Fate Fixed

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Fate Fixed Page 6

by Bonnie Erina Wheeler

  El a strode to her room door before turning to look back at Lexie. “I didn’t mean that – I don’t even know why I said it.

  I’m over sensitive.” She offered an apologetic half smile, “but you don’t have to worry so much. Maxim said we are al a family now and none of us are leaving.” She disappeared behind her door and left Lexie sitting on the bed


  After a few minutes, Lexie knocked on Alik’s bedroom

  door. She smiled as her stepbrother gave her an

  appreciative nod of approval as he opened his door inviting her in.

  “You look amazing Lexie. You’re going to be the talk of the school before the first day of class.” He leaned across and

  gave her shoulder a light squeeze, his whole face showing his admiration.

  Alik looked impressive himself in his usual preppy style.

  He always wore a button up oxford shirt, light washed Gap jeans, and his brown braided leather belt, but it suited him with his clean cut looks and short pale hair. It occurred to Lexie that he was like a Ken dol to Maxim’s GI Joe.

  She even noticed he smel ed nice, a factor the ladies would like. “Your cologne smel s nice Alik.”

  Alik looked at her with an inquisitive expression. “Your scent is always titil ating Lexie. I swear I can smel you everywhere, even in the shower. I think I could find you with my eyes closed.” He closed his eyes and his nostrils flared as he breathed her in.

  That was an odd way of putting it, she thought to herself.

  No one ever told her she was ‘titil ating’ before. Maybe she wore too much perfume. How did he expect her to respond to that?

  She glanced around the large room he shared with Nicolai.

  For two teenage boys, they sure were neat freaks. Alik walked over to his computer desk. He was talking about different music downloads he could burn for her, when she eyed an interesting figurine col ection on his bureau. She walked over

  to them and realized they were miniature wolves made out of pewter.

  When she glanced up, she realized Alik was standing beside her.

  He picked up the largest one, no bigger than a matchbox and delicately turned it over in his hands. “Do you know what these are?”

  “Are they grey wolves?” she replied unsure.

  “No, dire wolves – they were kissing cousins of the greys,”

  he countered softly. “They were amazing creatures –

  bigger than grey wolves and made of pure muscle and


  They had horrendous jaws that could easily crush their prey’s bones. Imagine how terrifying it must have been to have a pack of thirty or forty of those things chasing you down.”

  Lexie could hear Alik’s respect for the creatures in his tone.

  “So, they are extinct?” She hoped so, they sounded


  “For a long time, since the last ice age anyway. The greys were alive at the same time though.” He placed the figurine back onto the shelf with the others, forming a neat little row.

  “Do you want to know why the greys survived but the fiercer dire wolves died out? It’s because the greys were wil ing to evolve and adapt to their changing environment, but the dire wolves wouldn’t. They couldn’t see the need to break up their

  large packs even when there wasn’t enough food and they al starved – to extinction.” Alik smiled and was pleased with Lexie’s attention.

  “So why the interest?” she probed.

  “I think their species serves a good reminder to the rest of us that strength and power aren’t a replacement for cunning and intel igence.” He turned back to his col ection and studied them in silence.

  Lexie looked at his alarm clock. “Wel , Theo’s going to be here at Pm. We’re going to go to the IGA for some

  munchies to bring to the party and maybe stop at Big

  Wal y’s for frappes.” She receded out of his room and

  slipped into her own.

  Alik was going to take some effort to figure out. His little comments were just enough to throw her off guard; he

  sometimes seemed a little infatuated with her.

  However, Lexie remembered he was raised by Dragos

  who was also very touchy feely, always hugging and kissing her and El a when he greeted them. She had assumed her stepdad’s mannerisms were due to having grown up overseas. Perhaps that was the culture in Romania and his sons were raised to be like him.

