Truth or Dare

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Truth or Dare Page 14

by ReShonda Tate Billingsley

She smiled and shrugged. “There could’ve been.”

  “So, I guess you called Shay and had her in on all of this.” Her smugness was straight pissing me off.

  “You can assume whatever you want. I’m done talking to you.” She spun back around and finished putting on her makeup.

  “Wow. Just wow,” I said. “The lengths some people will go to for a little bit of fame.”

  “Wow, for real.” Evian laughed, before picking a handheld mirror up off her dressing table and turning it toward me.

  “What’s that for?”

  “You need to be looking at yourself and telling yourself those words because you wrote the book on what someone is willing to do for a little bit of fame.”

  “Whatever,” I said. “Let me just go see how Tamara feels about this whole deception.”

  I spun around, but before I could reach the door, she said, “Because we both know that snitching is the only way you can beat me.”

  I stopped and turned back to face her. “Excuse me? So what are you trying to say?”

  “I’m not trying to say anything. I’m saying it.” She stood up and took a step toward me. “You think you’re all that, but I’m this far”—she stepped so close to me that our noses were almost touching—“from stealing your star.”

  I took a step back. “Are you freaking kidding me? You couldn’t take my star if I wrapped it in a big box with a bow and handed it to you.”

  She shrugged, then turned to go back to her seat. “Hmph. Whatever. Run along.” She waved me off like she was telling me to shoo. “Go snitch so I can let everyone know that you were so threatened by me, so worried that I would take your top spot, that you had to snitch in order to beat me.”

  Oh, she was straight challenging me now. I didn’t care about the whole no-snitch ghetto mentality, but she’d gotten me riled up with that comment. If that’s the way she wanted to play it, I had something for her. I knew that she was just trying to keep me from telling. But I definitely didn’t need her or anyone else thinking that I felt threatened in any shape, form, or fashion.

  Now that I thought about it, I wasn’t going to tell Tamara. Yet. As a matter of fact, I was going to enjoy demolishing her.

  “You know what?” I said. “I won’t tell because I want to see the look on your face when they kick you back on the curb where you were before I made you relevant.”

  She spun around again, stood, and stretched out her hands like she was challenging me. “Bring it.”

  “Brought it,” I replied. I was so going to bring it. And when all was said and done, Miss All American Princess was going to wish that she’d never crossed me.

  Chapter 33

  “So, what do you think?” my friend Zenobia said. “Should I use this one or this one on my invitations?”

  I snapped myself out of my daze and turned my attention back to her stack of senior portraits. They actually were very beautiful, but they reminded me that not only had I not even taken mine, I hadn’t even ordered my graduation invitations. Yes, we still had eight weeks before graduation, but all of my friends had already taken care of all of their senior responsibilities. I wasn’t doing a very good job of balancing everything. And as I glanced across the cafeteria at Shay, Evian, and Sheridan sitting in a corner table, I knew exactly why I was slipping.

  “You know what, Maya?” Zenobia said, pulling her pictures back. “Maybe I need to attach some juicy gossip to the pictures, then you’ll want to give your input.”

  “I’m sorry, Zenobia. My mind just isn’t here.”

  “It never is,” she said, stuffing the photos back in her bag and walking away.

  It’s not that I was that close to Zenobia, but she and I were cool. So, any other time, I would’ve been happy to give her my opinion, but today, my head just wasn’t in it.

  I glanced back over at Sheridan, Shay, and Evian, and it dawned on me that I used to be cool with a lot of people, but for some reason, I was losing them all.

  Sheridan lost her smile as I approached their table. I needed to tell her she didn’t need to fake it with me. Obviously, she enjoyed kicking it with Evian and Shay. She didn’t need to pretend otherwise for my sake.

  “Hey, Maya, you can sit here,” Sheridan said, moving her purse from the seat next to her.

  “Naw, I’m good. I’m going to go sit over there.” I motioned two tables over.

  “Yeah, let her go sit over there,” Shay snarled.

