No Dress Required

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No Dress Required Page 3

by Quinn, Cari

  His cell vibrated in his back pocket. He cursed and jerked back. “Sorry,” he panted, struggling to get his phone out of his pocket. His pants felt too damn tight.

  “It’s okay.” Noelle swept a visibly shaking hand over her hair. All the fight had drained out of her.

  He pressed the talk button, not even looking at the caller ID. Nellie had officially hijacked his world.

  “Jake?” It was Alexa. “I’m stuck in Columbus. There’s a monster storm and they’ve been de-icing the planes, but now they delayed my flight. For like seven hours. I called everyone I invited a couple hours ago, but I’m nervous I forgot someone. Can you get up to my house a little early just in case? I’ll owe you one. A really big one.”

  As usual, his sister was a chatterbox. What wasn’t usual was that his wires had all gone on the fritz simultaneously.

  “Especially Noelle,” Alexa continued. “I couldn’t reach her. She needs to know the party’s off.”

  He licked the inside of his lower lip, all his focus on the beautiful blonde now staring up at the sky, her features silvered by the hint of moon glow. “I’ll take care of Noelle, don’t worry.”


  “Yeah.” His answer came out as a groan as Nellie stuck out her tongue to collect snowflakes. So. Wrong. When she caught his attention, she rolled her tongue, scooping up a couple flakes and drawing them inside the honeyed heaven of her mouth.

  “Are you okay? You sound weird.”

  “I’ve been making out with a chick,” he said, knowing Alexa wouldn’t believe him and Nellie would shoot him a death glare. He was right on both counts.

  Chuckling, he said to his now silent sister, “Kidding. Tell me again what you need me to do?”

  A couple minutes later, he hung up with Alexa, who wasn’t excited about spending the night in an airport. He, on the other hand, was very excited about who he was about spend his night with. Even if this only lasted as long as their orgasms, he’d take it. Right now, he wasn’t capable of walking away.

  Were you ever?

  “Bad news,” he said lightly, pocketing his cell and tossing back the hank of hair that kept falling in his face. The two of them probably looked like snow people in the making.

  “Alexa okay?”

  “Yeah, but she’s stuck in Columbus. Big snowstorm, so the party’s off. She called most of the guests and told them not to come hours ago, but she couldn’t get ahold of you. Did you have your phone off?”

  “Probably. I turn it off when I go to bed because she likes to text me in the middle of the night when she hooks up with someone. Though it’s been forever since Alexa’s done anything but work. She’s way overdue for—“ Jake cringed and she choked back a laugh. “Sorry. Forget the brother thing.”

  “Yeah. Apparently.”

  “So the party’s off? That sucks.” He could hear the smirk in her voice. “I wanted to let loose tonight.”

  He said nothing. But he was already imagining just how loose he could make her once they were alone and he’d gotten her out of her wet clothes.

  “So now what?” she asked, giving him a sexy little pout.

  “We need to get up to her place. You and I are the bouncers in case anyone shows.” He tugged her against his side. “Ready to be alone with me?”

  chapter four

  The ride up to Alexa’s took almost an hour. Noelle’s best friend lived high in the hills outside Sanderson and on a night like this, traveling the twisty roads that led up to her incredible log cabin was an exercise in patience.

  Jake drove with reckless caution, if the two things could co-exist. He took it easy on turns and in the places he needed to brake, but hit the gas a little too hard on the straightaways. She never felt in danger of crashing, though. He knew how to handle the roads.

  And her. Which she hoped he planned on doing soon.

  Would they actually have sex? As much as she’d fantasized about him over the years, the act itself had always been murky in her mind. After the last few weeks, being held by Jake would feel like nirvana, though some mind-scrambling lovemaking would definitely be welcome, too. Good thing she’d bought condoms. A whole fresh package waited inside her boat of a purse.

  A purse she no longer had. One that contained all her credit cards and the small amount of money she had in her wallet. And her pictures. Those were especially precious. The ones of her Nana couldn’t be replaced.

