Unbounded Fury

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Unbounded Fury Page 5

by Jaden Sinclair

  “What?” Damond gasped.

  Justice shrugged, “He said this other kid that made it out went through the same shit but it didn’t end well. He went rabid and killed someone. Cabinet put him down for it.”

  “So you all do go rabid, huh?” Katrina stood in the bedroom doorway with a smug smile on her face. Dannie closed her eyes and sighed. What they didn’t need now was for her to start picking at them.

  Damond pointed to a chair. “Sit your ass down and keep that big mouth of yours shut.”

  Dannie was a bit surprised that Katrina obeyed. However, the look in her sister’s eyes told a different story. One that said it was only a matter of time before she was going to make her move.

  “Okay, let’s find a place we can camp for the night and see how long this shit lasts,” Damond said to Justice. Justice nodded and went back to the front. The RV started back up and they were once more back on the road.

  “What’s the great plan now?” Katrina asked again. Dannie rolled her eyes, wishing like hell that her sister would keep her mouth shut. “What are you going to do now?”

  “If I hadn’t made a promise to a friend of mine—” Damond went right up to Katrina, grabbed the arms of the chair where she sat and leaned down so he was face to face with her. “—I’d snap your fucking neck right now and leave your ass to rot on the side of the road.”

  “So in other words you’re leashed, by one of your own.” She smirked right back at him.

  “What are you going to do with us?” Dannie asked, hoping to break some of the tension between the two of them.

  He turned to her. “You belong to Logan.” That had Dannie gasping in shock.

  “What?” she breathed out.

  “Wait one damn minute!” Katrina said, standing back up. “She doesn’t belong to anyone.”

  Slowly he turned around to Katrina. Dannie held her breath, fearing for a moment that her sister might have gone too far, so she acted fast and got up, placing herself between him and her.

  “What exactly do you mean by that?” Dannie quickly asked.

  “Just what I said.” He crossed his thick arms over his chest. “What happens to you is none of my business. I’m just keeping an eye on both of you until he gets over this shit.”

  “And my sister?” Dannie asked again. “What happens to her?”

  He smiled then, eyes moving from Dannie to Katrina. “That is all up to Thorn.”

  “And who the hell is Thorn?” Katrina asked.

  “A major pain in your ass,” Damond stated.

  “From where I stand, you all are major pains in the ass.”

  “I don’t understand,” Dannie tried again. “Why did you take us in the first place? You could have just taken them and left us behind.”

  His attention came back to her. “Little girl I don’t know or give a shit as to why Logan took you. As for your sister, well, let’s just say she had to have pissed Thorn off for him to make the request for the daughter, only he didn’t know there were two of you. So now it’s my turn to ask some questions. I know Logan has just staked his claim on this one, so what did you do to get Thorn’s attention?”

  “I don’t even know who the hell you’re talking about,” Katrina said through her teeth.

  Damond pushed Dannie to the side and took a step closer to Katrina. “Oh, I’m pretty sure you do. He was held by that bitch of a mother of yours for a short time. What did you do to him?”

  “I didn’t do a damn thing.” Katrina narrowed her eyes on him, and Dannie was powerless to stop the slight gasp from slipping free. He heard it.

  “Oh, I’m pretty sure you did. You keep your secrets all you want. Just a couple of days until we meet up with him and then what you did will come out.”

  Dannie had to move out of the way when he turned and started for the front of the RV. She watched him go, then turned to Katrina, rushing into her sister’s arms. Katrina held her, but she could feel how still her sister was.

  “It’s him, isn’t it?” Dannie asked in a low whisper. “The one Mother made you have sex with. He’s coming back.”

  “Shh!” Katrina snapped at her.

  “Kaz, I heard him, remember? She made me watch also. I heard him say he would come back and find you.” Dannie couldn’t stop from shaking now in her sister’s arms. “If he comes back, what’s going to happen to you?”


