“Just for this, I’m wearing these jeans the next time we go out in public,” Sydney said with a growl. Her legs were quivering, breasts heaving as she panted. She shot Dex a scowl when he looked up at her. “I won’t wear any panties, either. Maybe we’ll go to a department store. See how many guys try to bend me over and—”
Dex took two fistfuls of jean fabric and yanked. The weakened section ripped apart with a sound like an angry buzz-saw, exposing the remnants of her panties and her hot, soaking wet pussy. Sydney gasped as Sam took a harder grip on the underside of her thighs, forcing her legs wide.
Dex buried his face in her exposed pussy and sucked her clit into his mouth.
Sydney went wild, her whole body jerking as the men held her between them. Dex went to town on her, sucking down her juices, stuffing his tongue as deep as it would go into her pulsing tunnel. Somewhere above, Sam rumbled approvingly, taking a small step forward as he let Sydney slide down a little lower, so that her pelvis was even with his.
The symbolic position wasn’t lost on Dex—if Sydney hadn’t been there, Dex would be on his knees in front of Sam, his mouth around…
Dex shivered, but not from disgust. A tingle of anticipation rippled through his lower body. He wasn’t ready to go there—yet—but his hormones definitely approved of the idea. He looked up and found Sam’s silvery-gray eyes watching him over Sydney’s shoulder—and saw the promise in the other man’s eyes.
This time, Dex shuddered.
Shaking those thoughts aside for the moment, he concentrated on the woman above him. He swirled his tongue all up and down her labia, circling her clit with every pass. Sydney writhed in Sam’s grip, arching her back and rocking her pussy against his face. Whatever her objections to the two of them cutting her jeans, she certainly had no objection to the result. Her intoxicating perfume coated Dex’s chin as he ate her out with all the enthusiasm he could muster.
Finally, she jerked hard, reaching down to grab a fistful of his hair, and held his face against her clit. A moment later, her orgasm rocketed over all three of them, her legs shaking as her face contorted with silent bliss. Dex cupped her pussy with both hands, providing pressure on her mound and labia as he helped her ride it out. When she finally started to come down, he slowed his tongue, moving to gentle kisses and slow, solemn licks.
“Clean her,” Sam rumbled. His expression had gone cool, hard, and commanding.
Sydney purred, tilting her pussy toward him. Her lust-filled eyes held satisfaction and anticipation. “Do as he says,” she whispered breathily.
Dex groaned. Fuck. They were double-teaming him. Desire zinged through his system from some unexplored place inside his psyche. One of the things he loved about Syd was that she never left him floundering; she directed his actions, told him what she wanted, instead of always making him guess. Most women expected him to read their minds, or wanted him to be some kind of sexual dominant. But he wasn’t. Never had been. The erotic part of his brain wanted—needed—to be told what to do and when to do it. Sydney, thank God, never hesitated to do exactly that.
And it looked like Sam would be the exact same way.
Jesus Christ. They really are going to kill me.
Dex tipped his head in assent, then proceeded to lick Sydney’s pussy clean with long, thorough strokes of his tongue. Her satisfied sigh sent shivers through his body, just as Sam’s approving rumbles sent zings of pleasure through his groin. God. What would it be like to be between them? Both of them touching him, using him, destroying him…
“Enough.” The command in Sam’s tone rippled like velvet lighting down Dex’s back. “Stand up and take her sweater off. Leave the bra on. For now.”
Dex rose to his feet, shaky inside and out. Syd’s sweater was bunched above her breasts, just where he’d left it. She gave him a seductive smile, lifted her arms, and let him take the fabric over her head. She clutched his shoulders as he tossed the sweater aside, pulling him close, and crossed her ankles at the small of his back again. He went willingly, but kept his lower body a few inches away from hers so as not to abrade her tender flesh with his zipper. Sydney must have realized what he was doing, because she slid her hands down his chest, then expertly popped the button on his jeans—
And Sam reached beneath Sydney’s thigh to undo the zipper.
