Hot and Handy: A Small Town Romantic Suspense (Shameless Southern Nights Book 3)

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Hot and Handy: A Small Town Romantic Suspense (Shameless Southern Nights Book 3) Page 20

by J. H. Croix

  He was quiet for at least a full minute, his eyes studying and searching mine. It felt like he was looking all the way into my soul. “Okay, but let me talk to Sonny about it.”

  “Deal.” I held my glass up and waited for him to do the same. When he did, it was with reluctance. “I think it’s safe to say we’ve covered all the deep and heavy topics now. How about we enjoy the beach for the rest of the day?”

  My suggestion finally saw a smile curve on his lips. “Deal.”

  We finished our wine, the conversation flowing easily between us. When we were done, Evan took my hand as we walked down the main street. “You want to do some shopping before we head back?”

  “Only if it’s of the window variety,” I told him, fitting my palm tighter against his as I leaned into his side. I fit against him. It felt right. “I like to look, but I don’t like to buy anything.”

  He nodded understandingly and then grinned. “How about if I buy a few things?”

  I swept my hand out in the direction of the street vendors displaying their colorful wares and the touristy souvenir and surf shops. “Be my guest.”

  We wandered from shop to shop, our hands threaded together. Evan pointed at a pair of shell earrings in a window. “Those would look great on you.”

  I shook my hand, shaking my finger in front of me. “Nope. I told you, I’m window shopping only. I don’t shop for myself. We live on a tight budget.”

  Evan pressed the corners of his mouth together, cocking his head. His eyes darted from the earrings to me and back again. “Let me get them for you. We’ll choose some for Emery as well.”

  Looking up at him, I saw nothing but genuineness in his eyes. He wasn’t offering to buy them to show off, to make me feel inferior, or to prove that he could afford them. He offered because he wanted to get them for us.

  I wasn’t one for playing coy by making him convince me to let him buy them, nor would I refuse a well-meaning gift from someone who wanted to give it. “I’m sure Emery will love them.”

  “Only Emery?” Evan lifted a brow, smirking as he led me into the shop. “I can see the way you’re looking at them.”

  Laughing, I shrugged. “Fine, you got me. I love them too.”

  Thankfully, the earrings turned out to be reasonably priced. They weren’t cheap, but they also weren’t outrageously expensive. Evan paid, and the saleswoman packaged each pair in a beautifully designed biodegradable box.

  I pushed up on my tiptoes to kiss Evan’s cheek to say thanks. At the last second, he turned his head, and I smacked a kiss on his lips instead. In a flash, he slipped his free hand into my hair, and the innocent kiss turned into something much more.

  We broke it off before I was seriously considering jumping him right there in the shop. Giggling like teenagers, I dragged him back out onto the street. Evan kept his arm around my shoulders as we walked.

  Despite our heavier start to the day, the afternoon was one I would remember for a long, long time. The sky was turning orange with streaks of gold lingering from the setting sun by the time we got back to his truck and headed home.

  A couple of minutes into the drive, Evan’s phone rang through the speakers of his car. The display screen told me it was Sonny calling. Evan glanced at me and then hit the button to answer the call.

  Instantly, Sonny’s voice came flowing into the cab of the truck. “Big bro. How’s it hanging?”

  Evan rolled his eyes. “A little to the left, as always. You?”

  “Same,” Sonny joked. “Must be a family trait.”

  “Must be,” Evan replied, shooting me an apologetic look. “What’s up? What do you want?”

  “What do I want?” Sonny did a decent job of feigning feeling hurt. “That’s no way to speak to your favorite brother.”

  Evan barked out a laugh. “Put Jeremy on, and I won’t speak that way anymore.”

  Sonny chuckled. “I walked right into that one with my eyes wide open. Touché, bro. This round belongs to you.”

  “I’ll update the scoreboard,” Evan said. “Back to my original question. What’s up?”

  Sonny’s voice was muffled as he spoke to someone on his end of the line and then cleared his throat. “I’m reminding you about the family barbecue tonight. You said you’d be here. Don’t make me have to explain to Niki why you decided to blow it off.”