  I glared at her, then said, “You know what? On second thought, I will sit here.” I dropped my tray on the table next to Sheridan and sat across from Evian and Shay.

  “So, Shay, what’s up?” I wondered if Evian had told her that I was on to them. Judging from the defensive look on her face, like she didn’t know what my next move would be, Evian had definitely told her.

  “Everything’s everything,” Shay said. “On top of the world with my girl.”

  We all glared at each other, but nobody said a word.

  “Did your girl tell you that you’re about to be toppled?” I asked.

  Neither of them said a word as they just shot evil daggers at me.

  “Okay, does somebody want to tell me what’s going on?” Sheridan said, looking back and forth between the three of us. “I know you all have beef, but this seems like it’s on a whole different level.”

  “Yeah,” I said, cocking my head, “somebody want to tell her what’s going on? What’s really going on? Since you guys are all BFFs now.”

  Before anyone could reply, our English teacher, Mrs. McAfee, approached the table.

  “Miss Matthews,” she told Sheridan, “did you forget about the Honor Society meeting today at lunch? It looks bad that everyone but the president is there.”

  “Oh, snap,” Sheridan said, quickly standing up. “I forgot.” She started gathering her things. “I’m on my way.”

  Mrs. McAfee shook her head as she grabbed her Coke and walked off.

  “Guys, I have to go, but somebody needs to let me know what’s going on later,” she said.

  “Oh, you’ll find out soon enough,” I said before she scurried off.

  Silence once again filled our table. Finally, Evian spoke. “So, I see you decided not to tell on me.”

  In my opinion, she needed a little more gratitude in her tone.

  “No, I haven’t told. Yet. I wanted to prove that your show sucks before I prove what a liar you are,” I replied.

  Shay rolled her eyes. “I told you, Evian, don’t sweat her. She can get up there and say what she wants about us. It’s not like anyone will believe her because everyone knows she’s jealous of you.”

  I couldn’t do anything but shake my head. “You got it so twisted. Maya Morgan doesn’t have to be jealous of anyone,” I told her. “And you forget, it isn’t just my word.”

  Shay turned up her lips. “Oh, yeah, a scam artist with a criminal record. I’m sure everybody will believe him.”

  Wait? Criminal record? So I’d almost got with a twenty-two-year-old high school dropout who ran game and picked up chicks, and who had a criminal record? I shivered at the thought.

  “As far as I’m concerned, you’re a jealous diva that’s mad because my girl is about to knock her off her throne,” Shay continued. “So now you’re making up stories, claiming the kidnapping didn’t happen.”

  “Oh, is that what I’m doing?” I asked. I came so close to letting her know about the recording, but I decided that I didn’t need to be showing my whole hand. “We’ll just have to see who they believe, won’t we?” I said.

  “Look, Maya,” Evian said, in a totally different tone like she was trying to change the direction of this conversation. “I’m sorry we dragged you in this, but you know how hard I worked to get in the entertainment industry. You know all the freakin’ auditions I’ve been on, and how hard I worked. And nothing. This situation in Cancun—”

  “The fake situation in Cancun,” I said, cutting her off.

  “Whatever,” she replied. “What happene
d in Cancun gave me what no amount of training, auditions, or anything else ever could. It gave me instant notoriety. I don’t understand why you can’t respect the game.”

  I looked at her like she was crazy. “Because I can’t appreciate being played.”

  Shay continued to glare at me. “Don’t apologize to her, Evian. I told you, she would’ve done the same thing to you. Shoot, she probably would’ve done a whole lot worse.”

  I turned my attention to Shay, really looking at her, trying to understand why she hated me so much. Sitting across from her at this very moment, I knew one thing: any progress I had made with Shay over the past few months was out the window. She had the nerve to be staring at me like she was so innocent and I was the one out of order.

  “So, you don’t see anything wrong with the way you played me, the way you had me running around Cancun looking for Evian, stressing? I mean, good grief, you had me trying to come up with ransom money,” I told her.

