Breaking Bones

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Breaking Bones Page 11

by Harley Stone

  “Want me to talk about it?” I asked. “Want me to lay on the couch and you can play shrink as I tell you my deepest, darkest secrets?”

  “Fuck no,” he said, flipping me off as he headed for his room. “Nobody wants to hear the kind of shit that’s in your head.”


  Angel and I got dressed and ready, then we fired up the gaming console and shot faces off while we waited for the girls.

  Markie strolled in about a half-hour later. “Is this what we’re doing tonight?” she asked, gesturing at the game. “Because I thought you two were wining and dining us.”

  Angel turned to look at her and was immediately shot dead in the game. “Damn,” he breathed. “You look… damn.”

  Markie was a knockout. A large patch of her blonde hair was only about an inch long, but she somehow managed to make it look intentional and stylish, with the rest of her hair in loose waves. Her blue eyes looked bigger and more intense, and her lips look fuller and more pronounced.

  The dress she wore pulled attention to all the right places, but only held my attention for a moment, because Ariana stepped out from behind her, wearing a floor-length gown that fit her like a second skin. My fingers itched to caress her body, and I was immediately torn between wanting to see her rock the microphone and wanting to lock her away where no horny assholes could molest her with their eyes. Her dark hair was up in some complicated hairdo that exposed her long, sexy neck, and the heels she wore made her already long legs look like they went on forever. Our gazes locked, and an uncharacteristic blush flooded her cheeks as she looked away.

  She was embarrassed or nervous, or some shit like that when she had no reason to be. Knowing I needed to say something to build her confidence, I stood. In the background, I barely registered my character being riddled with bullets. I couldn’t be bothered with that, though. Not when everything I wanted to see was right in front of me.

  “You look gorgeous, Ari,” I said.

  She glanced back up at me, her cheeks even redder. “Thanks.”

  “The dress looks great on you,” Angel added. “Do you like it?”

  Her face lit up. “It’s the nicest birthday present I’ve ever received. Thank you so much!”

  “My pleasure,” Angel said, opening his arm to Markie, who slid in and hugged him. “Our pleasure, really.”

  Then Markie ushered us out the door, reminding us we had reservations.

  Markie wobbled a little in the hallway, unsteady on her legs after the surgery followed by more than a month of sitting. “I think my muscles have atrophied,” she said. “They’re not doing what I want them to do.”

  “I still don’t know if this is a good idea,” Angel replied.

  “I told you, I’m not missing my sister’s twenty-first birthday dinner.”

  He tightened his hold around her. “Yes, but a wheelchair—”

  “Is ridiculous. I’ll be fine.”

  Angel didn’t look so sure, but he let her make it almost to the elevator before scooping her up in his arms like they’d just gotten married and he was carrying her over the threshold.

  “I can walk,” Markie replied. “You don’t have to do this.”

  “But I want to. Be quiet, woman, and let me prove to you how big and strong I am.”

  She smiled and leaned against him, making herself comfortable. “I already know, baby.”


  We took a cab to The Acropolis, where we were escorted to the table directly in front of the stage. Because of its central location, it left us exposed. No matter where I sat, there were occupied tables at my back. We should have brought more security, but Angel had assured me everything would be fine, insisting that more security would make him look weak.

  Angel knew what he was doing, but I still felt uneasy as I pulled out Ariana’s chair for her before sitting beside her.

  “Where’s Nonna?” Ariana asked, scanning the room.

  “She likes to make an entrance, but she’ll be here,” Angel assured her.

  The words had barely left his mouth when Nonna and her entourage entered. She had four guards with her, and as she approached our table, they peeled off to cover the room. Nonna was an elderly woman who could have as much security as her heart desired… Security that would also protect Angel without making him appear weak.

  I glanced at my friend and gave him a look that I’m sure told him I knew what he’d done. He nodded back at me.

  We all stood and greeted Nonna. As soon as we sat, the waitress circled the table collecting drink orders. Like always when I was working, I stuck with water.

