Dracula's Lost Treasure Map

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Dracula's Lost Treasure Map Page 9

by V Bertolaccini

  One of the workmen suddenly shouted and a beam of light shot about the walls and down over him, and the light directly in his eyes, and he threw the light straight down to him to get, and he rushed straight over to it, and he played around with it and slowly turned around, with the light blasting straight out, and saw what he thought were giant coffins, going around in a circle, with an even larger central one, and he slowly marched over to them.

  While he approached the first he realized it was a solid stone tomb, and he counted twelve of them going in a circle around a thirtieth central one, and was amazed at their perfect symmetrical positioning, and he even wondered where he was in the building, and why it was like he was somewhere else, and he tried to grasp if there was anything else, and wondered why the hell it was only tombs, and why they were so hidden away.

  He examined the strange stone and it’s perfectly cut edges and wondered why it was so immaculately cut and could not accept it was cut by hand, and he felt its smoothness with his fingertips, and tried to find anything on it that gave the identity of the person, and he searched increasingly trying to grasp why they had been put there and why.

  His close examinations gave little and he started going around the circle of tombs, occasionally glancing at the central one, and its immense size, wondering if it belonged to a king, and he started searching them for their names and dates.

  With a piece of paper and pen he drew a vague plan of them and walked around them looking for any entrance points to them that he might have missed, positive that there had to be something, and he found nothing and they looked perfectly sealed and he wondered what the hell the structure was for, and climbed over one and into a gap between the outer tombs and the large central one, and shifted around the gap examining the other side of the tombs, and found them the same.

  He suddenly spotted writing carved into the large central tomb near its base and he knelt down and examined the small writing with his torch and saw he never knew the language and carefully wrote it down on a piece of paper, and started examining the writing on the piece of paper for anything, and spotted a crack near the top of the large tomb when the torchlight went there, and hidden in dirt over it, and saw there was a stone lid over the tomb.

  He placed the torch on the floor facing up at the lid and started pushing the lid up, and shoved at it until went up, and he could get his hand inside, and he pulled it sideways, and pulled it sideways until he had successfully pulled it over to the side, and away from covering the contents of the tomb, and rested on the floor with the torch, ready to reveal the contents of the tomb, and recalled the ghost figurations, and stood and shone the torch inside the tomb.

  Chapter 37

  The Supernatural Being

  Scientists shifted all about the chamber adjusting and setting up equipment all over the area of the tombs, and by their descriptions Eisenberg knew their technology had gone far beyond anything that they previously had, and most of the scientists had been changed for far more advanced ones, and most were thunderstruck by the giant supernatural being resting in the central tomb.

  They used new drilling equipment to tunnel through the thick metal shell behind the wall in the corridor, and created a doorway into the chamber from the corridor.

  Nobody had given him any explanation of what was in the central tomb! Nobody had even touched it! The only thing that had been touched had been the treasure chest he had found buried in it, and he kept realizing repeatedly that Howard Eisenberg had been right all along, and there was treasure buried away there.

  The jewels themselves were staggering as most belonged to rich kings and powerful people who had been killed in wars and by other methods, and the contents were worth incalculable millions.

  He had also taken a diary he found with it, which was in a strange language, which he never grasped, but the paranormal investigator, who translated the books in the mansion library, was able to translate a few lines of, and claimed the supernatural being was Dracula.

  The other tombs were full of the remains of strange women that had wooden stakes embedded in their chests, which they were sure were vampires, but the scientists and others had not bothered with them and left them for the archaeologists to investigate.

  Kurt and others were astounded there was a treasure after all, and wondered what the lawyer would do, as they were all getting a share, and Eisenberg realized he never really wanted to spend his life running the companies for Howard Eisenberg.

  The disturbances clearly escalated and the paranormal scientists that investigated the ghost formations appearances claimed they were two of the women vampires in two of the tombs, which had abnormal skeleton formations, and they believed that they were something else, and not human, and believed they were trapped in a form of limbo state between life and death.

  Eisenberg watched scientists set up equipment at the haunted zone, where the ghost figurations emerged, over the library, as well as at the real central zone at the tombs, and he sensed an upcoming catastrophe.

  Eisenberg went over what they told him of what they were doing and what all the equipment was for, and he accepted it if it solved the haunting problem and explained what was occurring, but not if it made things turn into a new state, and a highly deadly state, and he gasped at the amount of problems they had and wondered if things were going in the wrong direction from what they wanted.

  The paranormal scientists and technicians rushed about setting up equipment all around the corridor and tombs, while testing and checking everything.

  He realized paranormal existed and realized that they had not entirely believed it until then, and had vague fantasies of things, and no real definite thoughts it was a real problem.

  He kept examining the equipment, and places they had hidden away to monitor everything, and he watched all the scientists and technicians and became positive that they had found far more than they indicated, and were keeping secrets.

  When it grew late, at the time the haunting occurred, there was something strange about the occurrences and tombs that he could not quite grasp, and he sensed something was going to occur, but he could not grasp it, and he was sure that they might not do it if they avoided doing certain things.

  In the corridor they detected reactions, and that they were making an appearance, and they turned off all the lights, and hid away, and silently waited, and Eisenberg checked his watch and realized it was at the same time the last visitations occurred, and he watched the scientists silently activating and checking equipment, and what was occurring about the zones, and he watched them desperately reacting and one whispered in another scientist’s ear, making the scientist look surprised.

