In the Ring: A Dario Caivano Novel

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In the Ring: A Dario Caivano Novel Page 8

by Perri Forrest

  “Yeah, right!” I laughed. “That’s a firm no, dude. As for a dog, I think if you present a good argument, that you could possibly get your wish. And, if you ask and they say yes, then I’ll buy you one.”


  “Yeah, really. Your grades are good and I think you’d do a good job with your own puppy.”

  “Aww man, that’s so cool, D! Can I call them now?”

  “I think we should wait until tomorrow. Maybe after I drop you off you can talk to them and let me know what they say. Then if they want proof that I promised you a dog, just call me and I’ll cosign for you.”

  “Cosign? What’s that?” he asked, his eyes squinted.

  “I’ll have your back.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  “But understand, though, that life is gonna change when you get a puppy. Going to hang out, sleep, homework time . . . did I say, sleep? Yep, all of that, kid. Oh, and let’s not forget sleepovers with your friends.”

  “Ha! I get it. You say you’re gonna have my back but then you go and try to scare me out of it. Not gonna work, big cousin.”

  “What?” I remarked. “That’s not what I’m doing at all,” I said, telling something that resembled both the truth and a lie. “I was just giving you the reality of such a situation.”

  “So, first I don’t really care if I don’t get to hang out as much. Second, I know sleep is gonna be different; I’ll figure that part out. As for homework . . . I’m kinda smart . . . like all A’s and B’s smart, so even if I don’t get to all my homework, I’m still gonna make the grade.”

  “Braggin’, much?” I kidded.

  “I’m not braggin’, it’s just the truth. I’m something like a scholar. I gotta be. The girls like a smart guy at my school.”

  “Oh boy,” I sighed. “So, you’re making the grades for girls and not for you.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. It was too bad that Freddie was born after Lucas’ passing because he would’ve gotten to see just how much like his big brother he was—especially where girls were concerned. I already saw the traits. He was going to be Lucas 2.0. He had every last one of Lucas’s facial features. From the firm jaw line, to the same intense eyes that always looked like he had a lot on his mind, to the same forest green color of his eyes. He even had Lucas’s dark brown hair.

  After finalizing his point, Freddie abruptly got up from the sofa, Lennox right on his heel. “You want something to drink from the kitchen, D?” he asked.

  “Nope, and if it’s red you don’t either. I don’t want it in here!”

  “Okay!” he laughed. Seconds after leaving out he was back in the room. “Oh, I forgot to add something,” he said, pertaining to our recent conversation. “I’m not really tripping off of sleepovers because me and my puppy can sleep over here with you and Lennox.”

  Oh brother, I inwardly sighed.

  “Hey, I got an idea,” I told Freddie when he reappeared a short time later.

  He twisted the cap off of his bottle of Jones cream soda. “What’s that?” he asked.

  “How would you like to meet somebody?”

  “A girl?” he asked with a sly smile appearing across his face.

  “No, not a girl.”

  “Mmm,” he moaned. “If it’s not a girl, then why would I want to meet them? Who is it?”

  “Hold on, let me make a call to see what I can arrange.”

  “But who is it?”

  “Just chill out, kid, and be patient.”



  When my phone started to ring it startled me, saving me from despair. I had been daydreaming at the pages of the novel that I was reading for what felt like minutes on top of minutes. I didn’t know why I kept putting myself through the torture of trying out new authors because it seemed like every time I did that, the experience was just a complete waste of time.

  I looked over at my display and saw that it was Dario calling. I was tempted to smile because I hadn’t talked to him since he dropped me back off at home after our date on Friday night. We had a few kisses up in the hills and a very long kiss goodnight that I had played back in my head more than a few times.

  I reached over, slid the phone to answer position and secured the phone between my ear and the crook of my neck. “Hello?”

  “Hey Chanel, how are you?” he asked, his deep voice sounding good as hell coming through my speaker.

  “Hey Dario, I’m good,” I answered, trying to sound as nonchalant as I could. “How are you?”

