Jade Lady burning gsaeb-1

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Jade Lady burning gsaeb-1 Page 21

by Martin Limon

  “Sit down. What can I help you with?”

  “You’re under arrest, General.”

  He began to laugh. “Arent you going to read me my rights or something?”

  “We can do that. But it always seemed a little corny to me. You already know them, don’t you?”

  “Sure I do. Now what am I being charged with?” He was a man playing along with a joke.

  ‘The murder of Pak Ok-suk.”


  “Miss Pak. The young girl you tied up, sodomized, and then strangled to death before setting fire to her apartment.”

  “Hold on just a minute, son. I didn’t start any fire.”

  “I’m not your son.”

  I locked my eyes on his and fought the urge to punch his face in.

  “No,” he said. “No, you’re not. You’re Hispanic, aren’t you? You could pass for Eastern European or Greek but you’ve actually crossed the border and come north, haven’t you? I’m a good judge of these things.”

  “I didn’t cross the border. You crossed it in 1846.”

  Bohler laughed. “Good answer. The Mexican War. When we took all that real estate away from your ancestors. Looks like we might have to take some more here pretty soon if you don’t clean up all those Commies you got running around down there.”

  “I don’t have any Commies running around anywhere. Why’d you kill her?”

  “Now, now. You’re sort of jumping to conclusions, aren’t you?”

  “We got the photos, Bohler.”

  Bohler’s facial muscles didn’t move but slowly the blood ran from his face. When his voice came out, his throat seemed to be clotted with cotton.

  “I can make your careers. What are you now? Buck sergeants? In two years you’ll be E7s. In three, first sergeants. I’ve got friends at the personnel center. It’ll be a snap.”

  “Get your clothes on, General.”

  “You don’t know what you’re doing. You don’t know what kind of buzz saw you’re going to run into. I’ve got money to hire lawyers and I’ve got friends who will rip you to shreds.”

  Ernie blew a bubble and let it pop.

  Bohler’s face purpled.

  “You’re nothing but shits. Shit ass maggot enlisted men! I’ll have you chopped up for C rations.”

  He jumped up and reached for something behind the end table. Ernie sprang forward and grabbed him and I yanked the whip out of his hand. We put him facedown on the sofa and handcuffed him. Ernie wandered around the big residence until he found his bedroom and his wallet.

  “Fifty-six dollars, his ID card, and a bunch of plastic. I had to rummage through an assortment of leather straps and dildos before I found it.”

  The hands of the housemaid quivered as she put on his slippers. We threw him in the backseat of the jeep and yelled at the security guards to call the MPs because we wanted an escort.

  While we waited, Bohler curled up in a little ball.

  ‘They took Buster, I know they did. They all had their eyes on him, watching him every day, and finally they got him. I couldn’t just let it go or else they would have gotten his sister, too. They’re all a bunch of cannibals.”

  When the MPs got there I didn’t give them a chance to figure out what was going on. Three of their jeeps, red lights swirling, followed us in a mad little convoy over to the Yongsan provost marshal’s office.

  Ernie leaned towards me. “Who in the hell is Buster?”

  “His dog. Apparently some of the security guards had a little barbecue.”

  Ernie sat back up and kept his arms stiff as he made a big right turn.

  “Only sensible use for the mutts.”

  ‘There’s no doubt in my military mind that you are completely out of your gourd!”

  It was the staff duty officer. The nervous desk sergeant had called him when he heard who we were bringing in. He didn’t want to take the responsibility, by himself, for booking a two-star general.

  The staff duty officer was thin, small, and pugnacious; an infantry officer from the honor guard and absolutely flabbergasted that anyone would even think of arresting a general.

  The room had filled with MPs waiting to see what would happen. I kept telling the desk sergeant that I wanted the guy booked and I wanted a key to the holding cell so I could put him in it but he kept stalling.

