At the Brazilian's Command

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At the Brazilian's Command Page 6

by Susan Stephens

  ‘For instance?’ he pressed without warmth.

  ‘How will we explain this love-match of ours to any children we might have? And I use the term “love-match” in its most cynical form.’

  Tiago shrugged. ‘I must admit I have never thought of this as a permanent arrangement.’

  ‘Clearly,’ she said, shrinking a little inside. Was this the one thing in his life that Tiago Santos hadn’t thought through? she wondered.

  ‘Finding a wife is uppermost in my mind,’ he said, as if he could read hers. ‘Perhaps I am guilty of not considering every possibility. I can only tell you that when I found you yesterday outside the stable block I wasn’t thinking about this at all. My one thought was your safety. I hope that reassures you? As for this contract—I can’t have been planning it for long, chica, since I’ve only been here for a couple of days!’

  Calling her chica threw her. It was so intimate—too intimate. Endearments from Tiago were unsettling, as was his cold-blooded approach to marriage. When she kept him at a distance she could handle her feelings for him. Jibing at him verbally in Brazil had been fun, but this was a very different situation.

  She wasn’t about to roll over and become his convenient wife, Danny concluded. Tiago would have to consider her terms and conditions. They were a deal-breaker for her.

  ‘You’ve only been here for a couple of days,’ she agreed, ‘but that’s long enough for you to negotiate a business contract, I imagine?’

  ‘True,’ Tiago agreed. ‘But this is particularly important to me.’

  ‘And to me,’ she said. ‘It’s quite a commitment you’re asking me to make.’ She felt a cold hand clutch her heart as she said this.

  Tiago was quick to reassure her, ‘The agreement between us will be drawn up by my lawyers to include your demands. It will be absolutely watertight. I assure you of that.’

  ‘I have no doubt.’

  ‘You’ll be protected, Danny. You’ll be safe. You’ll be secure for the rest of your life.’

  ‘You make it sound like a prison sentence.’

  ‘It will be what we make it,’ Tiago told her with calm assurance. ‘You can have your own lawyers look over the contract. I’ll pay for them.’

  ‘But you don’t know me.’ She shook her head, still racked with doubt. ‘We don’t know each other.’

  ‘How long does it take to know someone? I saw you nearly every day for a year on Chico’s ranch. It will be the same. You struck sparks off me with your banter then—’

  ‘Do you mean I stood up for myself?’ she asked wryly.

  He relaxed, and his mouth curved in the familiar winning smile. ‘That’s why I like you, Danny. I’m not looking for a push-over. I’m not interested in taking advantage of you. I want this to be fair. And when we’re married—’

  ‘I haven’t said yes to your outlandish proposal yet,’ she pointed out.

  ‘But you will,’ he said confidently. ‘I will expect you to stand up to me. I expect you to tell me when something doesn’t make you happy. I expect to enjoy a healthy, outspoken relationship.’

  ‘You can depend on that,’ she assured him. ‘But a year sharing a bed with a man without love...?’

  ‘I’m sorry you see it that way. I wish I had more time to persuade you that this will work really well for both of us, but I don’t have that luxury. I can only promise you that you’ll have everything you need and that I will always respect you and treat you well.’ He shrugged. ‘I can’t think of anyone I would rather enter into this agreement with—anyone I can imagine seeing on a daily basis and getting on with half as well as I get on with you.’

  ‘So long as we do get on well,’ she said dryly.


  ‘I know. You have a flight plan filed, no doubt, and you don’t have time to waste selling love’s young dream to me.’

  ‘Don’t be such a cynic. It doesn’t suit you. Your choice is simple. Stay here and nothing changes, or come with me on the biggest adventure of your life. Which is it to be, Danny?’


  DANNY TOOK A firmer grip of her suitcase when Tiago threatened to swoop on it. Half an hour ago, over breakfast, he’d shown her the contract his lawyers had drawn up on the screen of his phone. When she had expressed surprise that he had been able to rouse his team at such short notice just before the holidays, he’d set the tone by telling her that holidays were for wimps and that he didn’t take them.

