Claiming Hannah [Bear Creek, Texas 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Claiming Hannah [Bear Creek, Texas 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 5

by Lee Rose

  After a few minutes more of driving him crazy with her tongue, she straddled his hips, looking down at him with a sultry smile. “It’s not just sex, Ben, it’s something special between us. It’s emotional and loving.”

  She leaned down and boldly took possession of his mouth, exploring him with her tongue as his hands roamed all over, exploring every inch of her body, making her feel tingly all over. She felt him grab her hips and lift her up as if she was light as a feather. He set her down on his hardened cock and Hannah groaned, closing her eyes at the feel of him invade her pussy.

  He reached up and caressed her face lovingly with a smile. Hannah started moving up and down on his cock, making him groan loudly with excitement. “You make me feel so wild and primal. I am addicted to your touch.”

  She let out a deep sigh of pleasure, throwing her head back and arching her back. She loved the feel of his cock penetrating her. She rode him up and down, inch by inch, giving him a sexy smile when she felt his hands on her hips and she wiggled a little listening to the moans of pleasure that escaped his sexy mouth. Her expression was filled with joy and lust.

  She felt the fire starting down in her belly. She bit her lip to prevent the loud groans that wanted to escape from within her. She loved this position and being in control. “I missed this, Ben, us being connected together like this. I love it.”

  She leaned down toward him and licked her lips with her tongue and looked into his green eyes that were shining brighter than any emerald. He reached up and caressed her breasts, pinching her nipples and making her smile as she encouraged him. “Oh, yes, Ben. Touch me.”

  “I love touching you, Hannah,” he said, gripping her hips as she rode him going faster, clamping down on his cock like a vise grip. “You are one of a kind and I am keeping you.”

  “Only if I let you.” She laughed playfully, knowing she was his just as much as he was hers. She could feel the energy building higher and higher until she wanted to explode in a burst of flames. She kept riding him up and down, not wanting the feeling to end, wanting to prolong it for one more minute.

  It was incredible the way he thrusted up to meet her as she moved down on his cock. The friction caused her to heat up inside. She held on by gripping his shoulders tightly and heard his breath coming in deep gasps and knew he was close to coming, too.

  “Come with me, Hannah,” Ben said, lifting his own hips up to her as if he could get his cock deeper inside of her. He groaned and spilled his seed inside of her at the same time she gave in to her climax and screamed his name out. She swore she saw stars explode inside her head as she came.

  Her head fell on to his chest from the lack of strength. The climax had taken every bit of her energy. Ben rubbed her back softly kissing her on the head. Her eyes felt heavy and tired but she didn’t want to move out of Ben’s arms. She’d happily sleep this way, still connected to her lover. Here their world was perfect. She belonged to her handsome sheriff and that’s all she had ever wanted.

  * * * *

  Ben drove her to the shelter reluctantly the next morning. And parked in front of her truck. He turned his Jeep off and pulled her close to him for a good-bye hug.

  “I’m glad you gave us another chance, honey. I don’t want to let you go. I know I will be thinking of you all day long,” he said, kissing her, their tongues twisting together in a dance of passion.

  She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, leaning into him and enjoying his kiss. She could feel the tingles starting in her stomach and the fire starting between her legs. What a way to start the day!

  Suddenly they were interrupted by a loud horn. Ben groaned and let go of her for a second. He was breathing hard as he looked out of his window to see a grinning Billy in a police cruiser.

  Ben growled and rolled down his window. “Go away deputy before this sheriff fires your ass already.”

  Hannah giggled at Ben’s grouchiness. “Congratulations, Billy,” she yelled out the window, waving at him. She liked Grace’s cousin and if she hadn’t been so hung up on Ben she definitely would have flirted with him. He was a handsome man but her heart wanted only Ben.

  Billy opened his mouth to say something then stopped and looked at Hannah’s red truck parked behind Ben’s. He looked at the couple with concern. “Umm, Hannah, your tires are all flat.”

  Hannah gasped and got out of Ben’s Jeep, running over to her truck in disbelief. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. All four of her tires were flat. “They were fine last night when we locked the doors, right, Ben?”