  The staff duty officer strutted around like he owned the joint, which caused a few grumbles from the MPs who didn’t particularly like an outsider coming in and throwing his weight around. After all, a staff duty officer is supposed to stay up at the headquarters building and notify the Eighth Army staff in case of alert, not come messing around in military police business. I figured the desk sergeant would never be forgiven for calling him but that didn’t help me much now.

  The staff duty officer, whose name was Captain Manning, had figured out who the real culprit was. Me. He got up close, the brim of his cap just a few inches below my chin.

  “You’ve got the temerity to drag a flag officer of the United States Army out of his quarters in the middle of the night-”

  “It’s not the middle of the night, sir.”

  “… and stand him here in front of all his men, half naked-”

  “He refused to put his clothes on.”

  “You could have dressed him!” His face was flushed but I think even he realized how silly his statement was. A couple of the MPs snickered. He cleared his throat and continued. “And then you try to coerce a conscientious desk sergeant-who after years of military training is well aware of the proper way to treat his superiors-into booking Major General Bohler and locking him up as if he were some sort of common criminal!”

  “I’m booking him for first-degree murder.”

  Ernie held Bohler by the elbow. His arms were still handcuffed behind his back and his knobby knees stuck out of his silk lounging robe. His face had been hanging down but he looked up when he realized that he had gotten some support from a fellow member of the officers corps. He got his regular voice back. It was a growl.

  “I’m going to have somebody’s ass for this, Captain. You’d better square it away.”

  Captain Manning fiinched and turned to the general, thrusting his shoulders even further back. “Yes, sir.”

  Ernie jerked Bohler towards the desk. “Enough of this bullshit. Give me that goddamn form. I’ll fill it out and book him myself.”

  The MPs glowered at the desk sergeant. One of them shouted, “Book the son of a bitchl” Another obscenity faded away. A murmur filled the room.

  “At ease!” Captain Manning walked up to the desk sergeant. “Don’t you give him any form. This officer will not be booked, do you understand me?”

  I got between him and the desk sergeant. “Interfering with an official investigation, sir? Obstructing justice?”

  A moment’s confusion entered Captain Manning’s eyes. Ernie grabbed the paperwork out of the desk sergeant’s hands and started filling it out while I held on to Bohler. When Ernie asked the general for his service number and full name, Bohler wouldn’t answer, so we took it off his ID card.

  Ernie slapped the completed form down in front of the desk sergeant and Captain Manning started yelling at him that it wasn’t valid. The MPs closed around us in a tight circle. A couple of them were fed up.

  “We ought to book the captain for interfering with an arrest.”

  “Yeah. Get back to the headquarters building where you belong.”

  One of them reached out and put his hand on Captain Manning’s elbow. He swung his arm around like someone who had just been seared with a blowtorch. He actually hit the MP and then two MPs grabbed him. He tried to push them away and then the whole crowd started jostling. Ernie and I were trying to pull General Bohler out of the melee when someone slammed the door and hollered, “Attention!”

  Everyone froze. Colonel Stoneheart, provost marshal of the Eighth United States Army, strode into the room, silver eagles glistening off his fatigue uniform like attack planes making their
dive through the sun.

  “What the hell is going on here?”

  Everybody talked at once and General Bohler got his courage back and pretty soon Colonel Stoneheart was bowing and scraping to him and Captain Manning kept jumping in on their conversation like a puppy trying to get in with the big dogs. More MP jeeps rolled up, sirens blaring, Colonel Stoneheart gave some crisp orders, and the next thing I knew, Ernie and I were looking at each other in the relaxing quiet of an eight-by-ten holding cell.

  We were alone, there were no hooks or sharp edges on the walls, and we couldn’t hear any of the commotion going on outside.

  Ernie turned towards me slowly.

  “Nothing like a career in military law enforcement, eh, pal?”

  I let my head wag.

  “Fun, travel, and adventure.”


  When they released us, the first sergeant was waiting at the front desk looking as if he’d outlived his normal life span by about five hundred years.

  “Don’t say it, Top,” Ernie said.

  “I’m beyond words now.”