  “Dammit,” she muttered, pressing her fingers against her stinging eyes. Breaking down in a sobbing fit in front of a potential lover over some photos would put a capper on her day, wouldn’t it? Being held up hadn’t done it, nor had losing her car. But she just couldn’t bear the thought of some jerk throwing out the faded picture of her, age three, sitting on her Nana’s knee.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked. This was the first time either of them had spoken during the ride. He’d probably been trying to find a way out of spending the evening with her. The trip had certainly been long enough for him to rethink things.

  She dragged in a breath and waited for her heart to stop thundering. “I forgot about everything I still have to handle tonight. All the credit cards I have to cancel and the list I have to write up for the police of what I lost. I blanked it all out.”

  “Honey, you were frightened. Of course you forgot. But don’t worry. I’ll help you.”

  “You will?”

  He reached over and took her hand, pulling it across the console and onto his thigh. His really muscled thigh that made her think really dirty thoughts. “Yes, I will. Tomorrow morning we’ll take care of all of it.”

  “Jake, my wallet had my favorite pictures of—“

  “Your grandma,” he finished before she could, his grip turning gentler. “Shit. I forgot you carried those with you.”

  “Yeah.” She’d never forget how he’d wrapped her in a blanket that night during sophomore year of high school when she’d left a sleepover at Alexa’s house and come home to find most of her life in ruins. He’d seen the pictures of her Nana, the ones that survived the fire that torched most of her family’s stuff. Luckily her family had been safe, but so many of her memories had gone up in smoke.

  Now some jerk had taken more of them.

  “I’ll call the police and let them know where you’ll be tonight. Then we’ll handle whatever has to be done tomorrow. Together.” He rubbed her knuckles. “All’s not lost, I swear. But tonight you need to relax.”

  “Yes, I do.” She wasn’t going to debate that point. “So do you.”

  He glanced her way as a passing car’s lights flashed over his striking profile. “Not arguing,” he said with a slight smile, his fingers squeezing hers.

  How much relaxing they could do without any condoms remained to be seen, so she forced herself to just enjoy the way his large fingers folded over hers, holding them as if he wanted to protect her. His thumb stroked the side of her palm, lulling her without words. He was with her. She was safe.

  Right now, that was all that mattered.

  Twenty minutes later, they arrived at Alexa’s cabin and ascertained that no prospective revelers had gained access through illicit means. No cars were parked on the hidden drive and the property was absolutely still. The snow cushioning the lawn and fluttering from the sky only strengthened the realization that she and Jake were totally alone.

  Noelle wrapped her hands around the front porch railing, and stifled a shiver. Could she go through with this? When she’d imagined them finally doing it, she’d pictured them falling into bed in a frenzy after Alexa’s loud, noisy party.

  Now, there was no party. She and Jake were alone in a plush, luxurious cabin with a thick pad of silence walling them in on all sides. The kiss they’d shared had been fast, yes, but it had also been deep. Not a surface skim but something that felt big and important.

  “Hey.” His voice poured over her like hot, rich coffee. “You must be freezing. Why’d you take off my coat?”

  Because it smelled like you and I wan
ted to roll around in it like a dog on the first day of mating season.

  She shrugged, suddenly shy. Maybe she was just a kid. Why else would she want to run and hide? She trusted him, so that wasn’t the problem. Whatever she’d said during their condom spat, he was a great guy. He’d always been her friend and one of her staunchest allies. They could just have sex and that would be that.

  Except it wasn’t. She wanted more. Kissing him had proven to her that one night would never suffice.

  He lifted his palm to her cheek. She sighed, memorizing the exact impression of his fingertips on her flesh. “Why don’t we go inside, Nellie?” he murmured.

  “Can you call me Noelle?” Maybe she could get this night back on solid footing if he stripped away some of the familiarity that made her wish for more. “Please?”

  “Sure. Noelle.” His easy smile smoothed out some of her nerves and set off all new ones when he slid his hand around the back of her neck. “We should probably hang out for a while. Want to go watch some TV? I know you love the New Year’s specials. I’ll even make us some eats.”

