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Unbounded Fury

Page 10

by Jaden Sinclair

  “So I did pick it up then,” Thorn stated.

  “What the hell are you two talking about?” Katrina snapped.

  “Kaz?” Dannie called out and Thorn felt her start to pull away, or try to go towards her sister.

  “Nope, you haven’t earned that right yet,” Thorn said, jerking her away from Logan.

  “Wait, please!” Dannie came running towards them, only to have Logan quickly put himself between the sisters.

  Thorn turned Katrina so she faced him. Once more, his hand was around her throat. “Okay, playtime is over. Who is your father?”

  “What?” Katrina frowned, struggling with his hold.

  “You heard me. Your father—who is he?”

  “We don’t know who our fathers are!” Dannie rushed out. Thorn turned his attention to her and she swallowed hard, holding onto Logan’s arm. “She never told us.”

  “Does she have it?” Thorn asked Logan.

  Logan shook his head. “All human.”

  With a growl, Thorn shoved Katrina away. She fell to the ground. Logan let Dannie go and she rushed to her sister.

  “Will someone please tell me what the hell he’s talking about?” Katrina huffed, staying on the ground.

  Thorn said nothing, only glared down at her. Logan spoke. “You’ve got shifter blood in you. We can smell it.”

  Katrina looked up at him, the color draining form her face. “Bullshit. My mother hates you all. No way in hell she’d fuck you.”

  “But she has no problem with letting you fuck us, right?” Thorn smarted back at her.

  “Wait,” Dannie cut in. “What do you mean by she has shifter blood?”

  “It means her father was a shifter,” Logan answered, “One of us.”

  “That’s not possible,” Dannie stated low. “She hates all of you.”

  “Maybe that is the reason,” Thorn said, “Because she had a kid.” He took two long steps towards Katrina, bent, and grabbed her by the arm, yanking her up.

  “Please, stop!” Dannie cried out, which had Thorn stopping. “This isn’t fixing anything. It’s just recycling the hate.”

  Thorn ignored her and walked Katrina back to the cabin. This time he shoved her inside and closed the door, locking it from the outside. Walking away, he passed Logan and Dannie, stretched his arms out, and smirked at her: “Happy?” then finished his walk to the main cabin where he shut himself in to think.

  * * * *

  “He scares me,” Dannie stated, hugging herself.

  “Yeah, when he’s that calm, be scared. Come on.” He took her arm, and Logan headed back to the cabin. “I’ll fix you something to eat.”

  “What’s going to happen to my sister now?”

  “Guess that would depend on the information she gives him.” Back inside Logan closed the door. Dannie went over to the bed and sat down.

  “We don’t have any information. Our mother kept us in the dark for just this reason.”

  “I’m sure, but I also bet that you two know a few things that she wasn’t able to keep from you. You like eggs? I can do a mean omelet. Just need to get the food first,” he said, looking in the small fridge. “Not much in here.”

  “She did ask once.”

  “Ask what?” He was still bent over, looking around in a cabinet under the small sink.

  “About her father.”

  Logan stopped and stood back up. “And?”

  “Didn’t go well. I heard some from the door, but what I remember is my mother getting so mad that she slapped Kaz hard. She had a bruise on her face for days.”

  “Well, if her father is really a shifter then that would be why your mother got so upset.” With his hands on his hips, Logan looked around the room. “We need food.” He stopped looking around and those eyes landed on her. “How you feeling by the way? Didn’t get to see if you were okay or not. Thorn kind of ruined the “morning-after” mood.”

  He saw her blush and she turned her head away, not looking him in the eye. “I don’t want to talk about that.”

  Logan smiled and slowly strolled up to her, going down on his knees when he got close. Taking two steps on his knees he half stood between her legs, “Oh, but I do.” He rubbed her bare legs and she started to squirm under his hand. “Waking up in each other’s arms after a very good night is something special, and something we don’t normally do.”

