The Seducer (Men of the North Book 4)

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The Seducer (Men of the North Book 4) Page 27

by Elin Peer

  “Tristan is my son!” I breathed in disbelief when the result was clear.

  Athena gaped. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. The test is a clear match.”

  “That’s incredible,” she exclaimed and pushed up from the chair to hug me.

  My nose started itching like it always does when I feel tears coming, and I blinked to avoid spilling them. “He’s my son,” I repeated, as I processed this new information.

  Athena moved back to look at me. “Are you going to tell him?”

  “Hell yes, I’m going to tell the whole world.”

  A triangle formed between her eyebrows. “Randa Christine isn’t going to like that the father of her son is an Nman. Mothers across the Motherlands would be very upset if they knew there’s a chance that they were inseminated with sperm from Nmen.”

  “Yeah, well, I don’t care about that. All I care about is the fact that I have a son, and I want to have that recognized somehow.”

  “Why?” Athena asked. “What would it change?”

  It was my turn to frown. “It would change a whole lot. I would have rights to see him, to make decisions that involve him, and Tristan could inherit from me when I die.”

  “Tristan is a Motlander, Finn.” Athena stroked my face. “He doesn’t care about possessions or money.”

  “Maybe not now, but if he stays in the Northlands, he will.” With a determined nod, I moved to the door of the lab with Athena’s hand in mine. “Come on, I have a lot of questions for Khan.”

  “It’s still early in the morning,” Athena pointed out. “He and Pearl are probably sleeping.”

  “Then we’ll go wake them up,” I said with fire in my chest, and a smile pressing under the indignation that Khan had held something this important from us.

  Khan and Pearl weren’t sleeping when we burst into their bedroom. They were making love; already two steps into the room, I clasped a hand in front of my eyes at the sight of Pearl scrambling to cover herself with the covers on the bed.

  “Finn, what the fuck?” Khan’s voice was a mix of concern and anger. “What happened? What’s wrong?”

  I was still covering my eyes, but spoke up. “There’s something urgent that we need to discuss.”

  “Can’t it wait?”

  “Would I burst in here if it could wait?” I said, feeding on my anger at him.

  Khan groaned and threw a short command at me. “I’ll meet you in the dining room. Just let me get dressed.”

  Closing the door behind me, I faced Athena, who stood right outside with her eyes big and round. “I told you to knock,” she whispered.

  “Yeah, next time I will,” I agreed and led her to the dining room, where waiters were preparing breakfast.

  Khan and Pearl joined us ten minutes later and the first thing Khan said was, “Why the hell are you dressed like that?”

  I looked down at my pajama pants, t-shirt, and the boots I’d tugged on without putting on socks first.

  “Your hair looks like you just rolled out of bed,” Khan added and poured himself some coffee from the breakfast bar.

  “That’s because I did just roll out of bed,” I confirmed.

  Khan handed Pearl a cup of tea and turned to scold me. “Hey, what’s with the grumpy tone? Just because you had a shitty morning, you shouldn’t blame me.”

  “Oh, I’m blaming you all right,” I said and pushed away the plate with breakfast that Athena had made for me. “I’m blaming you for keeping it a secret that we’re donating sperm to the Motherlands.”

  Khan’s back stiffened before he came to sit down across from me. “Who told you that?”

  Pearl followed and sat next to her husband with a troubled expression on her pretty face.

  “I ran a paternity test on Tristan, and guess what?” I exclaimed.

  Khan leaned back and crossed his arms, but he didn’t answer.

  “Tristan is my son.”

  Pearl and Khan looked at each other and she stirred a spoon in her tea that made clanging sounds.

  It provoked me that Khan didn’t respond to the news. “Did you hear me? Tristan is my biological son.”

  Scratching his ear, Khan looked at me and smiled a little. “Congratulations, Finn.”

  “Congratulations? Are you fucking kidding me?” My hands formed into fists. “You’ve been keeping this secret from all of us for years and then you act like it’s nothing big when I confront you. What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  “Finn.” Pearl angled her head and spoke in a placating manner. “Would you have told your countrymen if you’d been in Khan’s position?”

