneath.

  Pontopa—Francoiso said. And then he changed. His eyes glazed out and his pupils dilated. You’re right, this is exactly what I want! And that momentary vestige of the rational part of Francoiso was lost.

  My hair felt like it was on fire. As if each single strand wanted to retract back into the roots. It was painful, but I didn't hate the pain. No, I relished in it. Francoiso also started to deform. His nose pulled out of his face. Black scales started to peel down his cheeks. His voice became deeper.

  Come darling. Come and show me what you're made of, he said.

  I laughed, now this was the Francoiso I wanted. I launched myself on top of him. My hands landed on either side of his hips. He looked up at me then, scales protruding from out of his eyebrows, he opened his mouth and pulled me close to him.

  His breath wasn't just warm but hot. As if he was breathing fire into my very mouth. But it didn't sear, as a protective layer of scales already guarded against the hotness. I could taste the saltiness on his scaly tongue. And I could also feel its roughness, offset against the roughness of my own tongue.

  Besides us, the door slammed open and I jerked my head around to see both Charth and Sukina standing there. “Francoiso, you shall not!” he snapped.

  Francoiso turned his head to him. “Come for the show, have you brother. I never knew you to be such a peeping Tom.” He flipped me over on the bed, so he was on top of me. Then, he pulled down his trousers so all I could see was his briefs.

  I was panting like a wild animal. Ready for anything, despite the company. Dragonheats, I relished in the company. Let them join in, for all I cared.

  Charth threw his head to the sky and roared. Scales suddenly shot out of his arms and face. He leaped at his brother and
knocked him off the bed.

  I looked at both of them wrestling for a moment and huffed. Sukina had a vial of something in her hand and she approached me with it. That hideous thing: no, I wasn't going to drink it. I wasn't going to let them ruin the moment.

  I launched myself at her, a deep growl emanating from my chest. I took hold of her neck and pinned her against the wall. Her eyes went wide, and her face went pale. She dropped the antidote and it smashed against the floor.

  “Pontopa, you—” I was strangling her so much, she couldn't get another word in. She continued to speak in the collective unconscious. Pontopa, this isn't you. The Examplora. Don't let it control you. Stop, Pontopa stop!

  But her thoughts began to fade. At that point, I felt, she deserved to die. She would never be a dragonwoman like me. She didn't have what it takes. I had to kill her then or destroy my chances of ever gaining the power I'd need to kill Alsie.

  Such thoughts were spinning around my mind as the Exalmpora kept control of my brain. This wasn't me speaking. This was Finesia planting her soul into my mind.

  I tightened my grip on Sukina's neck.

  Pontopa, this isn't you. Control yourself. Conquer within. Distance yourself. Remember… Remember.

  I felt Sukina's life slipping out of me. I raised my head and roared in ecstasy. My dress had ripped at the arms and beneath them I could see the rows of scales. Just one more squeeze and I would crack Sukina's life out her neck. Power surged to my claws.

  And something slammed into my side and knocked me to the ground. I looked up into the eyes and maw of a black dragon. The features softened and I beneath them, I expected to see Charth.

  But instead, I saw Francoiso's scaly face. Fear looking out of those beastly blue eyes.

  “I can't let you do this, darling,” he said. “Oh, Finesia kill me, my brother is right. I don't want you to become a monster like myself.”

  “No!” I screamed. “Let me go… This is my will!”

  But Francoiso had me pinned strong. I lunged out in attempt to bite at his neck, wanting to take his life for being such a traitor. But he had me held down too strong. He took hold of a green vial from his inside pocket, gave my cheeks a squeeze and tipped the contents down my throat.

  He turned back to Charth who was standing there, back in human form. “I did it, brother,” he said. “But you know what this means.”

  “Alsie will hunt us down for life,” he said. “But this is right thing.”

  “And yet, even combined, we don't even have a chance to match her strength.”

  I felt myself losing strength as well. While I felt almost capable of throwing Francoiso off me before, now it felt like I had a whole building pinning me down. Francoiso looked into my eyes a moment. Now the gaze wasn't lustful but assessing. “She's safe,” he said. “Pontopa, I'm sorry…”

  He looked a different man now. I didn't feel a want for him anymore. He was like a painting you would admire in an art gallery. Handsome, but I really didn't know anything about him.

  “I'm sorry too,” I said. And for the first time, I understood. Francoiso’s soul had been destroyed by a drug, but there still remained a decent part of him.

  “Come,” Charth said. “We have to get out before Alsie gets here.”

  “You know where she is?” I asked.

  “No, but she's already on her way.”

  “Don't forget about Faso,” Sukina said.

  “And Velos,” I pointed out. I felt guilty already that I'd forgotten about my best friend in the whole wide world.

  “Velos is your escape plan. And the boy, we'll help you rescue him too.”

  “My daughter,” Sukina said. “Thank you.”

  “Your son now,” Charth said. “Come.” He led us out into the corridor, and we navigated our way out of the palace under cover of dark.

  Fortunately, most of the guards would be sleeping off the alcohol and so there would be little that could disturb our escape. Or so we hoped. But, unfortunately, we were about to be proven terribly wrong.