  “Explain yourself so that I can understand what you are talking about.” She was trying to push his hands off, but he wouldn’t stop.

  Once Thorn had started yelling, they both quickly dressed. She now had on one of the pair of shorts and a new top that was a bit baggy for her. He knew without any doubt that she had no underwear on. They didn’t have time to put them on with the way Thorn was demanding he come out.

  “I mean that until we find our mates we only tend to have one night stands. So we don’t wake up with a lover in our arms, or at least I never have.” He rose up and got real close to her face. Her hands left his arms and went up to his chest, pushing at him. “I liked waking up with you in my arms this morning. Liked it very much.”

  He kissed her, pushed past her closed lips to plunge his tongue into her mouth. A moan escaped her when he touched her tongue and he deepened the kiss just as he pulled the button of her shorts open and slipped his hand inside, cupping her sex.

  Dannie gasped as he kissed her, grabbed hold of his wrist between her legs, and raised one leg. He pushed her back with his body and was about to slip a finger inside her when someone knocked on the door. That one damn knock brought everything to a halt.

  “Shit,” he growled low, pushing away from her and standing up. He was hard and she was starting to get ready. Now she was flushed and buttoning her shorts and moved away from him, heading to the bathroom.

  Logan rushed to the door and yanked it open. “What?” he snapped. Justice stood there with a cooler in his hands.

  “Hello to you too.” Justice walked in and put the cooler down. “I’m going back with Damond and figured you could use some of this food. Doubt Thorn is going to stay here for too long.” He put the cooler down and sniffed. “Did I interrupt something?”

  “Don’t you always?” Logan said, going to the cooler and opening the lid to see what was inside. Eggs, cheese, hamburger meat, chicken, milk, and a few other things. “So I take it you’re going to mess around with my step-sister now?”

  “Not sure.” Justice rubbed his chin and frowned. “I was supposed to find you and your father. It was our deal.”

  “Then lie to her.” Logan closed the lid with his foot. In hand, he had the milk and eggs. “I’ll find my father.”

  “Shouldn’t you be like warning me to stay away or wanting to kick my ass?”

  “I should, but I know what Vashti is like and that is punishment itself.” Logan put the food down on the counter and smiled at Justice. “Shit, she isn’t going to make it easy for you, even if you have a deal. Trust me, when I say she’s broken more deals with me than I can count. I will say good luck, however. I doubt she’s going to be there back home just waiting for you. She’s already on the run, buddy.”

  “Well I’m not as stupid as you think I am, Logan. I know she’s gone, which is why I’m so going to enjoy the hunt.” He also smiled and it had Logan chuckling.

  “Don’t know who I should feel sorrier for, her, or you.”

  Justice scratched the side of his head as if he might be thinking. “Hmm, I’m going to say her.” Logan chuckled and shook his head, putting a pan on the stove. “Be safe man, and let me know as soon as you get your dad back.”

  “Will do and you protect your nuts. Trust me when I say that she does have a nasty bite.”

  “So do I,” Justice stated, going to the door, opening it and walking out.

  Shaking his head again, Logan started working on preparing breakfast. Right before he had it done, Dannie came out of the bathroom. What she had been doing in there the whole time, he had no clue.

  “Hungry?” he asked, pu
tting some scrambled eggs onto a plate. “Not the omelet, but eatable.” He handed her the plate with a smile. Dannie said nothing, just went over to the bed and sat down since there wasn’t a table or chair in the place. She didn’t touch the food. “Eat. Don’t need you to get sick on me.”

  “He wants to hurt her for what she was made to do.” Her statement caused Logan to pause while making his own plate. “Doesn’t he?”

  Logan took a deep breath and thought over his words carefully. “I don’t think he wants to hurt her. What he wants is answers.”

  “But we don’t have the answers he needs.”

  “Maybe not you, but I bet she knows more than what she thinks or is willing to tell us.”

  Dannie put her plate down on the floor and groaned, “There really is no going back for us now.”


