Sex Sessions: Uncut (Camera Tales #1)

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Sex Sessions: Uncut (Camera Tales #1) Page 28

by Charisse Spiers

  "Waiting for you," she says, and then bites her bottom lip as her cheeks redden, proving she didn't mean to say it aloud. It was a verbal slip. My heart stops in my chest, swelling as I look into her big, blue eyes, and then I grab the back of her head with one hand and pull her lips to mine, dismissing it altogether, before walking out the door, toward my room.

  Our lips meld together, making it hard to tell where mine ends and hers begin. I can't get enough of her flavor, driving me to take more of her every time her tongue backs away. She sucks on my top lip, before changing directions. I kick the bottom of my door to push it open all the way from the crack it's in, barging into my room, and then roughly toppling us both on the bed, but holding my weight off of her.

  I continue to kiss her, before finally pulling free. Her lips are slightly red, most likely from my stubble scraping against her smooth skin that I didn't feel like shaving off. I stand, leaving her lying in front of me.

  She pushes herself up on her elbows and licks her lips as she watches me: an innocent gesture and not a seductive one. "Remove your top," I command, as I hook my thumbs beneath my brief band.

  She fully sits up and reaches behind her back, movement occurring before her top straps fall free. She pulls it over her head and tosses it beside her on the bed, leaving her in only bikini bottoms.

  In one swift motion I shuck my jeans and briefs, leaving them in a heap on the floor as I step out of them. Grabbing my cock, I begin to stroke it slowly as I stare down at her beautiful rack. She notices, and in turn grabs one in each hand, before pushing them together to create a tight crease. "Like this?"

  "Hell yeah."

  Lube. I didn't bring any lube. I sure as hell am not wasting a ton of time to go downstairs and dig through that basket. I look around the room, taking in the warm colors of navy and khaki it's done in - definitely the more masculine of the two. I grab the drawer to the dark colored nightstand next to the bed, opening it. Surprisingly, it's stocked with condoms, lube, a few small toys, and edible sex goods like a syrupy, colored liquid.

  Of course he did...

  I grab the bottle of clear lubricant and shut the drawer back, quickly flipping the cap and dispensing a generous amount into my palm, before grabbing my cock like last night and smearing it with slow, long strokes. I watch her, watching me, making this so much better than over a video call. "Are you going to come on my face?"

  She asks, while kneading her breasts in her hands, her bottom lip slipping between her teeth. She's uncomfortable with the question. "No, beautiful, I'm not going to come on your face, unless you ask me to. Not too many women are into that sort of thing. Some even find it demeaning. Trust me to respect you, yeah?"

  "Okay," she whispers. "I watched it recently. I was just preparing myself mentally."

  I walk forward, still stroking my cock to the sight of her. "You watched porn?"

  "Yes," she admits.

  "But not mine?"

  "No. I can't. It messes with my head."

  "Did you like it?" I straddle her lap on the bed, atop the navy comforter, causing her to lie back into a flat position. "Did it turn you on?"

  "Yes, but I like this better. Experiencing is better than watching."

  I nod, because I agree. I feel like I'm experiencing things that I've done hundreds of times for the first time, because with her it's so much different. "Hands down."

  She blinks, and then does as I ask, letting go and placing her hands on the bed. I release my dick and place my wet palm between her breasts, transferring the warming wetness to her chest in a horizontal swiping motion, leaving a glossy shine behind.

  "Tits together, baby."

  Resuming her previous position, the heels of her hands pressed to the outside of her breasts, she pushes her tits together, creating a tight space. I lean forward on my left fist, grabbing the base of my dick again with the right; just long enough to align the head at the center, below her breasts, at the entry of the crevice she's creating. My knees push down the bed, lowering my body to hers so I'm able to thrust through the makeshift channel, and then I mirror the left fist with my right, giving me control.

  She looks up at me; her lips slightly puckered, and her thick, bold lashes lining her beautiful blue eyes. I thrust forward, my dick sliding between her tits, slick and warm from the lubricant and the body heat mixing. They part to make room for me, but she pushes in harder to tighten the gap, giving me that tight squeeze that I need. "Pinch your nipples, baby."

