Wish of the Heart (Fountain of Love) (Contemporary Romantic Suspense): Fountain of Love

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Wish of the Heart (Fountain of Love) (Contemporary Romantic Suspense): Fountain of Love Page 4

by Malia Mallory

  “Happy and Dopey?” As Rylan hit enter and instead of the usual wrong password prompt, a spreadsheet opened. “Bingo! That was genius.”

  “I wonder what’s in here that has someone so worked up?” Thinking of the note still made her uneasy.

  “What do you mean?” Rylan asked.

  Macie opened her purse and withdrew the note, still in the plastic bag she’d placed it in. She handed it to Rylan.

  As he read, his expression turned thunderous. “When did you receive this?”

  “Yesterday,” Macie responded.

  Rylan glared at the paper. “Okay. It’s time to go to the police.”

  “What would they do? I couldn’t explain about the note without telling them about the laptop.” Macie didn’t want her sister’s case to be revived and then shuffled to the back burner again.

  “When I suggested we look at the computer, I didn’t think there would be any risk.”

  “We can’t stop now,” Macie argued. “We need to find out what is in these files. The police didn’t solve the case before. What makes you think they can now?”

  “Look, Macie, you’ve been threatened. We have something now, and we should pass it along,” Rylan insisted.

  “It’s probably someone’s idea of a joke. How could anyone even know we have the computer?” Macie dug in with all the stubbornness she could muster.

  “Could have tracking software for theft installed,” Rylan suggested.

  “If that’s true, it’s all the more reason to find out what is on this machine. Nothing has changed. You had the computer in your possession all this time and that won’t look good. I’m not anti-police, but I don’t think they’ll know what to do with this. If I know Karen, she didn’t make it obvious. They’ll take the computer and we may never find out the truth.”

  “So you don’t think I’m a suspect anymore?”

  Macie’s gaze fluttered away from him. “You know I don’t.”

  Rylan gently took her chin in his hand and brushed his thumb over her lips. “It means something to me that you trust me.”

  Macie met his eyes. “I do. I’m not sure it’s totally wise, but I do.”

  “Why isn’t it wise?” Rylan asked.

  “You know why.” The attraction between them was in the open since they’d kissed. Talking about it hadn’t helped. If anything, it was worse knowing Rylan was attracted to her, too.

  “I suppose I do.” Rylan leaned in and kissed her cheek. His lips slid onto hers and Macie gasped. He pulled her out of the chair and into his arms.

  Macie stiffened, but after a moment, she relaxed into him, soft curves to hard muscle. Rylan’s hand slid down to cup her ass as he plundered her mouth. His lips released hers and laid a path of kisses down her neck.

  Macie struggled for breath as excitement raced through her. “Rylan, I’m still not sure this is a good idea.”

  “It feels like a damn good idea.” He chuckled deep in his throat.

  Macie laughed. “Rylan …”

  He pulled back from her. “Is this about Karen?”

  “Yes. No. I don’t know.” Confusion swamped her along with growing arousal.

  “I don’t want to pressure you.” Rylan loosened his hold.

  “You’re not … it’s just …” Macie struggled to articulate her thoughts.

  “What?” Rylan pressed.

  “The timing isn’t good,” Macie admitted.

  “I don’t know what this is, Macie, but I don’t think we should give up exploring what’s between us because it’s inconvenient. When is timing ever ideal?”

  “You’re right. I know you are. It isn’t Karen. Not anymore. It isn’t that I don’t trust you, because I do. Maybe the note unsettled me more than I realized.” Macie reached for any excuse.

  Rylan cupped her face in his hands. “We’ll figure this out. Together.”

  “Yes.” Macie’s skin tingled and the urge to press close to him overwhelmed her.

  “You tell me what you want.” His thumb traced her cheekbone.

  “I want you. I do.” Macie exhaled a relieved sigh as she finally said what she’d been thinking.

  Rylan threaded his fingers through the long, reddish strands of Macie’s hair. “I want to touch you everywhere.”

  Macie placed her palm to his chest, savoring his heat through the fabric. “I want to touch you, too.” A slow, feminine smile graced her lips. “Take off your shirt.”