  She looked up at him and for the first time since he took her Logan was finally starting to see some fire hit those perfect dark brown eyes of hers. “Then your target is now on our heads.” She stood up and went over to the window, hugging herself and staring out.

  “Dannie, your mother has never been stable, so don’t blame any of this on us. She started the fight, not us. So if you want to blame someone then blame her.”

  She turned on him. “I blame all of you for this crap, not just her. In fact, you’re no better than she is by kidnapping us.

  “Hey, she kidnapped us first.”

  Her eyes narrowed on him. “You’re still no better than she is.” She turned back to the window.

  Logan sighed, then put his plate down. “Did you ever think that one day this little world she created might come crashing down on her head? Think about this for a second, Dannie. How the hell did you think she was ever going to keep whoring us out without one of us eventually escaping? Those drugs don’t last forever. Hell, mine was starting to wear off quickly that night you came into the room and sucked my dick!” She gasped then, turning back around with anger and tears in her eyes. He should’ve stopped then, but didn’t. “After those women used me, leaving me bleeding and after I slept for a couple of hours I was starting to feel like myself again. Are you understanding what I’m talking about?”

  “Stop,” she begged.

  Logan picked up his plate and walked over to the kitchen, tossing his plate on the counter. “No, I’m not going to stop until you understand clearly what the hell was going on, and I’m not only talking about you and me. Think, Dannie. If your mother were standing before me when I started to detox from the drugs then she would be dead at my feet. She’s playing a very dangerous game here without knowing any of the rules.”

  “So what are the rules for us then?” Tears started to fall down her cheeks and she sniffled. “Or are we just casualties of war to you?

  Logan moved closer to her, walking slowly. He stopped directly in front of her, took hold of her face holding it so she would look up at him, and not turn away. “You are my mate, Dannie, not a casualty of war. You mean more to me than you could ever know. I could never hurt you and that you need to believe.”

  “I don’t believe you.” The tears flowed now and she cried openly. “I don’t know what to do.”

  Logan let go of her face and pulled her into his arms. He held her tight and she surprised him when her arms came up and wrapped around his waist, her hands fisted into his shirt. “I know,” he soothed, letting her have her cry. Something inside told him that this might be the first time she’d been able to let go in a long time. “Don’t worry, everything will be all right, I promise.”

  “You can’t promise that,” she mumbled against his chest.

  “Sure I can. I’m doing it right now.” She chuckled against his chest and he smiled, but didn’t let her go. “I’m going to keep you safe. That is my number one promise to you, only if I die will I fail at it.”

  “What about my sister?”

  Logan sighed. “I’ll see what I can do about that. See if I can get Thorn to be a bit nicer, but I must warn you. His being nice is not typical of his behavior.” She laughed again and he gave her a squeeze when he heard her stomach growl. “Okay, time for food and I mean now.” He pulled back and took her hand, taking her back to the bed. “Eat and that’s an order.”

  “What about Kaz?” she asked, picking up the plate.

  “Thorn will make sure she eats something, and I’ll talk to him later about controlling his temper. But for now, you eat. After I get you taken care of, I’ll see how his mood is. Okay?”

  Dannie nodded and in a low voice said, “Okay.”

  Chapter Nine

  Logan left the cabin to give Dannie some time alone to think. When he walked out, she was heading to the bathroom he suspected for a soak in the tub. About an hour later when he came back to check on her she was dressed in another new set of panties and a shirt, passed out on the bed. With a smile on his face, he left again, this time to go sit in front of an old fire pit. It wasn’t long after he settled before Thorn came to join him.

  “Picked up some steaks when I was in town if you want to do a fire pit grill,” Thorn said, sitting down on a log across from Logan.

  “Sounds great.” Logan sighed, slipping off the log to stretch his legs out, then he sat on the ground. “Haven’t had a steak in forever.”

  Thorn grinned and nodded his head. There was a prolonged silence before Thorn spoke again. “So what do we do now?”

