The Ark of Power

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The Ark of Power Page 10

by David Barco

  Ready to see what color the energy is from his Power Flow; Harrison anxiously waits for the signal.

  "Alright everyone open your eyes, now,” Mr. Drake says.

  Opening his eyes quickly, Harrison is amazed at what he sees in his hand.


  Glancing across him, he sees JT's hand glowing blue. He looks around and sees Jaylen's hand glowing yellow and Joseph's hand glowing orange. All the student's hands are glowing with different colors, except his.

  What? Why isn't my hand covered with my energy?

  "Hmmm, I guess we see who is going to be the slower learner in this class," Mr. Drakes says mockingly.

  "Everyone squeeze your hand tightly," he says.

  Down the two lines, all of them squeeze their hands. Their hands go back to normal. Excitement emanates on their faces.

  "Whoever you partnered with today will be your partner all year long as we continue to learn how to harness energy. You are dismissed."

  Walking together back to the building, Harrison doesn't mention what just happened. Listening to them talk about it, Harrison sees Mr. Lloyd walking up to them as they are about to enter the building.

  "Harrison, wait a second," Mr. Lloyd says.

  Harrison closes the door and faces him.

  "Yes, sir?" Harrison says.

  "I know you are in Layla's class. She went back home to go to her neighbor's funeral so she will be gone until the middle of next week. I was wondering if you can make sure she gets the notes from you?"

  "Yeah, that's no problem. I can do that," Harrison replies.

  "Thanks. She has really taken his death hard. I met the guy a couple of times. He had the original blueprint of this place in his shop. It was amazing," Mr. Lloyd says.


  “Yeah, a thing of historical beauty it was," Mr. Lloyd smiles. "Well, I will see you around."

  Harrison sees him take a couple of steps.

  "Mr. Lloyd, may I ask you a question?" Harrison says.


  "I read rumors that the blueprint is able to show some secret places here in the Academy. I heard that the original architect made it where you could only see them on the blueprint at night in the library. Do you think that is true?"

  "I was always fascinated about that blueprint. Even when I was in school here, I wanted to find it and go and see if the rumor was true."

  Harrison gets a weird feeling he heard that before.

  Oh crap, that sounds like what that guy from the shop that night said.

  “Harrison, are you paying attention?" Mr. Lloyd says.

  "Yes, yes, sir," Harrison replies.

  "Anyways, I don't know if it's true or not, but it is a fun legend.”

  "Just one last question," Harrison says. "Have you ever heard what the person with the map had to do once they were in the library with it?"

  "I always heard there was a certain spot on the ceiling that the blueprint had to be on. Once it was laid flat on the exact spot, the blueprint was supposed to reveal the answers.”

  "Thanks, Mr. Lloyd. Things about history just interest me.”

  "No problem. When my friends try to apologize to me about talking about history too much, I always say the same thing to them, you know how much I love history," Mr. Lloyd waves as he walks off.

  Harrison's eyes widen as he enters the building.

  That guy that night said the same thing. Is Mr. Lloyd the mysterious robe guy?

  Harrison comes up to his friends after math class. Conversations fill the hall, with students rushing to the cafeteria for dinner.

  "I can't stand math. It doesn't make any sense," Joseph says.

  "We know. You struggle with simple addition," Jaylen responds.

  Joking with one another, Harrison looks around and stops them on their way to the cafeteria.

  "Listen, earlier when Mr. Lloyd stopped me after our Power Flow class, I asked him if he knew anything about the blueprint," Harrison whispers.

  "What? You told him we have the blueprint? Why?" JT says frantically.

  "No, of course not. He was the one that brought it up, so I just asked," Harrison responds, looking at JT like he is crazy.

  "Did he know anything about it?" Jaylen asks.

  "Yeah, he said that it’s rumored to get the blueprint to work, you have to put it in the exact spot on the ceiling. When you get the right spot, it reveals where the secret rooms are," Harrison replies.

