Unbounded Fury

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Unbounded Fury Page 8

by Jaden Sinclair

  With the panic setting in over running away, Dannie tripped and fell face first in the brush. She landed hard, knocking the air from her lungs. Staying put, she waited not only to catch her breath but also to see if anything might be broken or if she hurt herself. Knees started to throb, so slowly pushing herself over she looked down. Sure enough, she’d scraped both of them when she went down.

  “Shit,” she hissed, touching one knee and hissing at the pain.

  Dannie stilled when she noticed that everything around her went very quiet. She looked around, her breathing became shallow, and the fear of what might be out there seeped into her bones making it so she couldn’t move even if she wanted to.

  A loud crunch and she jumped, turning to the right with her eyes open as wide as they would go with the hope that she might see what was making that noise.

  “Logan?” she called out. What came back was a very low and deadly sounding growl. “Please don’t do that,” she whimpered.

  Another low growl followed by some rustling of bushes and leaves and then she saw red eyes break through the darkness. Dannie sucked air into her lungs and scooted back, fear gripping her.

  Without any kind of warning the thing in the darkness in the woods, lunged at her. Dannie screamed and braced herself for the impact only it didn’t come. To the right of the thing another deep, vicious growl came along with a blurry figure jumping up in the air also. The two collided, hit the ground so hard that a cloud of dust flew up and around them. Dannie couldn’t even tell what was going on.

  Growling, snarling and grunting sounds were all around her. A mixture of animal fighting and then men had Dannie very confused. She slowly stood up but couldn’t see anything. Then it all went quiet.

  She jumped when there was a loud cry, as if someone was in terrible pain broke through the silence, then she was instantly on guard when footsteps slowly started to head her way. Looking around, thinking as to where she might be able to run, she started to bolt when Logan was the one to come out of the thick trees.

  Dannie sighed in relief, but that relief was short lived. Logan looked mad enough to kill. He stormed up to her, which had her instantly backing up, her hands going up to slightly ward him off—maybe.

  “Logan, I’m—” Dannie didn’t get to finish. He came right up to her, bent and slung her up over his shoulder and just kept right on walking. “Logan, please!” she begged.

  “Don’t talk,” he growled.

  He walked back to the cabin, or more like power walked. Once inside, Logan went right to the bed and dropped her on it. She bounced and watched him go over to the door, slamming it shut. The force made her jump. She opened her mouth to speak only to have him hold a hand up.

  “Don’t,” he said with a pissed off frown. “Did you even think before you bolted out of this damn cabin?” he snapped. “There is a full moon out there, Dannie. A fucking full moon!”

  She jumped again and rushed out, “I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry?” he huffed, pacing back and forth. “Sorry won’t cover this. That was a male in full-blown heat out there about to attack you. Do you know what that means?” She shook her head ‘no’ instead of speaking. “It means that he would have bent you over and fucked you, plain and simple. Do you understand now? For Christ sakes, you’re in your damn underwear.”

  “If you’re trying to scare me then it’s working, okay.”

  He shook his head at her and stopped pacing, then he groaned. “I really don’t think you understand shit about us.”

  “I don’t!” she yelled back, the frustration over everything that was happening to her and Katrina hitting her all at once. “My mother didn’t give a damn about any of you and made sure we stayed away. I’m sorry I touched you and saved your life. I’m sorry she hurt you. I’m sorry for everything, okay!” She bent over with her head in her hands, between her legs.

  “Where did she go?”

  Dannie looked up and frowned, “Huh?”

  “The bitch. Where did she go when she left?”

  “How do you know she left?”

  “Because the drugs were starting to not work on me, remember? I was starting to feel like myself again and could smell her leaving. Just like I could smell you in that room that night. So where did she go?”

  “I don’t know, I swear it!” She shook her head. “Someone called and she just stopped everything.”

  “Stopped everything?” His brows came together. “She didn’t stop shit.”

  “Yes, she did. I was supposed to be next.” Dannie inwardly groaned and quickly covered her mouth with both hands.