  Ben bent down and ran his hands over the tires and grimaced. “Hell,” he muttered. “These tires were slashed, honey.”

  Billy had gotten out of his car and looked at them then looked at Hannah and Ben with concern. “I drove by here a few times last night but it was pretty quiet. I had to break up a fight at the bar, too, so it could have happened then. Having problems with someone?”

  Hannah was feeling very grouchy now looking at her tires and thinking of the expense of replacing them. She crossed her hands across her chest and shook her head. “My only headache these days is Dorothy Anderson, Ben’s biggest fan.”

  “I doubt she’d do this though, she’s not vindictive,” Ben replied without thinking of how Hannah would take that statement.

  Hannah’s eyes narrowed with anger and jealousy at Ben’s quick defense of the woman who followed him around constantly. “Of course she wouldn’t. She is too sweet and helpless, isn’t she? Isn’t that why you’re always so nice to her, allowing her to follow you around like a lost puppy?”

  Ben opened his mouth then shut it again, knowing it was wise not to upset Hannah. They had just straightened things out and he didn’t want to fight with her and definitely not in the middle of town.

  “Well, do your job and find who is responsible for this vandalism, sheriff. See you later, Billy.” She tossed her blond hair out of the way and stalked off into the shelter angrily and muttering bad things about blind men.

  Billy let out a whistle and gave Ben a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. “Boy, she was mad. You probably shouldn’t have defended Dorothy in front of Hannah. Women are jealous creatures.”

  Ben glared at Billy. “Thanks for the advice, pal.”

  * * * *

  Hannah went to visit Grace for lunch at Flo’s Café, where she waitressed. Ben had called her asking her to have lunch with him but she was still mad and told him she had plans with Grace already. She wasn’t in the mood to argue.

  She had been throwing up all day and opted for a small salad and a glass of iced tea. Grace took a break and sat down at a table with Hannah while Hannah explained the morning’s events.

  “Men are blind as bats, Hannah,” Grace observed after Hannah finished her story and reminded her. “Your brother thought I was a gold digger once, remember?”

  Hannah snorted and agreed with Grace that men were blind. Anyone could see Grace was genuinely a sweet person.

  Sammie, the other waitress, refilled Hannah’s glass and gave Hannah a sympathetic smile. She was in her early twenties, tall and slim with curly blonde hair, big brown eyes, and a wide, friendly smile.

  “Men are difficult, sweetie. And we women can be jealous beasts when it comes to our men,” Sammie said with a laugh.

  Hannah and Grace nodded in agreement with her.

  “You don’t think Dorothy is really capable of doing that, do you?” Grace asked seriously, concern shining in her expression. “She’s been in here a few times and although she is very polite there’s something cold about her eyes. She always looks so perfect but not real. Does that make any sense?”

  “Too perfect, if you ask me, like a Stepford wife,” Sammie agreed and shuddered.

  Hannah shrugged, picking at her food. She had lost her appetite talking about Dorothy and Ben. “I don’t know for sure because if I did, I wouldn’t wait for Ben to deal with her. I’d track her down and make her pay for my tires. I have no other enemies and Ben said he made it clear with D
orothy he was dating me and for her to leave him alone and then this happens. Mighty suspicious, isn’t it?”

  Grace and Sammie nodded, both women gave Hannah a concerned look.

  “Watch your back, girlfriend,” Sammie warned and walked away to take care of another customer coming into the café.

  “Jackson took your truck to Robert’s garage to get it repaired,” Grace said, grabbing Hannah’s hand. “Just be careful, Hannah, okay?”

  Hannah regretted telling Grace. She was still dealing with the aftermath of her ex- boyfriend’s vicious attack on her and kidnapping her a few months ago. Grace was going through counseling and still dealt with her fears on a regular basis. Hannah grabbed Grace’s hands. “I’ll be careful, I promise. I’m going home early today. I have some horses to look at out on the ranch. Don’t worry, Grace. Between Billy, Ben, and Stan, they’ll figure it out.”

  Grace nodded and gave Hannah a reassuring smile. “I know. I guess I still get scared easily. Dr. Usher assures me I am normal, but I find it hard to believe sometimes.”