  The desk sergeant had us sign some paperwork and we walked out to a green Army sedan with a Korean Army driver waiting behind the wheel. The morning was cold but bright and fresh, like a new chance on life. The first sergeant didn’t say anything until we got back to the CID Detachment.

  The walk down the hallway resembled a funeral procession. Riley stared at us and when the phone rang he just lifted it off the receiver and set it back down. Miss Kim’s eyes were red and she fumbled with a well-worked handkerchief.

  “Sit down, you guys.”

  We took the same chairs we had sat in so many times while we received ass-chewings and braced ourselves for what was certainly going to be the El Primo of all time.

  The first sergeant cleared his throat.

  ‘The charges against Major General Bohler have been dropped.”

  Ernie hissed through his teeth.

  My stomach tried to swallow itself and maybe it was the lack of sleep but the world got green again for a moment.

  Ernie was the first to be able to speak.

  “How can they do that, Top? They haven’t had a chance to look at the evidence we got.”

  ‘The commanding general saw the prints first thing this morning. He and Colonel Stoneheart were up at dawn going over them. The people from the judge advocate general’s office told him that it doesn’t prove anything as far as murder but only proves that he once had an affair with a young woman who looks somewhat like Miss Pak Ok-suk.”

  The first sergeant held up his hands so Ernie would be quiet and he could finish.

  “Even if we could prove that the woman was Pak Ok-suk, it still doesn’t prove that he killed her because apparently a number of men had formed sexual liaisons with her, and having been one of them doesn’t make you the killer.”

  “But we have corroborating witnesses,” Ernie said. “Kimiko can maybe put him there, at the scene, on the night of the murder.”

  “A bar girl convicting a general? It won’t fly, Bascom. Her word won’t hold up in court. The CG reviewed all the evidence, along with Colonel Stoneheart and the Eighth Army judge advocate, and they came to the conclusion that the only thing to do was to get General Bohler out of the country right away so this thing doesn’t get blown out of proportion. The ROKs have agreed. They saw no reason to jeopardize our bilateral relations by going forward with such a flimsy case.”

  The first sergeant walked over to the coffee urn, poured himself a cup of coffee, and came back to his desk. Neither Ernie nor I made a move.

  ‘There is some good news to come out of all this, though. The ROKs have agreed to drop the charges against Spec-4 Johnny Watkins. He was freed this morning and is on his way back to Yongsan. They’re putting out the word to the Korean papers that subsequent investigation has shown the fire and resulting death to have been accidental. We’ve already booked Watkins on a flight back to the States this afternoon.”

  “Getting rid of everybody involved,” Ernie said.

  “That’s no way to look at it, Bascom. This is an ugly situation and now it’s over.” The first sergeant fidgeted in his chair. ‘The CG talked to Colonel Stoneheart about you two. He says to let you know what a good job you did and he’s proud of your tenacity in going after the case. And he’s sorry that you were held while we tried to unravel everything. I’ve been authorized to give you some time off, too, to sort of unwind.” The first sergeant stood up. ”Take off the rest of today. That will give you a long weekend and then be back here Monday ready to go to work.”

  He shook both our hands and we stumbled down the hall.

  “Can you believe these assholes?” Ernie said.

  “Yeah. I can believe’em. But they forgot one thing.” I patted my coat pocket. “I still got the negatives. We make a few more prints, a cover letter, and I bet there’s a few congressmen around who’d love to ask some questions up at the Pentagon.”

  “It means they’d shaft us,” Ernie said.

  I shrugged. “I never wanted to be a first sergeant anyway.”

  Ernie looked at me. “Me neither.”

  Ernie dropped me off at the barracks and I got on the horn and after a few tries I got through to Ginger at the American Club. Her voice was flat as she told me that Miss Lim was in the hospital.

  “Which one?”

  ‘The Peik Sim Byongwon. Near East Gate.” She paused and I thought I could hear her swallowing. “Take care Georgie.”

  I held the receiver away from me and then I dropped it and then I was out the door.

  The receptionist in her crisp white uniform looked down the list of patients for people with the last name Lim.

  “She’s young,” I said, “and beautiful.”