  “Next for what?”

  She shook her head, keeping her mouth closed.

  Logan growled again and rushed up to the bed, taking hold of her arms and jerking her back to her feet. He shook her lightly... “Next for what Dannie?”

  “Please don’t make me say it,” she whispered.

  “What?” he raised his voice but didn’t yell in her face. Again, he shook her. “What?”

  “She—she made Kaz have sex with one of your kind,” she said in a low voice. “She watched her do it.”

  “What’s that got to do with you?”

  “I was going to be next,” she whispered. He stilled, while continuing to hold her by the arms. The shock on his face had more words rushing out. “She cut Kaz’s hair and told her it was time for her to grow up. The night she was trying to get you hard, I—I didn’t know at the time, but I think she was trying to get you ready for me. Or maybe the other one.”

  Logan let her go and turned his back on her, moving back to the window. That should’ve been enough for her to shut up, but she went on. “She said it was my time and that I needed to watch one of you before I went in so that I would know what to do, but I couldn’t.” He turned slightly and looked back at her. The expression on his face had her taking a deep breath. “I didn’t want to go in there and watch those women hurt you. I didn’t want to hurt you, either, and I don’t want my first time to be something my mother controls and watches.” Dannie hugged herself and stared back at him. The silence between them thickened. “Please say something.”

  “I’m going to clean up. You stay put this time or I swear to you right now that if you run again from this cabin then I’m going to chain you just like your sister. Do you understand me?”

  Dannie nodded and he went into the bathroom, the door slamming behind him. The sound had her once more jumping. She sat down on the bed, still hugging herself and trying to get herself under control. She still wanted to leave—to walk out of the room and go to her sister. But she stayed put like he said, until she heard the shower start.

  Slowly Dannie stood up and moved to the bathroom door. Pressing her ear against the cool wood she tried to listen to hear if he was in fact taking a shower or just acting like it. After a few seconds went by, she heard splashing and backed away.

  Off in the distance she heard a howl. Dannie jumped at the sound and went over to the window to see if she might be able to see anything. She couldn’t. Looking up she stared at the full moon and got a chill. Another howl and she was backing up, away from the window back to the bed where she sat down.

  * * * *

  Logan stood in the middle of the bathroom and worked to get himself under control once more. When she ran outside he first thought great, a chase, then it dawned on him it was the full moon and that there would be males in heat out hunting.

  Shaking the worry off, he turned the water on in the shower. Stripping down, Logan stepped into the cool water and let it pour over his head a few minutes before grabbing the soap and cleaning the dirt and blood from his body. Fighting another male in heat when you’re not really in heat isn’t fun or easy.

  Clean, but still not in complete control, Logan stayed under the water, head down as it beat over his neck and back. Staring down at the floor his attention went from the floor to his own body. Strange how he didn’t feel the heat, but the want and need were there. He just needed to get through it
; at least that’s what he told himself. Deep down, Logan knew he wasn’t listening, either. He wanted his heat—wanted to feel normal. Wanted to be able to go out there and claim his mate before another stupid ass male tried to claim her.

  Just like that, his body started to respond to his demand.

  As if he was a youth all over again, getting his first erection, the thing hurt as he got hard right before his own eyes. Logan groaned, then bit his lips to hold it back. He didn’t want Dannie to hear him. She might run again and this time he might not be fast enough to go get her.

  Closing his eyes, he struggled to breathe through the pain in his groin. It hurt like hell, as it got hard. Once he was solid, Logan opened his eyes and looked down at himself. It all looked normal, but on the same thought, he couldn’t be sure, either. Would he be able to have sex again without the drugs? Only one way to find out.

  He reached down, closed his own hand around the flesh, and started moving it. It felt strange touching himself again, mostly because thanks to that bitch he didn’t want to do anything sexual. Even masturbating didn’t sound appealing to him. After all the sex she forced him to do, he just wanted to be left alone and didn’t want to be touched. Strange how in such a short time being around Dannie that opinion had changed.