  Hannah grabbed her bill and got up, giving Grace a big hug and leaving Sammie a generous tip. “You are normal, Grace. Anyone would have fears to deal with after what that asshole James did to you.”

  Hannah called the garage to make sure her truck was ready after work. She walked the two blocks to the garage and picked up her truck. When she asked Mr. Roberts how much she owed him he told her Ben had paid him already and handed her the keys. Hannah was irritated but just smiled at the man. “Okay, thanks.”

  She fumed all the way home. Ben was probably regretting the fact that he made her mad by defending Dorothy. She knew Ben was an honest man and was telling the truth when he said he had no interest in dating Dorothy. The problem was that Ben was chivalrous to a fault. He had been raised by his single mom who had taught him to always treat women gently. Hannah couldn’t fault him for that, it was a great trait to have. But it also blinded him to the truth. He couldn’t see Dorothy as anything but a woman interested in dating him. She took out her cell phone and dialed Ben’s number once she was in her room and could talk privately.

  “Hi, baby. Still mad at me?” he asked right away before she could yell at him.

  Hannah sighed, not wanting to start another argument. She hated arguing. “No, Ben. Thanks for the tires, but I could have paid for them.”

  “I wanted to, I like knowing I can take care of my woman,” he answered firmly. “You sound tired, honey. Did I wear you out last night?”

  “I am a little sleepy after my late night with this amazing lover,” she whispered with a smile on her face, forgetting her irritation for the moment. “So now I am going to take a nap before I work on the ranch.”

  “Amazing, huh? So amazing you want to repeat it?” he asked in a hopeful voice.

  Hannah giggled then ruined it by yawning. “I would but not tonight. I need a good night’s sleep but I’ll see you tomorrow for sure.”

  “Okay, honey, I really am sorry about what I said this morning,” Ben replied with a heavy sigh. “I should have thought before I spoke.”

  “I know, Ben, it’s okay. I will see you tomorrow.” She was too tired to argue with him. She wouldn’t be able to hide her pregnancy from Ben or her family for much longer. Hannah hung up the phone and felt the weariness overtake her. She laid her head on the pillow and fell right to sleep, forgetting all about her problems for a little while.

  Chapter Eight

  Hannah walked the few blocks from the shelter to Randy’s Bar. Ben was meeting her there for their date. He said he wanted to dance with her. Ben loved dancing. She had been so busy all week between work and meeting with Grace to make wedding plans that they had only talked on the phone and had one quick lunch together at the station. She was excited to see him and tonight she would tell him her big news. It made her nervous but it was time to tell Ben he was going to be a daddy. Hopefully his reaction would be positive. It had been so hard not to tell her family but she wanted Ben to know first.

  She walked into the dark bar and felt the cool air hit her face. The music was playing loud and she scanned the bar until she spotted her handsome sheriff waiting at a small table. He smiled and waved to her.

  He stood up, looking sexy in his dark blue jeans and white polo shirt. He hugged her tightly and enthusiastically, lifting her off the ground. “I’ve missed you like crazy, honey.”

  Hannah leaned toward him and kissed his lips lightly, tasting the beer he was drinking. “I’m sorry. I’ve been so busy, but tonight I am all yours, handsome.” She pulled her chair so they were sitting close together. The bar was busy as usual. Since Bear Creek was such a small town there was not much to do besides outdoor activities and that made the bar a popular place to socialize and meet up with friends.

  “Hungry?” he asked.

  Hannah nodded, rubbing her stomach eagerly. “I want some fries with ketchup.”

  “That’s all, baby? You need more than that to eat. I have plans for you later that require energy.” He grinned, kissing her neck playfully.

  Hannah giggled, not wanting to admit that food didn’t stay in her stomach. “I had a big lunch, Ben.”

  He got up and walked over to the bar to order her fries and himself a burger, fries, and another beer. While he was gone, a drunken cowboy walked over to Hannah and looked over her body, especially her breasts, which seemed to be getting bigger by the day.

  “Let’s dance, cutie. I haven’t seen you here before.”