  Money bought everything, she thought. And now here they were, in the hall, about to leave the house on their way to Brazil. She’d called her mother, but there had been no reply. She hadn’t wanted to disturb Lizzie, so she had sent her an email. And her wedding to Tiago...? That lay some time in the future and still didn’t feel real.

  Just as Tiago had promised, the terms of the contract were solid enough. She’d been given everything she’d asked for, and to build her confidence before she took this final step Tiago had pressed an open first-class airline ticket home into her hands, and told her she could bail out at any time. Yet even now she felt she’d sold out.

  Or, as Tiago had so romantically put it, ‘Congratulations, chica! You’ve got the guts to seize the opportunity of a lifetime and share my bed.’

  Yes, she knew he’d been teasing her, in that old, tormenting way, but this time she hadn’t fired back. The reality of intimacy with Tiago was only just dawning on her. Yes, of course she knew that intimacy was part of any married couple’s life, and Tiago had said that their marriage would be as close to normal as it could be for a year, but she was certain that sharing his bed would be very different from her fantasies.

  ‘I said I’d carry it,’ she insisted now, attempting to wrestle back her case.

  ‘Too late,’ Tiago told her.

  Five minutes into the trip and they were already at odds. What did that say about her decision to do this? Tiago was holding the car door open, waiting for her impatiently. There was no going back now. She was leaving everything familiar behind.

  Yes, but to embark on an adventure. If she wasn’t up to it she had better decide now.

  She hurried down the steps to join him.

  The car dropped them off at the side of a sleek executive jet, which Tiago and his team would pilot to Brazil, he’d explained. And just in case she was still uncertain as to her status, ‘Santos Inc’ was written in bold blood-red down the side of the fuselage. She really was entering another world—and it was a faster moving world than she was used to.

  ‘There’s no time to hang around,’ Tiago insisted, seizing her arm. ‘My take-off slot is non-negotiable.’

  He wasn’t joking. He indicated left rather than right once they were inside the cabin.

  ‘Into the cockpit?’ she queried.

  ‘I thought you might like to sit with me when we take off. If you prefer you can sit in the back?’

  ‘No. This is good.’ Normally she was a nervous passenger, but since everything else had changed why not this too? ‘Thank you...’

  Thankfully, she sounded so cool, so certain—but her emotions were in a riot. ‘I’ve always wanted to sit next to the pilot.’

  ‘You won’t be sitting next to me. That’s the co-pilot’s job. But you will still see everything.’

  Probably a lot more than she wanted to, Danny thought ruefully, hoping some of Tiago’s confidence would wash off on her.

  ‘If you’re having second’s too late.’ He slanted her that dangerous smile that flooded his eyes with amusement and reached all parts of her too. ‘There’s a bedroom in the back,’ he added, ‘if you need it.’

  ‘Hopefully not. And I’m not having second thoughts,’ she assured him.

  ‘Not yet,’ he said dryly. ‘It’s a long flight, Danny, so go to bed if you have to.’

t about you?’

  ‘Don’t worry about me,’ he murmured, with one last look.

  They took off smoothly, with Tiago handling the jet with the same easy skill he employed on his horses. When they reached cruising height and levelled off he handed over control of the plane to his co-pilot and came to ask Danny how she’d liked the new experience.

  Having turned at just the wrong moment, he caught her chewing her lip as she tried to work out if this was the best decision of her life, or the biggest screw-up ever. It didn’t help when she looked at the man who would shortly be her husband. Her body thrilled at the thought, though she still had major concerns.

  Flying a jet was all in a day’s work for Tiago—as was running a multi-national business and playing polo at international level—while she had a neat line in handing out pony nuts, and not a clue when it came to negotiating contracts, let alone those with a marriage clause involved.

  She would just have to be a fast learner, Danny concluded as Tiago smiled down at her.

