Sex Story - Part 2: An Erotica Short

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Sex Story - Part 2: An Erotica Short Page 2

by Bebe Wilde

  “Daniel,” he said.

  “Daniel!” I exclaimed. “He actually did come on onto me when he and his girlfriend split. I told you that and you said to overlook him because he was going through a hard time.”

  “Yeah, but I was jealous then, too,” he said, seething. “I’ve always been jealous of you. Sorry, but I am. I just didn’t show it. Besides, you weren’t going along with it.”

  “I’m not going alone with it now!” I said, my voice rising. “You said that’s what men do when stuff like that happens! They try to find someone to latch onto.”

  “Did he latch onto you?” he asked and glared at me.

  “You’re being a dick,” I said. “And, no, no one has latched onto me since I’ve been with you, just in case you’re wondering.”

  “I wasn’t,” he said. “But thanks for telling me that.

  I stared at him. He was angry. I mean, really, really angry. “Come on,” I said. “What’s your problem?”

  He wouldn’t answer. He wouldn’t even look at me.

  “Eric!” I hissed. “What is your problem?”

  He turned to me and stared me dead in the eye. “You were flirting with that guy. That’s my problem.”

  “I was not!” I shrieked, hating the shrill sound of my voice.

  “You were, too,” he said.

  I shook my head at him, hating that we were fighting, especially over Tim. Seriously? Over Tim? I had no interest whatsoever in another man. But he seemed to think differently. He hadn’t cared about Daniel because he knew that I would never do anything with him. But now, things were different. He probably thought I was getting too revved up, too horny, too sexual now. And before, he hated that I was so inhibited, that I couldn’t let go and enjoy our sex life. But the fact of the matter was, he was scared I would have sex with someone else. He was totally in the possessive phase. I got that. I understood it because I felt the same way about him. The thought of him and another woman doing anything drove me mad with jealousy. But I tried to hide it. I didn’t want him to know that I was jealous like that, too.

  “So,” I said and crossed my arms in a huff. “I guess the night’s ruined.”

  “I guess it is,” he said.

  “Fuck that,” I said. “I’m hungry. Let’s go eat.”

  “I don’t want to eat,” he growled.

  “I don’t give a fuck what you want,” I said. “You’re being unreasonable. You’re being a dick.”

  “I just saw what I saw and it upset me,” he said.

  “Whatever,” I snapped and glowered out the window.

  We rode in silence for a few minutes until he said, “Where do you want to eat?”

  “Let’s go to Jill’s,” I said.

  He nodded. “Fine.”

  I nodded back and refused to look at him until we pulled up at the bar/grill my neighbor, Jill, ran. It was a place we went to often. It was close to our apartment and had good food.

  The place was packed so Eric had to drive into the back parking lot and park under a big oak tree. There were acorns all over the ground. I ignored them, and him, and got out of the car, careful to slam the car door as hard as I could and stomped into the restaurant.

  “Hey, girl!” Jill hollered as soon as she saw me.

  I waved at her and she came up and gave me a quick hug and looked over my shoulder at Eric. “Hey, there.”

  “Hell, Jill,” he said.

  “You two follow me,” she said and grabbed a couple of menus and sat us in our favorite booth in the back. After we were settled in, she said, “Let me guess, a dark beer and a mojito?”

  I nodded and smiled at her, hoping that might disguise the fact that we were arguing. I hated arguing in public. “You got it.”

  She winked and went to the bar to get the drinks. Eric and I pored over the menus in silence while she was gone and once she brought the drinks back, she told me a new waitress would be right with us.

  “Oh, give her a break,” she said. “She’s scattered and happy hour is killing her.”

  I nodded and looked around the busy bar/grill. It was very crowded. A little too much so. But I was here to eat and to drink and to, obviously, ignore my boyfriend. I sipped my drink and fumed. What an asshole. I mean, really, what an asshole.

  “Sorry, guys,” someone said.

  I looked up to see a thin young and pretty blonde. She smiled at me and held up her menu pad. “I’m ready if you are.”

  I smiled at her and said, “I just want the chef salad. And, if you could, ask the cook to go lightly on the bacon bits. Also, dressing on the side. Honey French, please.”