  The Lamford brothers split up once we reached a fork in the corridors. Charth promised that he would go and get Faso. But first, we stopped to take stock of the situation. We’d already retrieved our original changes of clothes from our wardrobes and our hip flasks and weapons (including Sukina’s daggers) from one of the king’s storage rooms.

  “We’ve not got much time,” Francoiso said. “Oh, Pontopa, how I wish we’d done this differently.” My eyes had adjusted to the darkness now and I could faintly make out the outline of his muscular form. “Maybe we could under different circumstances,” I said. If he left the palace, stopped supporting Cini’s war effort, joined us at Fortress Gerhaun, and proved himself a true hero. Maybe then there could be something there… Maybe.

  “My brother and I are going to have to hide after this,” Francoiso said.

  “But where would you go?”

  “Tell you and I'll also put your own life at risk.” I guess Francoiso also realised I hadn't yet learned how to consistently mask my thoughts.

  “I never quite understood why you decided to help us in the first place.”

  It was Charth who answered this time. “I promised a long time ago that I’d protect Sukina’s daughter. But I failed her when I let Alsie and Cini feed the boy the Exalmpora. It was wrong to try and take away his free will. And…” Charth looked at Sukina. “I love you Sukina, and I have since the first time I met you. I’m sorry, that I failed.”

  Sukina nodded, but her face stayed straight. “I understand,” she said. “But you never failed.”

  “Thank you,” Charth said. And he walked away.

  Then I turned to Francoiso. “So, what’s in it for you?”

  Francoiso smiled. “I’m doing this to help out my brother, once sister, of course. Because, after all, isn’t that what family do? Not to mention, I really, really hate Alsie... Stunning, as she may be.”

  Then he beckoned us onwards and he led to us towards Artua. We reached Master Artua's room and opened the door. A torch was on inside, suffusing the tiny room with red light. There were no toys in there — only a bed and a fireplace. Honestly, it was like a prison cell. How could this boy have been said to have a childhood? Was this how they'd been keeping him all this time?

  Artua had already packed his things into a little haversack that he had over his shoulder. He wore flexible brown cotton trousers and a loose shirt, clearly ready for riding. An empty vial lay on the bed, traced at the edges with specks of green.

  “Mamo,” Artua said and he flung himself into Sukina's arms.

  Again, Sukina's eyes were full of tears. “We're getting you out of here,” she said.

  Artua crinkled his nose. “Isn't Taka a girl's name? I don't want to be a girl.”

  Sukina smiled. “Then we shall call you Artua from now on, if that's what you want to be called. All that matters is that you're finally going home.”

  From every single room we passed, out emanated a sound of snoring. Even the guards we found standing at their posts were audibly half asleep. Fortunately, Artua was light enough on his feet that we didn't end up waking anyone. Although, I'm sure any guards we did wake would be no match for Francoiso, or Sukina for that matter.

  Once we got there, we found the palace's raised airfield deserted. Velos was also sleeping there. I'd half expected to see him in chains. Without them, I really didn't understand what had kept him there. The number of times I'd broken my connection to him and given myself to the Exalmpora. If I were him, I would have flown away. But I guess Velos was too loyal for that. Cini must have realised that there was absolutely no way he would leave without me.

  His armour was on him still, gleaming in the faint light from the crescent moon that shone faintly through the secicao clouds. As I approached Velos, I realised the reason he hadn't roused yet. He wasn't dreaming like he usually would. No, somehow the king had drugged him unconscious. Perhaps they had also fed him Exalmpora, wondering w
hat the effects might be on a dragon.

  “I can't wake him,” I said to Sukina.

  “I don't know a way either,” Sukina said. “If I had a connection then I could sing a song, but it's not there.”

  But he was still breathing fortunately. I could see he wasn't dead. The moon disappeared behind a cloud and the airfield plunged into darkness save for the raised oil lamps that limned its perimeter.

  “Any ideas, Francoiso?” I asked.

  He shook his head.

  “Wait, I think I know something,” I said. I remembered that dragonsong that had come to me after Faso had installed the armour, when I sat outside drinking that bottle of brandy. And I knew then, why I’d chosen that particularly song. It had within its notes the power to wake a dragon. But not just any dragon, this one was special for Velos. And, if the sleepiness hadn’t cut me off mid-song, I might have woken him out of his armour-induced coma sooner.

  I sung the notes as I remembered them. A lilting harmony that didn’t make melodic sense, but still stirred Velos’ emotions. And, like before, I found myself entering Velos’ dreams. I saw the Greys in my minds eye, none of them wanting to associate with Velos. And I felt Velos’ estrangement then. With it, I wanted to drift off to sleep.

  But then I used the skills I’d used to mask my thoughts. I distanced these images in my mind and watched them from afar. And then, I felt no longer tired. In doing so, I could complete the song, which roused Velos from this heavy, sedative-induced sleep. He let out a huge roar that shook the walls of the castle.

  “Well, that will wake the guards,” Sukina said.

  “Yes,” Francoiso said. “And I’m sorry to say that there’s a good chance Finesia heard it too.”

  “From that distance?” I asked.

  “Yes… Her senses are, shall we say, pretty acute.”

  I looked at Velos anxiously. I really wanted to take off. “I hope Charth and Faso get here soon,” I said.


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