Unbounded Fury

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Unbounded Fury Page 3

by Jaden Sinclair

  “My mother was killed, damn you!”

  “Let the police handle it. It’s what they get paid to do.”

  “They won’t find this woman, just like they can’t seem to find Logan or Patrick. I need help here.”

  “And what makes you think I can help?”

  “Because I know you guys are already looking for these people who are doing this crap! I heard Patrick talk about the missing families.” Vashti felt the frustration. She growled, turned her back on him and ran a hand over her hair, trying to get herself under control. Taking several deep breaths, she turned back around. “She knows about you. Hell, she called Patrick ‘lover’. I even bet she’s the one who has Logan as well.”

  Justice crossed his arms over the wide expanse of his chest. The movement caught her eye. She watched the shirt he wore tighten giving her a nice view of his muscles hidden under the soft material. In all the years she had known him, she never felt so small, so helpless around him. Now, in his brother’s office, she felt like a tiny mouse in front of a huge cat who was waiting for the right moment to pounce upon her. Her gut screamed that moment had come. Why did I have to come to him for help?

  “You want my help to locate this woman, then I want something in return,” he said.

  Her mouth went dry. She felt butterflies in her stomach and the palms of her hands suddenly became very damp. Vashti didn’t like the look he had in his gray eyes.

  “What?” she asked softly, almost fearing his answer.

  Justice stood up from the chair, walked around slowly, tapping a finger on his full lips. The act of thinking hard over what he wanted felt like a nail on a chalkboard to her nerves. She couldn’t keep herself from backing away when he came around completely to the front of the desk and leaned back against it.

  Shit, when the hell did he get so huge?

  He’s a brick, she thought. Simple as that. His leg was two of hers and molded the jeans he wore to perfection. Even the boots on his feet were large. The white shirt appeared painted on his body, depending on how he was standing or sitting. His arms were so thick she knew without a doubt that they could crush someone. And his hands... What would it feel like to be held in them, or caressed by hands such as those? Stop thinking like that!

  “What do you want, Justice?” She forced the question past her lips, clearing her throat and trying to act like this was all just a normal question and that this game they were now about to play was wasting her time.

  “Don’t play that game, Vashti.” He shook his head and long, dark locks fell forward across his forehead, giving him a darker appearance. “We’ve known each other far too long to keep playing it.”

  “I didn’t come over here to get fucked over by you,” she snapped.

  “No, but I’m the one that’s going to be fucking you.” Vashti gasped loudly at the bold statement. “You want my help, then it’s going to cost you that sweet ass of yours to be in my bed, in any position I want, for as long as it takes me to find this woman.”

  “That’s blackmail!”

  “Call it what you want,” he said and shrugged. “That’s what I want.”

  “I knew I should’ve gone to your brother and not to you with this. All you ever think about is sex and from whom you can get it. Well, I told you then and I’ll tell you now— I’m not a fucking toy for you!”

  Again, Justice shrugged as if he didn’t care. “Fine. Then good luck with the police and finding the woman who killed your mother.”

  “Justice, you can’t just—”

  She didn’t get to finish. He growled low, charged her until she had no choice but to back up against the wall. Then he slammed his hands over her head, pressing his solid body up against hers.

  “Does the idea of sharing my bed really disgust you that much?” He sniffed her and she began to shake. The idea that he might devour her hit, only because she knew of his wolf status. “Or is it the idea that I’d be the one taking from you that sweet virginity that I know for a fact you still have.”

  She shook her head, mouth dry thanks to her fear. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  He smiled. Perfect white teeth showed in a triumphant smile. “Yes you do. I’ve made damn sure that no one else ever got near what I hold as my own. You want my help in getting Logan back, finding Patrick and maybe this woman? I’ll give it, but that sweet little cherry of yours is mine. That’s the cost. Take it or leave it, but you better decide real fast. The offer expires in the next five minutes.”


  “Tick-tock,” he said back.

