Will's Rockie Way

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Will's Rockie Way Page 1

by Peggy Hunter

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  Whiskey Creek Press


  Copyright ©2006 by WHISKEY CREEK PRESS

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  Peggy Hunter



  Published by


  Whiskey Creek Press

  PO Box 51052

  Casper, WY 82605-1052


  Copyright ©

  2006 by Peggy Hunter

  Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  ISBN 1-59374-701-2


  Cover Artist: Jinger Heaston

  Editor: Chere Gruver

  Printed in the United States of America


  For Jane. You've always been so much more than a sister.

  Chapter 1


  Roxanne Way frowned as she cast her gaze over the sea. Never mind that she hadn't been called Rockie since college; she'd know that deep, gravelly voice anywhere.

  Ignore it. Yes, that's the answer. Pretend she'd never heard the voice; pretend Will Sheridan was not on the same Florida beach she was on. After all, she'd done very well at pretending she hadn't been completely humiliated at her graduation from teacher's college six years ago.

  "Rockie?” This time, the voice was closer.

  Roxanne idly swept a few grains of sand off her beach towel and kept her eyes trained on the twenty-two grade ten students in her charge. She certainly lucked out when the principal suggested she travel with the kids on spring break this year. She smiled as the other two chaperones, a husband and wife team, frolicked in the waves with the teens.

  Roxanne took a deep breath as the warm, salt-filled air coasted over her body. Yes, she needed the break and the kids were fabulous. Now if she could just get the all-too familiar sexy voice out of her head.

  When a tall shadow cast over her and her senses filled with his rich musky scent, Roxanne knew it was going to become harder and harder to pretend he wasn't there. She slowly turned her head and shielded her eyes from the sun as she looked up at him.

  "Mind if I join you?” Will Sheridan said as he slowly folded his body and sank down in the sand beside her.

  "It seems you're going to join me whether I want you to or not,” she said, her voice clipped and sharp.

  "I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw you,” he said. He bent one knee up and rested his elbow on it as he gazed down at her. Rich brown eyes swept over her bikini-clad body. “You look great. Hard to believe it's been six years."

  Hard to believe? Who the fuck did he think he was talking to? For the past six years, Roxanne counted the days since graduation. Each new morning took her one day further away from the jeers and laughter, the mortification she'd felt when she realized the man she'd been so crazy about all through college had set her up for a horrendous prank.

  Hard to believe it had been six years? She wished it was twenty-six years. She wished he was old and wrinkled, with a pecker the size of a pea!

  Unfortunately, Will Sheridan was sexy as ever. A few years had done him proud, filled him out more. Dressed only in bright red swim trunks, she could see his rippling, hair-matted chest and his long, muscled legs. God, even his toes looked sexy as hell! And his face, oh Lord! The cleft in his chin, the firm line of his jaw, the high cheek bones and those incredibly expressive coffee-colored eyes; he was as sexy and alluring as ever.

  Roxanne forced a smile as she turned her gaze back to the sea. “Imagine seeing you after all this time?” she said lightly. “And so far from home, too."

  "Toronto hasn't been my home since college,” Will supplied. “I take it you still live there?"

  "Yes,” Roxanne replied.

  "I got a job teaching high school in Calgary right after graduation,” Will said. “I'm here with a couple other teachers chaperoning my grade eleven history class."

  "I heard you'd gone out west,” she said. “I'm sure you remember Blake Harden. He's here with Joanne, acting as chaperones as well."

  Roxanne wasn't certain if the bright sun was getting into her eyes, or if she'd actually seen Will wince. “Pig's here, is he?” he asked, he voice low as he referred to Blake by his college nickname. Will had dubbed his roommate Pig for obvious reasons ... he'd been a pig to live with.

  Will's gaze slid to the shore. His hand went to his chin. “Rockie, did you ever find out what happened that night?"

  Roxanne's heart hammered. “I know what happened,” she said. “You asked me to meet you in your bedroom and then...” Her voice shook, she couldn't go on. The humiliation was something she simply did not want to relive—not six years later, not sixty years later!

  "Rockie, I understand why you were upset but there's something you didn't know and you never gave me the chance to explain..."

  "Wiley Will?” Blake's booming voice split through the gentle spring breeze. “Holy shit, man! So damn good to see you!"

  Thank God! Roxanne was grateful for the interruption. She rose as Blake bounded toward them. She gasped when Will grabbed her arm. “At least give me a chance to explain my side of it,” he said softly.

  Roxanne rifled through her purse and pulled out a pen. She scribbled on a piece of paper and pressed it into Will's hand. “Here's my email address."

  * * * *

  "Good to see you, you old shithead!” Blake said as he pumped Will's hand in greeting. He followed Will's gaze as Rockie quickly walked through the sand toward the waves. “She's as hot as she was in college, eh?"