  What was their mother like? It was odd that they never mentioned her nor had any pictures displayed. Lexie had asked Ruby about the deceased woman once before. Her

  mom said

  that it was very painful for Dragos to talk about so she only knew the bare facts, but from what she understood, his wife had contracted a horrible virus that made her very sick and it destroyed her heart.

  Lexie could not even imagine what it must have been like for her stepbrothers. Seeing a loving parent slowly slip away and know you cannot do anything to prevent the

  inevitable would be a nightmare. Her dad’s sudden death was hard enough to bare. At least she was able to

  remember him strong and happy, not fading away in a

  hospital bed somewhere.

  Lexie glanced back at Alik’s closed door. “First things first, find him a girlfriend so he doesn’t think of me in the shower.”

  Lexie shivered with excitement when the very flamboyant Theo pul ed into the yard a little after eight. She was surprised how nervous Alik seemed until after they were seated in the Subaru station wagon and heading down the road towards the center of town.

  Perhaps Alik feared Max would invite himself only to

  discover their evening plans included an excursion into the Maine woods for a little adolescent partying. How Maxim would behave was unknown and Lexie didn’t want to find out.

  By the time they pul ed into the overgrown park, Maxim was the last thing on Lexie’s mind. At first glance, it was like any other state park with dense red spruce and balsam fir trees towering over the scattering of seasoned picnic tables and fire-

  pits. But as they fol owed the winding driveway, Lexie was impressed with the forest’s sheer size and overgrown


  There were animals and the occasional hikers around, but August weekends belonged to the local youth.

  Through the passenger’s side window, Lexie inhaled the crisp scent of pine. The Outback bumped along until reaching a second pul -off that opened into a clearing fil ed with dozens of automobiles. Several of them faced a large pavilion, their headlights il uminating the entire inside of the structure, which was packed ful of picnic tables topped with coolers and snack foods. A tal boy with blonde dreads was playing DJ while others clustered around different tables and by the bonfire in the clearing.

  Everywhere Lexie looked there were young adults: some

  were laughing, some kissing – a few played hacky sack. It was a lively gathering unlike she had ever seen. She

  couldn’t stop the smile from skittering across her face, because it appeared they were good at it.

  Theo clutched Lexie’s hand and headed for the pavilion with Alik closely fol owing behind, his eyes wide with wonderment. She spotted Brooke on the back of a truck’s tailgate with Cian’s arms wrapped around her. Beside

  them was a strikingly attractive guy with longish red hair, grinning as he captivated their attention.

  Theo was practical y vibrating with excitement, “That’s Cian’s friend Teagan – watch out for him, he can talk girls out of their clothes without even moving his lips.”

  A ragged table was covered with every snack option a

  person could want – pizza, soda, chips, veggies and more.

  Lexie added her cookies and pretzels to the smorgasbord.

  An overdressed platinum blonde with shoulder length hair strutted up beside them, “Who are your new friends Theo?”

  “Keep your claws off Courtney.” Theo forbid, putting up h
is hand.

  Always the gentleman, her brother offered, “I’m Alik Serov and this is my sister Lexie Anderson.”

  Without a second’s hesitation, she draped her arms around him and pressed her body into his. “Wel , at least some people have manners,” she bit on her lower lip.

  Theo plucked Lexie away before she even had a chance to detach her brother from the blonde’s talons. She wasn’t one quick to judge, but the girl was irritating. She hoped Alik could find them once his charity ran out.

  “I can’t stand that…thing,” Theo spat. “She makes my life hel .”

  “How old is she?” Lexie couldn’t tel with Courtney’s

  pancake makeup.

  “She’s our age and either harassing me because I’m gay or because I’m Asian. It gets old fast. Of course, there hasn’t been anyone new for her to sink her teeth in since I moved here five years ago.” Theo’s eyes darted back at Alik as he talked to a vigorous Courtney. “Looks like your brother can be her new obsession for a while – it’s usual y Cian’s cousins that have to fend her off.”

