The Ark of Power

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The Ark of Power Page 4

by David Barco

  “Let me ask you. Are you still dating Samuel after what he did?"

  She takes a deep breath and glares at Harrison, focusing on his black eye.

  "Okay, let’s go sit on the bench and talk for a minute," she says.

  Moving towards the only empty black metal bench, they sit down.

  "Listen, I am sorry I kept that thing about the letter back from you. I just didn't want you worried.”

  "You didn't just lie to me, but you lied to your mom. How do you think that would make her feel? She was just concerned about you. She doesn't want anything to happen to you either. That's why she asked you what was on the letter."

  "I know, but if she knew what the letter really said she wouldn't let me go to the Academy. She would make me stay here and go to the local school with you and some of the others. I can't let that happen.”

  "What do you mean what was really on the letter? See! I knew you lied to your uncle and that Darby guy. You just can't stop lying, can you? And why do you have to go to the Academy that bad?"

  "C'mon Victoria. It's not like that. I just can't say what was in the letter. I am afraid that if I tell you and somebody finds out that you know, then they will come after you."

  "Who would come after me, Harrison?"

  "Ummm, I really don't know for sure right now but-"

  "But what? I mean, be honest with me Harrison!"

  "Look, all I know right now is that whoever sent me that letter doesn't want me to go the Academy. I really think they are afraid that I will find out the truth about what happened to my dad. So that is why I have to go to the Academy. I am going to try to investigate and get some answers this school year. This is my only chance to find out what really happened to my dad. So that is why I lied. I didn't want my mom stopping me."

  "Harrison, you could get killed. If what you are saying is true, then the person that tried to kill you is up at the Academy now. Don't you think that they will try to do it again somehow? You will be a walking target," she says, tears pooling in her eyes.

  "I have thought about that. But I have to do this."

  "Please, don't do this. For me, Harrison. Stay here. Just forget it all and move on," she says with tiny tears falling slowly down her face.

  "I am sorry, Victoria. I can't. Just please try to understand.”

  "I have had feelings for you for the longest time,” she wipes a tear going down her cheek. “Everyone noticed, except you. I always have adored you, and what always attracted me to you is your integrity. That is why it hit me so hard when you lied to all of us. I want to be with you and nobody else! But I can't back what you are doing. It's a suicide mission. So, if you decide to actually do this, then I am not going to talk to you. If you can't respect my feelings and my concern for you, then we just can't be friends."

  She begins weeping harder. It starts to rain. He stands up, staring into her gorgeous eyes. The raindrops, combining with the tears running down his face, hid the fact that he is crying.

  "Don't do that Victoria, that's not fair-”

  "Well, what is it Harrison? Let me know right now!"

  Harrison glares into her eyes, silent.

  "Okay, I get it, I have your answer. Good luck Harrison.”

  She walks away, sobbing.

  He still couldn't speak. Watching her walk away, he just stood there.

  JT busts through the store's door.

  "Dude, you are getting soaked, and you are just standing there like you just lost your best friend?" he shouts waving Harrison to get in the store.

  I think I did just lose one of them!

  Chapter 6

  JT’s Idea

  Walking back to JT's dad's antique shop, their feet slush through the water laying on the ground from the recent downpour. Harrison thinks about Victoria.

  Did I really just destroy a friendship over this?

  What if I go and something does happen to me?

  What if I go there and I am wrong about all of this?

  Harrison can tell that JT suspects something is wrong with him. JT usually doesn't stop talking but he is silent.

  "Hey man, you want to talk. You've looked sort of down ever since we went into the store and got our stuff for the Academy?" JT asks putting his hand on Harrison's shoulder.

  "Well, I think Victoria is being really serious about not wanting to talk to me since I am going to the Academy. She says it will be too dangerous for me," Harrison answers, gazing at the water on the sidewalk.

  "Why would she think it's too dangerous for you? That sounds crazy. What does she think, someone is out to get you up there?" he says, giggling.

