Alone Against the North

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Alone Against the North Page 25

by Adam Shoalts

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  First published 2015

  Copyright © Adam Shoalts, 2015

  Jacket photography:

  (river) © Thomas Sbampato | imageBROKER | Corbis,

  (man and canoe) Chris Harris | All Canada Photos | Corbis

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  Shoalts, Adam, 1986–, author

  Alone against the north / Adam Shoalts.

  Includes bibliographical references and index.

  ISBN 978-0-670-06945-3 (bound)

  1. Hudson Bay Region—Discovery and exploration.

  2. Hudson Bay Region--Description and travel. 3. Discoveries in geography. 4. Shoalts, Adam, 1986– —Travel. 5. Explorers—Canada. I. Title.

  FC3969.4.S56 2015910.9163'27C2015-901095-0

  eBook ISBN 978-0-14-319399-9

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