  "Okay great. So, what spot on the ceiling?" JT says.

  "I don't know. And I don't think he knew either," Harrison says, grinning a little.

  "Great. That's just fantastic," JT says.

  "I say we go find out if it works tonight. Then come up with a plan on how to spy on the Elder and the Ragnar Council, and when the best time is to do it," Harrison says.

  Walking up the stairs towards the cafeteria, they get into the back of the line and wait to get their food.

  Staring at the clock, the green numbers stick out in the dark room.

  "It's time. Jaylen and Joseph should be waiting in the hallway now," JT seizes the blueprint and places the key in his pocket.

  Closing the door behind them quietly, Harrison motions to start walking. The scenery is the same as the last time. Harrison doesn’t feel as nervous this time though, which kind of bothers him. Unlocking the door, they enter in swiftly, this time locking the door behind them. Rolling out the blueprint across the table, they all examine the length of it.

  "One person can't hold this out by themselves. It's going to take two of us to stretch it wide," Jaylen says.

  "To get it across every inch of the ceiling, two people are going to have to lift the other two," Joseph says.

  "Wow. Coming from the person who isn't good at math, you sure you are counting right in this equation?" JT says, giggling.

  Surveying the ceiling, Harrison bumps into a rack of books, making a couple of books fall. Bending down, he picks them up and puts them back. Picking up the last book on the floor, he notices it is the book he tore the page out of the other night.

  I need to check the handwriting in the book. If they are the same, that means my dad really wrote the notes.

  "That was a smooth move. Just take the whole bookshelf down why don't you?" JT says, sarcastically.

  Harrison and JT each grasp opposite ends. The shrill slick paper keeps slipping through Harrison's fingers. He presses his fingers down harder to get a firmer grip.

  "Alright, let's make this happen," JT bends his knees.

  Joseph stands behind JT, while Jaylen stands behind Harrison.

  "Okay on the count of three, we will lift them at the same time," Jaylen says as they bend their knees.

  "You got that Joseph? I know that involves numbers and counting. Sure, you can handle it?" JT says, smiling at Harrison.

  "One…two...three,” they both say.

  Instantly, Harrison flies up, feeling Jaylen wobble slightly.

  "Whoa, get it together guys. Walk together, or this isn't going to work," JT says as Jaylen and Joseph direct them in different directions.

  "Easy for you to say," Jaylen says as if he is struggling.

  Harrison and JT push the blueprint against the ceiling.

  Nothing happens.

  "Slide it slowly," Harrison says.

  "We are trying," Joseph replies, sliding it across the ceiling.

  They keep going across the library, but nothing is happening. Harrison feels Jaylen struggling to hold him up. The sweat is dripping down Jaylen's face. They can't do it much longer.

  "Let's just try this last spot right here, and then you guys can put us down," Harrison says.

  "That sounds like an awesome plan," Joseph replies.

  Placing the blueprint against the ceiling, JT loses his grip and drops it. Harrison holds his section in place as JT struggles.

  "C'mon, really?" Joseph says, frustrated.

  "My bad," JT says, grabbing the blueprint and placing it on the ceiling.

  Harrison suddenly feels the blueprint stick to the ceiling. Immediately a figure made of paper emerges from the blueprint and drops out of it. The figure slams into them and they crash onto the floor. They all jump up, staring in shock with what is standing before them. A paper figure made out of the same paper as the blueprint is waving.

  Harrison glances at the blueprint still sticking to the ceiling. The paper figure that fell out of the blueprint is still in front of them, waving.

  "Hello, I am at your service. Are we under attack? Do we need a cover?" the paper figure says, looking concerned.

  "Yes," JT says.

  "No," Harrison says.

  "Maybe," Joseph says.

  "I want to touch it," Jaylen says, not blinking and pointing at the paper figure.

  The paper figure looks around, surveying the library in confusion.

  "So, we are under attack, or aren’t we? Which one is it?" the paper figure asks.