  While the ghost formations emerged he realized they somehow looked different, and their features altered, and looked confident, and as though they were about to do something, and watched a scientist’s face turn dramatic, making him wonder what the hell was going on, and if they had put their foot in it again, and he stood staggered waiting for something to happen.

  He slowly sensed something there was different, and it sent a chill through him as he felt they were in great danger, and when he thought of what could occur he realized there was nothing they could do, and his eyes for no reason fell upon a brightness through a crack in the door, and he moved closer, and saw bright ghostly figures shifting about, and that they were turning solid, and he watched the scientists check stuff as they monitored everything.

  He saw the two strange ghostly figures doing something and shift away along the corridor, as though they were somewhere they could not recognize, and had different surroundings, and he suddenly saw they had bright red eyes that were glowing, and tried to grasp what they were.

  There was something that he just could not grasp and they moved and did things far differently than anything he had seen, and at times they shocked him and the scientists with their lethal appearance, and they could not grasp what they really were, and he sensed something far more powerful behind them, and that they were obeyin
g something.

  For a moment he saw a change in their ghost figures as they entered the chamber with the tombs, and he rushed out the room with the scientists, and watched horrified scientists in the chamber with the tombs race out the opening, and he heard them explain what happened when they removed the wooden stakes from the two vampires creatures.

  When they reached the opening of the chamber with the tombs, Eisenberg watched the two ghostly vampire figures scream as they approached the large central tomb, with the supernatural being, and he watched them remove what looked like a stake or something from its heart, and leapt back, and they watched its massive shape rise out of the tomb, and he wondered what the hell it was, and felt its powers and fury, and it viciously altered its shape and its powers increased, and it shifted into a dark region at the back of the chamber.

  At one point it altered into a mass of a strange red energy that exploded into a frenzy of activity, doing things, and he watched it alter into a far different formation, with horror and vengeance.

  He knew it would get out the chamber, and realized there were only two entrance points to the chamber, for it to get away from its hideous confines, and Eisenberg tried to find a place to shift over to, and he wondered who the hell had managed to confine it there, and he watched it alter into a large black flying demon creature, and it shifted up into the attic, and the two vampire creatures followed it.

  In the dark sky over the mansion, in the room next to the chamber, they watched them vanish into distant black clouds, and Eisenberg realized it was going in the direction of New York.


  The King of the Vampires

  Out of the blackness of night a vampire creature shot through the dark clouds like the Grim Reaper and swooped down and landed on a pointed mountain peak high over the world.

  Amidst awesome darkness its black formation formed into a humanoid creature as it visualized its first appearance thousands of years ago, and it realized it had forgotten its supernatural origins, and it was mysterious and obscure, and it had memories of the Carpathian Mountains, where it believed something occurred.

  For the first time in its existence it saw its obliteration and violently shuddered and its shape altered as it almost lost control.

  The world still seemed unrecognizable and it was staggered by the hidden dangers to it and it monitored its formation and considered how recent occurrences could possibly have occurred, and the humans, which it fed on, had ways of destroying it, and they had destroyed most of its vampire creatures, and they had been turned into ashes after hideously being destroyed.

  It instantaneously changed into a bat formation and leapt up into the air, and raced away towards its castle, buried away in an immense wood, hidden away from discovery, and it entered the trees at an unknown unexplored region, and it shifted into its long black shadows like a strange black ghost formation.

  It contemplated the real dangers to its survival and eternal life and it began to contemplate how it could survive.

  Its supernatural species was so ancient it could not believe it had a beginning.

  Memories of the strange human creatures swirled through its thoughts, and their villages and armies it had destroyed in wars, and their strange folklore and rituals mystified it, and it recalled what they had altered into, and the ways they used to destroy the other vampires creatures.

  It had been contacted by unknown humans by an unknown form, of supernatural origins, and it had chosen not to make contact, and it had not entirely grasped their extraordinary powers, with an unknown extraordinary technology, and it had been lucky as its castle was barely visited by them and it knew they feared it.

  It had always had vague memories of it being trapped on the world, as a strange celestial object lost out in space, and it realized it had to fight to survive further than it had done before, and it wondered if it could, and it thought of escaping from the vicinity and discovering somewhere else.

  The moon shifted overhead above the treetops as it formed a monster shape creature as it flew through the trees, and it watched the castle emerge through the trees ahead, and it suddenly sensed something, and it took comfort in the moon’s existence with its familiarity, and it resembled a stellar sight it never grasped.

  Its strange shadows shifted about the lower trees below in the moonlight, probing out everywhere, and it studied everything in its surroundings, expecting hideous encounters, and it thought of all the ancient wars and deadly encounters it had won.

  In the trees at the front of the castle it landed hard and instantly formed into the most deadly hideous supernatural monster it had ever contrived and propelled itself forward and smashed through the trees and its body adapted to its new form and formed more powerful legs and razor-sharp claws.

  Something strange paralyzed it, and it could not break free, and it detected a form of energy, an energy formation it never recognized, and it felt it withdrawing energy from it, and it used the remains of its energy to alter into its human formation and saw humans appear from the castle, with a strange technology it never realized existed, and watched as they surrounded it, and it tried to look like one of them, and show it was one of them, and the wood and strange beings vanished, and it went into a dormant state.




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