  “This isn’t fair.”

  “Time is flying, Vashti.”

  “You’re a bastard.”

  One eyebrow went up, and the corner of his lip. “Can be.”

  Her anger rose and she narrowed her eyes on him. “Fine. You bring Logan and Patrick home and I’ll sleep with you, but only after you’ve found them. Happy now?”

  Justice smiled big. “Oh you have no idea how happy you just made me.” He grabbed the front of her jeans and jerked her lower body against his pelvis, letting her feel the slight swell in the front of his jeans. “I’m looking forward to it, Vashti Berridge, with great pleasure.”

  Chapter Two

  “I feel like my damn dick is about to fall off,” Stray whispered to Logan in the dark. “If I have to go at it again then I know it will.”

  “Shhh!” Logan hissed back in the dark.

  “What are you doing?”

  Logan was working to pick the lock on his cage. He’d waited for Stray to come back, after that kinky ass woman finished with him. He stayed on the floor where they left him, drained of energy, his raw dick throbbing in pain. As he lay on the cold floor, he started to feel himself coming back, at least the part of him that the bitch had drugged. It was coming back and staying longer, which meant the drugs she was giving him were no longer doing their job. Good for him, bad for her.

  Once he heard Stray come back, the door closed and locked, he got up and went to work on the lock. He didn’t have much to work with and not all of his animal strength was back, either. What he did have was determination and that helped him to break off some of the wire from the cage and use it now to pick at the lock.

  “Logan?” Stray called out his name and he sounded worried.

  “I’m getting us the fuck out of here,” Logan answered him. “The drugs are not lasting long on me anymore. I’m starting to feel normal again.”

  He heard Stray move. “Can you get us out?”

  “How strong do you feel now?”

  “Not even halfway back to normal.”

  “Yeah, well I do.” Logan twisted and heard something click. “And we’re getting the fuck out of here, tonight.”

  “What about her?”

  Logan stood up. “Fuck her.” He kicked hard and the door miraculously opened. “I’m done being her whore.” He walked out and felt around for Stray’s cage. Finding it, finding the lock, he started to kneel down to pick it also but stilled when he heard something. “Keep quiet. Someone’s coming.”

  Head up, sniffing at the air, Logan picked up two males heading their way. Since he still couldn’t see well in the dark, he used his sense of smell to help him. They weren’t the ones who had been guarding them for the past year or so. No, these guys were new, and if he wasn’t mistaken, they smelled like him and Stray.

  Walking backwards, towards the only entrance that led to their cages, Logan pressed his naked body up against the cool wall and waited. When the first male entered, Logan grabbed him by the shoulders, swung him around and shoved him as hard as he could up against the wall with a deep growl. He didn’t get to do any more damage than that when a gun pressed to the back of his head.

  “Please don’t do that.”

  “Logan?” the one he was holding asked. “I’m looking for Logan Wallace.”

  “That’s me,” Logan growled, not releasing his hold yet. “Who the hell are you?”

  “Justice Vanderbu
rg. Vashti sent me.”

  Logan slowly released his grip, and the gun behind his head moved. “Vashti,” he whispered.

  “Will someone please get me out of this shit!” Stray announced.

  Logan let go when Justice brushed past him. “What the hell is Vashti doing with you?”

  “She’s not really with me,” Justice answered.

  “Here.” The other one handed a pair of sweatpants to Logan, the one who had held a gun to his head just a few seconds ago. “Might want to put some pants on. I sure as shit know I want you to put some on.”

  “That’s Damond, by the way,” Justice said. Another loud click and Stray’s door also opened. “My brother. We’ve been looking for you guys for over a year now. Thorn has even been hunting.

  Damond also handed Stray a pair of pants.

  “Thorn?” Logan said.

  Justice helped Stray into the pants and held onto him as he swayed. “Yeah, he gave us this location as he went in another direction. What the hell did they give you?” he asked Stray.