  “Niki knows me better than that,” he retorted. When his eyes slid to mine, his finger lingered over the button to mute the call. “Hang on.”

  He didn’t wait for Sonny to reply before hitting the button. “We have a family barbecue at Sonny’s tonight. Do you want to come?”

  Come, as in meet his family? I was shocked into silence for once in my life. Meeting someone’s family was a big deal. It wasn’t a step I’d ever taken in a relationship before, but as nervous as I was to meet his family, I didn’t want to say no.

  I agreed before I could overthink it. A couple of hours ago, I’d asked him if he was serious about us, and he had said yes. Inviting me to a family barbecue was putting action to his words. I liked that, respected it.

  “Sure.” I smiled. “I’d love to.”

  Chapter Nine


  Before I even cut the engine on my truck when I pulled up at Sonny and Niki’s place, Niki came bounding out of the house with Sonny hot on her heels. Her engagement ring sparkled on her left hand in the fading light, one of her bohemian skirts floating out behind her.

  My future sister-in-law was beaming at us. Clearly, Sonny had told her I was bringing Sadie to dinner. A wide smile stretched across Niki’s face as she twisted her blond braid between her fingers.

  Sonny swept his arms around her from behind, tossing a wave at me. I waved back as I turned the engine off. “I’ve never brought someone here before. They’re a little excited, so brace yourself.”

  Sadie shot me a shy smile. “Consider me braced.”

  Niki stuck her hand out to Sadie when we walked toward them. “Hi. You must be Sadie. I’m Niki. It’s so nice to finally meet you.”

  Finally? I wanted to slap my hand over my eyes. She made it sound like I’d been hiding Sadie from them while constantly talking about her. I’d done neither of those things. I gave Niki a look, but she ignored it.

  Sadie slipped her hand into Niki’s. “You too. I’m afraid I don’t have much experience with family barbecues, but is there anything I can do to help you?”

  Niki nodded as Sonny released her to give Sadie a quick hug. Niki, who was a rookie herself when it came to family barbecues, shrugged and started saying something about potatoes when another truck pulled up behind us.

  I turned to find Jeremy and Marie climbing out. Narrowing my eyes, I looked at Sonny. “I thought you said it was only going to be us?”

  Sonny glanced at Niki, who said, “Marie called a little while ago. She asked if we were still having the barbecue. Austin’s staying with Sarah for a couple of hours, and they said they wanted to catch up.”

  “Great, just great,” I muttered under my breath, watching as Sadie swallowed and nervously shifted on her feet. It wasn’t that I didn’t want her to meet my family. I just thought it might be better to ease her into the family by introducing her to one member at a time. Also, I was now going to have to deal with the teasing from not one but two brothers.

  When Jeremy and Marie joined us on the front lawn, another round of introductions were exchanged. Jeremy smirked at me, but Sadie, Niki, and Marie were already heading to the front door. I was glad she wasn’t going to hear whatever he was about to say.

  As soon as they were out of earshot, he punched my shoulder and jerked his head to the door. “Could it be that the ever-casual Evan finally met his match?”

  I flipped him off and carried on walking up the few stairs to Sonny’s porch. “I never claimed to be ‘ever-casual Evan.’ Let it go, okay? There’s nothing to see here.”

  “On the contrary, dear brother,” Sonny chimed in, falling into step beside me. “You never claimed t
o be ever-casual, but you also said more than once that you weren’t looking for a relationship.”

  He tapped Jeremy’s arm to get his attention. “He really cares about her. Like, for real. You should see how protective he gets over her.”

  Jeremy laughed. “I can see how bristly he gets just talking about her. I remember those days, the denial phase. Don’t worry, Evan. It’ll pass.”

  “Like you’re the king of relationships,” I retorted. “Before Marie, you had a reputation of your own, you know.”

  “Yeah.” He shrugged. “But then I met Marie.”

  “The denial phase was kind of fun in its own way,” Sonny remarked, tossing a look at me over his shoulder as we stepped onto the deck in his backyard. “Just don’t hang around in it for too long. I nearly fucked things up when I was in that phase.”