  “Thank you, Nonna,” Ariana said, giving the old lady another hug. “I can’t believe you did this. You haven’t even heard me sing. What if I go up there and embarrass you?”

  “I’m sure my reputation would recover,” Nonna said, taking a seat. “But I’m also sure you’ll do fine. You’re Markie’s sister, which makes you family, and there is nothing my family could do to embarrass me.”

  Markie had risked her neck to save Nonna’s youngest grandchildren, and Nonna wouldn’t soon forget that. In fact, I didn’t think there was a mountain she wouldn’t move for Markie.

  The pianist finished up his number, and then angled the microphone so he could speak into it. “Tonight, we have a very special treat for you,” he said. “One of our honored guests is celebrating her twenty-first birthday, and I’ve heard she’s quite the songbird. I’d like to invite her to share the stage with me. Friends, please join with me in welcoming Ariana Davis to the stage.”

  “Knock ’em dead,” Markie said, squeezing her sister’s arm. “Show them why you belong on that stage.”

  Ariana glanced at me, and I gave her a bolstering smile. “You got this, babe.”

  She gave me a grateful smile and headed up. Her hands shook slightly as she accepted the microphone from the pianist. She lowered the mic and said something to him before nodding and taking a deep breath.

  The pianist sat. Then clean, crisp notes once again filled the building. The intro came and went, but Ariana did not raise the microphone to her lips. Her eyes were full of fear as she took in the room. My stomach sank, wondering if this had been a mistake.

  “Come on, Ari, you’ve got this,” Markie muttered.

  The pianist slowed his notes and came back around to repeat the intro. This time, Ariana raised the mic and sang the first line of the verse, sounding hesitant and barely audible. Restaurant chatter started up, drowning her soft notes out.

  Markie leaned forward in her chair, as if to run up and rescue her sister.

  Ariana stopped midnote and said something to the pianist. He nodded and wound down again as she replaced the microphone in the stand. Wondering if she was giving up, I watched, but she didn’t step down from the stage. Instead, the intro restarted. A look of determination glowed behind Ariana’s eyes. She took a deep breath, and this time, when she opened her mouth, there was zero hesitation.

  Her strong, powerful alto owned the room, snapping all conversations to a halt as it dipped and rose, flirting and promising. The entire restaurant fell silent, captivated by her song. By the time she reached the chorus, we were enslaved. She grabbed hold of the microphone stand and belted out soul-filled notes, riding the bluesy-jazzy edge of the song like an orphan raised on the streets of the deep south.

  I watched her glow with passion and power, realizing I was seeing her in her element for the first time. Beyond the sarcastic, struggling orphan girl who almost died trying to escape reality, she was this woman—this perfect, enchanting, passionate woman, and I loved every damaged inch of her. Like the rest of the crowd, I gobbled up the sight and sound of her, like an addict shooting up after a long dry spell. She entered my veins and lingered, soothing, calming, enchanting. The song ended too soon, leaving me wanting more.

  The restaurant loved her. She got a standing ovation as she handed the pianist back his microphone. He accepted it long enough to ask the crowd if they wanted to hear more.
Enthusiastic cheering encouraged Ariana and the pianist to put their heads together and come up with two more songs. She performed them just as perfectly as she did the first.

  While Ariana sang, Angel spoke in hushed tones to Nonna. Shock ran across the old woman’s expression. Her gaze turned to me, and her eyes widened before flooding with tears. She blinked them away and went back to her conversation with Angel. Wondering what they were saying, I stayed where I was and kept my attention firmly on Ariana. No doubt some of Nonna’s security reported back to Carlo, and I didn’t want to give him any reason to question me.

  The kitchen held our food back until Ariana thanked the crowd and the pianist and rejoined our table. She sat and sipped her cocktail, her face flush and her eyes bright with excitement.

  “You nailed it!” Markie said, giving her a hug. “I’m so proud of you.”

  “I don’t know how you guys made that happen, but thank you. Seriously. Talk about an incredible birthday. Nonna, you’re the best ever.”

  Nonna accepted another hug from Ariana while looking over her shoulder at me as she spoke. “Family is everything, dear. When someone in our family is wronged, we make it right.”