Dex’s mind went blank. He could only stare, mesmerized, as Sam’s fingers lifted the small tab and drew in downward. Sam didn’t touch anything other than the zipper, but Dex felt that touch through every part of his body. Dex’s cock was so hard it ached, leaking enough pre-come to stain the front of his boxers. Would Sam touch him? Would he pull Dex’s cock out? Would he really—
But he didn’t. Sam withdrew his hand and Sydney’s replaced it, freeing Dex’s cock with a swift jerk. He groaned, shuddering as her fingers surrounded him—and guided his cockhead into her slick, wet heat. His fingers convulsed around her hips as she engulfed him, his eyes fluttering closed. He felt Sam shift forward, pressing Sydney’s lower body against his, until his shaft sank in to the hilt.
“Stay just like that,” Sam commanded in a soft, rumbly whisper. “Don’t move.”
Sydney’s muscles rippled around him, and Dex had to fight the urge to pump his hips. Sydney shifted her weight forward until Dex was the one supporting her, elbows locked on either side of his neck. He went in for a kiss, but she shook her head and gave him a naughty little grin.
“Uh-uh. I want Sam to taste me on your tongue.”
Dex moaned as Sam cupped his neck and drew him forward. The kiss was slow, sensual, as Sam sucked Sydney’s juices from Dex’s tongue. His head spun, knees going weak. Fuck, he wouldn’t be able to keep this up much longer…
Sam stepped away, but he was back in a few heartbeats. A small, clear bottle rested in one hand. Dex stared at it, comprehension dawning. “Oh, fuck, you’re going to—”
“Hold her steady,” Sam rumbled, making brief eye-contact before reaching for his zipper. Dex watched, mesmerized, as his partner freed his cock from his jeans. In all the years they’d been together, Dex had only seen Sam in his full glory a handful of times; the other man was very careful to guard against accidental exposure. Not anymore, though. He fisted his long, thick shaft in one hand, popped the top on the lube bottle with the other, and poured a generous dollop on the head of his cock. Then he looked up, meeting Dex’s eyes as he slicked himself up. A small, promising smile tilting the corners of his mouth.
Sydney, facing the other way, couldn’t possibly have seen it—but her inner muscles tightened exponentially, making Dex hiss. His knees quivered as he fought the urge to move inside her. Sydney clutched his neck, mashing her breasts against his chest, and wiggled her exposed ass.
Dex’s knees just…melted. He stumbled back a step, then sat down hard when the edge of a mattress caught against his calves. Somehow, they’d ended up at the foot of one of the beds, so thankfully he didn’t fall all the way to the floor. Instead, he found himself flat on his back, once again with Sydney on top of him, but this time with his knees bent over the edge of the mattress. Sydney groaned as the force of the impact drove his cock deeper inside her, muscles convulsing. She braced her hands on the bed, lifting her shoulders while keeping her ass cocked upward. Sam, still stroking himself, rumbled approvingly.
“Jesus…” Dex groaned, gripping Sydney’s knees to keep her legs splayed wide and pinning her to the bed.
Sam chuckled. “Now I know how to make you find religion.” He poured more lube into his palm, those silvery eyes focused on Sydney’s sweet ass. “This might be cold.”
“Just fuck me,” Sydney panted. She flexed her hips, grinding down on Dex’s cock and making him groan.
Sam tsked, then stepped forward. Dex knew the moment he slipped a finger in her ass, because Sydney arched her back and cried out. Her muscles quivered deliciously—
And then Dex felt it. Sam’s fingertip, buried deep in Sydney’s ass, stroking Dex’s cock through the thin membrane that separated
her tunnels. He froze, eyes wide, and looked up at Sam in wonder. Sam’s expression was filled with so much lust, it almost scared him. But then Sam stepped forward, braced a hand on Sydney’s ass, and wrapped the other around his cock.
“Bear down,” he said gruffly. Dex felt her weight shift forward as Sam pressed against her, felt the shudder in her muscles as he pressed the head of his cock against her rear entrance. “Bear down as hard as you can, for as long as you can.”
Sydney nodded, panting too much to speak, and did as he ordered. Dex cried out as her inner muscles clamped down tight around him, almost strangling his cock. Fuck, it felt so good, oh, oh, God…
Sydney lifted her head, mouth dropping open as her inner muscles relaxed—and Dex felt Sam’s cock enter her. The head slid along his own shaft, centimeters away yet blocked by the thin membrane between them. Dex shuddered, clutching Sydney’s knees in a vice grip. The deeper Sam went, the tighter her pussy became, until both of them were panting from the effort of holding so much. Sam let gravity guide his momentum, finally clamping both hands around Sydney’s ass when his pelvis collided with her cheeks. All three of them froze for a moment, overwhelmed by sensations.