  Lexie noticed that Courtney’s focus on Alik was intense, like a shopaholic at a shoe sale. He seemed to enjoy it.

  Maybe she was a potential girlfriend, claws or not. Lexie hoped Alik would survive her anyway – at least she could have a little space from him.

  Theo introduced Lexie to everyone on his way to where

  Cian and Brooke sat with Teagan. As soon as Brooke saw them, she tugged frantical y on Cian’s arm with enthusiasm, “This is her! Lexie, this is my boyfriend and his cousin Teagan.”

  Cian was even better looking up close with his intense dark green eyes and russet brown hair. Teagan was much fairer in color, but had an open expression that exuded his


  He’s attractive and he knows it.

  “Hey there,” Teagan offered with a charming grin.

  “Didn’t Alik come with you?” Brooke sang with eagerness.

  Before Lexie could answer, Theo jumped in, “Don’t even get me started – Courtney’s already sucking him dry.”

  Teagan laughed, “That poor fool.”

  Cian smirked, “I can recal you being sucked dry a few times by that one.”

  “Yeah, I’ve pul ed her off me a few times,” he winked at Lexie. “Usual y she has it in for Torin – she scares the dickens out of him.”

  A muscular blonde hopped up on the tailgate next to Cian, “Who scares Torin?” His bright eyes danced when he

  spoke. His gaze met Lexie’s, offering her an open smile.

  “Let me guess, you are talking about Courtney,” a velvety voice resonated from just behind her.

  It was at that moment that Lexie felt the strangest sensation wash through her – her skin tingled like the air suddenly became magnetized. As if in slow motion, she turned to see the most powerful blue eyes she had ever seen.

  Like my dream, but real.

  Standing right behind her, he was about six feet tal and dressed in nothing but jeans and a black button up shirt. His chestnut hair swept to one side and fel across his

  forehead. As his friends mocked back and forth about

  Courtney’s crush on him, he watched them in silence,

  hands stuffed in his pockets.

  Lexie tried to open her mouth and say hel o, but was unsure if she could. Her heart pulsed like she just went for a good run. I am losing my mind.

  As soon as she thought it, his bottomless eyes connected with hers. If words could describe the silent connection she felt when he gazed down at her, she wouldn’t have been able to keep herself from blurting them out loud.

  At first his expression showed bewilderment – but with a subtle shake of his head, he gained a mixture of

  composure and understanding. His face softened as he

  smiled and the effect left her feeling a warm flush spread across her cheeks.

  “I’m Torin,” he introduced. “What’s your name?”

  Lexie knew everyone else carried on with their laughter, oblivious to what was happening between them, and she

  was thankful. She didn’t understand it either, but she wanted to see where it led. “Lexie Anderson,” she

  responded with a smile.

  There was a familiarity about him that mystified her – she couldn’t deny the sense of connection that appeared to pulsate between them. “I know we don’t know each other, but you seem so familiar to me,” she tried explaining. I’m babbling.

  Torin edged a little closer, but she didn’t mind his nearness.

  He hung his head and whispered, “Can we go talk for a little while?”

  She knew she should be cautious, even Ted Bundy looked like a normal guy, but she couldn’t resist the offer. She glanced over at Theo and Brooke, but they were joking and having fun with the others.

  He slipped his hand into hers, “Don’t worry.”

  She looked back into his eyes and felt a pul inside her, beckoning her to go with him.

  The air had a pleasant smel of wood smoke and Lexie

  noticed the grass was cool on her sandaled feet. The music was stil loud, but she could at least hear herself think. Torin didn’t lead her far, just over to a black sports car parked on the edge of the clearing. She had seen cars like his before at the McDonald’s in Torrington when it hosted hotrod

  shows on summer nights. It was in beautiful shape.

  “Is this yours?” she asked as she slid her hand across the polished hood. She was fond of older cars and her father had loved Chevy muscle cars. “Is it an ‘?”