  “With pleasure.” Rylan moved his fingers to the front of his shirt. One by one, he unfastened the buttons while Macie watched with dazed appreciation. The blue broadcloth parted, revealing the contours of his chest, and Macie’s fingers reached out reflexively.

  “Now you.” His knuckles brushed the fabric of her shirt.

  Macie’s inhibitions fell away under his admiring gaze. She unzipped her skirt and released the hook and eye. The waistband caught on her rounded hips, but fell to the floor when she pushed the fabric free. She pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it onto the chair.

  Rylan’s eyes roamed the creamy flesh spilling out of the top of Macie’s bra. Matching lacy panties hid her secrets from his gaze.

  Rylan unfastened his pants and removed them. Only seconds passed before they were locked in one another’s arms, flesh to flesh.

  Desire shot through Macie, stronger than she’d known before. Nothing in her prior experience prepared her for Rylan, for how he made her feel. Karen, the computer, the note—it all fled from her mind. There was only Rylan. There was only now.

  Rylan reached behind Macie’s back and unhooked her bra. He slid his hands under the fabric cups and curled his hands around her breasts.

  Macie pulled the bra off and dropped it on the floor. She nuzzled his jaw and kissed his shoulder, biting his skin lightly.

  Rylan pulled her to the couch, and they tumbled onto the cushions in a tangle of arms and legs.

  Macie trembled, wanton and needy, as Rylan’s eyes roamed her body. His hand trailed down her cleavage and over her stomach. He circled her belly button and continued his exploration down her curves. Macie clutched his shoulders as he delved between her thighs.

  “I can feel you getting wet.” Rylan’s erection burned against her hip. He teased her with his fingertips, circling her clit and slipping down to dip inside.

  “I can’t wait. Don’t make me wait,” Macie whispered, her breath ragged.

  “Oh, I don’t think you’re quite ready yet. Not yet.” Rylan thrust his finger inside her and then another. His thumb pressed against her clit.

  Macie bucked against his hand as his fingertips caressed her inner walls. He focused on a spot inside that made sensation swirl within her, and she twitched around his fingers.

  “I think you might be ready.” Rylan gripped her thigh, pushing her legs apart.

  “Yes. Yes, please,” Macie begged.

  Rylan pulled his hand away and dropped on top of her, kissing her mouth. He positioned himself and entered her with a long, guttural groan.

  Macie wrapped her arms around him. Her hands slid to his buttocks and she urged him deeper. “More …”

  “You feel so good, Macie. Let me feel you let go.” He held himself deep for a moment and withdrew with tantalizing slowness.

  Macie writhed underneath him as he drove her higher and higher until she reached her peak. A keening cry escaped her lips, and her fingernails dug into his skin as she lost control.

  “Yes, Macie …” Rylan followed her into oblivion.

  ~ * ~ * ~

  Macie sat up on the couch, struggled to her feet, and picked up her clothing. Her knees wobbled. She’d known there was a spark between them, but she wouldn’t have guessed it would be so explosive.

  Macie fastened her bra and found her breasts still swollen and sensitized. She resisted the urge to turn her back toward Rylan and finished dressing.

  Rylan’s eyes didn’t leave her as he pulled on his clothing. He kissed her cheek and smoothed back her hair. “Let’s take a look at
the files. There must be something there.”

  Macie leaned into him. “I agree. Karen hid them purposefully. I wish she’d told me what was going on.”

  “That would make things simpler,” Rylan said as he nuzzled against her jaw.

  “But then we probably wouldn’t be here now.” If Macie had provided any information regarding what contributed to Karen’s attack, maybe the police would have solved the crime. Rylan would have gone his own way and that would have been that.

  “You may be right, but somehow I think things would have circled back around.”

  Macie slipped into the chair in front of the computer. She tapped the keyboard, scrolling through the spreadsheets, looking for anything unusual. Row after row of numbers blurred together. “Nothing jumps out for me. I work with numbers every day, but Karen was really the expert.”

  “If we need, I know a guy who can help. His specialty is interpreting financials, especially where something might be off.” Rylan rubbed her shoulders.