  * * *

  A couple of hours later she was glad to take him up on his offer to use the bedroom in the back of the plane, and was surprisingly snug between crisp white sheets in a very comfortable bed when the door opened.


  She shot up, and only belatedly remembered to yank the covers to her chin. Having stripped off her clothes, she was naked, while Tiago had rolled back the sleeves of his crisp white shirt, leaving his powerful forearms bare. Her body clenched with pleasure at the sight. There should be a law against being so attractive.

  ‘Sit up,’ he urged, putting the coffee down on the nightstand at her side. ‘Drink your coffee before it gets cold. Do you have everything you need?’

  She wasn’t sure she could answer him honestly, and confined herself to a prim ‘Thank you for the coffee.’

  His lips slanted in a smile. ‘Aren’t you going to invite me to sit down?’

  ‘No.’ When he looked at her like that? Absolutely not.

  He sat down anyway. She held her breath as he made himself comfortable. Kicking off his boots, he arranged the pillows to his liking and lay down.

  ‘Are you quite comfortable there?’ she enquired sarcastically.

  Tiago turned his head to shoot her an amused glance. ‘Very. Why?’

  Sitting up in bed, she drew her knees up to her chin. Sipping the steaming coffee, she allowed her hair to cover her face like a curtain, to hide her burning cheeks.

  ‘Am I keeping you?’ he growled.

  She have him a look. ‘From drinking my coffee?’

  ‘I don’t know, chica. You seem tense to me. Are you naked under those sheets?’

  Tiago reached out to hook some hair behind her ear and she exhaled with shock. But then, just as she relaxed, he touched her naked thigh.

  ‘You are naked...’ His mouth tugged in a lazy smile. ‘Silky smooth skin and silky hair.’ He wound a strand of her hair around his finger, and then, taking the coffee mug from her hands, placed it safely on the nightstand out of reach.

  ‘Relax,’ he murmured, his mouth curving in a smile. ‘This is a long flight. Why not enjoy it?’


  Her throat closed down before she could say anything. Tiago’s touch was so exciting. He aroused her. He made her want more. Much more.

  He took his time to soothe and stir her, and before long she had eased down in the bed as he continued to stroke and kiss her...her arms, her neck, the top of her chest above the swell of her breasts. It all seemed so safe and innocent. He had that down to a tee.

  When she opened her eyes it was to find Tiago turned on his side, watching her. To have him monitor her responses aroused her even more, and a shaking breath shivered out of her as his big hand cupped her breast. His palm was so warm and firm, and a little roughened from his work with horses. He had intuitive hands, intuitive fingers, and when he shifted position to move over her, and his dangerous, swarthy dark face blocked out the light—blocked out everything but Tiago—she was more conscious than ever of his size and his strength. And also his willpower, and his control, and that aroused her too.

  She held her breath with excitement when he stopped, wondering what would come next.

  Making her comfortable on the pillows, he drew the covers back and stared down at her body, and for once in her life she didn’t rush to cover herself. She wanted Tiago to look at her. She didn’t want any secrets between them. She wanted him to see her body respond to him. Exposed like this.

  His touch when he stroked her breasts was on another level. She tried to stay still but found it impossible, and with a whimper of need she reached out for him.

  Tiago smiled. His dark eyes burned with hunger but he had more control than she had, and even as she writhed beneath him, trying to urge him on, he only dipped his head to brush her lips with his. That was almost enough, that kiss, but he denied her the weight of his body. His kisses fired her, his fingers teased her, and she was agonisingly responsive to his touch, but nothing she could do would make him do more.

  He curved a smile. ‘I’m the luckiest man on earth.’

  She was aching—really aching. She needed his firm touch now.

  She gasped with relief as he returned to the assault on her senses, using firm strokes across her belly and down her thighs. And all the time he held her gaze in his.

  She cried out when his hand finally found its destination. Easing her legs apart, he teased around her clitoris with a touch that was indescribable, while she lifted her hips in a hunt for more contact, crying out in desperation, not caring what he thought. She needed this—needed him. She needed this now.