  “Which you made it clear that you weren’t going to do.”

  “Because five hundred thousand dollars is a lot of money,” I snapped. “But I was trying to come up with what I could.”

  My mind raced back to all the times Shay had seemed so hysterical and scared for Evian, how she’d made us miss the senior breakfast, and how it had messed up my spring break.

  “How could you just act like that?” I asked.

  Shay shrugged. “I guess it’s just natural talent.” She put her hand to her chest as she got all dramatic. “Maya, I know where Evian is. The GPS tracked her,” she said, mimicking her actions in Cancun. “Maya, we have to save her.”

  She giggled like she was really funny.

  “I guess you got a good laugh out of that,” I said. “You found it funny that I was willing to put my life on the line to save her,” I added, jabbing a finger in Evian’s direction.

  “Whatever. Don’t hate because I’m so convincing.” Shay put a finger to her head like she was thinking. “Maybe I need to call Tyler Perry and have him put me in his next movie since I’m such a good actress.” She laughed and it made my blood boil.

  I stood up. “I’m glad you think this is funny.” I looked back and forth between the two of them, then walked over to the trash can at the end of the table and dumped my uneaten salad inside and set my tray down. I walked back in front of them, picked up my purse, and said, “But we’re going to see who has the last laugh,” before strutting out of the cafeteria.

  Chapter 34

  I had given my all to Rumor Central this past week, and at this very moment, it felt like none of that mattered. I had spent all week digging for an exclusive, some blockbuster story for my show that would get people talking. Kennedi had been adamant that I should get the tape from Miguel and play it on my show. And although I hadn’t ruled that out, I wasn’t ready to do it just yet. I wanted there to be no doubt that I was number one, and I didn’t need anyone thinking that I only retained that spot because I had gotten rid of Evian. And I knew that’s exactly how she would play it. So, although I’d met Miguel and given him the ten grand for the recording, I’d put it up to use as a last resort.

  I’d never expected that that last resort might be needed right now.

  “Maya, this is a serious problem,” Tamara said, snapping me back to the reason I’d been summoned to her office as soon as I got to work today. “Everybody has been noticing how you’re not seeming like yourself lately.”

  “I don’t know why anyone would say that,” I replied.

  “It’s just that you don’t seem on top of your game. You seem distracted,” Tamara said. “And while I know you guys tried to clean up that disaster at the Hype magazine Teen Choice Awards, that was so not a good look. The old Maya would’ve never got herself caught up in some drama like that.”

  What was I supposed to say? Tell them that I’d become so obsessed with finding out what was going on with Evian that my own show was suffering? That she got under my skin so bad that I’d let her knock me off my A game? Naw, never that. But I knew that I needed to say something.

  “I guess it’s the balancing of it all. Trying to get ready for graduation and everything,” I said, trying to sound sad so she would be sympathetic.

  She was sympathetic all right. But not in my favor. “If this is too much for you to handle, let us know,” she said.

  I raised an eyebrow. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Oh, Maya, don’t read anything extra into it,” Tamara said.

  I decided to stop beating around the bush and come right out and ask them. “So, are you guys planning to cancel my show?”

  “No,” Tamara said. “There are no plans to cancel Rumor Central, but . . .”

  It was the way she said “but” that had my stomach turning flips.

  “But what?”

  “But if you continue on this track, the higher-ups will not be pleased. I told you everything was about ratings. You didn’t come back from Cancun with much.”

  “That was your and Dexter’s idea in the first place,” I protested. “Besides, I had Evian’s story, since you all think that’s such a big deal.”

  “Yes, you did. But none of the other celebrity stuff that we thought we’d get panned out. Word is that TMZ is running a story that they got the same time you were in Cancun. Apparently, rapper Jay Blackmon was there with Darian Mathis? I mean, he’s only one of the biggest rappers and he’s in Cancun with another woman, and you missed that?” She shook her head like she couldn’t believe it. “TMZ is supposedly running a big exclusive on it, and we’re trying to figure out how that one just slipped through your fingertips.”