  The RV turned again, onto a bumpy road. They broke apart and sat down, waiting to see what would happen next. After a short wait, they stopped and Justice came back to join them.

  “I’ll see about finding a couple big trees,” Justice said. “You got any chains?”

  “Yeah,” Damond answered. “Let me just make sure these two aren’t going anywhere and I’ll help you get it all together.”

  “Let me guess. You’re tying us up again,” Katrina said, pointing her finger at him. Justice went outside and Damond took only one step towards Katrina. She made her move then. “Don’t think so, big boy.”

  Katrina kicked Damond right between the legs. He grunted and dropped to his knees. She grabbed Dannie’s hand and jerked her toward the side door leading out. Dannie had her mouth open in shock.

  “I can’t believe you did that!” Dannie cried out.

  “Hurry!” Katrina yanked on her hand again. “That won’t keep him down for long.”

  Outside, jumping down, Katrina kept hold of Dannie’s hand, looked right and left then took the left and started running.

  They didn’t get very far.

  Justice came out from the other side of the RV, chains in hand. They made eye contact with him, and he dropped the chains and went after them. As they ran, Dannie kept looking over her shoulder. Justice ran fast, almost as fast as they were running.

  However as quickly as it all started it was over just as fast. While Dannie was looking over her shoulder, she missed the large body that was coming at them from the left. Katrina yelled right before they collided with something very hard. Both went down to the ground. Before Dannie’s senses returned, hard hands grabbed her. Strong arms wrapped around her waist, pinning her arms down, picking her up off the ground. She saw that Katrina wasn’t so easy to grab on to.

  Damond had recovered quickly and was now struggling with her sister. Struggling to get a good grip on her. It was almost like watching mud wrestling the way they moved back and forth, her slipping from his hold, him grunting. She even managed to land a few hard kicks to his chest before he was able to grab hold of her ankles and flipped her over to her stomach. He sat on her legs, roughly took hold of her wrists and had them behind her back, breathing hard.

  “Ow!” Katrina yelled. “You’re going to break my arms the way you’re pulling on them.”

  “Maybe I should,” Damond growled back. He got up, jerked her up, then turned her around and shoved her up face first against a tree. “Man, I can’t wait to hand you over to Thorn.”

  Justice turned then as Damond started to tie Katrina’s hands behind her back again. She didn’t get to see much more, and was sad to see that they hadn’t made it far from the RV, either.

  Justice dragged Dannie inside and shoved her down on the sofa. She didn’t move as the dirty look Justice gave her made her stay put. He went to the back and a few minutes later came out with Logan hanging over his shoulder. She watched Justice all the way to the door as he walked Logan out. Then she turned on the sofa to keep on watching from the window.

  Outside, it looked like Damond was chaining Katrina next to a tree. Dannie’s gut dropped at the sight. She couldn’t believe that they were going to leave her sister out there for the night. Right across from Katrina Justice put Logan down, then started to wrap a thick chain around his body. When that was done the two said something to each other, then Damond started working on putting a fire together and Justice came back to the RV.

  “What’s going on?” Dannie ask as soon as he came inside.

  He went over to Stray and stopped before bending over to pic
k him up also. “We’re chaining these two up. They are detoxing from the drugs your mother has been giving them for so long.”

  “And my sister?”

  Justice bent, grabbed Stray’s arm, and lucky for him Stray didn’t wake up. Justice slung Stray up on his shoulder. “She’s going to watch. You get to stay in here with me for the night, so you might want to try to get some sleep. It’s going to be a long one.”

  “Please just let us go,” Dannie begged when he reached the door. “I promise you that we won’t tell our mother where you went or what happened.”

  He looked her right in the eye. “Bit late for that, don’t you think?”

  Chapter Four

  Vintina stood in the middle of her cage room, staring at the two empty cages, her anger boiling over. She knew the instant she got back that something was wrong. For one thing, her two guards she left at the front door were now dead, and second, part of her building had been burned. The flames hadn’t touched where she stood now.