  "You remember when they said it was an accident that happened to me in your dad's shop?"

  "Yeah, they said it was just a student that couldn't control his Power Flow. The Destine Elder himself said it.”

  "Well with what the letter said, that can't be true. I’m pretty sure they are lying."

  Harrison kicks at the water while he walks.

  "What did it say? I have heard from your mom that you told her it said you got in," JT replies.

  "I don't want to tell anyone. I feel like if I tell and they find out that I told somebody, that person will be in danger. I told Victoria that and she got upset. I just don't want to feel responsible if something happens to any of you. I can't let that happen."

  Harrison stops walking as JT places his hand on his chest.

  "Listen, I understand you not wanting to tell her because of how you feel, but I think you shouldn't keep anything back from me. I deserve to know for a couple of reasons. First, I am your best friend. Second, I told you that I would help any way I can. I care about you and if I could help you find out what really happened to your dad then I would, no matter how dangerous it gets. And last, I deserve to know because it happened in my dad's shop and I see the stress it has caused my family trying to get that shop back up and running."

  Noticing the twitch in JT's eyes, Harrison knows he is holding back the tears.

  "I understand, I really do, but-"

  "But nothing. If you understand what I said, then you will tell me what was really on that letter and let me help you," JT says, interrupting him angrily.

  Taking a deep breath, Harrison feels the moisture still in the air from the rain.

  "You are right. Okay, what it said only lasted a short time. The writing vanished. Then an energy ball came out and exploded. But it was handwritten, and it said that I wasn't ready for the truth and that I should thank them for keeping me from the truth because the truth would hurt worse than this."

  Harrison, glaring at JT, could see the astonishment on his face.

  "It just vanished, just like that? How does someone make something like that, a vanishing text and a hidden energy bomb?" JT asks.

  "I don't know but I hope to get some type of answers up at the Academy. Whoever did that I feel knows something about what happened to my dad and his group," Harrison says.

  "You know something else a lot of people don't understand? Is how you survived that blast head on like that? My dad said not many people are strong enough to take a direct hit like that. It doesn't make sense," JT says as they continue to walk again.

  "I don't know. I have thought about that but also tried not to think about it. I guess I just wasn't destined to die then," Harrison says as they approach Hall-way of Antiques.

  Walking up to the window, they look in, and the darkness is the only thing visible in the store.

  What is he looking at?

  JT puts his hand on the brand-new window.

  "I think I know something that will help us get started when we get to the Academy," JT says.

  "Yeah all this stuff we just had to buy, that's an easy one," Harrison replies chuckling.

  "No, not that. I know something that will help us in trying to find out some information on your dad."

  Harrison, stunned, turns facing him.

  "What could that be?"

  "Two months ago, I went with my dad to
take something to the antique shop in Dosman, that small town outside of here about 15 minutes going south. And when we were there, I overheard my dad and the owner of the shop, Cecil Garner talking about something rare that he has in the shop."

  "What was it?"

  "I saw my dad go over to this drawing in a frame hanging up there. My dad was just so excited, which isn't rare when it comes to things like that. But what Mr. Garner said caught my attention. He said that thing in the frame was the original copy of the blueprint of the Academy. He said that it was rumored that the person who built the Academy built secret hallways, rooms, and bunkers that no one knew about," JT says as Harrison stops him.

  "Why would he build hidden compartments in the Academy, what purpose would that serve?"

  "Mr. Garner said that because of the Supreme Elder's prophecies of upcoming wars between the five great nations the Ragnar Council at that time wanted to have secret places in the Academy to hide the students just in case enemy forces attacked. So, he said the architect put the hidden rooms and such in the blueprints so that if they ever needed the rooms, they could find them in the blueprint."

  Harrison runs his fingers through his damp hair.

  "So, they must have used those rooms during the two different wars they were in?”