  I groaned inside. I wouldn’t dare tell them that no, I hadn’t missed it. I’d just gotten sidetracked trying to help Evian. Yet another reason for me to hate her. I’m about to lose my job over messing around with her, and it was all a scam. I felt my blood boiling all over again.

  “We are just wondering if you have what it takes to keep Rumor Central afloat,” Tamara said candidly.

  “Excuse me?” Now, I had an attitude. “I made Rumor Central the hit that it is.”

  “We don’t dispute that. But we’re not into creating one-hit wonders.”

  “I can’t tell,” I said. “With All-American Princess, seems like you guys are banking on a one-hit wonder.” I wasn’t trying to be disrespectful, but this was ridiculous.

  “The bottom line is her ratings are going up and yours are going down.”

  I couldn’t believe this. I wanted so bad to tell her what I’d found out about Evian, but she definitely would think I was just trying to say something. Besides, Kennedi was right about one thing: If Tamara knew Evian was a fake, she’d try to save face for the station and would make sure this went away quietly. If I did decide to bust Evian, I needed it to be grand, for the whole world to see.

  “Well, don’t worry, I have something major in the works,” I told her. “And I assure you, once it hits, it’s gonna be big.”

  “I hope so,” Tamara said. “You know I like you and it would break my heart if we had to cancel Rumor Central, but I have to put you on notice. Either come up with some major stories or we’re in some major trouble.”

  I nodded. Oh, I was about to give her something major. She wasn’t going to like it, but she was definitely about to be served ratings on a silver platter.

  Chapter 35

  “Wow. I go away for a conference for a week and all this happens?”

  Alvin leaned back in disbelief as I filled him in on the events of the past week. He was surprised at what Tamara had said, but he wasn’t worried. That was one of the things I loved about Alvin: he believed in me no matter what.

  “So, you mean Evian really faked all of this? For fame?”

  “Yep, that’s what her show needs to be called, Faking it for Fame.” I was sitting on Alvin’s living room sofa. When I’d arrived this afternoon, his mother had been here and I’d gotten a chance to talk to her for a little bit, something I rarely got to do
because she was sickly and stayed secluded in her bedroom most of the times I came over.

  “Dang,” Alvin said. “This is all just so wild.”

  “Tell me about it,” I said.

  “So why did this Miguel guy just decide to come clean to you?”

  That was the part of the story Alvin definitely wasn’t feeling. He said it was bad enough that I had given him any money, but he definitely didn’t think I should have any more conversations with him.

  “It was all about money,” I said. “But I’ve been giving this some thought, and it’s actually the real reason I came over here to talk to you today. I think I’m going to fly Miguel back to Miami to help me out.”

  “What?” Alvin said, looking at me like I was crazy. “Help you out with what?”

  “I told you Tamara wanted a blockbuster story. I’m about to give it to her.”

  He shook his head like he was adamantly opposed to that idea. “You know he’s all about money.”

  I shrugged. “Then I’ll pay him. I couldn’t care less about him getting his money, but even if I just play the tape, I will still end up looking like a hater. But if I can figure out a way to get him to do it . . .”

  “I don’t know, Maya” Alvin said. “I think you should just leave this alone. You have the tape. That’s enough to prove she’s a fake. This guy may be dangerous.”

  I don’t know why, but I wasn’t really scared of Miguel. I saw him as fairly harmless, and nothing more than a con artist. “I can’t let Evian get away with this.”

  “Seriously, Maya, I think you should just let this beef with Evian go. Just let Tamara know the kidnapping was a fake, she’ll cancel the show and you’ll have won.”

  “Are you crazy?” I told him. “The way this girl has barged into my life, the way she ruined my spring break, had me running around like crazy, looking for her and she wasn’t even missing. Oh no, I’m going to enjoy paying her back.”

  He sighed like he knew it would do no good to try and talk me out of anything. “So what exactly are you going to do?”

  “That part I haven’t figured out yet,” I said.


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