  “Of course I would. They have the right to know they might be fathers.”

  “Even if they could never know for sure or have rights to the children they have fathered?” Pearl asked. “Oh, you’d better make sure I get rights to Tristan,” I said and leaned in. “He’s my son!”

  “He’s a Motlander and his mother is the only one with a legal claim on him,” Pearl said matter-of-factly.

  “But that will change now that I’m his father,” I said. “Right?”

  Pearl shook her head. “It’s not that easy, and I doubt his mother would allow it.”

  “Allow it?” I banged my fist down on the table, which made the cutlery lift and make noise. “Every Nman should have rights to the children he fathers,” I half shouted. “How dare you use us as donors with no rights to our own offspring?”

  Pearl softened her voice. “Finn, we didn’t like it any more than you did. I promise you that the Council only suggested the deal to the Northlands because it had become a question of survival for the human race. Only one percent of our males are capable of making children, and for some reason you Nmen have much stronger sperm.”

  “Why do you think that is?” Athena asked Pearl.

  “That’s a good question, and to be honest we can only speculate,” Pearl said. “The Northlands suffered less pollution than most other places on the earth, and we think that’s a major component. But in general, the Nmen have higher levels of testosterone and other male hormones and that may be a contributing factor too.”

  “Why wouldn’t we help?” Khan asked me, still with his arms crossed. “Would you have said no?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “My son is fifteen years old and I’ve missed out on his entire childhood. His first steps, his first words. I didn’t get a chance to teach him anything.”

  “Look, I understand your frustration but don’t forget that the only reason we’re able to sustain our numbers in the Northlands is because the Motlanders supply us with young boys. We’ve always given them our sperm because it’s always been a demand from our side that our boys were fathered by Nmen. That’s how we made sure our boys were born tall and strong. And honestly, I don’t understand why you’re all so puzzled about the sperm count.” His gaze took in the women too. “It’s natural selection at its most fundamental. For four hundred years we’ve selected men based on physical traits, and a high sperm count. All the while you Motlanders have kept breeding on anyone who could father a child.”

  “All children are miracles,” Pearl replied.

  Khan arched an eyebrow. “Sure, but without us, you would be running out of miracles pretty soon, wouldn’t you?

  “I knew that our boys are fathered by Nmen,” I said, “but we were always told that the donors were chosen among the best warriors. I know for a fact that I never qualified to be a warrior, so you might as well tell me about your sneaky robots, because I already know.”

  Pearl and Khan exchanged a long look and she bit her lip. “Who else could it be?” she said as if answering a silent question from Khan.

  “Boulder told you?” Khan said and it sounded accusing, but I didn’t answer because the sound of big boots made me look up to see Magni walk in.

  “Morning,” he grunted and just one look at him had me flying up from my chair. “Are you okay?”

  Magni’s face and knuckles were smeared in blood and dirt. His eye
s were bloodshot and he smelled of soil and fresh air.

  “Do I look okay?” he asked me in a rude manner. “My wife has left me again and this time she’s chasing scumbags while I can’t protect her. I’m fucking furious with the world, and not least, you four. Locking Laura in our room until she saw reason would have been the kind thing to do.” He pointed a finger at Khan. “I swear if anything happens to her, I blame you.”

  Khan had deep frown lines on his face and pointed to a chair. “Come sit down, you look like you’re about to drop.”

  Magni plunked down on a chair, his arms dangling toward the floor. “We’ve been fighting back men who tried to cross the border tonight.”

  “You’ve been out all night?” I asked and sat down again.

  “What else was I supposed to do?” Magni muttered. “Lie restless in my bed and worry? At least the situation by the border keeps me busy.” He rubbed his face. “Although it feels wrong to stop the men from crossing the border, when I want to cross it myself. I fucking hate that Laura is on the other side of that wall.” Magni nodded to the breakfast plate that I hadn’t touched. “Are you going to eat that?”