  At first she thought he was only going to tease her and leave her aching, but as if he could sense the level of her need he relented. Using one gloriously roughened finger-pad, he applied just the right amount of pressure, just the right amount of friction, at just the right speed.

  Exclaiming at the intensity of sensation, she lost control. Tiago held her firmly in place, using his hand to increase her pleasure and make it last. Even when the pleasure waves began to fade she was incapable of speech, and could only grab a breath as he murmured with amusement, ‘I think you needed that.’

  He had no idea. Sex as sport might be second nature to him, but she was a novice and would have to put these feelings in her heart to one side.

  She laced her fingers through Tiago’s hair. His hair was so thick and strong. She loved the feel of it beneath her hands, just as she loved the rasp of his stubble against her neck.

  Pressing kisses against her breasts, he eased her down in the bed and at last gave her what she longed for: the weight of his body pressing into hers.

  She lost control again. That was all it took. She had imagined this moment for so long that now it was here she could only ride the sensation, while Tiago held her firmly in his arms, dropping kisses on her mouth.

  ‘Good?’ he murmured, knowing very well that it was.

  ‘Stop,’ she whispered, ‘or I won’t be held responsible for my actions.’

  ‘Don’t be,’ he said, finding this amusing. ‘Let me be responsible for your actions.’

  She responded instantly as he teased her into a state of readiness and fell happily into wild release. Tiago’s kisses thrilled her. He thrilled her. She hadn’t realised how fierce she would be when it came to her need for this man. They were a fierce couple. Their hungry kisses spoke of mutual need. Tiago’s tongue claimed her. He claimed her. He challenged her in a way she welcomed. He made her fight him. He made her test him. He made her feel alive.

  When he surprised her by standing up she actually groaned, her disappointment was so extreme, but he didn’t lose eye contact with her for a moment, and smiled as he reached for the buckle on his belt.

  Folding her arms beneath her head, she rested b
ack, watching him, enjoying the sight of his deft, pleasure-dealing fingers working to free him of the clothes that stood between them. His torso was hard and tanned, muscular, and magnificent, and her body was ready for him. She had never needed Tiago more.


  PLUCKING THE PAGER on his belt off the bed, Tiago scanned it impatiently. ‘I’m needed on the flight deck.’

  ‘You have to go now?’

  He laughed. ‘Yes, chica—I have to go now. Patience. Put this on the back burner. Save it for our wedding night.’

  Once he was dressed he left her, the door closing quietly behind him. She felt like wailing—and not just with frustration. She was angry she had let things go this far. Tiago was so hard to resist, but she needed something more than a quick coupling in the back of his jet. She might not be heading for a proper marriage, as other people understood the term, but retaining some vestige of pride was important to her.

  She had lost all semblance of self-respect after her affair with Carlos Pintos, and she knew what a long walk it was back. This time she wanted to come out of it with her head held up high.

  Collapsing on the pillows, she groaned. It would be hard coming back from this. Not only would Tiago expect more from her in the physical sense, but the way she felt inside her heart gave ‘aching with need’ a whole new meaning. Her body ached too, but even that couldn’t compare with the inner pain.

  Tiago had awoken dreams and thoughts and feelings inside her—more than she’d known she had.

  Tossing and turning, she curled up into a ball and tried to sleep. It was useless. Nothing worked. And it wasn’t just thinking about what might have happened with Tiago that was keeping her awake. There was so much she didn’t know about him, so much she wanted to know. Maybe in Brazil they’d get the chance to talk—hopefully before their wedding night. She didn’t even have a clue when that would be. She really had jumped in with both feet this time.

  * * *

  If Danny had thought Chico’s ranch in Brazil was fantastic she was in for a surprise when they arrived at Fazenda Santos, where everything was impressive—from the immaculately maintained fencing, stretching as far as the eye could see over rolling green pampas, to the state-of-the-art buildings that comprised the stud. Tiago’s ranch was situated in one of the wildest regions on earth, allowing her to gain a far better understanding of the scale of his work.


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