  “Lim Hong-su, Lim Chong-kyu…” Finally she looked up at me. “Miss Lim Mi-hua, age twenty-nine, room 334.” The unblemished oval of her face was impassive. ‘That is in the trauma center,” she said.

  An old woman in a heavy overcoat sat in a chair at the side of the bed. When she looked up at me, I could see through the dried tears and the wrinkles that she was Miss Lim’s mother.

  “I am Georgie,” I said.

  She stared at me for a long time, as if by looking she could somehow figure out how I had brought so much grief to her daughter.

  Miss Lim was in traction. One arm broken, two legs. Bandages surrounded her face, a tube ran into her nostrils, and there were stitches along her forehead, her cheek, and her chin. Her eyes were puffed and closed.

  I heard some murmuring down the hallway. The nurses had noticed the big American walking the ward. A dapper Korean man in rimless glasses and a white coat walked in.

  “Good morning,” he said. “I am Doctor Ahn.”

  We shook hands.

  “Are you a friend of hers?” He nodded towards Miss Lim.


  “I am afraid the news is not good. Most of her hip has been shattered. She will not walk again.”

  I looked at the doctor.

  I looked at Miss Lim. She didn’t seem to be breathing. The big cold cement walls of the hospital closed in on me but I fought the blackness and somehow remained standing.

  I thanked the doctor and walked out of the room.

  Miss Lim’s mother had never taken her eyes off me.

  Riley used his lunch hour to help us print more photos. He had a lot of experience in photography. Ernie and I fidgeted outside the darkroom. Finally Riley poked his head out.

  “Did you guys do something unusual to the chemical bath when you were developing these prints?”

  We shrugged.

  “Well, the negatives have gone funny. Come in and take a look.”

  We went into the darkroom and, after our eyes adjusted, he held up one of the wet photographs. A big halo emanated from Miss Pak’s head and from General Bohler’s and they were bright enough to leave barely a trace of facial features. That was the best print. All the others were totally ruined.
br />   “You guys need a little work on your lab techniques.”

  “Yeah,” Ernie said. “We need a little work on a lot of things.”

  “Where is the first set of prints you made? You can just make more from those.”

  “We turned them over to the provost marshal’s office.”

  “History, huh?” Riley said.

  “I’m sure they’ll have an honored spot in the Eighth Army archives.”

  “Where’s that?”

  ‘The incinerator.”

  “Hey!” Riley said. “One piece of good news-the initials of the party who signed out the marriage packets?”

  “Yeah?” I said. “Who?”

  “Bohler’s secretary.”

  The first thing I did was go back to my room and get a whole lot of sleep. Or at least I tried to. The houseboys kept bustling around the barracks, making a lot of noise, and my head kept popping off the pillow with a new thought of how I should have handled the case. A couple of times I shuffled down the hallway in my shorts and shower shoes and got myself a can of Falstaff out of the big PX vending machine. Finally I gave it up and took a shower, shaved, and got dressed.

  I went to the ville.

  The reason for all the changes at the Korean Procurement Agency was that General Bohler had been using his influence to get new companies, under the auspices of Mr. Kwok, the lucrative Eighth Army contracts that had routinely been going to another group of entrepreneurs. Lindbaugh had been the facilitator for this at KPA, and since he was in the right place at the right time-and willing to go along with the program-he made a lot of money. Bohler, meanwhile, got what he wanted-an organization headed by Mr. Kwok that would do his bidding. If he spotted a woman he wanted, he got her, and I could only guess what other sorts of services were provided.

  For some reason he got a perverse pleasure out of coercing young women who were about to marry servicemen from his own command into doing his sexual bidding. Maybe he made his choices from the photos and something interesting he saw in the marriage packets. Maybe it was just the safety of medically screened brides-to-be. However he made his choices, the women I knew about were exceptionally beautiful.

  Li Jin-ai looked good even in the poor-quality black-and-white photograph in her marriage paperwork. The Nurse was a knockout and, of course, there was Miss Pak. Probably there had been others.


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