Claiming the Little Vampire

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Claiming the Little Vampire Page 6

by CR Guiliano

  There was a grunt of approval from Kelle, as he kept lapping at Tobih’s leaking hole. He cried out again, when Kelle speared his tongue inside of him, wiggling it, and making Tobih want to clench his ass cheeks to hold it there. Kelle moved his hands, using his thumbs to pry Tobih open, giving him more room to push his tongue in deeper. Tobih moaned as his sphincter relaxed. Before he could do more than moan again, Kelle had moved up, and mounted him, his large cock pushing into him relentlessly. When he felt Kelle’s balls against the back of his, he tried to take a deep breath at the fullness. He almost felt like he was being split in two, but the pain only emphasized the pleasure coursing through him. Kelle didn’t even let him adjust to his intrusion, before he was pulling out, and slamming back into him. Tobih gasped loudly, digging his fingers into the mattress, as Kelle started a brutal, and fast rutting. Tobih’s mind short circuited, and nothing else mattered but the cock in his ass, and the man covering him. His claws came out, anchoring him to the bed, as Kelle fucked him, the wolf grinding into him with every other thrust.


  Kelle felt like he was on a ride he had no control over. It was as if his body had been taken over, and the only thing he could do was fill the man, the vampire, under him with his cock, until he spilled his seed, and claimed him. Kelle’s canines ached, and throbbed along with his heartbeat, and he could feel an orgasm of epic proportions bearing down on him. He fought it, not wanting this to end too quickly, and whatever it was controlling him, the wolf inside, snarled at the delay.

  When Tobih writhed, Kelle shifted, until he could push his fingers between Tobih’s, effectively pinning him even further. He didn’t want the vampire to move, wanted him trapped under him, where he belonged, until Kelle’s seed was well planted. He moved his legs wider, pushing Tobih’s thighs higher, and twisted his hips, until he felt Tobih shudder under him. There’s where he needed to be. He renewed his thrusts, slamming into his vampire’s body, and repeatedly burying his full length into that tight, hot, wet channel. Tobih’s body was trembling violently, and Kelle knew he was hitting that sweet spot over, and over.

  Kelle’s orgasm was close, on the very edge, but he would hold back until Tobih came. Loosening one hand from Tobih’s, he reached under Tobih, and grabbed his still hard length. He pulled, jerking the hot flesh in time with his thrusts. Only four tugs, and Tobih was screaming his release, spewing his cum all over Kelle’s hand, Tobih’s chest, and the sheets. That was enough to throw Kelle over the edge. He howled, right before leaning down, and biting deeply into the flesh between Tobih’s shoulder, and his neck. Much to Kelle’s surprise, his cock began to swell, until he couldn’t thrust anymore, and was locked inside Tobih’s body. He pushed, and pushed, burying himself as deep as he could go, and felt Tobih’s channel ripple around him when the hard knot he now had rubbed across the man’s prostate. Shocked, he pulled his canines from Tobih, as he felt the vampire climax again, another scream coming from him. He rocked his hips, Tobih now whimpering, until he felt the little man go limp in his arms. At first, he was alarmed, but the wolf, or whatever it was inside him, seemed thrilled they had fucked the vampire into unconsciousness.

  He tried to pull out of Tobih, but he was well, and truly snared within the other man’s body, the knot throbbing, as his cock continued to empty, and his balls churned out their contents. He lifted up, bringing Tobih up with him, but that wasn’t happening when the shorter man’s channel pulled at the knot, causing some discomfort. Kelle leaned back down, and flipped them to the side, so he could relax, and not crush Tobih under him. Fatigue pulled at him, but he noticed the bite he’d given Tobih was still oozing blood, and he licked it, then wondered why he did that. Tobih’s blood was kind of sweet, but it was still blood, and Kelle was not a vampire. But as he looked at the bite again, he saw it was now closed, and no longer bleeding. Huh. Go figure.

