Good-bye, with Love

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Good-bye, with Love Page 10

by Niquel

  “Okay.” Has Johnny always been that cute? I felt like I had never seen him in that light before. It was obvious he was cute, but not that cute. Okay Mickey, you’re going crazy. He’s your best friend so cut it out!

  “Thanks for the ride Mom! I’ll text you when we’re done.”

  “Okay, be careful girls! Mickey, take your medication and this mask okay? I don’t want you to get exposed to anyone’s germs.”

  “Can I have one too, Mrs. Dawson? I don’t want her to walk around like that by herself.”

  “Sure Sarah, you’re a good friend. Please call me if anything goes wrong.”

  “We will!” I shut the door to my mom’s van and followed Sarah through the glass double doors of the mall.

  “There’s this new store called Tween-Stein I’ve been dying to check out upstairs! Follow me!” she said, yanking my arm toward the escalators.

  We arrived at the top and this huge store with stylish mannequins in the windows was right in front of us. Techno music was thumping from the inside and everything was so bright and colorful. “Come on, Mick!”

  This should be interesting.

  I thought Landon was going to die when I told him I could hang out with him that day.

  “Dude, you’ve been suffocated by that girl for so long! I didn’t think you’d ever come up for air.”

  “Whatever man, she needed someone by her side and I stepped up. She didn’t force me to hang out with her, I chose to.”

  “Mhm.” He curled his lip up at me. “Whatever helps you sleep at night! But enough about her, let’s go to the new arcade they just opened at the mall!”

  On the bus ride to the mall, I stared out the window, completely ignoring anything Landon was saying. He was your typical thirteen-year-old. All he cared about was video games, snacks, and clothes, but me? I cared about people and their feelings. I wanted to be there to help people and I always caught crap about it. Anyone can buy clothes and games, but people give their lives up every day because they didn’t have that one friend that stood by their side when they genuinely needed them.

  “Dude! We’re here, run!”

  The arcade was on the first floor and took up the entire left wing of the building. Sweet.

  “They better have the new Zombie Crusher 3 or I’m gonna be heated!”

  “Oh I’m sure they have it plus the reloadable limited edition gun with a sword inside!”

  Landon and I played video games for hours and I hated to admit it, but it was nice. I hadn’t even thought about Mickey while I was there and at first I felt bad, but I knew she would be okay. I was sure she didn’t even think about me while she was out with her friend.

  “I’m starving, let’s head to the food court.”

  “Sure, I could go for some chili cheese fries right now.”

  On my way to the food court I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check the time. Wow it’s an hour to closing time and I haven’t gotten one text or call from Mickey.

  “What’s the matter, bro? You look like someone squished your baby kitten with their car right now.”

  “Oh—nothing, I’m good.”

  “She hasn’t texted you has she?”

  “No, but it’s okay. I mean I didn’t text her either. I’ll see her tomorrow.”

  “You have it bad for her. I know I haven’t known you that long, but what is it about her that has you so stuck?”

  “I’m not ‘stuck’ so you can shut your face on that note, but I can’t explain it. I feel different around her. She’s nice, and we do have lots of fun when she’s feeling up to it.”

  “I see, well just be careful. Girls like her can be tricky!”

  “And how would you know?”

  “I thought I loved a girl once, but it’s only because she talked me into doing her homework every night. She was pretty and smelled nice and I swear she put me under some kind of spell.” He laughed, popping another fry into his braces-filled mouth.

  “Mickey isn’t like that. I . . . I can’t explain it. She’s just important to me and I’d do anything for her.”

  “Aww dude, I’m so gonna hurl right now!”

  “Shut up!”

  “I’m kidding, but seriously. You guys seem good together; does she know how you feel?”

  “I doubt it. It’s just a middle school crush!” I had honestly never thought to say anything to her. I didn’t want anything to change between us. Being more than friends would make things weird and I wasn’t willing to risk losing her over that.

  I hadn’t heard from Johnny since I’d left him at school. I didn’t think we could both function without being around each other all the time or talking to each other, but I guessed this proved we could. I think. I do miss him.

  “Earth to Mickey!” Sarah yelled, waving her hand in front of my phone’s screen.

  “Sorry, what were you saying?”

  “I did something—naughty,” she said with a devilish smile on her face.

  “Please tell me you didn’t have sex!”

  “No . . . but I did kiss someone, someone popular!”


  “Mark Puccini!”

  “Isn’t he captain of the basketball team?”

  “Sure is! And he’s such a great kisser.”

  “Sarah, you’re only thirteen. How would you know that he’s a good kisser? And when the heck did this happen?”

  “Well, he’s a better kisser than Jared. His kisses were like a wet sloppy frog.”

  “Okay, thanks for the visual—not.”

  “Oh please, I bet you’ve kissed Johnny by now!”

  “Ew, no!”

  “Ew? Johnny is seriously cute, open your eyes girl!”

  “He’s my best friend and I don’t see him like that. Stop avoiding my question!”

  “Remember that day I was missing from school?”

  “Yeah. I meant to ask you about that!”