  Macie bit back a moan as his thumbs loosened the muscles of her neck. “You have a resource for everything.”

  “I know a lot of people. It comes in handy.”

  “You’re a very handy fellow,” Macie teased.

  “I’m glad you think so.” Rylan kissed her with enthusiastic thoroughness.

  Chapter 8

  Macie pulled the silky scarf between her hands before rolling it neatly and tying it around her neck. She loved the swirling pattern of color, and it jazzed up her plain dress.

  Karen’s company had an employee appreciation dinner every year. Macie had been invited the year Karen died and each year since. She’d attended, sharing Karen’s memory with her work friends. Karen’s co-workers were great people, and she appreciated their kind recollections.

  This year, Macie thought perhaps she shouldn’t go. Maybe it was time to let go of that tie to the past. But now, she had a renewed purpose. She wanted to ask questions.

  The police had interviewed all Karen’s co-workers, but maybe someone knew something and didn’t realize it. Would anyone recall something after all this time? Macie didn’t know. What she did know is that Karen stashed her computer for a reason. She’d hidden and password protected what looked like files from work. Her sister had been smart and honest to a fault. If she’d seen something suspicious, she would have followed up. If there was a connection between Karen’s work and her death, Macie was determined to find it.

  ~ * ~ * ~

  The party was in full swing when Macie entered. The bar was open and the drinks flowed freely.

  Macie picked up a finger sandwich off a tray and wound her way through the crowd. The dimmed lighting made it difficult to see, but she kept a lookout for any of Karen’s close friends. There were two in particular she wanted to talk to—Rose and Carol.

  Macie ordered a drink sans alcohol. She wanted her wits about her. Like many office parties, this one usually degenerated into something not so office appropriate. You’d think the organizers would know better than to put a bunch of people who didn’t get out much together in a darkened room with free alcohol, but no. Every year Karen had a tale of someone being awkwardly groped or a couple hooking up in the coatroom.

  Someone tapped her shoulder, and Macie turned around, genuinely happy to see Karen’s friend. “Rose! I was looking for you. I wanted to say hello.”

  Rose gave Macie a quick hug. “I’m so glad you came. I wasn’t sure you would.”

  “I wasn’t sure I would either, but here I am.” Macie fiddled with the free end of her scarf.

  “It’s been so long. Too long. We should get together for lunch.” Rose asked the bartender for a club soda.

  “I’d like that,” Macie said.

  “I want to know everything. Are you seeing anyone?” Rose leaned closer.

  “Not really. Still looking. I did meet a real winner, though. He was more interested in his shoes than in me.” Macie related the tale of Kenny’s ostrich shoes to Rose.

  Rose laughed at Macie’s story. “I have a bit of news.” She patted her stomach. “We have another baby on the way.”

  “That’s amazing! Congratulations.” Macie grasped Rose’s hand. “You must be so excited.”

  “We are. I might stay home for a while after this one. Childcare for three kids might break us.” Rose laughed, but there was a brittle edge to it.

  “I can imagine. Things still busy at work?” Macie asked.

  “Absolutely swamped as usual. It hasn’t let up a bit since …” Rose faltered. “Well, since Karen died. She was never replaced, and the merger is still ongoing. Everyone’s putting in long hours. Between you and me, I can’t wait for the baby to get here. I need a break.”

  “It must really be bad if a new baby will be like a vacation.” Macie heard the first months of parenthood were usually a blur.

  Rose reached out and grabbed Macie’s arm. “You know, every time I pass Karen’s desk, I think of her. It’s still empty. Sitting there like it’s a shrine or something. I wish they’d take it away.” Her hand flew to her mouth. “Oh, no. That’s a terrible thing to say. I’m so sorry.” Her eyes filled with tears.

  “Hey, Rose, it’s okay, really. I can understand why you might feel that way.” The dim lighting hid Macie’s strained expression.

  “I’m so sorry. Hormones, you know.” Rose’s hand fluttered in the air.

  “I understand. I do. I can’t let go, either. In fact, I met with the police again recently,” Macie shared.

