Sex Sessions: Uncut (Camera Tales #1)

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Sex Sessions: Uncut (Camera Tales #1) Page 37

by Charisse Spiers

  "What's in it?"

  "The yellow one is an energy drink like Rockstar or Redbull with Rum, Whiskey, Vodka, or Jägermeister. Which ever you prefer. The blue one is a little simpler: tonic water, vodka, and a sweet drink like Roses Mojito Passion."

  I feel like such an inexperienced kid. "Just pick one for me."

  "Okay. I'll be right back." He looks at Bryant "You going or staying?"

  "I'll walk. I have to get ours anyway."

  He begins to walk. "Saxton." He glances back at Meredith. "She won't like the yellow starting off. It's too distinct of a flavor, especially if Jager is in it. That's got a cough syrup flavor kind of. Just get her the blue. Bryant can get me the yellow and she can taste mine first."

  Cough medicine? That's disgusting. He nods and they both take off for the bar. Meredith loops her arm around mine. "How intoxicated are you wanting to get?"

  "Irresponsible. Free. Uninhibited. I want to be fun, but not sick. Don't let me get sick, okay?"

  "I got your back, babe. Why I'm not letting you down the yellow first... Most either like energy drinks or they don't. There isn't a whole lot of in between. Vodka is easy to mask with the right combinations. Whiskey will grow hair on your chest. You aren't ready to go there. Rum is pretty much made for mixing. And Jager...well, you haven't really lived until you've had a Jager bomb, but it's not the yummiest drink out there. Anything with such a destructive title never is."

  "Geez, that really helps. I feel so much smarter now. Not."

  "Okay, here are alcohol dos and don'ts in a nutshell...since you've mostly drank weaker drinks to this point. Beer is a slower build; think slow and steady. It goes buzz, drunk, sick, but you can feel every step as it begins. It gives you more room to slow down or stop. Wine hits you all at once, so you drink it slow. It's made to savor. Liquor is your middle ground. It can be your friend or your enemy. It's less filling, so you can get a buzz out of less, but if your body isn't used to it, you're most likely going to be a lightweight and you need to sip until you've built a tolerance, because less is more. You don't want to be in the war zone if you drink too fast when that bomb hits. That's usually when very bad decisions are made. Blackouts can occur. It's just not a good place to be."

  "English, Meredith, English! I feel like I'm cramming for the ACT exam. You're stressing me out."

  "You kind of are! Don't get mad at me. It's not easy to explain the levels of drunk. It's a very broad category and takes years of practice to accrue that kind of knowledge. I'm doing the best I can with what I have to work with." She turns to me, taking me by the shoulders. "Okay, if you stop thinking about everything but how hot he looks, wanting more alcohol, dancing, and sex, then stop drinking because you're in the end zone. Any further and you're at the point of no return. Wild is sexy. Sloppy is unattractive. Plus, you really don't want to miss out on drunk sex. It's an experience in itself." She pauses. "Better?"

  "Much. I think I can handle that set of instructions."

  The boys return with two glow in the dark drinks and each a small tray full of tube shots that reminds me of chemistry class; has since I started here. Saxton hands me the glass full of blue neon. I stare at it, still completely blown away that I'm about to consume something that is glowing in the glass. Even working at this very nightclub I've never seen these before. It's possible it's because they don't usually use much glassware in the main club. Intoxication, bar fights, and glass don't mix well. "What shots did you get?"

  "Two of everything. What you don't want I'll drink. Bryant and I already took two shots of tequila at the bar in case they are weak. I don't usually do sweet stuff, so I got her to make half of them a double and mix them up. We can play roulette," he says with a smirk on his face, wriggling his eyebrows.

  I laugh. "You're so cute."

  "Way to deflate my ego, beautiful."

  "Oh...right. You're fucking hot and I'd love nothing more than for you to take me in the bathroom and bend me over the sink as I watch you pound me through the mirror. Is that better?" I place my lips to the rim of the glass and sip to get a taste, trying not to laugh.

  "Damn, Kambry. Way to leave your inhibitions at the fucking door, shortcake. Drink that shit. We're about to paint soon. That means lots of wet colors flying through the air, glowing in the dark, and dancing as our bodies gyrating makes a masterpiece."