  “Well, I was with him at the park then. I think he might be the one for me.”

  “You’re crazy, and I’m sure you’re not his only one.”

  “So? I don’t mind sharing.”


  “Haha. So about Johnny, you need to kiss him and quit being a baby.”

  “No thanks. We’re just friends!”

  “Oh yeah? Well guess who’s coming right this way?”

  “Yeah right.”

  “No seriously, turn around!”

  Not believing a word that was coming out of her mouth, I turned around ready to see nothing but empty tables. I saw way more than that. Crap he’s here, and with his weird friend Landon from art class.

  “Hey Mickey, hey Sarah! This here is my friend Landon.”

  “Sup ladies? How’s it hangin’?”

  I tried to speak, but the words wouldn’t come out of my mouth. Speak Mickey! What the heck is wrong with you?

  I couldn’t take my eyes off Johnny. I looked him up and down and he really did look nice. He was wearing his leather jacket, and he had a chain hanging from the front pocket of his dark jeans and had a new pair of Chucks on. Okay seriously, what is happening to me?

  Mickey couldn’t quit staring at me and it was getting kind of weird. I didn’t know what she was thinking, but I’d be sure to ask her later when we didn’t have an audience. She did seem like she was shocked to see me.

  “So, how are you guys getting home?” Sarah asked.

  “I guess we’ll take the bus, that’s how we got here,” Landon replied.

  “No! It’s way too late. I can ask my mom to give you guys a ride home!” Mickey finally spoke.

  “That’d be cool, thanks.”

  “Thank you for the ride, ma’am,” Landon said as he climbed out the back seat of Mrs. Dawson’s van. “I’ll see you tomorrow, John.”


  “John? Ew, that makes you sound so old!” Mickey said, cackling at the top of her lungs.

  “Hey! I won’t be Johnny forever. As soon as my mustache comes in you’ll be calling
me John. Don’t disrespect me.”

  “Okay, John.” She laughed again.

  “Hey Johnny, your mom called me before I picked you guys up and said you can stay at our house for a bit. She’s working late and doesn’t want to leave you in the house by yourself.”

  “Okay, sounds good Mrs. D.”

  As we pulled up to Mickey’s house, I felt weird for some reason and I couldn’t figure out why.

  “Mom, we’ll be outside for a bit okay?”

  “Okay honey, be careful, it’s really cold out.”

  “We will.”

  As soon as her mom shut the door, I questioned her about what had happened earlier at the mall. She wouldn’t answer me and I felt like something strange was happening to us, but neither of us would speak about it. For the remainder of my visit, we caught up on all our homework until my mom came to get me.

  “Keep your eyes closed!” I said, guiding Mickey blindly by her arm.

  “I am! How do you expect me to see with this blindfold covering my face?”

  “Touché, but I still don’t trust you.”

  I led Mickey into the hall and held three fingers up to conduct a three, two, one count down. Once everyone was in position, I ripped off the blindfold, and as my last finger went down, everyone shouted ‘Happy Birthday!’ at the same time.

  Her eyes sparkled with a few fresh tears sliding down her cheek. She turned to me and tightly wrapped her arms around my chest. “Thank you! You didn’t have to do all of this!”

  “Yes I did, and I’d do it again just to see the look on your face right now. You look gorgeous.”

  My heart was pounding in my chest as Johnny led me through the building. It was quiet—a little too quiet.

  Earlier that day, my parents had been acting weird, and a new outfit was on my bed waiting for me when I got out of the shower. It was a nice, long, flowing white and purple top with metallic purple butterflies cascading down it, a pair of dark jeans, and new riding boots. Mom also gave me a long chain with a key on it with the word ‘happiness’ engraved on the side.

  Johnny ripped the blindfold off my face and we were standing in the middle of a huge hall that was beautifully decorated with purple and white decorations.

  My family and close friends were there alongside some acquaintances from my homeroom.

  I turned to Johnny and tried not to let my tears loose as I wrapped my arms around him. “This is so nice, how could I ever repay you for this?”

  “You don’t owe me anything, Mickey! Now go and have fun with your friends!”

  I walked around the room and individually thanked everyone for coming. I couldn’t believe the amount of people he was able to get there without me knowing.

  I didn’t know how he’d afforded it, but there was a live DJ with a playlist of all my favorite songs. My favorite song—“Full of Love” by Nearly Empty—came on, and Sarah and Marceline both pulled me onto the dance floor.

  “Love heals all, love finds everyone. Open your heart and see what will become!” We all sang together while colorful lights swirled around the room. I looked over at the DJ booth and my dad was setting up a fog machine. Best. Day. Ever.

  After the song finished, I ran to the bathroom to regroup. Sarah followed me, but Marceline stayed on the dance floor and danced with some other kids from school.

  “This party is awesome, Mickey!”

  “I know! Best thirteenth birthday ever!”

  “So is Johnny your boyfriend now?”

  “No.” Why would she ask me that?

  “So you mean to tell me that he did all of this out of the kindness of his heart?

  “Yes, he did. I had no idea any of this was happening.”

