My Champion

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My Champion Page 7

by Alanea Alder

  "Is it true that you all live in separate houses on the Unit Level?"

  He looked at her strangely. "Is this an interview?" he asked wryly.

  She winced. "Sorry, I tend to revert back to authoritative mode when I get nervous. And conducting interviews is usually how I get to know people."

  "People? You mean employees, what about your friends?"

  Kari just looked down. "I have never had many friends except for Avery and Law."

  Declan's eyebrows snapped together. "Law? Law? How do I know that name?"

  Kari shrugged. "Law is the one who made me evacuate to Noctem Falls; he was worried that something might happen because Avery and I live on our own."

  Declan nodded his approval. "That sounds like a good idea. I'm glad he sent you to us. Pretty soon, we won't be able to take in many more refugees."

  Kari nodded. "That is what he told me too."

  Declan was nodding, and then he stopped. "Wait a minute, do I make you nervous?" he asked.

  She looked at him flatly. "You know you do."

  Declan opened his mouth to speak as the door opened. They both turned as Magnus and Adriel walked through.

  Adriel looked from Declan to her. "I am sorry to interrupt, but we were heading to the living quarters now and we would like to help you get him settled." Behind them, Etain and Grant walked in. Once again, Kari was reminded how extremely large the warriors were.

  With Etain on one side of Declan and Grant on the other, they very gently began to lift him from the bed. They wrapped his arms around their shoulders and carried him forward.

  Grant grunted. "Man, you need to lay off of old man Richter's meat pies," he teased.

  Declan shook his head. "No way, they're too good."

  Etain shifted his weight. "You're heavy."

  "It's all muscle," Declan protested.

  Magnus looped his arm through hers, and they walked behind the men heading out of Broderick's lab and infirmary toward the living quarters.

  Sebastian met them at the door and nodded. "We moved the ladies to Aiden and Meryn's room so that little Meryn could lie down."

  "Thank you Sebastian," Magnus said nodding.

  They walked past a very elegant looking antechamber before turning down a long hallway.

  Magnus pointed. "These are the guest quarters. Meryn and Aiden are in the guest room to the right. We have put you and Avery in the one first on the left and we have set it up so that Declan is in the last room on the left, next to yours."

  As they walked past the room Meryn and Aiden were sharing, people began to file out. Gavriel, Doc St. John, Kuruk, and Aiden came out of the room to stand in the hallway.

  "How are they?" Kari asked.

  The doc rubbed the back of his neck. "Bethy and Meryn are doing better. Bethy more than Meryn since she was raised here. But Meryn is exhausted, depressed, and experiencing mood swings not only due to her pregnancy but also because of the lack of sunshine. I think she's experiencing what humans call SAD, seasonal affective disorder."

  Gavriel looked up. "I believe that Meryn is not used to dealing with so many emotions. In Lycaonia, all of the housing is spread out, but here, the levels are stacked on top of each other. She is getting no relief, especially given that the children are also being affected by the caves. It is safe to say that she is experiencing everything multiplied."

  "She hasn't been sleeping much either," Declan added.

  The doc nodded. "Like the children, she may just need some open air and sunshine."

  Magnus stepped forward immediately, looking concerned. "What is wrong with the children?"

  Dr. St. John turned to him. "They are experiencing the same symptoms as Meryn, low-level depression, listlessness, being tired but unable to sleep. For children that are used to running and playing outside, who have animals that share their bodies, these caves are not the best environment for them."

  Magnus turned. "Adriel, please arrange a field trip for the children and their parents. I am opening up the Royal Gardens on Level One to them so they can play there as much as they like."

  Adriel nodded. "That is a great idea. I will pull warriors together to assist. I will make sure all families are assigned warriors."

  Declan cleared his throat. "Hey Doc, is it okay for me to shift to heal? My brother is requesting my presence at dinner, and I would like to be able to sit upright."

  Doc nodded. "Yes, that is fine. Now that you've healed a bit, your shifter abilities can help you from here."

  Declan turned to her. "If you ever get cold, my lion has very warm fur." Kari laughed.

  "What about Beth?" Gavriel asked, concerned for his own mate.

