“I hope so.”
“Now that your assignment is finished here, what will you do, Lane?”
“I intend to give up my job with the government and start training for full-time Christian service. Our nation is in trouble, and God needs more ambassadors to spread His gospel. I want to do what I can for Him.” He sat on the side of the bed and pulled her into a tight embrace. “Will you become my wife and work with me?”
“I’ve been wondering what I can do to help our country. My life up until now hasn’t counted for much. I remember Reverend Truett always said that the only way to serve God is by helping others.”
“And in case you think I’m after your money, I’m not penniless. The money from the sale of Arrowwood has never been spent, so I’m more prosperous than I look.”
“In spite of all the trouble we’ve had this summer, I would like to keep Arrowwood, and other than that, I intend to give away much of Timothy’s estate to charity. Warren says that part of his money was made honestly, and if I can determine what percentage of my inheritance is in that category, I’ll keep it.”
“Sounds like a good idea. But you haven’t answered me. I want to marry you, Ellen. Are you willing to try me again?”
“More than willing. I’ve waited years for this moment.”
When Lane buried his face in her hair, Ellen felt the last remnants of past bitterness receding, and she was a girl again. Whispering in his ear, she said, “You need to rest now, but there will be a full moon tomorrow night. Let’s row over to Indian Island, shall we?”
Lane laughed softly. “You have yourself a date. That is, if Deerslayer doesn’t object.”
“Deerslayer has made this an interesting summer, and I hope Fannie will let him rest in peace.” She slowly curled her fingers in his unruly hair. “I love you, Lane. Do I have to wait until tomorrow night for you to kiss me?”
He pulled her into his arms again. When his lips caressed hers, Ellen knew that the love they’d almost lost was more precious than it had ever been.
About the Author
Irene B. Brand. Award-winning writer, Irene Brand, is the author of thirty books, two novellas, and a variety of other literature. Her first inspirational romance, A Change of Heart, was published in 1984. She taught French, history, and other social studies subjects in a junior high school until she retired in 1989 to devote full time to writing. Consistent involvement in the activities of her local church continues to be an inspiration for her writing. Visit her website www.irenebrand.com.
A note from the author:
I love to hear from my readers! You may correspond with me by writing:
Irene B. Brand
Author Relations
PO Box 719
Uhrichsville, OH 44683
Love Almost Lost Page 17