  David Wycough, her partner, and the only man she was afraid of, came in behind her but stayed a few feet away. They’d had a meeting over her drug supply, one that he wasn’t happy with, because of how much she’d used. He thought they had made enough money, and it was time to focus on killing them all. She didn’t agree, but seeing this now, knowing that her daughters were in their hands, that disagreement was starting to quickly slip away.

  “You must treat them as if they are dead,” David said behind her in his cold voice. “They will soon turn your daughters, they always do.”

  Yes, she knew what those things would do to her precious daughters. She suffered herself at the hands of one. One she had thought loved her, as she loved him.

  Patrick Wallace.

  They’d met a long time ago. That old saying about love at first sight was true, for her. She’d wanted to find out if the rumor she had heard about him being different was true. Only she didn’t have a clue as to how different he really was.

  Upon meeting, they became instant lovers. The hunger he had, the way he made love to her had her coming back over and over again. Then one night that all changed. More of them showed up and a party started. She drank too much, had sex too much, and before she knew it she was in each one of their beds. They all used her while Patrick watched, and did nothing. He was there when it started, but not when it was finished. She couldn’t find him anywhere. Then the unthinkable happened.

  She was pregnant, but by who?

  Vintina finally found Patrick to tell him, and he turned his back on her. Called her a slut for falling for their seduction and letting each one of his friends have a turn with her. He didn’t want to have anything more to do with her and refused to even think that the baby might be his. Besides that, he’d smiled and told her that he was back on the hunt for his true mate now, and as far as she was concerned it had been nothing more than a fling for him.

  So she took a chance and had the baby and luck being on her side her daughter didn’t show any signs of being one of them. But that didn’t change the fact that Patrick let his friends rape her, and that is what it was to her. They all got her so drunk she couldn’t recall much that happened that night, but she blamed Patrick, just as she carried the shame.

  A couple years after she gave birth to Katrina, one of them came back saying that he was the father. How that bastard would be able to know that she still didn’t understand and by then didn’t give a damn. She changed then, wasn’t the same woman as she was back then and to prove it to herself she did the one thing that would keep the shame secret forever. She killed that guy herself, silencing him forever and keeping what Katrina might be a secret. No one would ever know that thing was her father. That night she killed him changed everything, including the starting of her revenge.

  Katrina never knew about any of it, and it would always stay that way. Just like Dannie would never know who her true father was. The man standing behind her now.

  “Has he given you what you want?” she asked, not turning around to face him.

  “He will soon. If not, then the withdrawal will kill him.”

  Ahh, the withdrawal from the drugs. She saw what it did to her pets when she stopped giving it to them, when they were finished.

  “Make him suffer,” she said. “Make him feel the pain that I know his precious son is feeling right about now.”

  * * * *

  “Argh!” Logan growled, at the top of his lungs, from the trunk of the large tree to which he was chained. Around another tree was Stray, yelling and twisting.

  “What’s wrong with them?” Dannie asked Justice, who was inside the RV with her, cooking up something to eat. Katrina was also chained to a tree, facing them—her punishment for running.

  “They’re going through a withdrawal from all the drugs your mother has been pumping into their system for the past couple of years.” She moved away from the window to look at him. “Not too many come out of her claws alive,” he added, “and the ones who do are pretty much fucked up. Thorn told us that a couple had the withdrawal and one killed someone because of it.” She reached up, touching her throat and wincing slightly at the tenderness. “So we’ve got them chained up until it’s over.”

  “We never knew what she did to them you know,” she said with the hopes that he might believe her. “It wasn’t allowed, or more like we weren’t allowed to go around them unless she was there to watch over us.”

  He turned to her and grinned. “Ah, but that’s not totally true, now is it?”

  Dannie stared outside again. Damond moved back and forth between Logan and Stray, pouring water over their heads but not getting too close to them. To her, they looked like a couple of rabid animals.