  Declan stepped from between Etain and Grant and tugged on her hand. "Hey, I want to check on the little menace before I lay down." He whispered before yawning wide.

  "Okay," she agreed. They stepped away from the group as the healer explained how Bethy was just tired from the pregnancy, which might have been compounded by the mounting stress.

  Kari helped Declan hobble into the bedroom. Meryn was laying on her stomach, face down, with her head in the pillow. Ryuu was by the bed as Meryn began to toss and turn grumbling.

  Bethy apologized when she saw them. "I'm sorry. I'm usually not so emotional, but I hate seeing her like this." Nigel, Neil, and Avery were sitting at a table holding teacups and looking worried.

  Declan turned to Kari. "Can I help her?" She raised an eyebrow, and he winked. Raising his hand, he shifted it to a claw. Kari realized that he was asking if it was okay for him to shift and lie down with Meryn, and she nodded her agreement. Declan shuffled over to the bed and sat down. He pulled Meryn out of her pillow, and she looked up at him her eyes rimmed in red.

  "How are you here? Your guts were hanging out," she asked bluntly.

  "Yup, Grant took pictures for me; I'll show you later."

  "Cool." Meryn saw that he was sitting on the bed with her in his hospital gown. Her eyes grew wide with a hint of excitement. "Will you please sleep with me?" she asked.

  Kari watched her mate peek over his shoulder. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Aiden pop his head back in the room. Kari could almost hear him thinking.

  Is it worth poking the bear? I could get mauled or worse, but it would be worth it.

  "I don't know, Meryn. Your mate is right outside, and you know how I'd have to get naked. Are you sure?" he asked, seductively.

  Meryn gave a weak smile. "Please, I need you," she said, playing along. Growls and snarls snapped behind them. Declan ignored Aiden and then shifted, letting the hospital gown shred. He began to flex and stretch. Kari could tell that he was feeling much better.

  Meryn's eyes were wide as he hopped back up onto the bed. She buried her small face in his fur, her tiny hands clutching at his mane.

  "Just so fluffy!" Kari heard her mumble.

  "I'm fluffy too, Meryn," Aiden said, pouting. He stood beside the bed scowling down at his little mate.

  Meryn shook her head, pulled back and turned to her mate. "It's not the same, you're not cuddly." Meryn tucked herself practically under Declan. She was barely visible as she wiggled around getting comfortable. She turned her face back to the room. "Felix, you need to get in on this; he's so warm."

  "Felix?" Kari asked. Seconds later, a small sprite appeared. His green eyes were red from crying.

  "A sprite? Here?" Kari asked, completely astonished. From everything that she had heard, sprites never left Éire Danu.

  Meryn patted the bed. "Felix, you better stay visible, you don't want to get squished." Kari watched as Felix walked across Declan's long body and chose a spot in his mane. He patted down some fur and then very carefully folded back part of the mane like a blanket and got comfortable.

  "Not cuddly? I'm a bear!" Aiden protested beside them.

  Gavriel chuckled. "Get over it, Aiden; Meryn appears to be a cat person." Bethy leaned against her mate. "She likes Colton, too, when he shifts," she added with a sly smile.

  "Not cudd
ly?" Aiden looked around the room. "What about teddy bears? They are made to look like bears!" Nigel and Neil giggled. Meryn's head popped up, and her eyes landed on Avery. "Come on, you know you're tired."

  Avery's eyes cut to Kari, and she nodded at his hesitation. He stood up and walked over to the bed. Like Felix, the air around him shimmered before he shrank down to the form of a tiny fox. However, unlike other shifters, his clothes shrank with him. The tiny fox was wearing a sweater, trousers, and shoes. Avery hopped up onto the bed and then curled up around Felix. Bethy's eyes were practically bugging out of her head. "How'd he do that?"

  Kari pointed to the tiny charm attached to Avery's pants. "It was a gift from my adopted brother. He spoils Avery terribly."

  Bethy's eyes were full of wonder. "I could have used that so many times when shifting."

  "I'll see if he can make another charm," Kari offered.