  “I’m doing okay. Did I catch you at a good time? You busy?”

  “Uhh, no. Not at all. I was reading a second ago, but it was more like the book was reading me.”

  “That bad, huh? Or were you dozing off?”

  “Yeah, it was that bad. No dozing for me this early. I make the most of my weekends when I’m not at my club.”

  “Yeah, I half expected you not to answer. I thought for sure you’d be there on a Saturday night.”

  “No, I have reliable managers, so I don’t really need to do that. I go some weekends just to see how things are flowing and to make personal appearances and stuff like that. Just to show appreciation for the patronage.”

  “Sweet memories,” he teased. “It’s how we met.”

  “Yeah,” I responded, all the while blushing and thinking back to that initial encounter.

  “How often have you thought about our kiss?” he asked, catching me all the way off guard.

  “Uhh . . .” I tried my best to get some words out, but they were stuck. So embarrassing!

  “Because I’ve thought about it since it happened.”

  “Umm . . . me too,” I finally found the courage to admit. I pinched my eyes shut tight, waiting for him to speak. That ‘me too’ was just lingering in the damn air all by itself. Retract, Chanel! Take it back! I coaxed myself silently, suddenly feeling as though I’d been left out on a limb. But then he spoke and saved me from misplaced humiliation.

  “So, you said you were making the most of your weekend. What exactly does that entail? I guess some of it involves reading, but that doesn’t sound like it’s going too well.”

  “Not well at all. I usually like to read or watch a few good movies. Sometimes I even indulge in a drink or three,” I laughed. But yeah, this book just isn’t grabbing me and will probably be dropped off at the nearest Goodwill on my next donation trip.”

  “Oh wow.”

  “Yep. That’s what I said when I realized that it just wasn’t working out. So now, after I think of what the kid and I are gonna eat, I might turn on a movie.”

  “So, you haven’t eaten yet?”

  “No, not yet. But if it hits eight o’clock before I decide then it won’t be happening. And my son knows because he’s been in here a few times trying to force a decision.”

  “Well, it’s six-something right now. Could I persuade you to come out of the house . . . to my house?

  “You’re inviting us over?”

  “That’s the idea. You and Rai could come and hang out with me and my cousin? We could order pizza or head out for burgers or something. I’m inviting and treating so it’s really up to you. I’m sure us guys won’t be too picky about anything.”

  “Hmm,” I contemplated. I was nervous as hell for some reason.

  “Hmm, what?” he asked. “Is that a ‘thanks, but no thanks’, hmm, or . . .”

  “It’s me saying that I appreciate the invitation very much, and I’m sure that Rai would love to come.”

  “And what about Rai’s mom? Would she love to come?”

  Did he mean to say that? Lord, give my ass a fan, now please! That question had some dual meaning to it, that’s for sure. But my vaginal walls only understood one as they began to react with really sharp tingles causing me to squeeze my damn thighs for relief.

  I released an involuntary cough as I was trying to respond.

  “You okay?” Dario asked, probably sensing that he’d rattled me.

sp; “I’m good. I just, uhh, need to throw on some jeans or something and then you can tell me how to get there.”

  “Or, we could just come and get you guys,” he suggested. “Totally up to you.”

  He had read my mind. As much as I wouldn’t mind his company, I really didn’t want to drive. I hated driving with a passion. But I was willing to so that we could get out of the house. Rai had spent a full hour begging to go to the movies before I finally told him no and came to chill in my room, book in hand and television playing in the background.

  “That sounds perfect, Dario. We’ll be ready when you get here.”

  I was surprised that I managed to end the call without asking what time we’d be returning home. It was a huge inner struggle admitting to myself that I actually wanted to see Dario. I liked his company and the attention he gave without being too pushy. He seemed to be pacing himself and I appreciated that. Not that I didn’t have a thought or six about what it would feel like to have his hands roam my body, but I did appreciate the way things were going.

  “Rai!” I yelled out.

  It took my son seconds to come gunning through my bedroom door. “You changed your mind?! We going to the movies?!” he asked eagerly.