Then Sam took a deep breath and braced his elbows. He withdrew just as slowly as he’d entered her, his cock sliding deliciously along Dex’s length.
And then he thrust forward. Hard.
Sydney went wild, writhing atop him, while Dex could do nothing but endure the overwhelming pleasure. He felt every thrust of Sam’s cock, felt every quiver of Sydney’s muscles. An eternity passed as he drowned in the two of them, their combined ecstasy washing over him like a tidal wave. Every hard slap of Sam’s hips against Sydney’s ass drove her down on his cock, while Sam’s cock stroked along his length from inside her. It was almost too much, too intense, too overwhelming to endure.
“Oh, god…the two of you…” Sydney panted, arms shaking as she tried to hold her upper body still. “Fuck…oh, fuck, I’m going to come…”
Her body convulsed as the words left her lips. Dex and Sam both hissed as she clamped down around them, holding their shafts inside her. Her orgasm dripped down Dex’s shaft, soaking his balls, and he wanted to shout his triumph to the rooftops.
Until Sam met his gaze over Sydney’s shoulder, eyes gleaming, and said,” Let’s see how many more times we can make her do that.”
Dex nodded frantically, too wound up to form words, and took hold of Sydney’s waist. He didn’t have a lot of leverage in this position, but he tried bracing his heels against the floor so he could thrust upward. He watched, spellbound, as Sam threaded his fingers together with Dex’s until they both circled her waist. Sydney writhed, inner muscles milking them, and came a second time.
“Fuck!” Dex convulsed at the unexpected pleasure of it, holding back his own orgasm by the skin of his teeth. Sam let out a sexy rumble, trapping Dex’s fingers against Sydney’s sides, and drew back his hips. He started pounding her in earnest, riding her like a horse jockey, his thrusts so powerful they made her bounce on Dex’s dick. He groaned, unable to help himself, and tried to time his own thrusts with Sam’s.
Eventually, they found a rhythm. Dex withdrew every time Sam thrust deep, alternating their strokes inside her. Sydney lost it, collapsing atop him as she came again, and then a fourth time, all in quick succession. Sam roared with animal approval, slamming into her over and over. Dex could only wallow in it, his own responses just as uncontrolled as Sydney’s had become.
“Sam…fuck…fuck, Sam, I’m gonna—”
“Not yet,” Sam snarled, then he buried himself hilt-deep in Sydney’s ass, and met Dex’s eyes. “Come. Now.”
Dex disintegrated.
Now he understood why the French called it the little death. Pleasure unlike anything he’d ever experienced, unlike anything he’d ever known could exist, exploded through his body. No, not just his body. His mind evaporated with the force of it, his very soul rocked to its core. He drifted, senseless, for a long time after it faded.
When Dex finally came back to himself, he was pinned to the bed underneath Sydney’s and Sam’s combined weights. It felt delicious to be trapped beneath them. Heavenly. Damn-near perfect. At first, he couldn’t get his eyes to focus, but eventually, he managed it. He found Sam staring at him, eyes like liquid mercury—and holding a definite promise.
Not today, that gaze said, clear as a bell inside Dex’s mind. Not now. But someday, someday soon, this thing will happen. I will be inside you.
And for the first time in his life, Dex didn’t shy away from it.
Chapter 16
Sydney paced the aisles of the Boulder city Walmart, grimacing at the dismal clothing selections. She hadn’t worn the jeans Sam and Dex had ruined—though the thought had been tempting—but instead settled for a light blue pair and a black sweater. She smiled to herself as she perused the outfit displays, ignoring the other customers who cast her sideways looks. Wait until the boys found out what she’d bought them this morning in anticipation of their trip to the Spiked Collar Bar.
Payback was such a bitch.
