Uncommon Youth

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Uncommon Youth Page 27

by Charles Fox

  Looking upon Little Paul comatose in Cedars-Sinai hospital, I had assumed that it was my own inner voice I had heard: We’ve got him now. Why don’t you fuck off? But just then came Martine’s words. “He heard voices. He was very scared of them.” And I suddenly found myself wondering whether the voice had some independent reality. In either case, I had no wish to linger in this realm, sucked at by darkness, no wish to lend my light to another, leaving myself in the dark. There could be no fathoming. There was no single truth.

  Martine smiled. Now I knew. She had opened to me, revealed their secret. She was relieved. I felt ambushed and strangely exhausted. This was entirely unexpected: justifications, denials, revisions, these I expected, not a confession.

  First I looked to place blame, but it was everywhere and nowhere. His grandfather’s great fortune gave rise to a sense of omnipotence. Paul had been raised this way. How can we blame Gail for standing by her son, a son for wanting his father’s love, the desperate for turning to desperate means? The snake feeds upon the flightless bird. There is no blame.

  “Should we go back into the house?” Martine said softly.

  We left the studio back into the dark, across the footbridge. I felt Paul standing there just beyond the edge of the light, saying to me once more, “I am nothing but a name.” Silently we went, Martine behind the wheelchair, rising above me more than I once rose above her, leaving Paul standing there alone in the dark.

  She pushed my chair up the ramp.

  Light from the living room lit the deck. Martine slid open the glass door and we went in. There was the aroma of cooking. Véro was in the kitchen. The room was warm. I knew Martine would not stay. “I have to see some other friends,” she said. She had given of herself and wanted rest. We made some small talk. She was gracious. She had an assurance she had not had before. It fitted her well, making up for whatever the years had taken away. Then she went down the steps into the hall. The front door closed softly behind her. The sound of her car faded into the night. I remembered the sound of her voice over the telephone: “We would like to make some work with you.” It had been done. The adventure was over. I heard Véro’s step behind me and felt the wheelchair gently turning. “Let’s eat,” she said.

  * * *

  Martine e-mailed the following day:

  I’m glad that I came. It was a poignant visit for me … last night I sat in the hot tub under the stars for a very long time and, in a strange way, everything seemed good even though there were also sad feelings, a kind of mourning.

  I’m happy I saw you and was in your house … it is full of memories and very connected to Paul … he was very much there last night.

  I also enjoyed seeing Véronique, she looked very beautiful. Please give my love to her.

  Much love and thank you so much,

  Take good care,


  I sent Paul a draft. Gail told me that Paul had the typescript read to him. She said it took three days. Martine told me that Paul had told her to tell me, “That’s how it was.”

  * * *

  Paul outlived his father by eight years. He died in his father’s country house in England surrounded by family. He was fifty-four. He and Martine had spent his last summer together in Tuscany.

  London’s Independent wrote:


  The sad and relatively short life of John Paul Getty III, whose severed ear became a grisly symbol of the wave of kidnappings that swept Italy in the 1970s, was proof that being a grandson of the richest man in the world was no guarantee of happiness.

  Happiness? He had his moments: the farm on the Appian Way; Christmases in his grandfather’s mansion; A Midsummer Night’s Dream at St. George’s; a picnic with Talitha and his father in the Garden of Eden; the gardens of Mamounia, where his boyhood innocence was finally laid to rest. Thereafter, forces that had been gathering were unleashed, and he and his beloved Talitha paid for whatever good his father did. Paul was knocked off his feet before ever he found them. What may be said for him is that he lived the life that was presented to him.

  Long-haired Getty with wife Martine Zacher. (AP Images)


  The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

  Abate, Claudio

  Prince Moalay Abdellah (King Hassan’s brother)


  Big Paul’s use of

  Little Paul’s use of

  A Clockwork Orange

  Agnelli, Gianni

  Air France drug dealers

  “A Last Confession” (Rossetti)

  Algerian War of Independence

  Alpert, Herb


  Aumont, Tina

  Baader-Meinhof Gang

  Balaban, Bruce

  Banca Commerciale

  the Beatles

  Becket, Thomas à

  Berlin by the Wall

  Bertrand, Olivier

  The Bible

  Big Paul. See Getty, Jean Paul, II

  Bob (Big Paul’s friend)

  Bobby (Little Paul’s girlfriend)

  Boleyn, Anne

  Botticelli restaurant, Rome

  Bowie, David

  Boyd, Rick

  Brando, Marlon

  Bridges, Harry

  British Film Institute

  Bronson, Charles

  Brooke, Lionel

  Brooke, Victoria

  Little Paul’s kidnapping and

  Little Paul’s relationship with

  Pol’s death and

  Bruno (kidnapper)


  Bullimore, Francis

  “The Burden of Nineveh” (Rossetti)