  "Ummm, listen we just wanted to see if it was true about the secret rooms. We didn't think that, umm, you would pop out," Harrison replies.

  "Well, what did you think would happen?" The paper figure responds, with a look of bewilderment on his face.

  "You know, like some cool holographic type thing," JT rubs the back of his head. "But, yeah, totally wrong on that one. Like way wrong."

  "Hmmm, that is interesting. The architect, when asked to come up with the secret rooms, decided to put his subconscious into the blueprint so that I could be created. My job is to lead everyone to the secret room. He figured this would be the best way, just in case someone couldn't follow a map,” the paper figure smiles. "I was created to make sure that all could arrive in the secret rooms."

  "Great, well let's wait a couple of minutes and then we can head out and you can show us where the secret rooms are," Harrison says.

  "Oh, I am sorry, but we cannot waste much time," the paper figure says, putting his hands on both hips.

  "What, why can't we waste any time?" JT says, staring at the paper figure.

  "Well, you see I am only programmed to be out of the blueprint for five minutes every two years," the paper figures walks toward the door. "And we have wasted two and a half minutes already."

  Harrison stares at his friends in disbelief.

  "Crap, we got to get going then," JT says, running to the window, looking out.

  "Hurry up, just take us to the closest one," Harrison says, nervous that they will run out of time.

  "Okay, there is the one by the Elder's office. Follow me.”

  The paper figure quickly opens the door and walks out. Traveling down the hallway, Harrison and his friends survey the halls, hoping no one sees this.

  "Wow, they must have repainted these walls. It was not this gloomy looking when the architect chose the color of paint to go on these walls," the paper figure says.

  "Now is not the time to talk about the color of the walls," JT whispers. "If we get spotted, I don't know how we can explain a piece of giant paper walking and talking."

  Stepping beside the Elder's office, the paper figure turns and looks at them.

  "This is all you have to do to get into this secret room," the paper figure taps the fourth brick on the wall five times with just his index finger.

  A door appears that is bright and made of energy.

  "Just do that and you can open this secret room anytime you want," the paper figure begins to crumble to the ground. "It was great meeting you.”

  He completely crumbles and vanishes. Harrison and the others open the door to the secret room, walking in.

  Chapter 15

  The Elder’s Conversation

  Moving into the room, the dense air takes some time to get adjusted to, making Harrison's lungs feel weighty. The yellowish energy glow around the long spacious room blinds him. Squinting his eyes, he surveys the room. He walks slowly, touching the rough walls. They feel like a miniature rollercoaster with bumps going up and down every few inches. The wall looks old, but as he feels it, it makes him think he is in a new room just recently added.

  "This room is wild," Jaylen glances around the room.

  "Yeah, I can't believe it actually is real," Joseph says.

  "There is energy around the walls protecting it. It must be like the energy wall the Elder created during the First Spar," Harrison says.

  "They must have put this energy around the walls just in case there was a war going on, and the Academy was attacked. It would protect the students," JT says.

  "So, this is the room next to the Elder's office. At least we can use this room to try and listen in when he is talking to the Ragnar Council. They could slip up sometime and talk about the Silent Mission," Harrison says.

  Harrison approaches the door, putting his hand on the doorknob shining with yellowish energy.

  "Well since we have seen it, I guess we can head out, and head back to the room," Harrison says, waving the others to follow.

  As he is turning the doorknob, he hears a door shutting through the walls. He gazes at his friends and realizes everyone is nervous. Two voices penetrate through the walls unclearly.

  "It's the Elder and someone else is with him," JT walks to the wall and puts his ear up against it to listen.

  Harrison hurries over to the wall pressing his ear against it. The coldness from the wall invades his ear taking the focus off of the conversation at first. Muffling sounds are the only thing he can hear.

  "We can't hear what they are saying. The walls are too thick," Harrison says, lifting his ear on and off of different spots. He tries to find a place he could hear.

  They all try to listen and switch to different spots, hoping to hear a bit of the Elder's conversation.