  “Ditto,” Jeremy added.

  “I’m not in denial about anything,” I told them. “You have no idea what you’re talking about. Fuck off, both of you.”

  Jeremy’s eyebrows jumped. “We have no idea what we’re talking about?”

  I could see he wanted to say more, but then Niki stepped out onto the deck with Sadie and Marie following, and he shut up. Sonny grabbed three beers and a bottle of wine from his bar fridge. Sadie joined Niki and Marie at the wooden dining table, decorated with wildflowers in narrow bottles that must’ve been Niki’s handiwork.

  They were deep in conversation about something, talking as if they’d known each other for years. Niki had already set the table, and Sonny poured wine into blue-stemmed glasses in front of each girl.

  They thanked him but barely paused their conversation. When he was done with them, he handed a beer to each of us and twisted the cap off his. “They seem to be getting along like a house on fire.”

  Jeremy groaned. “Don’t say anything about a house being on fire.”

  While he told us about a project he was busy with where one of his client’s houses had partially burned down, I kept sneaking glances at Sadie. Jeremy had taken over the construction company he’d worked at for years when his boss retired. I knew how much doing a good job meant to him, but I couldn’t bring myself to give him my undivided attention with Sadie dragging my attention away.

  I nodded and added grunts where appropriate, catching only snippets of what he was saying. Being here with Sadie felt so domestic. Yet somehow, it felt totally right, as if there had been an empty space in my life before. She slipped right into it, her presence so integral, I couldn’t imagine her not being here.

  The feeling remained throughout dinner. Sadie seemed relaxed with Niki and Marie. I was relieved for that and pleased on her behalf. My family meant a lot to me, so I wanted her to feel comfortable. Domestic as it felt, there was also a hum of desire simmering under the surface just having her nearby.

  The conversation carried on, and if my brothers noticed my distraction, they didn’t comment on it. I could count on them giving me hell about it later, but they had some manners.

  At one point, I caught Marie casting a look at Jeremy, the usual dreamy look entering her eyes. Before meeting Sadie, I’d have mentally shaken my head at that look. Now, well, not so much.

  “We should write our story. We had it all. Romance, action, suspense…”

  I was lost and had no clue what they were talking about. Sonny caught my eye and rolled his in return. “Books, they’re talking about books.”

  “Lots of steamy scenes, I bet,” Niki teased.

  Marie’s cheeks flushed, but she nodded. Jeremy leaned over to whisper something in her ear that made her laugh even as she turned a deeper red and muttered, “Now that would be something to be embarrassed about.”

  “No doubt your story would be full of embarrassing moments,” Sonny said, smirking. Niki gave him a look, and he lifted his palms innocently. “For Jeremy, I meant. I was there, babe. He acted like an idiot so many times.”

  Marie threw her arm around Jeremy’s shoulders, and they shared a smile. Niki lifted a blond brow. “And you were any better?”

  Sonny shook his head as he pulled Niki close as well. “Hell no. I was worse, I think. Evan here will have to save us from developing reputations as dumb, blind assholes.”

  I held out my hands. “Nope, I’m not part of this. Battle it out between yourselves.”

  Both of my brothers looked at Sadie for a fraction of a second and exchanged knowing smirks. Niki and Marie were already comparing notes on how boneheaded my brothers had been at times during their early relationship, laughing as the good-natured ribbing continued.

  Sadie’s hand slipped into mine beneath a table. She was amused by what they were saying, but when she looked up at me, there was also a plea in her eyes for me not to follow in their idiotic footsteps. I squeezed her hand and then lifted it to my lips for a brief kiss. I had no intention of making the same mistakes my brothers had, and I let her see it in that moment.

  If anyone witnessed our silent, private exchange, they didn’t mention it. The conversation moved onto other topics, including the new development Beau was designing in town and half a dozen other things.

  Jeremy and Marie left after dinner, claiming they had things to do since Austin was with Sarah. This triggered another round of teasing by Sonny and me as we walked them to the door. Jeremy just laughed and herded Marie to the truck, flipping us off when he left.