  "Well, that's the thing. That's why they say it's rumored. They never got to use the original blueprint or the secret room's because the blueprint went missing and wasn't found till recently," JT responds.

  Harrison tries to process what he just heard.

  "Wait, so you are telling me that we don't even know if this is true or not? How is that supposed to help us then?" Harrison says, confused.

  "It's worth a shot. I heard Mr. Garner say that it is rumored that if it is opened in the library at night then the secret room's entrances show up on the blueprint. I say tomorrow night we go to the antique shop in Dosman and take the blueprint and use it at the Academy. One night we can see where the secret rooms and things are, and we will be able to see if we could use those to help us sneak and spy on the Elder and other top officials there."

  Harrison rubs his face roughly trying to think it through.

  "Okay, but how are we supposed to take this blueprint from the antique shop,” Harrison scratches his chin.

  "Let me worry about that part. But what you need to do is go home and tell your mom that you are going to stay at my house tomorrow night. I will come up with something tonight on how we can pull this off," JT replies.

  Harrison's stomach starts throbbing.

  "Okay, if you think this is worth a shot, let's try it.”

  Harrison spots his mom pulling up to them.

  "See you tomorrow then!" Harrison says getting into the car.

  Pulling off, Harrison glares at JT putting his hand back on the window.

  Chapter 7

  The Blueprint in Dosman

  Shining bright like little lights, the stars overtake the sky. Harrison's stomach still aches just as it was the night prior, maybe a little more.

  I can't believe we are heading to steal an ancient map.

  "What time is it?" Harrison asks JT, riding his bike next to him.

  "Almost go time. We will be there in about five minutes, so this will be a good place to leave our bikes. We can walk the rest of the way," JT responds, slowing down.

  Harrison steps off his bike and follows JT. They both try to hide their bikes secretly in the bushes. Harrison struggles to catch his breath.

  "Okay, so what exactly is the plan again?" Harrison asks trying to focus on breathing.

  "The last time I was there with my dad, I had to use the bathroom something serious. While I was in the bathroom, I noticed that there was a little window above the stall next to me that was opened halfway. When I was done with my business, I told Mr. Garner about it," JT replies rubbing the back of his neck.

  "Seriously, that's how you got this idea? You remember sitting on his toilet and seeing the window? That is your brilliant idea? Great!" Harrison says.

  "Hey, I believe the reason I was on that toilet is because of that terrible cereal I ate, and I am ninety-eight and half percent sure I ate that cereal from your house. So, think of it as us just being destined for this!" JT reasons back.

  His body tingling, Harrison feels his nerves tensing with every step that got closer to the shop. They crouch at the end of the street where the shop is. Harrison spots the shop at the end of the road.

  The store, smaller than Hallway of Antiques, shines brighter than all the taller buildings around as if it is signaling them there.

  Sprinting behind the stores, Harrison thinks, please don't get caught, please don't get caught...

  Getting close, Harrison notices the small sign become bigger now, Garner Grand Antiques. JT slides behind the building as Harrison follows.

  Looking up, Harrison notices the tiny window halfway opened.

  "Okay, help lift me up and I will go in there and unlock the side door and let you in,” JT says as Harrison starts feeling like he is about to throw up.

  "All right, let's hurry up and do this, and get back. I mean the last thing I thought I would be doing the night before I leave for the Academy would be stealing blueprints of the Academy," Harrison replies as he balances JT on his sweaty palms.

  Swaying slightly, Harrison tries to plant his feet sturdier in the dirt. Harrison raises his lean arms up gradually as JT's legs dangle in the window. Harrison listens intently, anticipating JT's voice from inside.

  Suddenly, a loud clang lingers through the window.

  "Oh, you got to be kidding me, this is so gross," JT cries.

  Harrison hits the wall signaling him to be quiet.

  "No, you wouldn't be quiet either. I think Mr. Garner must have forgotten to flush the toilet, and I fell right in it, so don't shhhh me!"