  “Oh, that sounds delicious,” she said and wrote it down quickly. “And for you sir?”

  Eric smiled at her and said, “Oh, I’d like the meatball sub, please…” He checked her nametag. “Sara, is it?”

  “It is,” she said and held up her nametag.

  “I like that name,” he said. “I once had an old girlfriend whose name was Sara.”

  “Well, there are a lot of us out there,” she said and grinned at him.

  “Not nearly enough,” he said and smiled.

  “I agree,” she said and laughed.

  I stared at her, then back at Eric, listening to their little banter. He was flirting with her. Right in front of my face! Just to get me back. Well, fuck him.

  “Excuse me,” I said and smiled at her, picked up my drink and took it to the bar. I found an empty seat next to what looked like a former frat boy who probably sold insurance now or something. He looked nice enough. He turned to me, checked out my body and then smiled.

  “Hello,” he said. “Is this my lucky day or what?”

  “It might be,” I said.

  Jill, who was mixing a drink down the bar, stared at me, then glanced at Eric, who was still flirting with the waitress. She did a double take and gave me a look. I shook my head at her, telling her to not worry. She shrugged and went back to her work.

  “So, can I buy you a drink?” he asked.

  I held mine up. “I already got one. But maybe later?”

  He grinned. “Why not?

  “Why not indeed,” I said and winked at him.

  “I’m Joe,” he said and hand out his hand.

  I shook it, then withdrew mine. “Lara.”

  “Nice to meet you.”

  “And you,” I said and sipped my drink. I glanced over my shoulder at Eric who was now alone at the booth and throwing daggers in my direction with his eyes. Fine. I didn’t need this bullshit. Why was he acting like that? Well, I knew why, that much was obvious. He couldn’t push me around; he couldn’t make me feel bad because of his own insecurities. I was done with all that. I was ready to feel like I was meant to feel—free and sexy. I was meant to feel confident and I didn’t want anyone taking that away from me.

  “So,” Joe said smiling. “Tell me a little about yourself.”

  He put his hand on my knee. I stared down at it, there, on my bare knee, so close to my thigh and near other regions I only wanted Eric to touch. But I allowed it, for a moment. Why not? Why the hell not? Eric thought he was going to fuck with me; I’d fuck right back with him. I was woman, not some stupid young girl running after the first guy who sat down in front of her.

  But then… I felt bad. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. What was I doing? Letting some jerk come onto me just to get my boyfriend back? Just to put him in his place? That wasn’t me. I wasn’t like that. I was about to remove his hand when, all of a sudden, he was jerked out of his seat. What the hell?

  I gasped and turned to see Joe on the ground, glaring up at Eric, who was glaring back.

  “Eric, stop,” I said and stood.

  He ignored me and Joe got up fuming and fighting mad. He took the first swing at Eric who dodged it then came right back at him with a left hook that made Joe’s head shoot to the side. He shook his head and punched Eric right in the mouth. And then they went at it. Suddenly, the bar was in chaos and everyone was yelling either, “Stop
!” or “Fight! Fight! Fight!” It was so surreal. One minute I was trying to piss my boyfriend off and the next he was beating the shit out of some poor guy. It was all my fault. But I guess I had succeeded. I felt like such a stupid girl.

  I rushed over to Eric, who had Joe in a headlock, and tried to get him off him. He pushed me to the side and I stumbled back, almost falling. Both of their faces were swollen and covered with abrasions as they continued to go at each other. I looked around the bar. Everyone in it was mesmerized, watching with rapt attention. I couldn’t stop watching, either. I’d only seen fights like this on TV and it was mesmerizing to see it happening in real life. And Eric looked dangerous, almost deranged. I liked that. I liked it a lot. It excited me. I hated to admit that, but it did. He was so fierce I couldn’t stand it.

  They grabbed each other and fell onto a table with Joe on his back. Eric started punching him in the face. Joe fought back for a minute or so and was about to give up when it was ended by Albert, the bar-back, who came around the bar with a baseball bat and slammed it onto a nearby table, throwing glasses into the air.

  “Stop it or else!” he roared.