  His climax came suddenly. Logan gasped and bit his lips again as he came in the shower. It felt right, surprisingly. It also gave him the confidence he needed to make his claim on his mate in the other room. He could perform, and that was all he needed to get through his night. Come morning would be a whole new story, one he might not want to face if he did leave this bathroom with the intention of having Dannie completely.

  “I’m fucked either way,” he groaned to himself. Straightening in the shower, the water beating on his chest and he closed his eyes. “Shit! Not again.” Looking back down he was hard again and this time it didn’t hurt. “Yep, Logan buddy, you are so screwed tonight no matter what you do.”

  A howl outside grabbed his attention then. Turning the water off, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his waist, he left the bathroom, went to the window and looked out. The male that he fought with was close. He could smell him, and the bastard wanted Dannie. Logan was pretty damn sure of that. Why wouldn’t he? She’s fresh, but she’s his! Not knowing he was doing it until he heard her gasp behind him, Logan snarled and growled low—a warning growl. Hearing Dannie, smelling her fear, stopped the territorial growl right there. He turned a little to look at her.

  “What is that?” she asked him.

  “The male I fought.”

  “What’s he want?” Her breathing grew faster, the scent of her fear filling the room.

  Logan turned the rest of the way to face her. He watched her eyes widen, then move up and down his body. He hardened behind the towel while she looked him over. Her sweet scent began to mix with her fear and if he wasn’t mistaken maybe a hint of desire as well.

  “You,” he stated.

  Chapter Seven

  Logan watched her closely. She squirmed on the edge of the bed, fisted and unfisted her hands, crossed and uncrossed her legs and looked around the room. Something clearly had her on edge and very nervous and he bet it was him standing in nothing but a towel.

  Another howl rang out in the night, this one much closer. Dannie jumped up and rushed to the same window he was looking out, her face drained of color.

  “That was close,” she rushed out.

  She stood close to him and he knew she didn’t want to be that close. Closing his eyes, he took in her sweet scent deep into his lungs. The scent instantly became a drug for him and Logan suppressed the moan that almost slipped from his lips when he started to get hard again. Reaching out he had his hand at the back of her neck, fisting fingers into the long locks of her hair and pulling her not only closer but also her head back as well.

  Logan leaned down and kissed Dannie deeply, thrusting his tongue into her mouth and touching hers. She jumped against him, groaned slightly, and tried to push him away. The feel of her hands on his chest only increased the hunger that was starting to build within him. He wasn’t in heat, but he damn well had the need, and she was what he needed.

  With a slow growl at the back of his throat, Logan pulled her close to his body, his arm wrapping around her waist. The kiss deepened and he moaned, then moved his free hand down her back to cup her ass. That seemed to give her the strength to break the kiss.

  “Stop!” she breathed out. “Please.”

  “I don’t want to stop,” he said breathing faster.

  “Please,” she said again, this time breathing a bit faster. “I—I don’t want to do this.”

  “I do.” He let go of her hair and picked her up, walking back to the bed. Once she saw where he was headed it was too late and she flailed her arms and legs but it was futile. He dropped her down on the bed and hovered over her. “You know I just can’t get you going down on me out of my head.” He took a deep breath, closing his eyes. “The feel of your lips closing around the head still gets me hard just thinking about it.”

  “Please don’t say that.”

  Logan opened his eyes and looked right at her. “I don’t want to say it, Dannie. I want to feel it again.” He reached down and pulled the towel away, letting it drop to his feet. She watched him, her eyes moving from his face down to the stiff flesh between his legs and got wider. “It’s going to happen tonight, Dannie.”

  “Wh—what?” she squeaked.

  He crawled up on the bed and she scooted back. He moved closer, took hold of her legs by the back of the knees, and pulled her close, slightly up on his lap as he settled on his knees. “I’m going to claim you and mark you as my own.”