  "Which number was it, one or two?" Harrison asks giggling quietly under his breath.

  "Shut up I can hear you laughing out there, it's not funny…and it was both."

  Harrison hears JT open the door and leave the bathroom. Crouching, Harrison slowly walks over to a side door observing two tiny trash cans guarding it. The smell of expired tuna overwhelms his nose as he waits for JT to open it.

  Finally, the door flings open. Water drips from JT's bangs. He combs his hair back, trying to keep the water from getting in his eyes.

  "Wow, you really did eat that toilet, didn't you?" Harrison asks laughing as JT just stands there blinking.

  JT doesn't move.

  Harrison can tell he is thinking of an appropriate comeback.

  "If I could harness energy from my Power Flow and create energy attacks right now, I would blast you with the biggest one I could create. And then kick your dog…twice," JT says, finally moving out of the way so Harrison can come in.

  Moving in behind him, Harrison closes the door and thinks, I don't even have a dog, as he holds back a laugh.

  Wandering into the store, Harrison observes the small tables full of old and dusty antiques.

  Smaller than Hall-way of Antiques, the same grimy timeworn smell overwhelms Harrison's nose. JT walks over to the framed blueprint signaling Harrison.

  "That thing is huge," Harrison says.

  Touching the glass of the frame, Harrison glances at JT who is dripping toilet water from his hair onto the floor.

  "Dude, you are making the floor wet," Harrison tells JT taking his hand off the glass.

  "Well, what you want me to do about it? It doesn't matter though, because by the time Mr. Garner gets here in the morning it will be dry," JT responds.

  Covering the whole wall, the frame is cheap looking. Harrison's reflection stares back with the blueprint overtaking his face in it. With part of the blueprint ripping in various spots, it looks as if a roadmap is showing up on his face.

  Squinting to see the faded lines that made up the buildings on the page, Harrison moves in to see it better.

  Suddenly, bright yellow lights rush through the store windows

  "Oh crap. You got to be kidding me," JT says

  He begins looking for somewhere to hide.

  "What the heck are we supposed to do now?" Harrison asks feeling his stomach throb again.

  The lights vanish. Harrison hears a car door slam shut. Stuck in a daze gazing at the man walking to the door, he hears JT murmur at him.

  Harrison spins and sees JT climbing up a ladder that led to a miniature balcony with just one tiny table. He runs to it. Standing up at the top, JT motions for Harrison to hurry. He can hear the man taking the keys out of his pocket and putting them into the door.

  Harrison slips halfway with his leg hanging off. His body tingling, Harrison knows he is about to get caught. Suddenly, he hears the keys drop on the ground.

  "Great now I got to bend over and get these stupid things, it's too late for all this mess," the voice complains.

  Scurrying faster up the ladder now, he grabs JT's hand and hops up. They both hit the floor quickly. The man finally opens the door. They look over slightly to see who it is.

  Cutting on the lights, the light gleams brightly off the top of the man's head. He pushes up his oversized glasses and wobbles like a penguin slowly to his desk.

  "It's Mr. Garner," JT whispers softly. "Why would he be here right now?"

  Unexpectedly, everything goes black. Closing the door behind him is a tall man with a long black robe with blood red streaks going down the sides. He locks the door. Harrison scoots closer to the edge trying to get a better look. With his huge hood over his head, the mysterious robed figure stands there as Mr. Garner waddles quickly to him.

  "Who the heck is that?" JT whispers.

  "Shhhhhh. Let's try to listen to what they say," Harrison responds.

  "See I told you I would be here. Not many people would get me out of bed at midnight," Mr. Garner says.

  The mysterious robed man stands there.

  "Don't small talk me. You know why we are meeting. I have given you more than plenty of time to find what I am seeking," the mysterious robed man replies with his strong baritone voice carrying throughout the room.

  Why does his voice sound like that?


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