  I never look at Meredith. Instead, I continue staring into Saxton's heated eyes as my sips turn into gulps. The drink is good. It's not too strong and not too weak. If it is strong it's so well blended I can't tell. Out of nowhere a smile spreads across his face. I'm guessing his ego isn't suffering. "When the clock strikes twelve, you're mine. I'll share you until then."

  On that note I down the rest of my drink, setting the glass down on a server’s tray as she walks past us. Meredith hands me her glass, still half full, allowing me to taste it, so I do. It's not horrible, but it's not as good as mine. I hand it back to her and grab a shot from the tray: the pink one. It looks like the pink panty dropper.

  As I relax, my body starts swaying along to the beat of the music. I hold my shot out. "So roulette huh? What's your version? Drink at random until they're gone?"

  "As long as they match. One gets the stronger and one the weak." He winks. "One will be drunker than the other or it will end up balanced, but you never know until the end. You want to play? You can't back out until they're gone."

  I grin at him, standing there waving the matching tube to mine through the air, before quickly glancing at Meredith, who's already grabbing one out of the tray in Bryant's hand. "Hell yeah. This sounds like so much fun."

  I look back at Saxton just as I tap the tube to his and then throw it back, quickly swallowing the burn to accept his little challenge. I cough, just as he shoots his. He replaces it in the tray, so I follow suit. "How was it?"

  "Stout," I admit.

  "Ready for another?"

  I grab the yellow, showing him the next one I want. "Ready."

  We tilt back at the same time, emptying the tubes. This one wasn't so bad. He replaces the empty with the blue, so I grab the match. This time, instead of words, we just shoot. The bite of tequila stands out. My face sours. "Damn. Walk me down double."

  I grab the green one, instantly consuming it, hoping it's weak. It's not. Vodka and green apple; Martini I'm guessing. We continue to replace empty with full. This time he pulls the red. He laughs at my face as I get a third strong one in a row. I recognize the Crown. I basically tried everything here, but most never went beyond a sip. I can feel my face pucker. I look at Saxton. His face hasn't changed at all. "I'm not fond of the Red Snapper."

  "One left, beautiful. How you holding up?"

  "Just peachy," I say, noticing a slight slur to my words.

  "Only one left. Can you do it?"

  I grab the last one; filled with a champagne colored liquid and floating gold flakes. Pulling it to my face, I let my eyes take in the floating pieces. I should know this one. "What's this?"

  "Drink up, beautiful, and you'll find out."

  He shoots his, so I shrug my shoulders and pour it into my mouth, swallowing. I cough again, but this time multiple times as my throat feels like it's on fire. Cinnamon. I take a deep breath, the cool air running into my mouth and adding a cool burn to it. "Well, what'd you think?"

  "That one confirms that you should never judge something on appearance. It was so pretty in the tube. Lies. It's all lies. That was awful."

  "You don't like stuff like Red Hotz or Big Red Gum? You know, cinnamon flavored stuff."

  "Uh, hell no. What was that?"


  "Well that is one form of gold I'll never go after. Gross."

  One of the servers walks up next to him with a tray full of drinks. "You still want your shots?"

  He places the tray of empty tubes in the open space. She's a little too close to him for my liking. I never get that close to guys when I'm serving. I stare at her, watching. She's staring at him, biting her damn lip
, and completely disregarding everyone else. Slut. That was kind of harsh. I'm being irrational. Come to think of it, she's usually the rose girl; the same one he bought the rose from... Rebecca is her name I think. "Of course I do."

  She giggles. She actually fucking giggles. He didn't even say anything funny. I blink a few times, trying to clear the slight haze, but it does nothing. My body feels relaxed, but my mind wants to pummel her right in the face and scream for her to back away from my man. "Just making sure. Are you staying till close?"

  I must be invisible. That is the only logical explanation for her to act like they are the only two standing here. "I'm staying until Kambry wants to leave. The second she does, I'm gone."

  "Oh. Are you two a couple?"