  Burroughs, Bill

  Byron (driver)

  Caen, Herb

  Calabresi kidnappers. See also hoax/fraud speculation, Getty kidnapping

  arrests of

  ear severance by

  false kidnapping claims and

  fractures within

  history of

  meetings arranged with

  negotiations with

  ransom amounts and

  ransom drop made to

  release of hostage by

  treatment of hostage by

  Canova’s Three Graces (sculpture)


  Castaneda, Carlos

  Castle, June

  Catherine of Aragon

  Cedars-Sinai Hospital, Los Angeles

  Chace, James Fletcher

  background of

  ear severance and

  hoax speculations by

  kidnapping investigation by

  kidnapping negotiations by

  Little Paul’s release and

  meetings with kidnappers and

  ransom exchange and

  Chace, Patsy

  Cherchio, Jerry

  Big Paul’s drug use and

  kidnapping hoax speculation and

  Pol’s death and

  Cherchio, Ruth

  Chevalier, Maurice

  the Chipmunk (kidnapper)

  kidnapping plot origins and

  murder of

  Churchill Papers

  Churchill, Sir Winston



  Big Paul and

  Little Paul and

  malavita and

  Cocaine pictures

  “Cockney Pauline”

  Conservative Party, United Kingdom

  Cook, Peter

  Cooper, Alice

  Cozzi, D. O.

  Crisi, Marcello


  Getty’s release and



  Crowley, Aleister

  Curtis, Tony

  Daily Express

  Daily Mail (London)

  Daily Telegraph (London)

  Daley, Ed

  d’Almeida, Ann

  d’Almeida, George

  Daniel (Little Paul’s friend)

  D’Annunzio, Gabriele

  Della Ratta, Luigi

  Little Paul’s release and

  Derek (Big Paul’s minder)

  Derek (Old Paul’s manservant)

  Devret, Danielle

  kidnapping suspicions

  Diamond Dogs

  DiRobina family

  Distinguished Service Order (DSO)

  La Dolce Vita



  Big Paul’s use of



  Little Paul’s use of


  DSO. See Distinguished Service Order

  Dunaway, Faye

  Dylan, Bob

  Easy Rider

  Elisco, Martino

  Getty’s release and

  Faisal, King (of Saudi Arabia)

  Faithfull, Marianne


  Fassbinder, Rainer Werner



  Fifty (kidnapper)

  kidnapping negotiations by

  Little Paul’s release and

  ransom-hostage exchange and

  FitzGerald, Desmond

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott

  Fonda, Jane

  Fonda, Peter

  Forrester, Jack

  Fox, James

  Fox, Véro

  Franco (kidnapper)


  Freeman, Bob

  Freud, Sigmund

  Gandolfo, Mario

  Garbo, Greta

  Getty, Aileen (daughter of Big Paul)

  Getty, Anna Zacher (stepdaughter of Little Paul)

  Getty, Anne (wife of Gordon)

  Getty, Ariadne (daughter of Big Paul)

  Getty, Balthazar (son of Little Paul)

  birth of

  Getty, Gail Harris (mother of Little Paul)

  background of

  custody issues and

  Della Ratta’s relationship with

  ear severance and

  hoax speculations associated with

  Jeffries’ relationship with

  kidnapping negotiations by

  letters from kidnappers to

  letter to Nixon by

  Little Paul’s relationship with

  marriages of

  overdose/stroke of Little Paul and

  press’s portrayal of

  ransom exchange and

  release of Little Paul and

  Getty, George (son of Old Paul)

  Getty, Gordon (son of Old Paul)

  Getty, Jean Paul (Old Paul)

  background/family history of

  Big Paul’s relationship with

  death of

  kidnapping investigation by

  kidnapping ransom and

  Little Paul’s ear severance and

  Little Paul’s relationship with

  Little Paul’s release and

  marriages of

  museums funded by

  son’s lawsuit against

  Getty, Jean Paul, II (Big Paul, son of Old Paul)

  alcohol/substance use by

  birth of

  children’s births and

  custody issues and

  death of

  kidnapping/ransom negotiations and

  Little Paul’s ear severance and

  Little Paul’s relationship with

  marriages of

  Morocco lifestyle of

  Old Paul’s relationship with

  philanthropy by

  Pol’s relationship with

  youth of

  Getty, Jean Paul, III (Little Paul, son of Big Paul). See also kidnapping of Little Paul

  art fraud by

  Big Paul’s influence on/relationship with

  biography interviews given by

  birth of

  Brooke’s relationship with

  childhood, pre-kidnapping, of

  children of

  Cocaine pictures by

  college attendance by

  death of

  drug use by

  film by

  health of

  kidnapping hoax speculation tied to

  Lang’s relationship with

  malavita ties to

  marriage of

  mother’s relationship with

  Old Paul’s relationship with

  overdose by

  paintings by

  Pol’s death and

  post-kidnapping state of

  self-kidnapping references by

  suicide attempt by

  Zacher’s relationship with

  Getty, Mark (son of Big Paul)

  Getty, Sarah C. (mother of Old Paul)

  trust fund of

  Getty, Tara Gabriel Gramophone Galaxy (son of Big Paul)

  Getty, Teddy (wife of Old Paul)

  Getty, Timothy (son of Old Paul)

  Gibbs, Christopher

  Ginsberg, Allen

  Glin, Knight of

  The Godfather

  Graudi, Paolo

  The Great Dictator

  The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald)

  Greer, Germaine

  Gurdjieff, G. I.