  Eyelids heavy, he knew he wasn’t going to be awake much longer. He lifted his head, looking for covers, only to see them bunched near their feet. Groaning, he sat up, sucking in a breath when the action caused the knot to pull. He reached out, snagging the sheet, and pulled it up over them, as he settled back to the mattress. He wrapped his arm around Tobih, pulling him close to his body, and thrusting his hips forward, so the knot was buried further. Tobih moaned, grinding his ass back against Kelle, and his eyes crossed at the pleasure that caused. Damn!

  He reached down to feel Tobih still hard, the silky skin of his cock pulled tight, and the foreskin fully retracted so his glans was exposed. Sleepily, Kelle played with the head of Tobih’s cock, digging a nail into the slit, before rubbing under the frenulum. Tobih started swaying his hips, making Kelle’s knot rock inside him. Seconds later, Tobih groaned, and cum spilled out over Kelle’s fingers, and a languid orgasm coursed through Kelle, the knot on his dick swelling further, and Tobih’s channel squeezing it, the fit now so tight, Kelle couldn’t move at all. Sighing with contentment, he hugged Tobih against his chest, and let sleep take him.


  Tobih slowly opened his eyes, blinking against the bright light in his bedroom. He hissed, the rays of the morning sun stinging his bare skin. He grabbed the sheet covering himself, pulling it over his head, and tried to move, so he could get up, and pull the blackout curtains over the windows. But when he tried, a sharp pain in his ass had him freezing. What? He reached back, making sure the sheet didn’t move from covering him, only to feel a solid, warm…body…behind him. Behind him, and up close, and personal.


  Fuck, he was still knotted? How on earth had that happened? The wolf who’d knotted Thayne had separated from him after a few minutes. They’d been cuddled up for…Tobih peeked out from under the cover to see the clock…over three hours!

  “Stop moving.”

  Kelle tightened the arm he had around Tobih, pulling him into his chest, his voice gravelly with sleep. As much as Tobih was enjoying this, and surprisingly he was definitely relishing the connection, he needed to get up, so he could close the curtains. He just wasn’t sure how that was going to happen with Kelle stuck to him. He could still feel the heat of the sun through the sheet, though the stinging had stopped, now that he was marginally covered. He huffed in frustration when he heard Kelle softly snoring again.

  An hour later, and Tobih was beyond annoyed, he finally felt Kelle’s knot start to shrink. A few minutes later, he was able to pull away, ignoring the grunt from Kelle. The shifter didn’t even wake up, as Tobih slipped from the bed, taking the sheet with him. He hurried to the side of the windows, and pulled the cord that would make the blackout curtains close. Once they were shut, the sun blocked from entering his bedroom, he dropped the sheet, and glanced over at Kelle. The wolf had turned, and spread out, his body, once again, exposed to Tobih’s view. Tobih’s face flushed at the evidence of their coupling that covered Kelle’s flaccid dick, the scent of his own seed strong as it wafted up from the sheets. Shower, he desperately needed a shower. Leaving the wolf to sleep, he made his way to his bathroom, turning on the water to heat. He glanced at himself in the mirror, and gasped at what he saw. His eyes were red, and on his shoulder, near his neck was a large bite wound. It was closed, healing quickly, like all the wounds he got after being turned, but he couldn’t believe Kelle had bitten him. Just seeing the bite made Tobih’s stomach growl with hunger. Damn it, he needed to feed.

  Steam filled the room, blocking his view, and he turned away to enter the tub enclosure. As he soaped up, his mind went back to last night. Kelle had claimed him. He was sure that’s what the bite was about, and the sex. Kelle had been out of control, his wolf in charge. He wondered what the man was going to think when he woke up, knowing they were now bonded for life. To a vampire he’d fled from. There’d been no consent on Kelle’s side, his instincts too overwhelming to stop him, and allow him to choose. Tobih only hoped the wolf didn’t blame him. After all, Tobih was ripe, in heat, and didn’t have a lot of control himself. Not that he would have begged Kelle to take him
, but the need was more than he could handle last night.