  Hannah tried the polite route first and frowned at the man. “No, thanks, I am here with a date.”

  “I don’t see a date,” he said and grabbed her arm to pull her up from her chair. “I’ll be your date.”

  Hannah sighed. Some days it just didn’t pay to be polite. “You’ve got two seconds to let go of my arm or you’ll find my boot up your ass.”

  He let her go, but stayed standing there smiling until he spotted Ben standing behind Hannah and looking very mad.

  “Um, sorry, sheriff, didn’t know she was your girl,” he muttered and walked away in a hurry.

  Ben watched him go and sit down with his friends then sat next to Hannah. “A boot up his ass?”

  Hannah laughed, looking over at Ben. “I can take care of myself, Ben. I spent years away in Houston, remember? Jackson taught me some basic defense moves.”

  He nodded and put his arm around her shoulder. “I know you’re a strong woman and I like that about you. But I also want to be the one to take care of you even if it’s not politically correct.”

  After they ate he pulled her on to the dance floor. “I Wanna Make You Close Your Eyes” by Dierks Bentley was playing. Hannah closed her eyes and leaned into his hard body. She loved this song and now it would remind her of this moment with Ben. He sang along with the song and looked into her eyes as he repeated the words, making her feel all mushy inside. He tightened his hands on her waist, putting them under her blouse so he could feel her soft skin. They danced silently, enjoying the moment of holding each other and Hannah wished they could just live in this moment forever.

  Hannah looked at him with a soft smile, her blue eyes full of dreams. “I have missed your kisses and feeling your hands all over my body. I’ve had some interesting dreams about you the last few nights.” She smiled wickedly when she heard him groaning at her words so she continued. “You were so desperate to be inside me we didn’t even get to take all our clothes off—or our boots. It was so hot and explosive and I woke up wet but all alone. I didn’t know what to do.”

  He bit her earlobe and called her a witch for tempting him to find a dark corner and strip her naked to see if she was wet again.

  “I’m not sure if I can walk across the floor with this hard-on you just gave me.” He complained but his eyes were dancing with happiness. “Hell, let’s just leave now. At home we can dance naked. I’m liking that idea.”

  Hannah shook her head, laughing. “Sounds tempting, sheriff, but I was promised a night out. I’ve onl
y been in here once and not for long, so I am dancing my butt off tonight.”

  She led him to the table by the hand and sat down, sipping on her cola and looking around at the full crowd of patrons dancing and having fun. It was loud but she enjoyed feeling the beat of the music moving through her body and watching the line dances.

  Dorothy chose that minute to stop by the table, ignoring Hannah completely. “Ben, why didn’t you call me back yesterday like you said you would?” she pouted, rubbing her hands on his shoulders as if she was giving him a massage. She looked out of place in her dressy outfit, better suited to a club in Austin and not a small town country bar.

  Hannah was tempted to grab Dorothy’s hand and remove them from Ben forcibly but she sat quietly and let Ben handle the situation. She had promised herself not to act like a jealous bitch at every turn but it was hard to sit quietly and not react to Dorothy’s possessiveness over Ben.

  “Dorothy, I didn’t say I would call you back. I told Ruth to tell you unless it was a police emergency, I was too busy to talk,” he answered patiently and removed her hands away from him himself.

  “I wanted to ask you if you wanted to hit the clubs with me in Austin tomorrow night? A bunch of us are going and I know you like to dance and it would be fun,” she asked him with a flirty smile. “I love to dance, too. We have so much in common, Ben.”

  “I have plans with my girlfriend,” Ben answered her politely.

  Dorothy finally glanced at Hannah but not with politeness. She had a look of hatred before she successfully hid it. “Girlfriend? Since when?”

  Ben shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Damn, what did it take to get rid of this woman? “I’ve told you over and over that I am only interested in Hannah.”

  Dorothy shrugged carelessly and walked away without saying another word, but she looked mad. Ben looked at Hannah cautiously. “Sorry about that, Hannah.”

  Hannah smiled. “It’s okay, Ben. I’m not mad. I know you didn’t plan on her being here but this is a small town and we’re bound to run into her. I trust you.”


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