  With no one speaking, the sound of purring and tiny snores filled the room. Ryuu smiled. "She's out."

  Aiden slumped forward. "Thank the gods! She was able to sleep with Eva, too." He looked up. "Speak of the devil."

  A tall blonde woman leaned against the doorway. "Looks like I'm not needed here after all Ryuu," the woman said walking over to the bed.

  Aiden smiled. "Eva, thank you for coming. It seems like the only time she can sleep well is when she is with you. I didn't know Declan was helping," he growled at the lion.

  Adriel pointed to the newcomer. "Kari, this is Eva Mae Miller, my mate. Eva this is Kari Delaney; she is Declan's mate." Eva nodded at her, smiling.

  Dr. St. John walked over to the bed and looked down. "This is interesting. It has been proven that the decibel level in the domestic cat's purr has healing attributes for humans. I wonder if any studies have been done with larger cats?"

  Bethy shook her head at his curiosity. "We better leave before we wake her."

  Ryuu smiled. "All four of them are sleeping so hard I doubt an explosion in the next room would wake them."

  Magnus laid a hand on her shoulder. "You should rest as well."

  She shook her head, declining. "My mind is still racing. I will let them sleep for a couple of hours and then I will help Declan get ready for dinner."

  Magnus groaned. "I had forgotten that Rex is here." He looked around the room. "Where is he anyway?"

  Sebastian cleared his throat. "I settled him in the Council quarters here on Level One." He turned to Kari. "It is at the opposite end of the tunnel from here," he explained, mostly for her sake.

  Bethy yawned. "I could use a nap," she eyed the pile longingly.

  Gavriel pulled her to her feet and gently nudged her toward the door. "I am all you need." He steered her out of the room. He paused at the doorway, looking over his shoulder. "We will see you at dinner."

  Aiden turned to Adriel. "Let's get the guys ready for the kiddos. Maybe they could do training drills like we do back home with Penny," he suggested.

  "Who is Penny?" Magnus asked.

  Aiden's face brightened. "Colton Albright's adopted daughter. She's my godsdaughter. She's only four and has kicked the butts of the guys in some of our training drills," he said, beaming as if he were the proud papa.

  Kari turned her face away so Aiden wouldn't see her smiling; he was such a softie.

  Magnus chuckled. "I would love to meet her."

  Aiden's eyes clouded. "Maybe we should let the city calm down a bit first."

  Kari placed a hand over her mouth. Aiden was in protective papa bear mode. "You are so adorable!"

  Aiden blushed. "I am a fierce warrior."

  "You are cuddly," she teased.

  "Humph," he said gruffly.

  Eva spread her arms to herd everyone to the door. "I'll watch over pint-size; y'all get." She turned to the twins. "Go get your books. You can use this time to study." They groaned and lay their heads down on the table.

  "What subject are you studying?" Adriel asked.

  "Battle tactics and maneuvering," Neil answered. Nigel's face brightened as he turned to Aiden. "Maybe you can help us, Commander?"

  Aiden smiled. "There are only two people who have ever scored better than I have in that practical."

  "Who?" the twins asked together.

  "My father, Byron McKenzie, who is currently the shifter elder and former Unit Commander." Aiden paused smiling.

  "Who's the other?" Nigel asked.

  Aiden pointed to Meryn.

  Adriel's mouth dropped open. "You are not serious."

  Eva chuckled. Placing her finger under his chin, she closed his mouth. "Better close that darlin', you're gonna catch flies."

  Aiden nodded, a thoughtful look on his face. "She is ruthless and practical. She is willing to make the sacrifices needed to win the endgame." He stopped a moment. He looked like he was choosing his words carefully. "Witches, in particular, have always had a hard time doing these practicals. Everything about your gifts revolves around helping others, but Meryn is able to set aside emotion and make decisions that save lives."

  "But she's nice," Neil protested.

  Aiden's eyes turned sad. "It would be easier on her if she was heartless. She pays for every choice she makes; they weigh on her greatly."

  Adriel frowned, looking at Meryn. "She may be small, but she has the heart of a giant."

  Magnus clapped his hands together softly. "Okay everyone, clear out."