  My thrusts become faster, as her fingers find her nipples and clamp around them, making the sight before me even better. "I love your fucking body; every last inch of it. I want to kiss those lips so bad right now."

  Her lips part, revealing a small opening, as her head slides back in a tilt to get a better angle of my face as I fuck her tits, sliding in and out in a quick and repeated motion.

  That familiar tug begins in my balls, confirming it's not going to take me long from already being hyped up since she walked in the door earlier. I can't handle the way she's looking at me right now. "I'm about to, baby."

  "Make it yours."

  "What?" I ask, short of breath.

  "I want you to come on me and not in your hand. Make my body yours...for every purpose."

  I grit my teeth and slow my thrusts, trying to hold out a few seconds longer. Shifting my weight onto my right fist, I slide my left hand under her ass and grab the top of her bottoms, pulling them down so fast you can hear a stretch of the fabric from being pulled too hard. She wiggles her legs, working them the rest of the way down when I've extended them at max reach. "Birth control?"





  I yank her body upward so that our waists are level, and drive my cock inside of her. One thrust enveloped in her wet heat and I'm done. I can't hold it back anymore. My fist moves closer to her neck and I kiss her. My left hand grips her ass, pulling her at a tilt against me, as I push myself as deep as I can go and empty my load inside of her. A throaty groan pushes through my lips at the seal between us, my short nails digging into her bare ass.

  I didn't realize how good that was going to feel. I may have just fucked myself, because I don't think I can go back to a condom with her after that. You can't miss what you don't know, and now I've experienced pure and utter fucking bliss.

  My arm wraps under her and I flip us over, never pulling out of her as I move her on top of me. "What are you doing?"

  "I want to look at you."

  "You were."

  "You on top of me is better. I like seeing your legs sprawled over me. It does things to me I can't explain." My hands travel up her sides to her breasts. "I like looking at these, sitting perfectly, your nipples erect for me, and knowing I just made them mine."

  The head of my dick is tingling, the sensitivity making it hard to focus, but I can't bring myself to leave her body just yet. "Was it good for you?"

  "Good? Come here."

  She leans forward as I attempt to ignore my racing heart. My hands slide to her back, my fingertips gently trailing down her spine as my lips press against the front of her neck. She leans her head back, giving me better access. Her nipples are brushing against my chest. I grab an ass cheek in each hand, squeezing so hard it pulls them apart, my fingertips dipping into her crack.

  My lips move along her neck, toward her ear. "There is no word in the English dictionary to properly define what that felt like. You're very quickly becoming a drug to me. I told myself no for today, and look where my cock is nestled anyway, and also not ready to leave."

  She starts grinding her pelvis against me, my semi-soft cock hardening once again, ready for round two. "Then don't."

  "If you don't stop we won't be leaving this room for a while."

  "It feels too good to stop. Just let it happen. It's been a week since the woods." She sits up; placing her palms on my chest, and slows her previous increasing speed. "Ow."

  "What's wrong?"

>   "It hurts to sit straight up; more so than the other times."

  "It's because I'm lying flat. My dick is deeper and at a completely straight angle. Lean in if it bothers you, or we could stop and pick this up later. I do want to hang out with you, believe it or not."

  She shakes her head, continuing to grind her wet pussy against me. There is no way I'm going to be able to come again this soon. The only way to get us out of this bedroom and doing something else is to make her come. I bring one hand around to her front, placing my palm against her pelvic region, and slip the pad of my thumb between her lips until it's pressing against her clit. Quickly I begin rubbing up and down, exerting a slight pressure, with only the goal of making her come. This isn't practice this is playing the game.

  She rocks into me with force, still sitting straight up, but going slow instead of fast. "Oh...right there." She breathes out, and then moves her hands behind her to grip onto my thighs, creating a curve in the center of her body, tightening her breasts. "It hurts, but it feels so good. dick. Mmmm."