  I pushed the plate across the table and he noisily moved his chair closer to the table, and reached for the food.

  “What are you all doing having a meeting this early anyway?” he mumbled with food in his mouth.

  Khan shot me a hard glare that indicated he wanted me to stay quiet, but Magni was my best friend and I wasn’t going to keep something like this from him.

  “I found out this morning that Tristan is my biological son, I said, and Magni’s eyebrows drew closer.

  “It turns out that we Nmen have been donating our sperm to the Motherlands for years without knowing it. Tristan is only one out of many children fathered by an Nman.”

  Magni stopped chewing and looked at Khan. “What the hell is he talking about?”

  Khan sighed. “It was a deal our father made with the Motherlands almost two decades ago, and one that I’ve chosen to honor as it’s part of the peace treaty.”

  “What deal? Why didn’t I know about it?”

  “Our sex-bots are programmed to collect sperm from the best suited candidates and then it’s transported to the Motherlands.”

  “The best suited candidates?” Magni shook his head. “Based on what?”

  “Height, strength, and performance. Men who are out of shape or show signs of respiratory diseases are not chosen. It’s always been that way.”

  Magni looked at Khan but pointed at me. “Why does Finn know about this when I don’t?”

  “Because Boulder told him, I assume,” Khan said matter-of-factly.

  Magni looked like a thundercloud. “So, Finn and Boulder know, but I don’t?”

  Khan’s silence confirmed that.

  “And what about Pearl? Did she know as well?” Magni hissed.

  Khan spoke almost without moving his lips. “She was the one who revealed it to Boulder in the first place.”

  “Magni,” Pearl said in a placating tone. “I only knew because I was on the Motherlands Council. All Council members know about it,” Pearl defended herself, but that only infuriated Magni further.

  “What other secrets are you keeping from me?” he roared at Khan. “I’m supposed to be your right hand and the second in command in the Northlands, but it seems to me that Pearl is running our country and you’re her puppet.”

  “Take that back!” Khan stood up and squared his chest, emanating authority. “You’re tired, hungry, and angry because of Laura’s choice, but you do not get to offend me like that.”

  “You fucking asked me to leave during the negotiations,” Magni threw at Khan. “What kind of signal is that to send to the Momsies?”

  “You were acting threatening and it was fine to scare them, but we needed the negotiations to proceed and they were about to pull out.”

  I looked down because I knew what the compromise had been between Khan and the Council, and Magni wouldn’t like it.

  “I’ll update you on the full agreement that was reached,” Khan said, “but not until you’ve eaten, showered, and had some sleep.”

  “Did we get men on the Council?” Magni grunted. “That’s all I care about.”

  “Yes, we did,” Khan confirmed. “More than we expected. But it came with a price, and I’ll tell you about it later when you’re rested.”

  Magni nodded. “All right, I’m exhausted, I’ll hit my bed,” he said and popped half a biscuit in his mouth before he stood up.

  He took a few steps, but turned with a hand on the doorframe. “Hey, Finn, congratulations on the father thing, that’s great.”

  “Thank you.” I smiled at him. “You know, it was you who set off the whole thing with your suggestion to do a paternity test.”

  “Huh.” He lifted his chin. “Wait a minute. Maybe I’m Mila’s real dad too.”

  Athena looked down at the table while I answered softly. “I doubt it, Magni.”

  “Why not? We both have blue eyes and blond hair,” he pointed out.

  “True, but the chances are extremely slim that she…”

  Magni cut me off. “Make a test, will you? Maybe I’m as lucky as you are.”

  “Maybe,” I said but I didn’t believe it. “I’ll do the testing for sure.”

  “Good,” he said and was just about to walk away when his eyes landed on Athena. “Did you marry her yet?” he asked and moved his head to look at me.

  “No, we were planning to do it today.”

  “Do you need my help with anything?” he asked, and I was touched because the man was down to his last ounce of energy and he still offered to help me.

  “It’ll just be a small ceremony, and we’ll wait for you to wake up.”