  “Dang it," Harrison pounds his fist on the wall in frustration.

  Suddenly, the energy on the wall vibrates and shakes the wall turning the solid bricks all into yellow energy. Harrison steps back nervous, as he sees the Elder sitting in his large brown chair. Sitting on the other side of the desk is Sebastian Darby.

  "Oh crap, get down," JT says, as they all flop on the floor on their stomachs. Laying there for a couple seconds, Harrison gently stands.

  "I don't think they can see us. The energy field must have been made so that the people here could see what was going on out there," Harrison says.

  Harrison walks up gently to the wall. He waves slowly at them in the other room. He hears the conversation more clearly as he stands there.

  "They can't see us. And the energy field makes it easier to hear them now," Harrison says.

  The others stand up and walk next to him. They listen carefully.

  "Well I am very thankful you were able to go to Mr. Garner's funeral for me," the Elder says.

  “It was a pleasure for me to represent you there,” Sebastian replies.

  "Dosman is a nice little town. I always enjoyed going into his little antique shop when I was around the area," the Elder says.

  "Well, I have never been there until this past week. It was almost completely destroyed by an energy attack, so I didn't get to see much," Sebastian responds.

  "Were you able to examine the body before the funeral?" the Elder asks.

  "Yes, Your Honor, the authorities allowed me to look at the body the day before," Sebastian replies.

  "That's great, I am glad you were able to make it in time. So, were you able to find anything?" the Elder says.

  "I found something interesting burned on his chest. The letters G.O.M. were across his whole upper chest," Sebastian hands over some pictures.

  "So, whoever did this wanted to leave a message for us?" the Elder looks at them. "I wonder what G.O.M. stands for?"

  "I don't know.”

  "I found something else alarming that I wanted to show you," Sebastian hands a picture over to him. "I took this picture when I found it. I was the only one who spotted it. It was written on the floor underneath all the debris."

  The Elder examines the picture putting it in a drawer in his desk.

  "It's a list of names of people that have been murdered in the past six months. Their names have a red line through them," the Elder replies.

  "Yeah, I noticed that too. The last one who has a line through his name was Mr. Garner. But did you see one of the names at the bottom that didn't have a line through it?" Sebastian says.

  "Yeah, Harrison Grady's name was one of them. I saw that" the Elder responds.

  Harrison’s heart drops. The numbness makes him not even feel the piercing stares from his friends.

  "Your Honor, I think we need to keep a close eye on Young Grady. What if this person tries to come after him?" Sebastian says.

  Leaning back into his chair, the Elder takes a deep breath.

  "That might be a smart idea. The last thing we need in the news and in the papers is Douglas Grady's son being murdered. Then many people would demand more information about the Silent Mission, and we would have no choice but to tell them what we know. We can't let that happen," The Elder replies.

  "Your Honor, if you don't mind me suggesting, I think it may be a wise idea to have the Red Hawks start following him and keeping a close eye on him," Sebastian says. "I mean, I and The Ragnar Council can take care of ourselves. And we don't have a hitman on us trying to kill us as young Grady does."

  He is in deep thought.

  "You are right, that is a wise suggestion. They are on a mission right now, but they should be back in two months. Until then we will just keep a close eye on him," the Elder responds.

  Sebastian gets up heading to leave the Elder's office.

  "I better get going, Your Honor, I will see you tomorrow," Sebastian says.

  "Yes, of course. Thank you again for going to Mr. Garner's funeral for me," the Elder says.

  Opening the door slightly, the Elder stops him.


  "Yes, Your Honor?"

  "That was wise thinking on your part. Your care for the boy and your wisdom on how to keep him safe just shows that you will be a fine Destine Elder one day," the Elder says, leaning forward in his seat.

  "Thank you very much, sir," Sebastian smiles slightly as he walks out the door.

  The Elder exits his office moments later.

  Harrison stands there in disbelief. That person that killed Mr. Garner is really trying to kill me.


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