My Champion

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My Champion Page 18

by Alanea Alder

  Declan swallowed hard and held up the stone. She extended her hand palm up, and he placed the stone in the middle of her hand. Slowly, an amber light began to glow. Declan's eyes filled and sob escaped. He pulled her against him.

  "Thank you," he murmured.

  Kari knew she had said yes, but now that she knew it was yes, it was different. Things were so dangerous; it had her thinking that maybe they should've waited, but now it was too late. She was going to be a mother, and she didn't even know where she was going to be living. It wasn't until Declan began to shake her gently that she realized she'd been hyperventilating.

  "Do I need to go get Tarragon? Are you okay?"

  "I am fine. I am fine. Maybe you could get me a glass of water?"

  She took another deep breath. Declan raced to the sink. When he dropped the cup for the third time, she had to smile. It was a good thing it was plastic. He filled the cup almost to the brim and carefully walked it over.

  He handed it to her as if it were the Holy Grail. His reactions made her relax. He wasn't handling it any better than she was. Smiling, she drank enough that she wasn't worried about spilling any water. She set it down on the small stand beside her. Declan stood there, unsure what to do. Looking shell-shocked, he began to sway on his feet. She reached over and gently tugged on his hand until he sat down in the chair again.

  "Kari, I could've lost you both." Growling, he reached for his walkie-talkie. "Grant, come in." Kari knew he was distracted if he didn't use a call sign.

  "Yes, Simba. What's up?"

  "Can you see if you find my brother and send him down to the infirmary?"

  "Sure. Is Kari okay?"

  "Yeah, she's fine, over."

  Kari looked at him. "Your brother?"

  "I'm not taking any more chances with the woman I love. I don't care if I have to become an elder. I'll do anything it takes to get you the protection you need and deserve."

  Kari saw the stark terror in his eyes and wanted her goofy, smiling mate back. She didn't want the looming threat to ruin his moment. He had been so happy finding out he was going to be a father he had been shining, now he looked withdrawn. She reached out and rubbed the skin between his eyebrows where they were bunched together as he frowned.

  "Do you have someone in mind for an athair?" she asked.

  Slowly, a smile began to replace the blank look on his face. "Adriel," he said, nodding.

  "Really?" she asked, surprised. "You seem closer to Grant or even Etain. Why Adriel?"

  "Because Adriel would do anything in his power for our child. He has kept himself apart from the men because he didn't know he could be our leader and our friend. But over the past week, he has seen how Aiden is with Gavriel, and I think he has realized that he can be more than just a unit leader. I think what we have been seeing lately is his true self emerging. He's always been loyal and protective; he was great with Bethy when she was growing up. You couldn't ask for a better athair."

  "Not even Warrick?" she asked.

  He shook his head. "He's already going to be their uncle."

  They both turned when there was a knock at the door. A second later, the door swung open in a concerned looking Rex walked in.

  "No one told me what happened. Only that Kari was hurt. Is she okay?"

  Declan nodded. "She's fine, but I have other concerns." He stood to face his brother. He placed both hands on his shoulders. "Brother, I have need of you," he said in a formal tone.

  Kari could see the change in Rex immediately. It was as if Declan had hit a switch. Rex was suddenly surrounded by the power of his station.

  "Declan, you know there is nothing I would deny you. You are flesh of my flesh and blood of my blood, and if there is anything you need, you have only to ask," Rex replied, placing his hands on top of Declan's shoulders.

  Declan let his hands fall, and he practically collapsed into the chair. Concerned, Rex pulled one of the other chairs in the room over to sit beside his brother. "Tell me little brother, what is going on?"

  Declan looked at Kari and then back to his brother. "I think someone is after my mate."

  Kari gasped. "That cannot be right."

  Declan raised an eyebrow. "Kari, have you ever had problems with dizzy spells, fainting, passing out before coming to Noctem Falls?" he asked.

  She shook her head. "No, never."

  "Don't you think it's highly suspicious that in the past two days you fallen twice? At the very least, you have been gravely injured. Both falls could have been fatal, Kari."