  "Oh my god. Are you serious? I can't listen to any more," Meredith says. "Whether they're fuck buddies or a couple, it's none of your business. They are here together. The end. That's your sign to serve and walk away. You're being completely disrespectful right now."

  I kind of love her right now. I love her hard.

  Rebecca stammers. "They're both employees. I was just trying not to assume."

  "Okay, well, he's with me. To you or anyone else that may be confused. Yes, we're both employees, which means absolutely nothing. When we leave, we leave together."

  I bite my bottom lip as I glance at Saxton, hoping he doesn't get mad. I have no idea where that came from. It just kind of flew out of my mouth. I blame it on the alcohol. Never would I have been that bold. I can't really describe this feeling - I like it - completely coherent, yet not a care in the world. I kind of keep forgetting that the employees don't know about the filming. Who am I kidding? Half the time I forget we are filming. "I'm sorry, Kambry. No one told me."

  "It's fine."

  He lays cash on the tray and hands me a small frosted cup, filled with a pink colored liquid. "What's this?"

  "Sex on the beach. I didn't think you'd want anything stronger at this point."

  I will never understand how they came up with the names of this one. What I do know is, that it's definitely making me think of sex...and beaches. I kind of want to try it.

  "What are you having?"

  "Tequila," he says with a smirk on his face.

  "Can I have one?"

  "You sure?"


  I hand the cup to Meredith. She takes it. Saxton passes me a small glass, filled to the brim with amber liquid. "You don't have to do this, Kambry. Tequila isn't at all."

  "I'm fine. Just tell me when."

  He hands me a lime slice, then takes one for himself. He picks up two small packs, but I can't tell what it is. Rebecca walks away, leaving us alone. "Kambry, we're going to go find a spot in the crowd. Come find me in a few. Okay?"

  "Okay," I say to Meredith. "Save me a spot."

  She walks away. It's just the two of us. Finally. "Did it bother you?"


  "Seeing her flirt with me."

  "Yes. I know it's stu-"

  "I liked it. Jealousy looks good on you." He steps closer. "Especially when it's over me. I need to know you're territorial. I need to know it bothers you to think of me with someone else. Only then will you understand how I would feel in the same situation." He pauses. Dammit I want him right now. "Put the lime in your mouth, peel back."

  I do as he says, gripping the peel between my teeth. He grips my hip and pulls my body against his, before tearing something between his teeth. His hand moves to my hair at the center of my back, pulling it toward the floor. My head tilts. He wastes no time before he swipes his tongue up the side of my neck, wetting it. I don't move, even though it feels amazing, trying not to spill what’s in my glass.

  Tiny granules coat my skin, before he licks along my neck again, removing them. Then, he leans back and downs what was in the small glass. His fist changes, moving closer to my scalp, before holding the back of my head while he bites into the lime I'm holding with my mouth. Holy hell I want him some kind of bad.

  I release my bite on the small slice, staring at him as he removes it from his mouth and places it in the shot glass. "Ready for yours?"

  I quiver inside. "Like you just did?"

  "Yep. Where you want it?" He asks with a smirk spread across his face.

  I pull on his collar, baring a small portion of his chest. "Right here is fine, since you're taller than me."

  He grabs the lime and hands me the small packet. "Salt. Lick it, stick it, remove it, shoot it, and then finish with the citrus. Questions?"

  I shake my head, just as I watch him shove the lime slice into his mouth. My stomach is twisted in knots. It doesn't matter how long I'm around him, because the affect he has on my body never changes. Either way, I'm completely turned on right now. I'm intrigued. This is something I want really badly, so I tear open the salt just as he did before me.

  His hands wrap around my waist, pulling me closer. "Lick me, baby."

  My body shudders at his command, but I ignore it, and then lick in a diagonal swipe up his chest. He squats about an inch, allowing me to pour the packet of salt on the wet space. Once the granules are forming a trail, I lick his skin again, picking up the salt with my tongue and holding it in a layer across the top, before quickly taking the shot, swallowing before the taste can really register.

  I gag a little, but smother it, trying to breathe through the nausea that is beginning to church my stomach. He grabs the back of my head, pulling me toward him. I open my mouth and bite down as the flesh of the lime touches my lips, allowing the acidic liquid to fill my mouth, washing back some of the dry, bitter aftertaste of the tequila.