  Joe and Eric stopped and stared at him.

  “Now get out! Both of you!”

  Eric backed off and stood. Joe jumped up and glared at Albert.

  “With pleasure,” Joe said and spit. He glanced over at me, giving me a real go to hell look. I ducked my head and felt ashamed. He backed out of the bar, then disappeared out the door. Eric watched him go, then turned to me.

  “Find your own way home,” he hissed at me.

  My mouth fell open and I shook my head at him, then noticed the young waitress, Sara, staring at Eric with what looked like a little lust. Figures.

  “You okay?” someone asked and laid a hand on my arm.

  I turned to see Jill and nodded. “Fine. I guess I need a ride home.”

  “Here,” she said and pulled her keys out of jeans. “Take my car home and I’ll pick up the keys later. I can get someone here to drop me off.”

  “You sure?” I said and felt so grateful.

  She nodded and gave me a tight smile.

  “I’m sorry,” I said and looked around the bar, noticing that while it was a mess, it wasn’t too bad. “You want me to stick around and help clean up?”

  “No, no,” she said. “It’s okay.”

  She wasn’t very convincing. I could tell that everything was not okay. I wanted to make it right, so I said hurriedly, “I’ll pay for whatever damage there is.”

  She shook her head. “That’s okay.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said. “I mean, really, really sorry.”

  She nodded. “I know you are, Lara. It’s okay. I just hate bar fights. They ruin the atmosphere.”

  My shoulders slumped. I felt awful and I felt like I was the cause of it all. I guess I was.

  “But it’s not your fault,” she said. “However, I will be exchanging a few words with Eric once he cools down.”

  “Good luck with that,” I said. “Seriously, I’ve never seen him like that.”

  She gave me a quick smile and said, “What did you expect when you started flirting with that other guy?”

  Bad, bad, bad, girl. I was such a bad girl.

  She patted me on the back and said, “Don’t worry about it. Go home. Go on, now.”

  I smiled at her, gave her a quick hug and retrieved my bag, then headed out the door. I walked to the back of the bar and saw her car, a cute little SUV which was parked near the kitchen entrance. I walked over to it, wanting to go home so bad.

  “You just gonna leave?”

  I looked around and spotted Eric standing by the tree in front of his car. We glared at each other for a moment before I responded with, “Yeah. So?”

  “This is all your fault,” he said.

  He was right. It was. In a way, though, it was his fault, too. At least I hadn’t picked a fight with the waitress. I walked over to him and stared into his eyes. He stared back. I could see the anger in his eyes and the hurt. Did he really think I wanted anyone else but him? I didn’t. But how could I let him know that? I couldn’t. He’d just have to believe it himself.

  “I’m sorry,” I said.

  “You should be,” he growled. “What’s wrong with you? It’s like you want to flirt with guys now and you never did that before.”

  “I guess I’ve changed,” I said sarcastically, resisting the urge to roll my eyes.

  “And not for the better.”

  I was aghast. Was he serious? I guess he was. Maybe he was right. Maybe getting so turned on by him had opened me up. But it was harmless, the flirting, and it meant nothing. But he had no right to talk to me like that, to make me feel bad about coming so far. I found myself getting angry with him again. I walked over and stood in front of him and said, “Fuck you, Eric.”

  “No, fuck you,” he said.

  “You’re an asshole,” I told him. “And you’re ruining everything.”

  “No, that’s you.”

  The more I thought about it, the angrier I became. I was about to get so mad my head felt on the verge of explosion. I tried to hold it in but I couldn’t. I threw my bag down and, without thought, I slapped the side of his bruised and swollen hateful face. I didn’t care. I would have done it again. He had no right to talk to me like that. He didn’t move. He acted like the slap didn’t even faze him. He deserved another. I raised my hand and was about to deliver another slap when he intercepted it, grabbing me by the wrist and pulling me towards him.

  “Ahh! What are you doing?” I asked, feeling the pain.

  “What are you doing?” he asked. “Pushing your luck? I get into a fight for you and then you hit me? Who do you think you are?”

  I pushed against him and tried to maneuver my arm out of his grip but he would not let go. “Stop it,” I hissed. “Let me go. Just because you’re bigger than me doesn’t mean you can do this.”