  “Something to suppress our wolf,” Logan said. “And something else to make our dicks hard for hours. We’ve had the lucky drawing of being personal whores.”

  “Lights would be good,” Damond said as he hit a switch. For a moment, Logan was blinded.

  “Oh shit!” All four turned at the same time at the curse. One young woman stood in the doorway, her green eyes wide in shock, mouth open. She was barefoot, a long t-shirt and a robe slightly opened that only went to her knees and in her hands, and she had what looked like some food. Her long, brown hair hung free down her back, and the scent that came off her was enough for Logan to know it was she! “Kaz run!” she screamed, turning and running away, the food dropping to the floor. “They’re out of the cages!”

  “Look out for whoever she called for,” Logan said when Damond made to go after her. “I’ve got this one.”

  Together they left the room, running after the girl. Since the two of them were side by side, something struck them in the shins after they’d taken just two steps, dropping them to the ground. Logan managed to get a quick glimpse of two sets of feet before the pain kicked in and one set backed away as a bat fell to the floor.

  “Son of a bitch!” Damond cried out.

  “Motherfucker!” Logan growled as he came to his feet. “I’ve had enough of this shit.”

  “Dannie, hide!” a female yelled.

  From her scent, Logan got his first good look at the second sister. A door slammed and the girl before him backed up, a thick piece of wood raised high in her hands.

  “Please, tell me you got this one?” Logan asked.

  “Oh, yeah,” Damond answered.

  Logan waited until Damond managed to distract the girl before dashing around her and running in the direction Dannie went. So not only did he have a face to go with that scent he still carried with him, but a name as well.

  Kicking the locked door open, he braced himself for some kind of attack, since her sister had fought them. Instead, he was shocked to find himself alone in a library full of shelves of books. Logan stood in the center of it, looking up and around, turning and sniffing for her, the scent masked by the leather and dust in the room.

  “Oh, Dannie,” he sang. “Come out, come out, from where ever you are.” Nothing. “You know you can’t hide from me. I will find you.” He sniffed. “I can smell you.”

  Moving to the left, he reached out, touching the books on the shelf. Logan walked slowly forward, skimming the tips of his fingers along the leather bindings of the books, sniffing as he walked.

  * * * *

  Dannie watched him through the tiny peephole behind a thick wall of books—the hidden passageway her mother had built in case they needed to hide from someone. She shook as she watched him, hugging herself, biting the inside of her mouth.

  Since the night she snuck in and took him into her mouth, making him hard, Dannie regretted and feared her mother would find out. Fear helped her to keep her mouth shut, even to her sister, until this morning. As far as Katrina knew, she’d only touched him. She didn’t want to know what her sister would say if she knew she’d taken him in her mouth until he’d grown hard.

  “Now where might you be?”

  Dannie held her breath, pressed herself as far back into the tiny hole as she could get, not that she had much room to begin with. He was right there, right at the entrance and if he found the book that opened it up, she would be screwed!

  Books began hitting the wood floor, each thud of a dropped book growing louder to her ears. Dannie closed her eyes, praying softy that it all was nothing more than a bad dream—a nightmare. When she heard the latch being pulled, and the door sliding open, she knew without a doubt that it was no nightmare.

  “Hello there sweetness.” He smiled at her and Dannie tried to take a step back only to feel the wall. One eyebrow of his went up. “A bit late to be playing the shy game, don’t you think?”

  “Go away,” she whispered, unable to stop the shaking in her body.

  She didn’t know his name, didn’t know anything about him except that he was a big money maker right now for her mother. She was stunned by his size; when she’d seen him lying down, she guessed he was taller than the average man was, but now he stood on his feet before her in nothing more than a pair of sweatpants, and he was enormous, dwarfing her. His bare chest spoke of power and she realized his arms could crush a man if he wanted.

  “No more orders. Now I’m the one in charge.” He reached for her and Dannie panicked.