  Kari felt her stomach turn to ice. She didn't even realize she was shaking until Declan joined her on the bed, pulling her close.

  Rex's eyes were flashing as he stood, growling. "Who would dare?"

  Declan shrugged. "It could be anyone. Any one of the Founding Families or Noble Families that aren't happy with the progress that Magnus is making with Kari at his side. From what I heard, Kari clearly made her disdain of the ruling classes known when Cheryl got fired. It could be any of Cheryl's friends or family that felt like Kari had displaced her. It could be the feral..." Declan hesitated. "So far he's been going after blood. That requires up close and personal. Why would he suddenly switch to killing people from afar?"

  Kari held up a hand. "How would this even happen?"

  Rex and Declan exchanged surprised looks. "Kari, you're a vampire."

  "Yes, I know."

  Declan looked at her carefully. "You do know that you have the ability to manipulate minds, right?" he asked.

  She shook her head. "I had heard from others some of what we could do, but I have never seen it done. My parents did not teach me how." She frowned. "Wait, so you are saying that somebody could control my mind?"

  Declan and Rex nodded. "It's not done normally. Besides being against our laws; it's very difficult to control another paranormal. We have an innate protection system built-in. Somebody might be able to manipulate your mind but they would have to be very, very strong, especially if they can do it without you being aware of it."

  "So, what would they gain by making me take tumbles down stairs or down the transport tunnel?" she asked.

  "If anything happened to you, Declan would be devastated. Adriel would lose his second in command," Rex answered pacing the room.

  Kari disagreed. "It does not make sense to go after the mate of the second in command to distract the unit leader."

  "It would upset Magnus," Rex added.

  "He has only known me three days," Kari refuted.

  "I don't care," Declan said quietly. "I really don't care why. I just don't want it to happen again." He looked up at Rex who nodded.

  "I'll get on the phone with Mother and Father. We'll have some of our pride join us as soon as possible. She will be protected," Rex promised.

  Declan looked at his brother, a smile forming on his face. "Yes, I think Mother and Father would be very agreeable to this, especially after they find out that Kari is having their first grandchild."

  Rex's mouth dropped suddenly. His face broke out into a huge smile. He gave a loud whoop, and before she knew it, she had been plucked off the bed and swirled around the room.

  Declan jumped up and batted his brother's hands. "Put her down, you idiot."

  Rex looked instantly contrite and gently put her back on the bed. "Are you okay? I didn't break you?" he asked.

  She rolled her eyes. "No, I am not broken. I am fine." She smiled up at him. "I take it you are excited about the idea of becoming an uncle."

  Rex nodded, laughing. "Of course I am. My baby brother's having a baby." He clapped Declan on the back. "Good job, little brother."

  Kari looked at them flatly. "Yes, because he will be doing all the work."

  Both of them looked a little bit apprehensive. The expression on her face must've been formidable.

  "Anything you want, baby, and I'll give it to you," Declan vowed, kissing her hand.

  "I did hear that there was a really good chocolatier on Level Six." She winked at Rex.

/>   He held up a hand. "Consider it done. With your permission I'll tell Avery the wonderful news. Then we can make plans for our future niece or nephew. I leave my sister in your care, Declan." Kari nodded her permission. In all honesty she wanted to be the one to tell Avery he was going to be an uncle, but she was already beginning to feel drained from the healing session. Rex would be able to share Avery's exuberant excitement and it would give them a chance to bond, further cementing the ties of their new family.

  Declan rolled his eyes. "Yes, brother."

  Rex left the room as Kari began to giggle. "He is a bit domineering, is he not?"

  Declan sat down in the chair with an amused expression. "He really does care."

  "You look surprised."

  "We were never really very close. The age difference between us made things difficult."

  "You are lucky; family like that is important." Kari looked over at her mate. "Are you sure you will not be in trouble for not calling your parents? I mean Rex is the one telling them everything."

  Declan paled, reaching for a phone. "Thank the gods for Meryn. We now have cellular and Wi-Fi in the city." He put the phone on speaker and set it on the bed beside her. They heard it ring, and then a deep male voice came on the line.