  Her nails dig into my skin, and most likely will result in indentions later. She is arching so hard that her hair is sweeping through the air with each thrust she drives against my hand. The head of my dick is hitting against something hard. I can even hear it. It feels good. My toes curl into my feet a little when I realize just how good it feels.

  I continue my pace, watching her facials, and I can already tell she's approaching orgasm. With each moan that escapes her lips, her thrusts drive faster and harder into my hand. "That good," she draws out, and then unexpectedly her hand finds my balls and lightly squeezes as my dick starts to get wetter, her tight pussy squeezing my dick, hard. Her moan gets deeper as her rocking on my dick begins to subside. "I'm coming," she whispers, her eyes barely open.

  "Fuck, fuck, fuck. There's no way in hell. Bounce on me, beautiful."

  Her eyes open and she scoots her legs in, bringing them flush with my body. She repositions her feet as I move my hands to her hips, and then she starts, slowly at first to find a rhythm, but then she gets faster, her hands gripping my wrists for support.

  Her titties are bouncing, her stomach muscles are contracting, and her pussy is so damn tight. "Holy shit, baby, just like that. Fuck." I thrust my hips up to hit deeper as that first spurt occurs. She doesn't stop. Instead, she slows her pace and clenches her pussy muscles as she pumps up. "Fuck yeah. Milk my cock, baby," I grit out, my breathing scattered.

  I ease my hips back down, my chest heaving up and down to match hers. Her cheeks are splotched with red circles, her eyes slightly downcast. She's thinking. She's sexy when she's thinking, because she's unaware that she looks any different. I smile, sitting up and combing my fingers into her hair. "What's on your mind?"

  I kiss her. As I pull away she bites her lip, her hands rubbing up and down my arms. "I just...really like it when you talk dirty to me. I don't know why. I can't explain it. It makes me come alive. You know, like when I'm nervous or self-conscious." She releases a breath. "It just relaxes me and gives me an adrenaline boost. I really like it."



  "My good girl is slowly finding her naughty side. At this rate we could be testing kinky fuckery by the month's end." I snap my teeth together playfully close to her lips.

  "Shut up," she teases, placing her hand on my face and giving me a light shove. "Don't make fun!"

  She lifts off my dick and throws her leg over, but I grab her ass, stopping her. "Hey."

  She looks back at me. "What?"

  "I would never make fun of your innocence. It's a rare find, beautiful, and I'm one lucky bastard to get to experience it." I slap her ass. "Now put that suit on. We're going to go relax if I have to put a lock on it. Grilling and rubbing you down with suntan lotion sounds fun."

  She stands, her eyes widening as her legs clamp together. I smile, already knowing what she's figuring out. "Uh, I have to go to the bathroom." She grabs her swimsuit and begins walking backward, leaving the tops of her legs touching each other.

  "What goes up must come down, baby. Blame it on gravity. Go dispose of my sperm. You may be a while." I wink. "I'll be waiting downstairs."

  "Uh, right." She backs out of the room, and I laugh when I hear running footsteps take off down the hall. I'm assuming she went to her bathroom for more privacy.

  I fall back, giving myself a minute. My head is spinning, and I'm not even drunk. I rub my hand over my face - the one that isn’t coated in lube. "What the hell..."

  I grip my hair, pulling in different directions. Dammit I like her...a lot. This wasn't really supposed to happen, and this is only day one...well, of living together. I didn't even feel this way about Salem until we had been together for over a year, and even then it was just...different somehow. The need to be around her wasn't this strong. It was more of a comfort thing than anything else...and I was stupid enough to propose; not a moment I'm proud of.

  That tells me one of two things: I'm either going to hurt her out of self-preservation, or I'm going to walk out of here a man in love. I'm not stupid enough to think that it'll never happen...again. Human nature wants to feel, and to love. It's part of the way we were wired. When in constant company of a woman you're either going to fall or get tired of her, and if the second happens, the only option is to walk away. Fear of it happening again is why I've chosen not to date up to this point, because you can't miss what you don't have.