  "I'll wake them an hour before dinner," Eva said, once again trying to get everybody to leave the room.

  Adriel and Aiden headed to their mates and gave them each a soft kiss before leaving. Nigel and Neil rose and ran for their books.

  Magnus turned to her wincing. "More paperwork?"

  "Always paperwork," Kari said, laughing.


  "Okay, explain it to me again, why is this one is chronological?" Magnus asked, holding up a stack of files.

  Kari looked up from her desk or what she had commandeered to be her desk. "Because in the long term, paranormals will remember when something happened, not who, where, or what. It is just how we think. Humans remember people and faces."

  "How do you know this?" he asked.

  "I did a study to help better organize things."

  "Why are humans better with faces?" he wondered.

  "They have shorter lifespans and usually interact with significantly less people over the course of their lives than paranormals. Most humans live in the same place where they are born, surrounded by familiar things, people, and family. The only thing that changes for them are the people in their lives.

  "Paranormals, on the other hand, can live up to fifty times longer. Cities rise and fall, religions are born, family and friends become strangers, but time is a faithful companion. Time never changes, it is why a vampire can tell you when he came to America, but not who was on the boat with him, the weather the day the boat landed, or even who they were traveling with." She stood up and went to his desk. She looked through a tall stack of manila folders before she pulled out a single file. She flipped it open. "When did you begin the Royal Gardens?"

  "Six hundred and forty years ago," he answered almost immediately.

  She smiled. "And who was the powerful witch that set the crystals?" Magnus' face became blank, and then slowly, understanding began to dawn on his features. She continued. "This is why timelines are better for you than personnel files. A file for the witch Louis Tournesol would be useless since you can not remember who he was."

  Magnus sat back. "That is impressive."

  "I am glad you think so. Those eight stacks need to be divided by decade." She pointed to the stack leaning against the wall.

  Magnus paled. "Those are all of my daily reports from the day I took over as Prince."

  "Yes, I know."

  "Why are you not doing it?" he asked.

  Kari raised a brow. "What good would it do if I organized them? They are your files; you are the one who will have to use them. You will need to know what is there and how to get to them. I may
be an excellent organizer, but I cannot think for you."

  Magnus nodded, looking properly chastised. "That is fair enough. Your methods have already helped me change how I think. That alone will make things easier."

  "And we are just getting started," she said smiling wide.

  Magnus was about to answer when the phone rang. He went to reach for it when she popped his hand. "Never answer your own phone," she admonished.

  "But Cheryl..." Magnus started.

  "Cheryl is not here and for a good reason." Kari picked up the phone from its cradle. "Prince Magnus' office, how can I assist you?"

  "This is Ivan DeLaFontaine; I demand to speak to Magnus at once!" Magnus, overhearing the conversation, reached for the phone again only to have Kari bat his hand away.

  "I am sorry, Mr. DeLaFontaine, Prince Magnus is not available at the moment. I can review his upcoming schedule to see when he has an opening." There was a brief moment of silence.

  "This is not Cheryl," Ivan stated.

  "No it is not."

  "Do you know who I am?" he asked.

  "Of course."

  "Then I demand to speak to Magnus at once," he insisted.

  "No," she answered shortly.

  "No? No? How dare you?" he sputtered.

  "I dare because it is my job to do so. You are so angry that you have forgotten to call our prince by his proper title twice. You are demanding he come to the phone like an errant schoolboy. My job is to not only assist Prince Magnus but to assist you as well. I know you are a member of one of our esteemed Founding Families. What kind of impression do you think you would make if you were to speak to Prince Magnus now?

  There was more silence from his line. "I see your point. I wish my assistant had half of your political savvy." She heard him take a deep breath. "I suppose this matter can wait until our dinner. Do you know if that is been scheduled?"

  Kari picked up the calendar and cringed. "I am going to be very honest with you, Mr. DeLaFontaine. I, as Prince Magnus' new assistant, and Avery Therian, as his new receptionist, have only been here a few hours. I am still trying to make sense of his former assistant's notes and calendar. Would it be at all possible to have Avery call your office tomorrow with an update?"


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