  He beamed, making her insides flutter. “It’s a customized ’. I have been working on it for a while with Braden.” He opened the door and motioned for her to hop in.

  Watching him fil ed her with pleasure. She wanted to just climb in the car with him and see where they ended up

  without fear of consequences, but she forced herself to be logical. He looked amazingly sweet, but she could not run off

  with someone she didn‘t know. “I would love to, but I can’t just climb into a car with a complete stranger,” she laughed.

  So rational my whole life, why should now be different?

  His genuine expression made his eyes dance as he

  countered, “I’m not a stranger and I promise you’re not in any danger from me.” He took a slow step towards her,

  placing his hand against the side of her face and ran his thumb across her cheek. Torin’s expression became

  pensive as he studied Lexie for a moment, as if he wanted to say something.

  Instead he leaned forward and pressed his forehead to

  hers. Lexie could smel his enthral ing scent and it again reminded her of her dream. She gave into the moment and felt his warmth wrap around her.

  He was letting her make the choice to kiss him, not pushing her if she wasn’t wil ing. She looked into his serious eyes and felt her heart beating against her ribs with anxious excitement. Lexie touched her lips against his and kissed him slowly. His arms encircled her waist and pul ed her closer to him as they tasted each other for the first time.

  She liked how he wasn’t like most boys – no rushing the moment and grabbing at her, she felt safe because he

  didn’t try to devour her. The moment was as meaningful to him as it was to her.

  She adored the satisfied groan that escaped his lips after she tilted her face away – ending the kiss. Stil close, they steadied their breathing. She could have stood there with him al night, but she needed to make sense of her

  reaction. Did he real y feel what she was feeling or was she confused – only fairytales were that good. Or maybe dreams…

  Abruptly the music stopped and Torin’s head shot up.

  She could hear a booming male voice giving someone hel .

  Her mind couldn’t comprehend what she was hearing but

  she could feel Torin’s arms tense around her. Looking past him, her skin turned cold when she saw Maxim clutching the front of Alik’s shirt,
his face scarlet red. His immense posture was domineering as he towered over his brother.

  Lexie felt sick to her stomach watching Alik’s humiliation.

  He was trying to turn away from his giant brother, but Maxim held him tight, glaring pure rage. Alik attempted to brush off his hands, but Maxim shoved him towards Dragos’s Jeep

  at the entrance of the driveway.

  Lexie felt like her legs were two lead pipes unwil ing to move. Somehow she had to calm Max down. She didn’t

  even get a chance to talk to Torin yet, but she couldn’t let Alik take the heat for a decision that was made by both of them. She peered up at Torin – concern outlined his face.

  “Please stay. You don’t have to go,” he breathed. His blue eyes studied her careful y.

  “I want to stay, but I can’t. My brothers are fighting and it’s partial y my fault.” She touched his shoulder, stil stunned he was standing before her. She tried to give him an encouraging smile but knew it wasn’t convincing. “Bye.”

  She pul ed from his embrace and rushed over to where

  Maxim continued to yel at Alik next to the truck.

  Not knowing what to say, she took her stance beside Alik and mustered up her most shaming look to fix upon Maxim.

  “Enough is enough, why don’t we talk about this at home.

  You’re causing a scene.”

  With an enraged scowl, Maxim spun on her. “You have no say in this Lexie. Neither of you belong here – I can’t believe Alik would be stupid enough to bring you to this place. You’re both going home, now get in the car.”

  Lexie turned to Alik – his face was red and his lips

  trembled, he wouldn’t meet her eyes. “I’m sorry,” she

  whispered to him. Without a word, he climbed in the back of the Jeep.

  She straightened her spine and gave Maxim a rigid glare, “You may be used to pushing around your brothers, but you better learn right now that you don’t ever tel me what to do. I wil never back down to you. I’l come home, but only so I can make sure you don’t give Alik a hard time.”


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