  “Now you’re talking,” she said, smiling back, and pressing a hand to her growling stomach. Jake was a fabulous cook. From appetizers to four-course dinners, he could turn out a meal that would impress anyone. Yet another of his many positive attributes.

  So why would any woman let him get away?

  “Why did you and Maureen break up?” As soon as the question crossed her lips she wanted to snatch it back. His grimace definitely added to her discomfort. “Sorry, none of my business.”

  “No, hang on. It is your business. If we’re going to…” He blew out a breath that puffed in the cold air. “Are we going to, Noelle?”

  “Yes, we are.” She nodded decisively. “We’re going to have sex. Amazing sex. Except—“

  His quick grin faded all too fast. “What?”

  “My condoms are in my purse. In my stolen car. You don’t have any?”

  “No. You threw the one I had on the ground.”

  “Dammit.” Served her right for throwing that pissy little temper tantrum. “I guess we’re screwed.”

  “Not necessarily. You think Alexa has—“ He stopped and shook his head. “Nope, sorry, can’t do it. I can’t dig through my sister’s condom stash, even for you.”

  She giggled and leaned in to brush a kiss over his chin. He had some serious five-o-clock shadow going on. Sexy. “We’ll work it out.”


  She loved the way his voice softened on the word. Loved even more how he tugged her closer and rested his chin on her hair.

  “So back to your question,” he said. ”You must’ve heard the stories about why Mo left town.”

  “Something about the Peace Corps. But that doesn’t explain why you guys ended things. You were together forever. I thought you’d get married.” She’d even cried about it in weaker moments.

  Jake moved back and swallowed hard. “She moved to Omaha and became a nun.”

  Okay, she hadn’t seen that coming. “What?”

  “My girlfriend of five years ditched me for the one man I could never compete with.” His short laugh ended with a shake of his head. “Some shot to the ol’ ego, I tell you. I’ve heard guys lose it when their girls become lesbians. But when they turn to the church? A guy can’t help wondering if they’ve turned her off sex with anyone.”

  She laughed before she could stop herself. Though she immediately sobered, that he laughed too made her feel better about the lapse. “That’s kind of a backassward way to look at it. She found a higher calling.” And for this turn of events, she would be sure to thank God. Repeatedly. “I’m sure it had nothing to do with sex.”

  “No, I know. She’s actually really happy in the convent and I’ve gotten over the ego slam. Mostly. It just knocked me off my stride. We’d been together a long time.”

  “You loved her.”

  “Yes. I did.” He looked her dead in the eye. Jake would never lie to her. “Then there was the whole not-part-of-a-couple-anymore thing. That was hard to get used to.”

  “I’m sure.” Not that any of her relationships had ever lasted more than a few months, but she had a good imagination. Especially tonight.

  “So.” He rubbed her bare arms. “Let’s go watch some tube and eat some crap.”

  She smiled. “Sounds good.”

  Four hours passed in a haze of fried food, good conversation, and laughter. He made fun of her favorite guy band, calling them a bunch of pre-pubes. She teased him about the big-breasted actress hosting the New Year’s Eve special. All the while he kept his hand on her knee or her shoulder or her back. Reminding her, always, that this wasn’t just another night spent watching some mindless movie with Jake.

  This was the prelude. Next up would be: The. Big. Sex.

  He tucked her hair over one shoulder, moving in close on the couch. Her breath caught and she had a sudden flashback of high school, but the guy at her side was no boy. He wouldn’t casually skim her arm on his way to her breast. Nope, Jake would just go for the gold.

  Or maybe not, she decided when he didn’t move for the next half hour.

  Finally he brushed his finger down the side of her neck. Lightly. Teasingly. She shivered, angling her head to give him the perfect opportunity. But instead of kissing her, he remained still.

  Freaking hell.

  “Almost midnight,” he murmured, his breath cascading over her loose curls. “You know what that means, don’t you?”

  She grinned at him over her shoulder. “That I’m getting more horny with every passing second?”