  He didn’t reply. He only glared at me and then, out of nowhere, he bent down and pressed his lips to mine. I slapped at him with my free arm and pushed against him but he kept his lips there. Then his lips started moving and his mouth opened wide, sucking at mine. It was a hard kiss, a kiss that wanted to take over and do what it wanted to do which was command me to relent, to submit to that kiss. I stayed there and waited for what was next and what was next was my response. I responded by grabbing at his face and sucking back at his mouth. He let my arm go and I put both around his neck, pulling him into me as we kissed. In a matter of seconds, he was pawing at me, grabbing at my tits through my shirt and squeezing them, then bending down and sucking at them the way he’d sucked at my mouth. It was harsh but good. It was an awakening. It was freeing, what he was doing. This was a no-holds-barred grope, something we were doing because we had been aroused in an unusual away. Perhaps the barbaric nature of the fight had bought it out in us. Yeah, that was probably it.

  My eyes opened for a moment and I looked around. I realized that we were doing it in the parking lot. In public! We were having sex in public! It was barely dark outside and anyone could have walked by… Wait a second. There was a couple walking down the street holding hands and headed into the bar. Did they see us? Could they see us? If so, should we stop? Stop? What was I—crazy? I couldn’t stop now! I had to keep going. Just thinking about them seeing us and knowing what we were doing turned me on even more. It’s like this thing, this lust, just took over me and made me do this. I had to have it. And, just to think, not too long ago, I was the one insisting on turning all the lights off during sex. I would have never considered having sex in public and certainly not the kind of sex we were having, which was like we were almost in a passionate rage.

  But in public? Me? I started to say something, like it had just dawned on me that maybe we should stop and at least get in the car or something, but Eric was back at my mouth again, kissing me, pushing his sweet tongue into my mouth so I could suck at it and give him mine. It felt so good, too, so right and
I completely forgot about getting in the car.

  He pushed me back on the hood of his car. My skirt went up and my legs opened and then his hand went between them to grab me with a good, firm and harsh grip. I rose up from the car and moved my pussy towards him, to him, wanting him to do what he did best. In a matter of seconds, my panties were off and his hand was stroking me there, pushing a finger into me, playing with my clit, arousing me in a way I hadn’t been aroused before.

  I wanted it so bad. I wanted his cock in me, fucking me, taking me. Right there in the open, in front of the world. I wasn’t going to ask either. I took what I wanted. So, I unzipped his pants and grabbed onto his hard cock and helped him put it in. Once he was in, he gave a good, hard shove and I was in heaven. It was hard and rough and I fucking loved it.

  He stared into my eyes as he fucked me, then covered my mouth with his, sucking at me again. I ate back at him and his hand grabbed onto my breast, squeezing the nipple. I threw my head back and let out a long moan, wanting more, so I unbuttoned my top and pulled my breast out of my bra and offered it to him. His head slipped down and he sucked my nipple into his mouth, nibbled at it with his teeth and then… and then…

  After that, I could not control myself. I felt myself grinding against him, sucking his hard cock into my pussy and going for it. He was pumping into me with swift hard and fast movements. We were fucking. Fucking. That’s what we were doing. And it was the best fuck of our lives.

  “Ahhh!” he moaned and came into me.

  “Ahhh!” I moaned back and came right with him.

  We kept moving until the orgasms had dissipated. I held onto him and then pressed my face into his neck, breathing his smell in, the smell I loved. He gave me one last kiss and pulled away, zipping his pants. I got down from the car, pushed my skirt down, buttoned my shirt and didn’t even bother looking for my panties. I found my bag and he opened the door for me and we got into the car. Without a word, he started the engine and backed out of the space.

  I stared straight ahead as we drove and then I couldn’t contain myself. I reached over and grabbed his cock through his pants, stroking it. He gasped and gave me a sideways look. I stared back and it was on again. Having sex in public like that must have awakened something inside of me. I’d never been this turned on before and that was saying something. I was like a new woman, this wild woman now, this woman who did things like that without thought. And I liked being that woman. I felt free and open and really, really naughty.


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