  Nonna had recognized me and was acknowledging me as family.



  I GOT A job! Not just any job, I was offered a once-a-week slot on the stage at the Acropolis.

  I stared at the manager, unable to blink or speak or even breathe as he handed me the contract. One day a week might not seem like much, but it was a chance to get my foot in the door. To sing professionally. To put on any résumé that I sang at the fucking Acropolis.

  “What do you say?” the manager asked, holding the pen in the air between us.

  My gaze drifted down to read the contract. Basic wording dictated that every Tuesday night for a month-long trial period, I would sing on the stage of The Acropolis. My pay would be more than twice what I made waitressing, plus tips. I’d have to talk to Pervy Pete and make sure I could get Tuesdays off, but I couldn’t let that little detail hold me back. Accepting the pen from the manager, I signed the contract.

  A contract to sing. At the Acropolis.

  The manager shook my hand, gave me a copy of my contract, and released me to return to my table. On wobbly legs, I somehow made it back to the table before collapsing in the seat beside Bones.

  “How’d it go?” he asked.

  “Well…” I took a moment to compose myself, so I wouldn’t sound quite so crazy and excited when I delivered the news. “You’re looking at the new Tuesday night singer. Every Tuesday night for a trial month, right here in the Acropolis.”

  Bones cracked me the most adorable smile. “That’s great, babe. I knew you could do it.”

  His confidence made me feel like I was capable of anything. I wanted to wrap my arms around him and maybe slide onto his lap, but we were in public, and he was with Angel, which meant he was working and probably wouldn’t appreciate any PDA from me. Instead, I gave him a smile and a quick “Thank you.”

  “I hate to cut this party short,” Angel said, rubbing Markie’s back. “But my woman looks tired, and I need to get her home and put her to bed.”

  Markie must have been worn out because she didn’t even argue, but instead gave Nonna one last hug before Angel picked her up. My sister snuggled against her boyfriend’s chest and closed her eyes.

  Worried, I asked, “You okay?” as I rubbed her arm.

  “Oh, yeah.” She yawned. “Tired, but fine. My body is being lazy.”

  “Your body wants you to recover,” Angel said. Then, to me, he added, “She’ll be fine after she gets some rest.”

  “I’m gonna grab a cab,” Bones said, hurrying to get in front of Angel.

  Nonna walked behind Angel with her guards filing in around them. “Ariana, dear, you sang beautifully,” Nonna said, tucking my arm in hers. “I knew you wouldn’t embarrass me, but you very much exceeded my expectations. I might possibly know of a few other clubs looking for singers. I’ll ask around and see what I can do.”

  Her kindness overwhelmed me, making my eyes burn. “You’ve already done so much, Nonna. Thank you.”

  “Nonsense. You have a gift, dear girl. A gift that is meant to be showcased. Let me see what I can do to help you.”

  “Thank you.” I gave her another hug, kissing her cheeks. “You really are the best.”

  Nonna harrumphed, turning toward Angel. “You take care of my granddaughter,” she instructed. “She needs to get better so the two of you can get married and give me great grandbabies.”

  Angel chuckled, leaning over to kiss Nonna’s cheek. “I’ll take care of her.”

  Nonna’s eyes watered as she turned to tell Bones goodbye.

  “Nonna,” he said with a nod, but she pulled him in for a hug. When she released him, they both looked shaken up. Her driver pulled up to the curb right as our cab did. Everyone filed into the cars and we motored off.

  By the time we got back to the condo, Markie was already asleep. We helped Angel get her inside and settled, and then Bones took a six-pack of beer out of his fridge and followed me next door.

  “I wish I could take you out to celebrate,” he said, popping the top off a bottle of some fancy-looking microbrew and offering it to me. “I can’t, though. I should be working right now, and if my boss saw me out fuckin’ around, he’d be all over my ass.”

  I took a sip from the beer he’d given me. I wasn’t really a beer person, but it wasn’t half bad. Watching him take a long pull from his own bottle, I said, “You can’t work twenty-four-seven, Bones. You look tired.”