  She screamed, slapped at his hands and fought him as he reached for her. He pulled her out, turned her around and pressed his body hard against her. He pulled at the knot of the belt on her robe, jerked it free and grabbed her wrists. Pulling her hands behind her back, with the belt, he tied them together. Tears flooded her eyes as fear of the unknown gripped her. Dannie closed her eyes waiting for whatever was to come.

  He turned her around but she couldn’t face him. Dannie turned her head to the side, keeping her eyes closed but jumped when his hand touched her face.

  “Your scent is what kept me hard the other night for that woman,” he whispered, and touched her softly. Dannie looked at him. “She used me until I thought I might break from it, and still I stayed hard. The memory of your lips around my dick is what I held on to just to get through it all.”

  “I’m sorry I did that.”

  He smiled. “I’m not.” He bent, picked her up and slung her over his shoulder. “Time to go.”

  Once slung over his shoulder the panic started to set in again. Dannie squirmed and kicked, to no avail as tears slid down her face. He walked back to the rest of the small group. One man was standing next to the other pet, looking him over, a phone to his ear. Dannie looked around and gasped when she saw another man come in, dragging her sister behind him, her wrists tied behind her back.

  The one on the phone nodded and hung up. “Hmm, this is interesting.”

  “What?” the man holding Dannie asked.

  “Thorn wants the daughter, but we have two.”


  “He didn’t say, but we have two here.”

  “This one is mine,” Logan said as he lowered Dannie to her feet. She took a step away but he kept hold of her arm, keeping her close to his side.

  “Then I guess the other one is for Thorn.”

  “We don’t belong to any of you!” Katrina said, twisting to get free of the man who held onto her.

  The pet on the floor seemed to get some energy back. He stood up and went right up to Katrina, grabbing hold of her by the throat. “And you think we belong to you or that bitch?” he snarled.

  “Chill out, Stray,” the man behind Dannie said. “We take them both. Thorn can have that one for whatever reason he wants, but this one—” He shook Dannie. “—Is all mine.”

  Stray shoved Katrina away from him and nearly fell to the ground. Logan caught him. “You can straighten all that out with Thorn. We’re
to meet him at Ponca. Says it’s one of the safest places right now.”

  “It’s going to take us a couple of days to get there,” Logan stated.

  “Don’t worry. We’ve got it all taken care of,” the man holding Katrina said. “Justice, call Nic and let him know where we’re heading so he won’t freak out, and I’ll make sure this pain in the ass stays put.” He gave Katrina a shake before turning her around and forcing her to walk forward.

  “Kaz,” Dannie whimpered, watching her sister being taken away. The man holding her turned her to face him. “Name’s Logan, by the way.”

  “Ple—please don’t do this,” she begged. “We didn’t do anything to you.”

  He didn’t really smile at her, only touched the side of her face with his knuckles. “Who would’ve thought that I could find something so perfect in a place so dark,” he said quietly.

  “Logan, come on!”

  He snapped out of his trance, took hold of her arm and started walking out, following the other two. Once they were outside is when the realization of just what was going on hit her. Dannie saw the large RV parked, watched her sister dragged inside it and panicked. She dropped down to the ground, which had him stopping and turning to her.

  “No,” she moaned, shaking her head, staring at the RV.

  He sighed and picked her up, half slinging her over his shoulder again. At the side door of the RV, he handed her off to someone else who sat her down across from Katrina. Dannie could only watch as her sister still tried to fight with the hands that were holding her down. Katrina was losing the battle. The man she fought ended up shoving her down face first on the sofa, crossed her ankles over one another, tied them together, then attached them to her wrists that were already tied.

  “Please, don’t!” Dannie cried out, getting up and rushing toward him, trying to knock him away from Katrina by using her shoulder.

  “Logan, burn that damn place down,” Stray said.

  “Take care of her first,” the man holding Katrina down told him.

  Logan sighed again and grabbed hold of her, pulling her back. “Justice, you got any gas?” Logan asked.


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