  I slid off of my bed, and began to straighten my comforter back to a sane place. “We’re going out to eat. Dario’s on his way—”

  “Legit!” he yelled out as he dashed out of my room to get dressed. All I could do was laugh. His excitement was beyond cute.

  After Rai took off, I set about getting myself ready. Thankfully, my shower was already out of the way so all I really needed to do was throw a bit of water on my face, and then get to the crop of wildness on my head. I applied a little bit of gel to my edges so that I could pull my hair into some kind of tamed ponytail. I didn’t bother pinning it. I just let the hair dangle behind my head. I put on a pair of hoop earrings, fitted powder blue sweatpants with the matching hoodie and a pair of white, high-top Nike tennis shoes. At the last minute, I decided to fold a light-pink bandana into a headband and tie it in a knot at the top of my head.

  Twenty minutes later when the doorbell chimed, I could hear Rai’s thunderous run from the top of the stairs down to the bottom as he bolted for the front door. Anybody watching would have sworn that this boy never got out of the house, when in fact, he and I hit the streets quite often.

  “Maaa!” he yelled. “Dario’s here!”

  By the time I made it to the middle of the stairs and where I could see clear to the front door, there stood Dario in all his sexy in dark jeans, an Oakland Raiders t-shirt, and white tennis shoes. I guess I’d missed it before, but I saw parts of a tattoo peeking beneath the sleeve on his right arm.

  Oh, what nice arms you have, sir.

  When I was all the way down the stairs, I noticed a super cute little guy standing not too far from Dario. He looked to be about the same age as Rai. I became even more excited about the outing at the sight of them both. Rai would have his playdate and I would have mine.

  “Hey beautiful,” Dario greeted.

  Just the way the words rolled off his tongue, sent slight chills through me. I didn’t know if I liked the effect he was starting to have on me, but I felt some kind of uncontrollable, slow pull to see just how deeply it went.

  “Hey, yourself,” I remarked, holding onto his gaze for a few seconds. “Who do we have here?” I asked, turning my eyes to my temporary houseguest.

  “This is Freddie, mom,” Rai offered. “He’s Dario’s cousin.”

  “Oh okay. Well, hi Freddie,” I said, smiling. “My name is Chanel.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Chanel,” he greeted like a little gentleman.

  “Yeah, I thought it’d be a good idea to get these two together since I was boring Freddie to death at my house.”

  “I think that’s great.” I smiled at him, flattered at the thought of him thinking of us.

  “So, if you guys are ready, we can head out for some grub.”

  While Freddie and Rai ran for Dario’s Hummer, I felt his presence in very close proximity as I activated my alarm, then proceeded to secure the top and bottom locks. It wasn’t even a surprise to me that my level of arousal had peaked at him being so near.

  “All set?” he asked in that soft tone of his.

  “All set.”



  Dario moved a few strands of my hair that had fallen along the side of my face and softly tucked them behind my ear. As he did so, his finger brushed against the bridge of my ear, causing my eyes to close briefly. “How often do you hear how beautiful you are?” Dario asked, catching me slightly off guard. After we collectively destroyed a party-sized Mountain Mike’s pizza, Rai and Freddie abandoned us to play with Dario’s dog, Lennox, and video games. “Don’t be shy, admit it,” he pushed, while tracing the area along my ear and down to my earlobe.

  I swear I was on the verge of fainting. Can that even happen when you’re sitting down? I was laboring hard to pace my breathing to keep him from knowing that he had me flustered. I was sure he knew, though. He had to.

  “Look at me, Chanel,” he said, from the side of me. And when I did, I was greeted with his intense glare and those nice, deep-pocketed eyes that looked at me like I belonged to him . . . belonged with him.

  The only thing I could produce was a shake of my head in response to his question. I was praying for a save: gum, candy, a braid or something to play with.

  “Yeah, right. I can’t even stop looking at you. You’re like the perfect view, so I know you get compliments wherever you go.”

  I pointed to his arm. “So, umm, what’s your tattoo of? I didn’t see it before.”