  “I appreciate it,” he said with a hint of a smile before he walked away with those heavy footsteps.

  Athena’s shoulders eased a bit when Magni left and I squeezed her hand. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, it’s just that he still makes me nervous when he raises his voice.”

  “You’ll get used to it,” Pearl noted with a sad smile.

  “Khan.” I rubbed my face. “How are you going to tell Magni?”

  Khan sighed but I continued. “You know he’ll climb the walls in anger.”

  “Yes, I know, but it won’t be the first time, and I plan to make him see that my compromise was worth it.”

  “But equality in the Northlands.” I shook my head. “Magni won’t be the only one throwing a tantrum. We’ve never had a female ruler before.”

  “I’ll still be the ruler,” Khan pointed out. “Naming Pearl my co-ruler makes no real difference; she knows I’ll still have the last say, and besides it’s not until the Council has reached full equality, and that should take at least ten to twenty years.”

  Pearl looked down, but I still saw the look she exchanged with Athena and it gave me an eerie feeling that Khan underestimated the influence she already had on him. Anyone who was close to them would know that Khan discussed most things with her. I didn’t blame Magni for feeling pushed out by Pearl, and that would only intensify with Khan agreeing to making her his co-ruler.

  “Let’s discuss your wedding,” Pearl said with a soft smile growing on her face. “What did you have in mind?”

  “Oh, nothing big. With everything going on in the Motherlands and by the border, it’s hardly time for a celebration.” I interlaced my fingers with Athena’s. “Athena is only doing it for my sake anyway, so I was thinking we could go and tell Tristan the good news now and come back later when Magni is awake. That way both he and Tristan can be there and you could perform the ritual.”

  Khan leaned against Pearl’s shoulder and whispered something that made her nod.

  “What?” I asked.

  Khan answered. “We are very pleased that you have decided to marry. In fact, Pearl and I were hoping you would, since your wedding is exactly what the world needs right now.”

  “In what way?”
Athena asked.

  “Athena.” Pearl was sitting on the other side of the table and, placing her elbows and palms flat down in front of her, she leaned in. “Khan and I are trying to unite two very different countries with vastly different cultures, both of which are ingrained with deep rooted prejudices against one another. When Khan and I married it broke down a lot of assumptions and gave hope to many that there’s a way for our countries to come together as well.” She paused and drew a big sigh. “Now with the wall collapsed in places, people are frightened in the Motherlands and fearful that the monsters they’ve heard about since childhood will attack them. Your story could serve to calm everyone down.”

  “How?” I asked.

  “We’ll make your wedding a media event and spread your love story to every corner of our two countries.” Pearl smiled. “For one of our priestesses to marry an Nman speaks volumes, Finn.” Pearl was looking straight at me. “Athena represents wisdom and kindness to us, and I think she can deliver a message of unity that will inspire others.”

  Athena lowered her head and lifted her shoulders in a sigh.

  “I’ll help you with what to say,” Pearl assured her. “Remember the saying that to conquer your enemy you have to make him your friend? I thought you could use that as a theme.”

  Athena raised her eyebrows. “Finn isn’t my enemy.”

  “He was when you were his hostage. Although, I think it’s better if you make him sound like someone who protected you. We want to emphasize that Nmen have integrity and honor.”

  Khan nodded. “I agree.”

  Athena’s eyes were darting between Pearl and Khan before she spoke with a soft but firm voice. “I’m not a piece on your chessboard that you can maneuver as you please. If Finn and I do the interview then I’ll choose my own words.”

  “That’s fine,” Pearl said and leaned back. “We were just offering our help.”

  I squeezed Athena’s hand again. “Pearl and Khan are always plotting and planning. They can’t help it, it’s how their brains work.”

  Athena had a small frown on her forehead. “As long as you two don’t let your egos get the better of you.”

  Khan didn’t react but Pearl looked hurt. “You and I have different roles to play, Athena, but don’t doubt that I’m doing what I can to keep the world at peace. Like you, I’ve taken a vow and dedicated my life to being of service.”


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