  He didn’t think her face could get any paler than what it was right then. Even her eyes seemed to widen further. Sliding his hands down her legs to her panties, he took hold of them from the sides. Dannie was quick in taking hold of them, stopping him from sliding them back down her legs.

  “No,” she groaned, shaking her head.

  “Yes,” he rushed out, giving the thin material a hard yank. They tore and he ruthlessly ripped them off her.

  Dannie groaned, but he blocked the sound out and closed his eyes, lowering his head down between her legs. He breathed the sweet scent into his lungs, then turned his head to the left and kissed the inside of her leg. He could feel the quiver of her flesh upon his lips.

  “You are so toxic,” he growled, brushing his lips up and down the inside of her leg slowly. “You’re like a drug and I just have to have a fix.”

  He kissed her sex and she gasped, then sucked air into her lungs and stiffened. Logan blocked out his growing arousal and discomfort, focusing only on giving her pleasure, as she gave him not so long ago. Funny how it had only been a couple of days since he was in a cage being used. Felt like years right now.

  Another small kiss, his first taste, and he knew he was lost forever to this woman.

  Like a starved man, Logan dove into her flesh, parting the silk folds of her sex, licking at the nectar and drinking it all in. He licked her from back to front, lapping at the small nub still hidden from him.

  Her hands fisted in his hair, tugged on it then she pushed at him, but he couldn’t be swayed or deterred. He had to have this. Even if he wasn’t in heat, he still felt like this was right, that she belonged to him, and the only way for the others to know and accept it was for him to mark her as his own. Therefore, with her tugging and pulling on his hair, and trying to close her legs to push him away, it only did the opposite for him. It made him want it even more and to keep pushing.

  With a deep growl, he moved his tongue back down to the small opening of her sex. Pushing the tongue in as far as he could he let a growl slip forth and vibrate against her wet flesh. It had the effect that he was going for. She moaned and the pull on his hair became very painful. The pain didn’t stop him like it should’ve or maybe even would’ve, if this all was done under maybe normal circumstances. No, what her pulling at hi
s hair did was fuel him to keep going.

  Logan fucked her with his tongue only, moving it in and out, wiggling it as much as he could when inside, and enjoyed her squirming and panting. He could just about guess that she was getting close to release, but not quite there yet. He still needed to push her just a bit more to get her falling off the edge.

  Removing his tongue he licked back up to her clit, which now stood stiff just as he wanted it. Sliding one hand down the inside of her leg, he instantly slipped two fingers deep inside her and closed his lips over the nub. Sucking on it, moving his fingers in and out slowly, he loved her with his mouth and hand, building up tension in her body. She started to pant, her fingers pulled harder on his hair and he once more growled low against her flesh, vibrating purposefully against her.

  Unable to handle much more himself, he released her with his mouth, but not with his hand. Putting his thumb in place of the mouth, Logan skimmed up her body, pushed the top she had on up her body with one hand, and kept the pressure as well as the motion going with his other. Her eyes were closed, a frown set in place and her mouth slightly open. She was so lost in the pleasure he was giving her that she didn’t even notice when he removed her hands from his hair or that he had removed her top. Positioning his body between hers in a better position he moved his hand fast, pressed hard on her clit and just waited for the right moment—for her to come.

  He didn’t have long to wait.

  Suddenly, Dannie grabbed hold of both arms of his, arched, and cried out. Her sweet pussy contracted around his finger. He should’ve waited but couldn’t. Removing his hand, taking hold of his stiff erection, he posed it at the entrance and thrust hard into her.

  The cry of pleasure that escaped from her lips turned into a cry of pain.

  Logan wanted to be still, but couldn’t. The animal inside him took over, and even though he wasn’t in heat, he wasn’t in control. The animal moved him, moved his flesh in and out, not giving her a chance to let the pain ease away or let him gain just a small ounce of control. It was like Mother Nature was taking over, and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. He pounded and slid in and out of her untried body. The only thing that he really could do was try to make it as enjoyable as he could for her.


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