  Justice finished cooking, chili from the looks of it. He handed her a bowl, then took some out to Damond who started to feed Katrina. Dannie was a bit surprised that her sister didn’t spit it back in his face.

  Sleep was something she knew she wouldn’t get. With the howling and moaning in pain, along with some whimpering she just couldn’t get any. By the first light of dawn, she must’ve fallen asleep because when the door slammed she jolted up from the sofa and jumped back, her long hair falling into her face.

  Damond had come in. He said nothing to her, only glanced her way then walked to the back. The bedroom door closed and she heard the sound of water. Getting up on her knees on the sofa and looking out the window, she saw that her sister was asleep and so were Logan and Stray. From the looks of each one, she was guessing that the worst was over for them.

  She heard the water turn off, and a few minutes later Damond came back out, his head wet and wearing different clothes. Still he said nothing to her when he walked by and went back outside. He did speak to Justice who nodded at what he said, then the two of them went up to Logan. They unchained him, and together picked him up, carrying his limp body to the RV. She got up and went to the door, opening it for them. They struggled to get him inside and she had to move quickly out of their way so they could pass by her. Logan was taken to the bedroom, and soon to follow was Stray. Katrina was the last, and Damon shoved her down on the seat. Everything else was packed up, and they were once more on the road.

  “You know, the hospitality around here leaves something to be desired,” Katrina smarted off when Damond took a seat across from the two of them. “It sort of sucks.”

  “The same can be said about the company,” Damond smarted back. He even smiled, and that had Dannie instantly on alert. “Boy, I can’t wait to see what Thorn does once he gets his hands on you.”

  “So that’s the great plan here?” Katrina said. “Pass the buck. I’m so impressed. And get a new line. The handing me over shit is really getting old.”

  “Shh!” Dannie hissed low at her.

  “Little girl, I couldn’t give a shit about you. If he wants to rip your fucking throat out then I’m just going to stand to the side and watch.”

  “Least I know who holds the leash around here,” Katrina snorted.

  “Will you shut up!” Dannie said.

  “Yes, listen to your little sister,” Damond sneered. “Might help you to live longer.” He got up again and went to the back, slamming the door closed.

  “What is wrong with you?” Dannie snapped, moving away from her sister.

  “Me?” Katrina snapped at her. “You’re sitting around here acting like you are best friends with them. Dannie, they are animals who just kidnapped us.”

  “I know that and the more you poke at that one,” she pointed to the door, “the more I fear he might hurt you.”

  She snorted. “He’s not going to hurt me. You heard yourself. They plan to hand me over to another.”

  “Right, and that one I think you should be afraid of.”

  “Why? Because Mother made me fuck him and now he wants to get even?” Katrina now sounded like she was getting pissed. “What the hell do you think is going to happen to you once that other animal wakes up? You think it’ll be just kisses and hugs? Open your damn eyes, Dannie! He’s going to bend you over and rape you. They all are.”

  Dannie shook her head. “If he were going to do that then he would have raped me already.”

  “Not when they’re trying to keep those two from killing everyone!” Katrina started raising her voice, then looked to her left and right, and taking a deep breath, added, “I’ve seen what happens when they are off the drugs Mother put in them. They turn into raging animals out for blood. That one has already tried to kill you once.”

  “Will you stop!” Dannie now raised her voice and didn’t care if the others could hear her or not. “You’re starting to sound like her.”

  Damond came back out from the bedroom, eyes narrowed, looking at each one of them. Dannie backed up to the sofa across from Katrina and sat down. He walked between them to the front. Dannie turned away from her sister and stared out the window. She didn’t want to talk to her, didn’t want to hear the things that were coming out of her mouth. Katrina did wrong, in Dannie’s eyes, when she went into that room and did what she did. Now Dannie thought that her sister was afraid of the consequence of her actions.


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