  When I release the lime, so does he, and our mouths meld together without missing a beat. Suddenly, the bad taste in my mouth becomes one I will never forget. My body heats. I moan into his mouth as our tongues embrace, but then he pulls away. "Where are you going?"

  He smiles at me. He grabs my cup and places them both on a tray, as if he knew she was about to walk by with it. "To get filthy with you...and then hopefully make my dream come true, but first, wait here."

  He walks off, leaving me standing here in the back crowd alone. The music switches to a different beat: a pop song instead of a mild techno rhythm. My eyes close without me willing them to, and before I can even think, my body starts swaying to the music. My shoulders and hips begin choreographing their own dance, pulling my arms and legs into it mid song, when my body and mind are completely relaxed and lost in the instrumentals of the music.

  The air shifts, and my body feels like it's electric, creating a current, before a hand finds my hip, pulling me closer. I don't have to open my eyes to know who it is. I sway my hips, rubbing my ass as close into him as I can without bending. "Just wait till I get you wet," he whispers into my ear.

  I smile, before slowly turning toward him, but continue moving my body along with the beat. "Who said I'm not already?" I shout over the music. They've turned it up in the last few minutes, since the bodies have quadrupled in number. I'm guessing it's getting close to starting.

  The song switches again to another techno hit. He starts moving his body against mine, only noticeable if you're watching. "I may like you intoxicated."

  I close in, bringing my mouth close to his ear. "So why doesn't everyone here know who you are?"

  His hand wraps around the back of my neck. I look down and notice two bottles of neon paint in his other: one yellow and one pink. "The one perk of being a porn star... Not everyone watches it. It makes living a normal life a lot easier than a Hollywood celebrity. When I want to go out, most of the time I blend in with the crowd, even with the most minute items of clothing for disguise."

  He grabs my hand and starts pulling me through the crowd, weaving through the dancing bodies. I glance around as I allow him to lead the way. One set of girl friends are posing for a selfie; one holding up a peace sign with her fingers, the other wearing a pair of sunglasses that look like they're from the eighties.

Various couples are grinding on each other, while others dance alone. One section of girls dancing to the techno music looks like they've been sampling more than the alcohol. As we squeeze through the packed room, the outfits get crazier but more intriguing. One girl is wearing a white tank that looks like it lost a fight to a pair of scissors, a lime green bandeau beneath showing through, similar to mine.

  "Kambry, Sax! Over here," Meredith shouts.

  I scan a few rows before I spot her and Bryant, standing close to the barricades that are keeping people away from the stage. We finally reach them, squeezing ourselves into a small opening. Lasers begin circling around the room, starting a show that goes to the beat of the music playing. It doesn't take long before the strobe lights accompany them.

  The crowd starts going wild, the people in the front screaming into the camera as the member of staff for the event tour walks between the barricades and the stage, documenting the event. That couldn't have worked out more perfectly. Being in the middle of this environment, without a care in the world, has me on some kind of unexplainable high. "What's up Los Angeles?" The DJ yells into his microphone.

  I join in as the crowd screams, jumping up and down to the music and trying to get a better view. The guys in the front row ahead of us are taller.

  "Who's ready to get messy?"

  His tone goes with the techno bumps within the song as he spins the record. When he quickly starts going over the thank you speech, naming off the event host, Saxton nudges me and hands me the bottles of paint, then squats down to the floor. I bend down. "What are you doing?"

  "Get on my shoulders."

  "I'm fine."

  "Just get on."

  I throw my leg over his shoulder, and then follow behind with the other, until his hands are gripping my thighs, standing slowly. I wrap my arms around his neck since my hands are full, scared I'm going to tumble down to the hard floor, and leaning toward him so I don't offset my balance.

  I feel like I'm level with the stage this way. A group of guys walk out from backstage in white suits, each holding what looks like a water hose with a cylinder attached to the end. Walking closely behind them are three girls, each dressed in white shorties and what looks like a sports bra, also in white, with a pair of sneakers and a flat bill cap. Each girl is holding a cylinder with a hand pump. I'm not sure what that's for.


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