She was humming to herself, searching through piles of low-rise jeans, when a tingle of awareness washed through her senses. She didn’t react, didn’t hesitate, didn’t even acknowledge the feeling in any outward way. Just kept right on humming, seemingly oblivious, as the sensation grew stronger. Unconcerned, she chose three pairs of jeans, gathered them in a pile, and clutched the pile to her chest. She looked up, making a show of searching for the sign that would lead her to the changing rooms, and sauntered off in that direction as if trying on clothes were her greatest concern.
Meanwhile, two darklings tracked her movements.
She hadn’t seen them yet. Her quick scan of the nearby vicinity revealed only a few women, all focused on making the best out a bad selection of clothing options. The darklings must have been hiding among the racks, or perhaps stationed behind the shelving units that hemmed in the women’s section.
Not that she needed to see them to confirm her suspicions. Unlike Dex and Sam, she could sense darklings without having to look in their eyes. One of the perks of being who—and what—she was.
Besides, the darklings weren’t her immediate concern—the store’s surveillance system was. She scanned the vaulted warehouse-style ceiling, keeping it casual, and located the closest cameras. Two pointed toward the entrance that led to the dressing area, both positioned too high to reach without a ladder. Sydney made a show of perking up, looking off into the distance as if she saw someone she knew. She raised a hand and waved, flicking her fingers as she did. Two white sparks, invisible in the well-lit store, sailed upward from her fingertips. Both cameras went dead, their little red lights turning off, seconds after the sparks collided with their casings. That part done, Sydney pretended to realize she’d made a mistake, and lowered her hand with a sheepish grin for anyone who might have noticed her waving. Then, she headed for the changing rooms.
The darklings followed her.
She chose the largest room, the one in the furthest back corner of the stand-alone complex of fake plastic walls. It was open to the vaulted ceiling, but that wouldn’t matter since cameras weren’t allowed in changing areas. She closed the door, purposefully leaving it unlocked, and set the pile of jeans on the small bench that lined the back wall. Her back to the door, she pretended to fiddle with the button on her jeans while simultaneously attempting to toe off one boot.
The door behind her creaked.
“Walmart employees aren’t allowed in dressing rooms, perv,” she called over her shoulder. “Get the fuck—”
A muffled snarl and a swish of moving air were her only warnings. Sydney pivoted on her back foot, twisting around just as a shape threw itself at her. Her hand was already braced, fingers spread wide. The second her fingertips touched his chest, the darkling exploded in a hissing ball of pure white light. Fine, white ash rained down on the linoleum flooring, looking like nothing so much as spilled flour.
r /> One enemy down.
“Next,” Sydney called, as if she were a salesclerk calling the next number at a butcher’s shop. The second darkling hesitated in the doorway, eyeing her warily. She hadn’t had a chance to get a good look at the first one, but this one seemed young, probably in his mid-teens, with light-brown hair and freckles on his nose. He looked like a street urchin, ragged and unclean. Even by Walmart customer standards, he didn’t look like he belonged in a public place.
Wild, hate-filled eyes met Sydney’s, and she had a split-second to feel compassion for his plight. He was one of the Broken—the darklings whose souls had been crushed out of them, leaving them nothing but empty, blood-crazed husks. That he’d made it this far into the store without attacking someone meant he’d been sent to hunt down a specific target.
Which meant Levi knew someone was after him.
Sydney bared her teeth in a taunting snarl and took a step back. The darkling boy, unable to resist the instinct to pounce on retreating prey, bared non-existent fangs and lunged for her. Sydney let him come, waiting until the last second before pivoting out of his way. Her hand landed on his back, right between his shoulder blades.
The second darkling disintegrated in a brief flash of hot, white light, adding more white powder to the mess on the floor. See, Sam? I told you I knew how to hide a body. Or two.
Sydney shook her head, weariness briefly rolling through her. She didn’t like to use her power, especially not in a public place like this. But her knives would have been too messy, and her guns would have been too loud. Best not to alert the locals there was an armed assassin walking through their midst. Better to use the tools she had, rather than risking a public scene.
Besides, inexplicable piles of fine white powder usually drew less attention than inexplicable piles of cold, dead bodies. Let the janitors wonder who took a giant bag of flour into the changing rooms, only to spill it everywhere. The thought made her smile and shake her head at the irony.
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