  She certainly was. He knew he'd see her but hadn't expected his groin to tighten the moment he laid eyes on her again. Rockie was everything she was in college, maybe even more. The years had been kind to her. Her hips swayed as she walked away, filling Will's thoughts with unrequited need. God, how he wished he'd known her sexually in college. He'd come damn close if only it hadn't been for Blake and his stupid prank.

  Those deep sapphire eyes had peered back at him with contempt as her long willowy body struggled with the awareness he knew she felt. She'd let her dark blond hair grow; gone was the pixie cut she sported in college. In its place were long tresses with sun-bleached highlights that framed her heart-shaped face.

  "She doesn't know, does she?” Will asked. “No one ever told her the truth."

  Blake didn't have to ask what he was talking about. “Are you fucking kidding? I'll carry that secret to my grave. Jesus, Joanne was her roommate and just as upset about it as Rockie was. She'd have dumped me in a minute if she knew the truth."

  Will turned his gaze to his college friend. “Better that Rockie continues to think I set her up."

  Blake chuckled nervously. “Well, yeah, I guess so,” he said. “Besides, you didn't make much of an effort to set things right with her before you le
ft. You flew off to Calgary a couple days later."

  Will had tried to reach Rockie at her parents’ house a couple times. Her mother insisted she wasn't home. He supposed he could have gone to her parents’ house; insist that he talk to her.

  Still, when he'd tried to explain that night, she'd slapped him and run away. At the time, he was as angry with her for not listening to his explanation as she was at him for the situation she'd been tossed into.

  He flew out to Calgary two days later and, as far as he was concerned, never looked back. At least, not until recently. When he reconnected with his old college roommate and discovered Rockie was teaching at the same high school, all kinds of memories, not to mention regrets, dredged to the surface.

  An opportunity to make things right arose when Blake told him Rockie was going to accompany her grade ten class on spring break this year. Will quickly made plans to go with his students. He volunteered to make the arrangements and booked the trip based on the itinerary Blake sent him. If Rockie thought their encounter on the beach was by pure chance and by walking away she'd seen the last of him, she was about to find out otherwise.

  Will glanced down at the bit of paper Rockie had pressed into his hand.

  [email protected]

  Will chuckled. The next few days were going to be very interesting.

  Chapter 2

  "I just about fell over backwards when Blake told me Will's here with his class from Calgary,” Joanne said as she scooped potato salad onto her plate.

  Roxanne peered over her shoulder and saw that all the teenagers under their charge were seated and eating. She turned her attention back to the ranch dressing she was spooning over the lettuce on her plate.

  "Tell me about it,” she said. “If I live to be one hundred, I'd have been quite content never to see him again."

  Joanne patted her shoulder. “After what happened, I don't blame you.” She popped a black olive into her mouth and chewed. “You know, I always thought Will didn't act alone, that there was at least one more person involved."

  Roxanne shivered. “If you don't mind, I'd rather just let it go. I really don't want to rehash it."

  "Right,” Joanne said. “After all, we're on spring break. We should be enjoying ourselves.” Joanne smiled wickedly as she spied the dessert table. “And, speaking of which, there's a slice of coconut cream pie with my name on it."

  Roxanne chuckled. “You haven't even had dinner yet.” But Joanne wasn't listening as she dashed to the desserts.

  She shook her head as she turned her attention to the chickpeas and spooned a few on top of her salad.

  "Aren't you going to have dessert, too?"

  Roxanne's body stiffened as Will took her by surprise again. She whisked around to see him standing behind her, a plate filled with various creamed salads in his hand. “I—” she couldn't find the words. She tried again, “What—” Damn it!

  "I guess we're in the same hotel,” Will said smoothly, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “What luck, huh?"

  Roxanne's head swam deliriously. This was the last damn thing she needed! It was bad enough to see him on the beach today but finding out that he was staying in the same hotel? The next seven days would be hell!

  "What luck,” she said sarcastically. “And I'll get something for dessert when I'm ready."

  Will's eyes glinted devilishly. “Get something with lots of whipped cream."

  Roxanne felt as though the top of her head would explode. “How dare you!” she cried. “You ... you ... depraved jerk!"

  Will held out a hand and took a step back. “I didn't mean it the way it sounded,” he said.

  "You most certainly did,” Roxanne cried. “Someone like you ... someone lower than whale shit ... would look for a chance to rub it in my face!"


  But she wasn't listening. Just how her salad plate left her hands was beyond her but there it was, sliding down his chest staining his white polo shirt.

  "And stop calling me Rockie!” she yelled. “My name is Roxanne. I never want to hear that nickname again. Do you hear me?” As she struggled to catch her breath, she realized the entire restaurant had fallen quiet. Every patron—teens and adults alike—was staring at her.

  Roxanne took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. Another humiliation at the hands of Will Sheridan. Damn him!

  "If you'll excuse me,” she said softly. “I believe I'll go to my room now.” She turned and walked briskly out of the restaurant. When she cleared the door, she broke into a run, passed the elevator and dashed up the seven flights of stairs to her floor.