  He tried to analyze his own feelings, knowing he’d not wanted a mate in the first place. Now he had one, he wasn’t sure what to do. Should he ignore it, and just go on with his life as usual? Going to work, and the clubs for sustenance? But no, he couldn’t. Thayne had said, once bonded, Tobih would only be able to feed from Kelle. Ah, shit. That meant he was going to have to explain to the shifter, what being bonded to him meant. Tobih finished up, rinsing his body, before stepping out, and drying off. He’d not brought clothes in with him, so wrapped the towel around his hips, and walked out of the bathroom. He stopped when he saw that Kelle was awake, and leaning against the headboard, the blanket covering his lower half.

  “Feel better, now you’re clean of my scent?”

  Huh. Kelle didn’t sound happy at all. “Um, yes.” What was he supposed to say? He wasn’t going to lie to the shifter.

  “Fine. Why are your eyes red?”

  Shit, they were still red? That made no sense, well except for being hungry. He wasn’t angry, no high emotions, and wasn’t arous…. Well, that wasn’t necessarily true. His cock was semi-hard, and his body was still running hot. Was he still in his heat? He watched as Kelle leaned his head back, closed his eyes, and inhaled deeply, before dropping his head again, and grinning at Tobih.

  “Smells like someone is…up…for some more action.”

  Fuck. “No, I have things to do, and I don’t want to be stuck to you for hours again.” No way was he allowing Kelle’s crazy, swelling dick near his ass. He was still sore from early this morning, and he really did have things to do. Housecleaning, checking emails, getting ready for work once the sun dropped behind the horizon. Kelle’s grin dropped like a rock, and he narrowed his eyes at Tobih, before turning away.

  “Yea, you’re right. I need to figure out why the hell I feel so weird around you before I touch you again, if ever.”

  Tobih’s stomach flipped, hearing those words from Kelle. It sounded as if he was disgusted by Tobih, and that he might abandon him. That’s just great. He finally caved to this whole mating thing, only to have Kelle bail on him. “That’s not what I meant. I’m sore, and that knot of yours is damn large. And I really do have things to do. It’s not like we can’t do it again.” Kelle looked at him briefly, but Tobih couldn’t read the look on his face.

  “I need to go.”

  Kelle stood up, the blanket falling away, and looked for his clothes. Except, his clothes were shredded, and in the dumpster behind Onyx. And none of Tobih’s would fit him, by a long shot. Kelle looked confused, as he searched the room.

  “Where are my clothes?”

  He finally looked at Tobih, his brows furrowed. “Um, you don’t have any here. Don’t you remember what happened last night?”

  “Yea, we fucked. Where are my clothes, Tobih?!”

  Shit, Kelle was getting angry. That was the last thing Tobih needed, and why the hell didn’t he remember what happened, and how he ended up at Tobih’s apartment in the first place? Or the fact he’d claimed Tobih, with a mating bite, and all? “Look, you shifted into a wolf last night when you were attacked by some other wolves, and your clothes got shredded. I killed the wolves attacking you, and you passed out. Thayne helped me bring you here.” Kelle growled, glaring at Tobih.

  “Don’t be stupid. Just because something weird is happening to my dick, doesn’t mean I’m some damn werewolf, or a monster, like you. And don’t think I believe you killed someone. You may be a vampire, but Thayne told me vampires rarely kill unless they waited too long to feed, and go feral with bloodlust. You look just fine.”

  Oh, okay, that hurt. Why did that hurt? He never wanted a mate, so why did what Kelle was saying feel like a blade right through his chest? “You know what? You’re right. Why would you want to stay here? Toga yourself up, and get the fuck out of my house!”

  “Fine, I will, but I’m not bringing your sheets back.”

  Kelle grabbed the fitted sheet left on the bed, and tore it so it would fit around him, and cover up all the necessary parts. That it was covered in Tobih’s cum didn’t seem to matter to him. Without a word, he left the bedroom, and Tobih heard his front door open, then slam shut. What the hell just happened? And here, Thayne said he wouldn’t regret letting Kelle claim him. He was regretting it already.

  Chapter 6

  Kelle paced his living room, after getting home from work. He couldn’t figure out where the anger was coming from. And, Jesus, he’d been really cruel to Tobih, and after the man allowed him to fuck him too. How pathetic was that? Once he’d gotten home, he’d tried to remember how he’d gotten to Tobih’s place, but everything was a blur. He remembered getting off work, and leaving the club. He remembered being confronted by two guys, but after that, all he could remember was finding himself buried in Tobih’s willing body. He didn’t even remember how he got inside the man. Just that he was there, and it had felt so damn good. That was until his dick had swelled so much, he couldn’t pull out of the man. What was up with that? His cock had never done that before. Maybe he was allergic to the lube they used, even if he didn’t remember using any.