  When we got back to the patio, Niki and Sadie were still talking. Sonny stepped closer to me, his voice low. “Have you spoken to her about her offer again?”

  “Unfortunately,” I told him, the need to protect her rising from its slumber. “She insists on doing it. Says she wants to help.”

  “Okay then,” Sonny replied with a slow nod. He was surprised. I could see it in everything from his eyes to the set of his jaw. He didn’t think she was going to go through with it, or perhaps he thought I would try to stop her. To be fair, if it was my choice in any way, I would try to stop her. I wanted to keep her as far away from my father and anything to do with him as I could. “We should probably talk about it a little tonight. I can tell her what to be on the lookout for. We can start formulating a plan.”

  I clenched my jaw. “Sounds like fun. Let’s do it.”

  Sadie sensed my tension when I sat down next to her. She frowned, her eyes questioning. Sonny refilled our drinks and sat down too. I jerked my head at him and understanding lit up her gaze. “You want to talk about me snooping, don’t you?”

  Sonny bopped his head up and down. Niki didn’t look shocked or surprised, so I assumed he’d already told her everything. Since he’d almost lost her over keeping these kinds of things from her, I wasn’t surprised he’d filled her in.

  “Just the basics,” he said. “Since you’re here.”

  Sadie scooted to the edge of her chair, her gaze on his but her hand warm on my thigh. “I’m all ears.”

  “Most importantly,” he started with his eyes sliding to mine. “Be safe. Don’t take any chances. Any information you can get will be great. You don’t have to put yourself in any tight spots to get anything specific.”

  “Safety first,” Niki lectured, worry creating a crease between her brows. “Please don’t take any chances.”

  Sonny snorted. “Like you’re one to talk about that, pot.”

  Niki tossed her braid over her shoulder. “Sadie doesn’t have to be a kettle. She can be safer than we were. She has to be. She’s smack in the middle of it in that office.”

  A shudder ran down my spine. Sadie still didn’t look too worried. “What kind of things do you need me to be on the lookout for?”

  Sonny lifted his hand to start counting off fingers. “Pretty much anything that leaves a paper trail we can follow or a person who may be a new player entering the game. Bank paperwork, accounting paperwork, anything that looks official. Also keep an eye out for who’s coming in and out of the building. We’ll send you a few pictures of people to look out for, but if your Spidey senses tingle about anyone, let me know.”
r />   My Spidey senses were tingling, but there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it. Sadie was in this now. I was going to do anything in my power to keep her safe.

  Chapter Ten


  When I woke up the next morning, I was confused by the strong arm draped across my belly and an impressive erection pressing into the small of my back. My hair lifted slightly as his breath, deep and steady, blew out over it.

  At first, I thought I was still dreaming. Then I remembered. Evan was here with me. He’d brought me home after the family barbecue last night and ended up staying. Which also explained why I was naked.

  His body was warm and solid beside me. Even in sleep, he was all hard planes and emanated strength. Dear God. As I shifted my legs, heat coiled in my belly. Waking up beside this man was just decadent. My muscles were deliciously sore from our activity after the barbecue.

  Evan was worried about my involvement in Sonny’s case. Somehow that seemed to feed his protectiveness. Our sex last night had been mind-blowingly intense. Not that I could complain. I’d gotten three shattering orgasms out of the deal.

  When my thigh brushed against his arousal and my thoughts spun back to last night, I got achy all over for him again. Slick heat built between my thighs.

  Evan was still asleep, an arm curled under his head. I pulled back on the sheets and slid down the length of his body, dusting kisses along the way.

  His erection was thick and veined, a drop of precome already glistening at his tip. I swept my tongue across it, and his cock twitched. His breath hitched, but I wasn’t certain he was awake yet.

  Taking the base of his cock in my hands, I dragged my tongue along the underside. Almost immediately, he gasped. “Sadie!”

  So he was awake. Grinning around him, I swirled my tongue around the thick head and drew him into my mouth again. His thighs trembled against me, his hips arching up. With a low groan, he wound his hands into my hair and muttered my name.


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