  Grateful to finally get inside her room, she pressed her back against the closed door. Tears filled her eyes as she slowly slid to the floor.

  "Damn you, Will Sheridan,” she whispered brokenly. “Damn you!"

  * * * *

  Will shook his head as he wiped the mess off his shirt with a handful of paper napkins. What the fuck was he thinking? He should have known better than to mention whipped cream. His intention was to suggest that they'd have fun with it in her room later tonight after the kids were tucked safely in their beds. Instead, he'd reminded her of the night they'd planned to be together six years ago.

  Well, damn it! Rockie wasn't the only injured party here. Okay, he had to admit she'd suffered the brunt of the prank but let's not forget the fact that he'd been deprived of a blissful night spent with her in his arms. Blake ‘Pig’ Harden had seen to that.

  "She's still quite the spitfire, isn't she?” Blake said when he suddenly appeared at Will's side.

  "I should have tried harder to tell her the truth,” he said in disgust. “She's lived with the humiliation for six years and she's always believed I was to blame."

  "You're not thinking about telling her the truth now, are you?” Blake asked nervously.

  Will pressed the soiled napkins into Blake's hand. “I don't know,” he said as he eyed his friend. “But I do know one thing for certain. If you do anything to keep Rockie and I from getting together now, I'll not only tell Joanne the truth, I'll cut your fucking balls off and feed them to the seagulls. Got it?"

  "Come on, Will,” Blake said as he chuckled nervously. “It was a harmless joke."

  Will eyed him with contempt. There'd been nothing harmless about it. “I asked if you got it."

  Blake nodded quickly. “Of course, buddy. I got it."

  "Good.” Will said. “Now, the way I see it, you owe me. So you're going to chaperone my kids at the retro 60's dance on the beach tonight."

  Blake shook his head. “No can do, my friend. I've got to be there with our kids tonight."

  "I guess you'll have your work cut out for you. Because you'll be helping my two chaperones, too."

  * * * *

  Will quelled the sense of guilt that curled in his gut as he held the elevator door for the waiter pushing a trolley. The retro dance was hosted by the hotel on a closed beach. Since the party was for hotel guests only, guards on the perimeter of the beach would keep both unwanted guests from getting in and teens seeking a good time beyond the bounds from getting out.

  Will knew the guilt he felt had nothing to do with ducking out of the party. In fact, it had everything to do with the woman with whom he hoped to set things right. The lovely Rockie Way.

  Just how to do that without putting Blake's marriage in jeopardy was something he hadn't figured out yet. But he was nothing if not innovative. It would come to him sooner or later.

  As it happened, the waiter was stopping on the seventh floor, too, and Will held the door open for him to pass. The waiter nodded his thanks as he pushed the trolley out of the elevator and turned right. Will turned in the opposite direction and walked down the hall to Rockie's room.

  He lifted his hand to knock on the door but held it in midair. He knew Rockie wouldn't open the door to him. He needed a plan.

  Think, Sheridan, think!

  Will peered down the hall when he heard the waiter knocking on a door. “Room service.

  A muted voice from inside the room said to just leave it outside the room.

  Will grinned and gave himself a mental pat on the back. He really was a genius.

  He waited for the waiter to disappear into the elevator and vaulted down the hall. He carefully lifted various lids off dishes until he found a small chocolate cheesecake.


  Will dug into his pocket and tossed a few bills onto the silver tray. He carried the cheesecake to Rockie's door.

  Knock, knock, knock!

  "Who is it?” Rockie's sweet voice sounded through the door.

  Will cupped a hand over his mouth to muffle his voice. “Room service.” He quickly stepped to the side of the door.

  The door whisked open. “I didn't order room service."

  "I know you didn't,” Will said as he stepped into view. “But I couldn't come up with any other way to get you to open the door."

  Rockie frowned when Will stepped forward, jamming one foot over the threshold. “Go away!” she cried as she pushed the door closed.

  Will's foot kept the door from closing. Rockie opened the door slightly and slammed it with more force.

  "Holy shit, Rockie!” he howled in pain as the cheesecake teetered in his hand. “I get that you don't want to talk to me but do you need to break my fucking foot?"

  The door swung open wide. If she was concerned about his foot, it certainly didn't show on her face. “If your foot's broken, it's your own damn fault,” she cried. “And I told you not to call me Rockie!"

  When Rockie moved to slam the door again, Will quickly pushed inside. “I don't think so,” he said. “We need to talk. It's time we set things straight between us."

  "There's nothing to set straight,” Rockie said. “What happened between us is history."

  He held the cheesecake out for her to see as he grinned. “Fine, but you can't turn me away. I brought dessert."

  "Do you really think dessert is going to make up for what you did to me?” she said, her chest heaving with anger.

  "No,” he said with honesty. “Of course I didn't. I figured the cheesecake would help get me through the door."


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