  “Patience, my sweet.” He rubbed her nose with his own and she giggled. Something she seemed to do a lot in his presence. Was that how they’d be together in bed, too? Laughing between the moans?

  “It means,” he continued, his hand again finding the back of her neck, “that it’s almost time for the New Year’s kiss. You know what the legend is, right?”

  “That the person you kiss will be the one you kiss all year?”

  “Yes.” On TV, the announcer started to count down the big ball’s drop in Times Square. “I take such legends seriously.”

  Her heart pounded loud enough she was sure he’d be able to hear it. “Oh, do you?” He’s flirting. Just teasing.

  “Very.” He leaned in and, keeping his eyes on hers, ran the tip of his tongue over her upper lip. “So you might want to be sure before you go for it.”

  Playfully she let her own tongue sneak out to flick along the underside of his. “Does it still count if I kiss somewhere other than your mouth?”

  chapter five

  Noelle didn’t hear Jake’s answer—or the rest of the countdown for that matter—because he groaned and pulled her onto his lap. Then she couldn’t hear anything at all as he kissed her thoroughly enough for this year and next.

  She clung to him when they finally parted to breathe, afraid to break the spell.

  “Can we—can I—“ He panted against her cheek and tried again. “Let me do things to you, Noelle.”

  “Anything.” Everything. Please.

  “If you want me to stop, just tell me. I will.” He shuddered when she rubbed the planes of his chest through his shirt. “It might kill me, but I will. I promise.”

  “No stopping.” She grabbed the remote and aimed it at the TV, then slid back into place on his lap and tentatively brushed against his erection. Judging from the ripple of his throat as he swallowed, he liked it. She ground harder and reveled in his soft, eager groan. Her face—and other parts of her—heated with pleasure. “Now where were we?”

  Wordlessly, he yanked off her shirt. After he’d tossed it aside, he took another of those shuddery breaths and went to work on the front clasp of her bra, his fingers so far from steady, she had to help him.

  And, oh God, wasn’t it a thrill to see Jake shaking over her? Average little Nellie Gregory, formerly classified as “little sister” in his mind.

  Not anymore.

nbsp; “Finally.” He pulled the bra off and sent it flying, his expression nothing short of reverent as he touched her bared flesh. “You’re so fucking hot. Just like I knew you would be.”

  Before she had time to process that, he closed his lips around one erect nipple and pulled, nearly upending her onto the floor with the force of his suction. He did it again and again, shifting his attention between her breasts while he ran his hands up and down her sides. She clutched his head and moaned, stunned that what she’d wanted for so long had finally arrived and it was even better than she’d guessed.

  His eyes never left hers. Arousal darkened his green irises, tinting them with a passion she hadn’t ever experienced before. And she knew if she could see her own, the same expression would be reflected there.

  She rocked against him, taking pleasure in every one of his strained pants. His breath scalded her skin and the zipper of his jeans hit her just right as she leaned closer, pressing more of her breast into his mouth. Almost there.

  He jerked back and shoved his hand into her yoga pants. “Sorry. Can’t wait.” He nudged aside her saturated panties and groaned. “Oh shit. You’re soaked.”

  His long, agile fingers zeroed in on the tight cluster of nerves that throbbed so insistently. She gasped in time with his rapid circling, strangely proud that she was so wet. Now he knew without a doubt how much she wanted this. Him.

  Jake stretched his fingers lower, probing her damp slit. Without looking away, he slipped one finger inside, groaning again when she arched and grabbed hold of his shoulders. Several more thrusts of his finger and strokes of his thumb and she dug in her nails and gasped. “Jake. You’re going to make me come.”

  His fevered “Yes” gave her permission to let go. To soar with him strong and steady beneath her, his body trembling in time with hers.

  “More.” He dragged her pants and underwear down and somehow lifted her without seeming to move, driving her down into the cushions and racing his hungry mouth over her quivering flesh. Without preamble, he shifted on top of her, his weight heavy on her legs, and began nuzzling her breasts and belly. And then lower, finally stopping when he spread open her thighs and kissed her intimately.


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