  “You did?” Rose looked stunned.

  “I have to keep prodding them or else they’ll let the case go cold. I’m never going to give up on finding Karen’s killer.” Macie shook her head, realizing part of what she said was true. She hadn’t given up on Karen’s case being solved.

  “Did they have news for you?” Rose asked.

  “No, nothing, but they’re always on the lookout for a new lead.” Macie knew Rose loved nothing more than to gossip. Everything Macie said would be all over the office tomorrow. “Why hasn’t a replacement been hired? It’s been a while.”

  “I don’t know, really. It’s stupid. Jerry says he can’t find anyone as good as Karen, but honestly I don’t think he’s looking. I’m not sure anyone has even been interviewed. He parceled out her responsibilities. He even took more on himself,” Rose shared.

  Macie adopted what she hoped was a sympathetic expression. “Is that what Karen worked on mostly? Merger stuff?”

  “She had her day to day audit responsibilities, but yes, she’d taken the lead on looking at the financials for the merger.” Rose tipped her glass and the ice cubes settled.

  “I remember her putting in a lot of hours. I imagine it takes time to make sure all the numbers are adding up.” Macie’s hand clenched into a fist.

  “Yes, everyone is still working long hours. I mean, they gave bonuses, but to me it’s not worth it. I’d rather be home a little earlier.”

  “What would happen if you found something off?” Macie asked, as if her interest were casual.

  “Off? What do you mean?” Rose looked confused.

  “So many documents, there must be a mistake here and there.”

  Rose looked away. “Yeah. It gets corrected and things get adjusted.”

  Macie considered her next question. “What if it was more than a mistake?”

  “More?” Rose wiggled in her seat.

  Macie searched for an example. “Like remember that bank merger where they didn’t write down a bunch of bad mortgages?”

  Rose pursed her lips. “I suppose if something important came to light, it might affect the share valuation. I’m sure there’s something in the paperwork about it. You know lawyers.” Rose shrugged as if it were no concern to her.

  “How long is this merger stuff going to continue?” Macie emptied her glass.

  Rose groaned. “It seems endless. I mean, the merger is done basically. It’s a done deal. Everything’s signed. I’m not telling you anything privileged. It’
s in the news after all, but under the hood, things are still being integrated, and it will be that way for a while.”

  “It’s always hard to make things fit together. Sometimes the company cultures are very different.”

  “No kidding. They did let some of the sales staff go. That was probably the first area. They fire people, calling them ‘redundancies’ like it’s no big deal. It’s just to pad the pocketbooks of the higher-ups,” Rose complained.

  “That must be making people edgy.” Macie sucked in a deep breath as her nerves threatened to break through.

  “Oh yeah, but I tell you if they offered me a package tomorrow, I’d be gone. I hope they will, but it’s not going to be for a while. Integrating the accounting departments will take time. Right now they need us.” A smug look settled on Rose’s face.

  “What about Carol? Is she still around?” Macie asked.

  “Oh yeah. Her.” Rose’s voice chilled.

  “What? I thought you guys were friends.” Genuine surprise crossed Macie’s face.

  Rose’s lips thinned. “We were, but that was before she got hot and heavy with the boss. Carol and Jerry have been carrying on like mad. They think it’s some big secret, but everyone knows.” Rose rolled her eyes. “They’re so obvious.”

  “I wouldn’t have seen that one.” That was interesting development. Macie recalled Jerry being married, but perhaps he’d gotten divorced.

  “Who would? The best I can say is that Jerry at least doesn’t show obvious favoritism toward her, but who knows what happens on reviews. It’s so inappropriate and against company policy. One day, Jerry is going to piss someone off and get reported to HR,” Rose stated with a hint of malice.

  “I’m surprised that hasn’t happened yet.” In such a large organization, people were bound to become involved and prohibitions didn’t stop it from happening.

  Rose grimaced. “I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t complain, but those two get on my nerves.”

  “I’m going to mingle a bit. Can I catch up with you more later?” Macie slipped off her seat.

  “Sure. I want to get something to eat, anyway.” Rose hugged Macie again and walked away.


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