  Halsey, Brett

  Hammer, Armand

  Harris, Aileen

  Harris, George

  Harris, Richard

  Hassan, King (of Morocco)

  Hazelwood, Jay

  Hearst, William Randolph

  Heatherton, Joey

  Henry VIII (king of England)

  Hepburn, Audrey


  Big Paul’s use of

  Little Paul’s use of

  Pol’s use of

  “Hey Jude”

  hoax/fraud speculation, Getty kidnapping

  by Chace

  Cherchio ties to

  Getty, Gail, ties to

  Little Paul, ties to

  by police

  Zacher and

  Holdsworth, Victoria. See Brooke, Victoria

  Homage to Catalonia (Orwell)

  Hopper, Dennis

  Huston, John

  Iacovoni, Giovanni

  ear severance and

  kidnapping negotiations by

  ransom delivery and

  Ichazo, Oscar

  Independent (London)



  Getty’s release and

  Italy. See also Calabresi kidnappers; malavita

  drug laws in

  kidnappings, historical, in

  Jagger, Bianca

  Jagger, Mick

  Jeffries, Lang

  Little Paul’s relationship with

  marriage of

  John (Little Paul’s minder)

  John, Augustus

  John, Elton

  Johnson, Sue

  J. Paul Getty Jr. Charitable Trust

  Jung, Carl

  Karim, Aga Khan

  Kathy (Old Paul’s cook)

  Keller, Hiram

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kerouac, Jack

  kidnapping of Little Paul. See also hoax/fraud speculation, Getty kidnapping

  arrests in

  ear severance in

  events leading up to

  execution of

  hoax/fraud speculation related to

  hostage release in

  kidnappings, historical, and

  letters from hostage/kidnappers in

  living conditions of hostage in

  meetings, with kidnappers, and

  negotiations during

  parties claiming responsibility for

  press coverage of

  ransom amount fluctuations in

  ransom exchange in

  release of hostage in

  “Knockin’ on Heaven’s

  Kommune 1

  Korean War

  Krupp, Arndt

  Lagonegro, Italy

  Lambton, Lord Tony

  Langhans, Rainer

  Lanza, Mario

  Las (dog)

  Leary, Timothy

  Lewis, Fiona

  Lexington and the Ants

  Little Paul. See Getty, Jean Paul, III

  Logue, Christopher

  Londonderry, Lord Alastair

  Long, Donna Getty (sister of Big Paul)

  Lovin’ Spoonful, the

  Luau Club, Rome

  Maccarelli, Sergio

  Madonna Dell Etna, Italy

  The Magic Christian

  Magnani, Anna


  Major, John

  malavita (criminals). See also Calabresi kidnappers

  kidnapping of twins by

  Little Paul’s ties to

  Mammoliti brothers

  Mamounia Hotel, Marrakesh

  Margaret, Duchess of Argyll

  Mario (chauffeur)

  “Marrakesh Express”

  Marrakesh, Morocco

  Big Paul’s palace in

  Masone, Fernando

  Matson, Norman

  McInnis, Martin

  McKno, Fraser

  Meers, Nicolette

  Il Messaggero

  kidnapping coverage by

  severed ear and

  Midsummer’s Night Dream

  Mohammed, Si (house guardian)

  Momento Sera

  Moore, Dudley

  Moore, Roger

  Morgan, J. P.

  Morrissey, Paul

  Murder in the Cathedral

  Murder on the Orient Express

  Murray, Phil

  Mussolini, Benito

  National Enquirer

  National Gallery, London

  Negri, Pola

  Nero (lion)

  Newsom, Bill


  The New York Times

  The Night Watch (painting)

  Nixon, Richard

  Notre Dame

  Obermaier, Uschi

  Old Paul. See Getty, Jean Paul

  Olmstead, Remington

  O’Neil, Kevin

  On the Road (Kerouac)

  OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)


  Big Paul’s use of

  Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. See OPEC

  Orwell, George

  Oufkir, Mohamed

  Paese Sera

  The Panic in Needle Park

  Parkes (Old Paul’s valet)

  Patrick, John

  Peccinotti, Harri

  Pedro, Don (Getty family priest)


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