  It had been almost two weeks since he’d stormed out of Tobih’s apartment, and though he’d gone to work, his off time was filled with confusion, and anger. Always the anger. It felt as if something inside him was mad at him, for some strange reason. He didn’t understand it. His pacing was interrupted by a knock, well more like banging, on his door. Who the hell would be calling on him? Especially at three in the morning. He stomped to the door, and threw it open, to see Thayne, along with three of his body guards standing in the hall outside his apartment. And the man did not look happy.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “I beg your pardon?” Why would the vampire be angry with him? He hadn’t seen the master for well over a month.

  “You claim Tobih, then abandon him? How could you do that?”

  “Claim him? What are you talking about?” Kelle had no clue what the vampire was getting at, but he didn’t like it. Sure, he’d said some mean things, but he’d not hurt the little vampire. Then again, ever since he’d left Tobih, the anger in him had only gotten worse. Enough that he’d been reprimanded at work for being too rough with a client who had gotten out of hand. He’d broken the man’s arm while escorting him out of the club.

  “You claimed him, bonded with him. Now he can’t feed from anyone but you. He’s wasting away, because you abandoned him.”

  Thayne’s eyes had turned red, as had the three body guards, and they were all glaring at him, one even giving a low hiss. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. We fucked, that’s all we did.”

  “That is not all you did. You bit him, gave him a mating bite. He’s now bonded to you forever. Doesn’t your wolf want to be with his mate?”

  “Wolf? Not you too. I’m not some freaky werewolf.” Kelle couldn’t believe this. First Tobih, now Thayne. Had everyone around him gone insane?


  Another man came forward, one Kelle hadn’t noticed before. He was small, no bigger than Tobih, and had an arresting aroma, though not as nice as Tobih’s.

  “You might want to let us in for this.”

  “Why?” Kelle couldn’t see why they needed to come in, and he honestly wasn’t in the mood for company.

  “Because, you don’t believe in wolf shifters, so I’m going to prove it to you. But to do that, Marsis has to get naked. Are you really such an asshole, you’ll make him do that out here in the hall, where anyone could see him?”

  Kelle growled, not liking Thayne’s tone one bit, but he stepped back, allowing the men into his small apartment. Thankfully, it was clean. He didn’t do much to make it dirty, other than the clothes on the floor in his bedroom, and they wouldn’t be going in there. He closed the door behind them, then turned, crossing his arms over his chest, and waited.

  “Marsis, show him.”

  Kelle watched as the lit
tle man, Marsis began removing his clothes. He turned away, giving the man some privacy, but Thayne snarled at him.

  “Look, Kelle. You won’t believe, if you don’t watch, and Marsis doesn’t care about nudity. Most wolves don’t, since they have to be naked to shift.”

  Kelle mumbled a few words to himself, along the lines of Thayne being crazy, and feeling sorry for the man now standing nude in his living room. He noticed the man had a slight indentation on his lower belly, not that Kelle was trying to notice, it had just captured his attention, because he’d felt a similar indentation on Tobih’s lower abdomen too. His thoughts scattered when the man’s body began to shimmer, and convulse, before the guy dropped to the ground. Less than a minute later, Kelle was looking at a small, white wolf.

  Kelle grabbed his head, stumbling back against his front door, when memories assaulted him, flashes of tearing flesh, howls, screams, and then the bodies on the asphalt, one in human form, another in wolf, the creature’s leg in Kelle’s mouth. Pain sliced through his brain, as what had happened the night he’d fucked Tobih came crashing down on him. Paws, he’d seen brown paws where his hands should have been. And then, waking up to find himself alone with his mate, and the driving need to rut, and seed, to breed his mate, his wolf controlling his actions. And the bite, sinking his canines deep within Tobih’s flesh, sealing them together forever.


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