  "Jedrek Lionhart, Declan is this you?" the voice asked.

  Declan swallowed. "Yes Father, it's me."

  "Well it's about damn time you called, boy. Your brother gave us an update on what happened. You would think after finding your mate, you would've given us a call," his father said, sounding hurt.

  Declan winced. "Father, she's right here."

  Jedrek broke the momentary silence by clearing his throat. "I'm sorry, my dear, it's just I really am disappointed that Declan didn't call sooner."

  Kari took Declan's hand. "Of course, I understand completely. You are his father and should have been one of the first people he called." She winked at Declan, who was rolling his eyes.

  "You have no idea how happy I am to hear that, Kari. Sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders. You're a good match for my son."

  "Father, the reason why I'm calling is..."

  "Hold on, your brother's calling on the other line, it could be elder business."

  "Don't answer it! It isn't." Declan called out.

  "I'll call him back. Why should I not answer your brother's phone call?" his father asked.

  "Because I bet you he's trying to beat me to the punch."

  "What punch?" his father demanded.

  "Is Mother there?"

  "Hold on." They heard the sound of footsteps then a loud bellow. "Catherine!"

  "Good gods, Jedrek! I believe the queen herself might have heard you. What is all the fuss about?" a soft feminine voice asked.

  "Declan's on the phone with his mate, Kari."

  "What?" They heard more footsteps before his mother's voice became louder. "Declan, darling, is that you?"

  Declan's smile was soft. "Yes Mother, I'm here."

  "Kari, oh, Kari, it's so good to finally be able to talk to you. When are you coming to visit?" his mother demanded.

  Kari looked at Declan, who shrugged. "We are still trying to get settled here. Maybe after that," Kari suggested diplomatically.

  "The sooner the better. I can't wait to meet my son's new mate. Finally, I have a daughter." They heard a chirp. "Why is Rex calling?" she asked.

  "Hold on, dear, don't answer it quite yet. Declan has something he wants to tell us. Don't you, son?"

  "Yes, Father. I just wanted to let you know that Kari and I just found out that we are expecting."

  A loud screech practically broke the phone. Declan was shaking his head at the decibel level. Kari smiled.

  "Now, you really have to come out, Declan. Bring her as soon as you can. I can't wait to see her. What joyous news." His mother's voice broke, and then she began to cry.

  "There, there, sweetheart. Don't cry; this is happy news." Jedrek comforted his mate. "Declan, look what you did."

  "I didn't mean make her cry," Declan protested.

  "Of course, she's going to cry, it's our first grandchild," Jedrek said gruffly. "Is it permissible to answer your brother's phone call now?"

  "Yes. I'll let him go explain what's going on. He's calling for reinforcements."

  "Reinforcements?" Jedrek barked the question.

  "Father, gotta go."

  "Declan, I..."

  Declan hung up the phone.

  "That was rude, Declan," Kari admonished.

  He shrugged. "Rex will be able to fill him in. Besides, you're looking tired. You're with child; you need to rest."

  "I am not a--" A large yawn interrupted her. Then her stomach rumbled.

  Declan frowned. He looked from her stomach to her face to her stomach. "Doc said you should rest, but you need to eat!" Declan looked confused and slightly panicked.

  "Maybe a quick lunch and then a nap. Getting healed from a witch healer always makes me tired," Kari suggested.

  "Okay, we go get lunch."

  She went to get out of bed, he stood and began frantically waving his hands in front of her. "No, wait, stop, don't move."

  She froze. "What am I supposed to do?"

  Declan began pulling at his hair. "I don't know!" he exclaimed. "Should you move? Should you get out of bed? I mean you were hurt when you fell down the tunnel. Now you're having a baby."

  Kari sat at the edge of the bed, her feet dangling. She watched as her mate slowly began to melt down before her very eyes. When he spun around aimlessly for the fourth time, she hopped off the bed, walked over to him, and placed both hands on his chest. He looked down at her with a wild look in his eyes.

  "Darling, I am hungry."