  I could tell by the frown on her face and the death stare she was giving me that she didn’t believe a word I was saying, but I didn’t care. I had no reason to lie, but I did feel like I needed to do something equally amazing for Johnny.

  As we walked out of the bathroom and rejoined Marceline on the floor, another one of my favorite songs by Nearly Empty came on, a slow song called “Trust the One You Are With.” I felt a tap on my shoulder and Sarah smiled at me before I turned around. Johnny was standing right in front of me.

  “Would you like to have this dance with me?”

  I nearly melted as he extended his hand toward mine. I placed my hand in his and he pulled me gently, close to his body. I relaxed my head on his shoulder as we kept our hands connected. It felt like the words were flowing out of the speakers for us.

  “Your heart’s match is always with the one you least expect. Your heart knows how to lead you down the right path to love.”

  The song always made me cry, but it hadn’t had true meaning until right then, until I heard it with him. It was now our song, though I’d never tell him—at least I didn’t think I would.

  Mickey felt very relaxed against me as the song played. I’d only heard it once before, but I could feel that it meant something to her. I actually paid attention to the words and it almost described what I felt being around her.

  The song ended and we broke apart. Her mom told the DJ to take five so we could cut her cake and open presents. I thought she was going to hit the roof when her mother mentioned presents.

  After an hour of stuffing our faces, watching her open her gifts, and bouncing around the hall until the sugar wore off, it was finally time to leave. Mickey had made bank and I asked her parents if I could come over to help bring in all the presents.

  We all helped to lug the presents upstairs to her room, and then her parents said I could hang upstairs for a bit as long as the door stayed open.

  We both sat with our legs crossed on the rug in front of her pile of gifts. “I have no idea what to do with all of this.”

  “Enjoy it. It was all for you.”

  “Johnny, how were you able to do all of this?”

  “After you told me in the hospital that you never had a party, I decided you needed a day just to celebrate you, a day to forget about you being sick, and besides, everyone deserves a nice birthday party!” Her lip started quivering and she put her hand over her face, trying to hold back the tears.

  “I met up with your mom to plan everything, by the way.”

  “Okay, but how were you able to afford it?”

  “I saved a little, but your parents and my mom pitched in. I won’t lie, I wanted today to be the best day you ever had and I didn’t care what it cost.”

  “Okay, thank you again!”

  “Hey Mickey?”


  “I have one more present for you.”

  “No way, Johnny. You’ve given me all I needed.”

  I pulled the sealed envelope out of my jacket and handed it over to her.

  I watched as she nervously ripped it open and then started hysterically crying.

  I pulled two tickets out of the envelope and smiled, but once I flipped them over and saw that they were floor seats to the next year’s sold out Nearly Empty concert, I couldn’t hold back the tears. I’d always wanted to see them live, but with all the cancer stuff going on, I knew we couldn’t afford to go. There were no words to express how happy I was to hold those tickets in my hand, and I already knew who I was going to invite to go with me.

  “Johnny,” I mumbled through my tears.


  “Would you like to come with me?”

  “Of course! I was going to hijack the other ticket whether you asked me to go or not!”

  There’s no one else I’d consider going with. You were always going to be it, even if I had to wait until I was thirty to go.

  “I have one more thing for you.”

  “Are you serious? I don’t think my heart can take any more surprises right now, Johnny.”

  “It’s okay, this one is very special.”


  “Close your eyes.”

  I closed my eyes and I had no idea what came over him, but I felt his lips press against mine. At first I
was hesitant and slightly freaked out, but then I gave in and kissed him back. It was just an innocent kiss, but I felt like it was something we should have done a lot sooner.


  “Don’t. We don’t have to talk about it ever again.”

  “I—” I paused before leaning in to kiss him again. “I won’t ever talk about it again, but this was my first real kiss.”

  “Mine too.”

  “Well, we’ll just call it our practice kiss, you know, to practice for our future boyfriend or girlfriend?”


  I felt it was more than a practice kiss. It felt so natural to do that with him. I heard footsteps coming down the hall and slid back from Johnny as far away as I could.

  “Hey kids, I was coming up to make sure you two were all right.”

  “We’re good, Dad. Is there any more cake left?”

  “There sure is.”

  “Could you bring us up a couple of slices please?” He looked at me with an odd expression, but agreed to go and grab it for us. That was way too close, but I’d do it again in a heartbeat.

  Age: Thirteen

  Diary Entry: Birthday Surprises

  Dear Diary,

  Today was full of SURPRISES. First, Johnny threw me an AWESOME surprise party at this amazing place with my family and friends. Second, he got me NEARLY EMPTY FLOOR SEAT TICKETS!! OMG. And just when I didn’t think things could get any better, something special happened between us. We shared our very first kiss and it was amazing! If this was any other guy besides him, I would have run away or screamed, but my first being with him made the night complete. I didn’t want to stop, but I knew one of my parents would have busted us if we didn’t stop. Oh well . . .



  Thankful Mickey

  As I lay in bed staring at the lights bouncing around on the ceiling, I felt different—a good different. I felt like I’d changed overnight.


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