  I can be around that girl and tell she's the kind that doesn't ask you to love her; you just do. That's why option two has to be taken out of the equation, because if it happens, then I would have to give up everything, and with no backup plan, that isn't an option...

  I'll just be careful. Yeah, that's it...a fall fling, and nothing more.

  I walk inside, towel drying my hair with a still damp body. From the moment I went downstairs I was a nervous wreck, but I quickly realized how comfortable I am with him. Each time I'm around him I find conversation easy, flowing pretty naturally within minutes after I begin to relax. He works me up, yet he calms me. It's definitely a contradictory action, but somehow it makes sense.

  I stop just inside the door, squeezing out the dripping locks of hair to avoid wetting my body more. It's freezing in here, causing chill bumps to sprout along my body as the air blows over my wet skin. I can't believe it's already nightfall. Needless to say the day has gone by in a bit of a blur. Time literally has flown.

  The second I walked outside in my swimsuit, Saxton caught me off guard by grabbing me from behind and sent us both free falling into the deep end. I zone out, thinking back to the specific phrase he used as we broke the surface of the water coming back up for air. I just wanted to get you wet.

  The way his voice got deeper and his eyes honed in on mine had me barely able to breathe. It definitely wasn't silent, as breathing should be. I was shaking, but trying my hardest to keep it hidden by swimming away, teasing him, and feigning anger, anything to get away from him so that he couldn't blatantly see exactly how he affected me.

  Then, with a slight smirk, as if he knew exactly what he was doing, he grabbed a ball and his entire demeanor changed. It was then I realized that I was the amateur in this and he the pro. He wasn't even trying, yet I was a mess inside. He was cool and collected, clearly not affected in any sense by me at all. If only I were that lucky, but no, I was the college freshman about to play in their first away football game inside a massive stadium with lots of noise, terrified of messing up, while he was the starting senior that had done the same thing hundreds of times. We were playing the same game, but in no form were we one in the same.

  What started out as an innocent game of water volleyball led to making out in the cave behind the waterfall when I went to get the ball that just so happened to float back there as I missed and he scored. I really never had any clue that making out could be so much fun.

  He makes me feel like a sex-crazed woman, ready with the slightest touch of his
lips to beg him to take me no matter where we are. The second he adds his tongue I'm royally screwed and totally out of my mind. Add in his one-of-a-kind personality and I have no chance at emotional independence. He can completely manipulate my mood in a matter of seconds. The man is a magician, and my heart is sinking in the quicksand that is Saxton Maverick.

  The irony of this all is that if I explained any of this to a normal person they would most likely think I was mentally insane. I can see the headline of the conversation disclaimer now: innocent, socially awkward, southern girl falls for sexy, made for a model, porn star... Like most Hollywood couples it's only a matter of time before they crash and burn.

  I might as well just enjoy my seven minutes in heaven with him and try my best to fireproof myself, so when that day comes I have some increment of a chance at picking myself up and carrying on post Saxton...

  "What are you thinking about?"

  I scream at the exact moment my body jars, sending my towel into the air. His arms wrap around my waist, crossing at my front and pulling me against his chest. My heart begins pounding in my chest from the scare. "Nothing really. Was just waiting on you. I didn't hear you walk in."

  "What do you want to do?"

  "I don't know. What do you want to do? I'm kind of tired now that my stomach is full. You're sort of awesome at manning the grill. I'm not sure I've ever devoured a steak that fast."

  His lips touch at the junction of my neck and body, leaving enough of a space for him to speak. "Is that so?"

  "Yeah," I say breathy, my body betraying me. "I'm not really a steak person. I don't dislike it, but I don't crave it either. It's a mood food for me."

  His mouth travels up the seam of my neck. I tilt my head slightly, tightening the path. "I couldn't tell, but I definitely like a girl that can put away a steak here and there. A woman that eats is sexy."

  "Because that was one hell of a steak." My voice is monotone now, merely answering his questions to prolong the brush stroke movement he's doing up and down the side of my neck with his soft lips. "I like food. I make no apologies."


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