  "Right, hungry, food. You need food." He swept her up into his arms and began jogging out of the infirmary.

  Kari sighed.

  Wonderful. He has known for less than an hour, and this is how he is.

  She laid her head down on his shoulder.

  And I would not change a thing.


  When they were in Magnus' quarters, Kari tapped Declan on the shoulders, and he set her down. She looked at him, "You go inside. I will be there in a moment."

  He nodded his head up and down. "Of course. I'll make you a plate."

  "That would be lovely," she said. As soon as he was in the dining room, Kari walked in and sat down on the sofa in the antechamber. She pulled out her cell phone and dialed a number she knew by heart.

  "Hello," a familiar voice answered. "Kari, is that you?" he asked.

  "Of course, it is me."

  "Well, I'm not coming to get you. You need to stay there."

  Kari rolled her eyes. "Actually Law, Avery and I have found our mates. We are staying here."

  "What!" he exclaimed. "You were only supposed to stay there until it was safe to come back. You weren't supposed to move there."

  "That is in part why I'm calling. I've met Meryn McKenzie, and she is requesting a security detail." She quickly went over what had been happening since she arrived: From Declan's assault to Meryn's concerns about the division of leadership. There was a brief silence on the phone.

  "Come back home; it is not safe there."

  "They are going to find the feral."

  "What feral?" he demanded.

  "Oh, you did not know about that."

  "Safe haven, my magical ass." He quieted. "How soon do you need us?

  "Well, I may or may not have a stalker trying to kill me too."

  "Okay, we'll be there in an hour."

  "And I am pregnant."

  "We'll be there in fifteen minutes."

  "There is no way that you could be here in fifteen minutes."

  "Never mind that, I'm organizing the my team and one other; we'll be there soon."

  "Okay, but be safe."

  "Me? I want you to go and stand beside Magnus until I get there."

  "We are having lunch."

  "Fine, go sit beside Magnus,
it will the safest place in the room." Sighing, he hung up the phone.

  She thought about everything that had happened in the past couple days, and found herself smiling. No, Law wouldn't complicate things at all. She stood and walked into the dining room. She stopped and stared. Declan had piled her plate high with food. He stood and patted her chair. The other men stood smiling at her warmly.

  "Food," he said, pointing to her chair.

  She looked around the table to see amused expressions.

  "Did he tell you?" she asked.

  "We kind of put it together. All he was able to say was food and baby," Beth teased.

  "Congratulations," Adriel said beaming.

  "Come sit down and eat," Declan repeated.

  "Look who's doing full sentences." Meryn laughed.

  Kari sat down and the men resumed their seats. "Meryn, your security team should be here in about fifteen minutes." She turned to the Prince. "Magnus, you may want to alert the units so that our incoming teams do not get shot."

  Adriel picked up his walkie-talkie. "Francis, we have incoming." He looked up at Kari. "How many?"

  "Two teams of four that I know of."

  "We have eight friendlies coming in; send them to Level One."

  "Roger that. Uh, sir, can I can you a question?"

  "Yes," Adriel replied.

  "Why is my call sign Francis?"

  Adriel looked over at Meryn who was snickering to herself. "Meryn?"

  "His name is Ajax," she answered.

  Kari looked around and saw that she wasn't the only one who didn't understand her explanation.

  Meryn's mouth dropped. "Seriously?" She pinched the bridge of her nose much like her mate was wont to do when irritated. "We are going to have movie night soon."

  "Francis, is an obscure movie reference," Adriel replied to Ajax.

  "It is not obscure!" Meryn protested.

  Adriel returned the walkie-talkie to his belt.

  Kari eyed the spread of food her mate had picked out for her. It looked as though he grabbed three of everything. "Though, knowing my brother, he might just pop up down here."

  "How?" Gavriel asked.

  "I have no idea. He is like that." She picked up one of the four sandwiches on her plate. "How is the fair coming along?"

  Adriel nodded. "Quite nicely, actually. The vendors have really outdone themselves. Not only are we getting some of the city's favorites, but they have tried new recipes. They cannot wait to share them."


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