  Dario lifted his short sleeve over the top of his shoulder so that I could see the whole tattoo that pretty much covered his whole upper arm. It was a stunning work of art that was so clear and so detailed, that it made me want one. There were angel wings on either side of a sword. Instinctively, I reached over and ran my finger over the tips of the swords, and then along the wings.

  “It’s beautiful,” I told him, pulling my hand back.

  “Thanks,” he responded, pulling his sleeve back down and smoothing it out. “It’s something I got in honor of Lucas.”

  “Your cousin, right?”


  “It’s beautiful, Dario.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I think I get it . . .” I remarked, before I could stop the words from coming out of my mouth.

  “What is it that you get?”

  “The symbolism of the images you chose . . . the sword with the angel wings.” He looked at me with a blank stare; I wasn’t sure if the look was one of disinterest, or if it was one of curiosity of what my assessment would be. I wasn’t sure which it was, I only hoped that he didn’t find my probing to be a nuisance. “Am I overstepping?”

  “Not at all. I’m curious to hear what you have to say.”

  “Well, so . . .” I started, as I moved closer to him and raised the sleeve of his shirt once more. “The sword surrounded by the wings symbolizes your protection of Lucas in death.” I looked up into his eyes to read him and for a silent authorization for me to continue my analogy. He offered me a thin smile and I continued. “For some reason, you feel as though you didn’t protect him and that you lacked the power to do so. The sword tells that part of the story.” I looked away from the tattoo and into Dario’s eyes. “But you didn’t lack the power, Dario. You didn’t. You were there with him, you held him and he felt your protection, your strength, and your love.” I rubbed his arm as I slowly smoothed his sleeve back into place. “You loved your cousin very much, and this tattoo speaks to that love. I’m so sorry for your loss.”

  When Dario’s lips pressed against mine, it was a feeling too natural to explain. It wasn’t awkward, it wasn’t rushed, it was right on time. For the second time since we met, we entered into a moment so endearing that it seemed to linger forever. His lips were so soft and so warm and
so gentle. He effortlessly pulled me on top of his lap in the middle of the kiss. And although I felt myself being lifted, the momentum wasn’t lost.

  I snaked my arms around his neck to keep him locked in place. I wanted him in more ways than one, but the timing wasn’t right even as much as it seemed that it was. Our tongues danced, and our sighs met in unison as we plowed our way through the passion with labored breaths. Dario’s hand moved up and down my thigh and around my hips while my hands caressed the back of his neck. The kiss was intense, and I wanted so much more. I really did. I wanted to feel him in the worst way, in the most intimate ways. I knew that with the way his hand felt along my thigh, it would be with ten times the emotion if it were skin to skin. All my womanly senses were awakened and I was fighting a strong urge to tell him to make love to me . . . a strong urge.

  “We should stop,” I heard myself say after pulling back from our marathon tongue dance. I was surprised that the words even came out because they were so much the opposite of what I really wanted.

  “Why?” Dario asked, moving his lips to my neck and kissing along other tender spots that caused me to release light, desire-filled whimpers.

  “Be . . . cause. I just . . . th-th-think . . .”

  “Don’t . . .” he interjected, palming my breasts through the thin material of my hoodie. My nipples had long ago made their plea for freedom as they pressed firmly against my bra from the inside.

  “We . . . can’t . . .” I panted against his mouth. “We—”

  “Woof! Woof!” I heard from across the room which caused me to snap my neck in the direction of the sound. When I locked eyes with not just Lennox, but both Freddie and Rai as well, my entire body shot to temperatures hot enough to produce a fever! I was beyond mortified! There I was sitting on top of Dario’s lap making out like some damn teenager with my son, Dario’s cousin, and his dog, as our audience.

  “Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God,” I sighed on repeat, just above a whisper. It was like a bootleg version of the walk of shame as I slowly slid from Dario’s lap and took the seat next to him. I was wishing like hell the last few moments could be rewound to a time where none of the kiss happened. I needed a human-sized hole to crawl into and cower—like now.


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