  “I’m fuckin’ exhausted,” he admitted. “But that doesn’t change the fact that I got shit to do. Let’s not talk about my job, though, let’s talk about you. You fuckin’ rocked that stage tonight, Ari. Why didn’t you tell me you had pipes like that?”

  He was deflecting, which was fine. I’d let him deflect, especially since it kept him here with me.

  “I didn’t tell you?” I asked. “That’s so weird. Usually I lead with, ‘Hi, my name’s Ari, I’m a phenomenal singer, but nobody will give me a mic.”

  “Smartass.” He closed the distance between us, wrapping his arm around my waist until his hand settled on my lower back. His eyes were dark, and his breathing was heavy as his gaze raked over my body. “I love this dress. Love what it does for your fine ass figure.”

  My body tingled at his compliment. Heat flooded my cheeks and I took another sip of my beer to hide it. He set his bottle down on the counter and swept my hair back over my shoulder, giving him access to my neck. With his fingertips, he slowly traced the plunging neckline of my dress, down to my cleavage.

  “I shouldn’t be here now,” he whispered against my check.

  “Then why are you?” I asked, my voice breathy and unsteady.

  “I don’t know, I just… Shit. I don’t know.”

  His tone was off, his voice full of emotion. Looking up at him, I said, “I want you here, Bones. I want you with me.” Setting my bottle down beside his, I unbuttoned his suit jacket and slide my hands inside it. “I like you here.”

  He removed my hands and stepped back, putting distance between us. “Don’t say shit like that, and don’t give me that look. You don’t know me. Not really, Ari. You don’t know what I’ve done and the type of people I associate with. It’s not safe for you to be around me.”

  “What happened?” I asked. When he didn’t respond, I searched his eyes for answers, but like always, he revealed nothing. “Do you want to talk about it?” I asked.

  “Can’t,” was his clipped reply.

  I rolled my eyes, irritated. “Then don’t bring it up. And while we’re at it, quit with the hot and cold shit. You can’t be rubbing my neck one minute and pushing me away the next. Oh, and don’t be such a martyr. Quit acting like you’re the only one who’s done shit you’re not proud of. Like you’re such an unworthy person because you do what you have to do to provide fo
r your family. My parents were cops, Bones, and they wore their morals to the grave. I wish they would have cared a little more about their family than they did about doing what was right.”

  Hot tears flooded my eyes, surprising me. I hadn’t realized how much the truth about Mom and Dad’s ‘accident’ had affected me, but it clearly did. “I don’t want someone who fights for their goddamn values. I want someone who protects the people they value. You think you’re such a horrible person for what you do, but you’re here. You make sure I’m safe, you teach me how to defend myself, you keep my sister and her boyfriend safe. So, you do illegal shit…” I shrugged. “Get over it. I have.”

  He stared at me, shaking his head.

  “What?” I snapped, anger still coursing through my veins.

  “You done telling me about all the shit I need to stop doing?”

  I couldn’t tell if he was joking or angry. “I’m sure I can think of more if you give me a few minutes.”

  “You’re a trip, Ari.”

  “As in a good trip or a bad trip?” I asked.

  He grinned, closing the distance between us. His hands settled on my neck pulling me closer to him. “A very good trip,” he breathed against my lips before kissing me.

  My body relaxed as he kissed me senseless. Then we moved to the bedroom. I started to take off my dress, but he stopped me.

  “Leave it on.” He unhooked my bra and pulled it out through one of the sleeves before looking me over again. “Fuckin’ gorgeous. Much better without the bra, though.” He cupped my breasts through the fabric before dropping down to his knees in front of me.

  Leaning me against the wall, he rolled up the front of my dress and had me hold it. Then Bones tugged my panties down, had me step out of them, and draped one of my legs over his shoulder. He kissed my thighs thoroughly before his lips landed on my core. Licking and sucking, he thumbed my clit with one hand and reached around to squeeze my ass with the other.

  I threw my head back, moaning as I enjoyed every lick, every flick, every nibble. He took me over the edge and licked me clean.


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