  “You’re asking me?”

  Thorn shrugged. “No one else around.”

  “Thought you had it all planned out.”

  “That was before dipshit screwed with my cousin. Now I have more problems.”

  “How you do figure it’s a problem?”

  Thorn took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I promised her years ago that I would keep her safe. She begged me to not have you all come up here and I didn’t listen.”

  “But did she tell you why?”


  “Then you can’t take all the blame.”

  Another bout of silence ensued before Thorn spoke again. That was him, however. He would talk some then go quiet on everyone. If you didn’t know and understand the male one might think, it was very creepy.

  “So what do we do about them now?” Thorn asked. “That one having a shifter scent sort of changes things, don’t you think?”

  “It does, but until we know the whole story I don’t think there is much we can do.”

  “Your father might know the whole story.” Logan just frowned at him. “She didn’t take him because of his fucking abilities. He’s too old for that. So I’m going to take a leap here and say there’s got to be a past between them.”

  “You know that wouldn’t surprise me one damn bit.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because right before I was born I know for a fact he and my mother split for a time. Think she was even going to leave him but found out she was pregnant with me.”

  “Now how the hell do you know this?”

  “She told me.” Logan smirked. “The night she was packing our shit up to leave him. See, my father had this nice little habit of screwing around on her, and for a while, she put up with it. I was very little when she had enough of it.”

  “Didn’t know your parents split.”

  “They didn’t.”

  “Now you’ve lost me.”

  “She was packing up to leave, but he somehow talked her out of it again. He quit cheating on her, and I think they were going to have another baby. I was still pretty young then, but something happened and she began to bleed. Next thing I knew we were at the hospital and my mother was dead. It crushed my father big time. That wild way of his just went away then. I was ten when he hooked up with Vashti’s mother.”

  “You split around that time, didn’t you?”

  Logan nodded, “Yep. Thought he was betraying my mother’s memory by hooking up with a human, and look what I did. The same damn thing.”

  “So you have mated then. Thought I picked th
at scent up.”

  “Only once,” Logan held up his finger. “And it didn’t really go as I had kind of thought the first mating might go.”

  “Do they ever?” Thorn snorted.

  “Man, it was on the full moon, but I wasn’t in heat either.”

  “But the need was still there.”

  “Yeah and it sort of got away from me.”

  “Logan, on full moon we never have control, so don’t beat yourself up over it. Hell, if you want to make it up to her then go back to the cabin and seduce her the right way.”

  “She’s sleeping.”

  “Then wake her up.”

  Logan stayed on the ground just staring at Thorn. He made a good point. To fix a wrong you should show the right of it. However, he wasn’t ready yet to go back to her. “So what’s your great plan for the other one?”

  Thorn stretched then, arms going up over his head and staying there. “Haven’t figured that out yet.”

  “I don’t have to worry, do I, about you hurting her or anything?”

  “Naw.” Thorn shook his head. “Besides, she can hold her own. Dropped me, didn’t she?”

  Logan couldn’t help it and laughed aloud. “Now that is one I wish I could’ve seen.”

  “For only being half shifter she can hit hard also,” Thorn added.

  “Will she get to come out for a steak, or do you plan on keeping her locked up the whole time we’re here?”

  “I’m thinking it over, I haven’t decided yet.”

  This time Logan shook his head and slowly got back up to his feet. “How long are we going to stay here? With that sister fighting and all, I don’t think staying here is such a good idea. Bet she’s still on her mother’s side of things.”

  “We won’t be here too much longer. I’m just waiting for another form of transportation. Maybe another day or two.”

  “Then where?”

  “Got a few other safe places to stop at. My plan of action right now is trying to figure out how to find your old man, and she’s going to help me with that.” He pointed his finger at the cabin where Katrina was locked.

  “Well if you’re going to fight with her, please don’t let Dannie see. She already thinks you want to kill her sister.” Logan started walking off, only to be stopped by Thorn’s next words.


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