Reaper's Promise: A Wild Reapers MC

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Reaper's Promise: A Wild Reapers MC Page 15

by Kiki Leach

  "Jesus Christ," he muttered. When I looked over at him, he blinked up toward the ceiling and swallowed hard. "No way could I do that kinda shit all day." He laughed and brought his hand to my face. He brushed his thumb along the edge of my jawline and wrapped his fingers around the side of my neck. "A few kids I could handle, but nowhere near fifty, babe -- goddamn."

  "Well then I guess it's a good thing I'm not prone to having that many with or for you," I said. "Two has always been my limit."

  "Two'll be good," he replied, his smile stretching from ear to ear. I couldn't help in doing the same.

  "Anyway, I just need you to give me a boost," I told him. "Something to help me get through it all until I'm able to see you again tonight."

  He pulled back from me and stared. "You make it sound like I'm giving you some kinda drug, babe."

  "You are," I told him. "You're my drug of choice, Roman. I need more of it, more of you. I won't ever be able to get enough -- not ever." He looked into my eyes for a long time without ever giving me another response, then bent his face down to kiss me, soft and slow. I moaned as he moved his hand down my shoulder then around to my back. He flipped me over on my side to face him directly, slid his hand down to my thigh and wrapped it around his waist. Then he moved his dick inside me, and with such ease because I was already so ridiculously wet for him. And when he grinded his hips into me, opening and stretching my sex to fit around him once again, a tightness in my chest that I didn't even know existed until that very moment started to dissolve.

  He pumped into me a few good times, his hips rolling against mine, then muttered, "I want you on your knees, darlin', right here. Hands down flat with your ass high up in the air."

  "Are you going to push into me from the back?" I asked him, my breathing ragged.

  He rolled his hips again while keeping his eyes on me, forcing his cock to move even deeper inside my sex, reaching places I didn't even know existed inside of me until now. I groaned. "I just want you on your knees, babe." He grunted. "I wanna know all of you forever. Every last motherfuckin' angle and inch."

  "Okay." The word escaped me without a second thought. Then again at this point, this man could've told me in that moment that he wanted me on a launching pad, and I would've said yes.

  He pulled out of me and I quickly got into position at his urging. He moved in behind and slid his hands around my waist, jerking me to him. Then he leaned forward and wrapped his hand around my hair to lift my head. "I'm not gonna hurt you, babe, alright?" he said, his voice harsh and gravelly but so devastatingly sexy as his lips tickled the inside of my ear. He used his other hand to move back and forth across my breasts, rubbing them until they felt completely tender and swollen. When I mewled and rubbed against him like a kitten in heat, he knew that I was vulnerable to him and lowered his hand down my stomach just before shoving it between my legs. "I'm just gonna give you something from this angle that'll let every motherfucker know exactly who you belong to from here on." I nodded again and after stroking my sex, making me so anxious for him that my muscles twitched on their own, he removed his hand and rubbed his fingers against my back entrance.

  I moaned loud enough for the neighbors to hear this time. My body jerked in reaction and I dropped my head down to the pillow, biting into it. When he slipped a finger inside me, pinching with every tug and pull, I tensed and reached up for the head of the mattress. Then as I felt the hard shaft of his penis rolling up and down between my slit and against my opening just before he started pushing the head of it inside me, I lowered myself down even further onto the bed and hiked my ass up even higher in the air. He released my hair for less than two seconds and smacked my hips and ass cheeks, then recaptured me again and started slamming his way home.

  "Jesus, baby -- Fuck me, baby, goddamn." He twisted my head to the side to crush his lips against mine and fluttered his tongue between them all while keeping a steady pace of thrusting his cock in and out of my sex, making sure to push in deep and hit bottom each time. I was about ten seconds away from shattering through a release when he removed his finger from my ass and his cock from my sex. I almost cried out in anger at him until he moved his mouth over my clit and sucked me hard and slow. I blew like a gasket in an instant and he lapped me up until I was completely clean. "You're gonna need a shower before heading out," he said, wrapping his arms around my back and thighs and scooping me up from the bed.

  "Mm-hm." I was far too weak and lightheaded to say anything else to him outside of that, almost too weak to drape my arm around his neck from what he had just done to me, but somehow found the ability to stand upright when we both moved inside the shower. He stood in front of me and reached for the hot and cold nozzles, then turned the water on at a low speed and grabbed the bottle of liquid soap. After creating a quick lather, he rubbed his hands all over my body, giving what he deemed undivided and necessary attention to my breasts. Then he moved me back against the wall and dragged his cock along my pelvis.

  "I didn't get to come yet, darlin'," he said.

  I looked up into his eyes and gave a teasing grin. "Well now you know just how it feels, don't you?" He snarled and lifted me from the floor. My arms immediately flew around his neck just as my legs instantly cradled his waist. He hoisted me up high enough against his chest that he didn't even need to use a hand this time to guide his dick inside me. Instead he lowered me down on top of it and dear God, I felt all of him then, to the very last inch just above his balls. He pumped long and hard, and slow and steady until the tip reached my G-spot, then he arched his hips and for the second time that morning, completely hit bottom. He sucked my chin into his mouth as the water poured over us, then moved down to my neck and breasts and left tiny bite marks on my skin. I was so slick and wet against him in so many places that until he finally exploded like a case of lit dynamite, I'm not sure how much longer I would've been able to hold onto him.

  After, he released me back to the floor and kissed me deep again, then dried himself off and left the bathroom in silence, allowing me the chance to finally shower alone.

  Chapter Twelve


  I was so sore and tender in so many places (though I didn't regret a single action taken), that I barely had enough will or energy to even put on my clothes after I was dry. My poor legs were practically shaking with each step I took and my thighs were so close to being numb. But once I finally had and finished my hair, I grabbed my purse, keys, phone and teacher's bag, then grabbed a half-cut bagel from the kitchen and met Roman in the living room.

  "You all set?" he asked me. I looked him over and sighed with delight. His jeans worked so well around his ass while sagging a little in the front, revealing a portion of that delicious V, just as much as the fitted black tee was perfect for showing off his perfectly defined muscles and tatts.

  I swallowed hard and nodded, then tucked my teacher's bag underneath my arm. "I guess as much as I'll ever be," I told him.

  He stared down at my left hand, then reached down for it to hold inside his own. "Are you gonna be good with letting people know about this today?" He rolled the yellow diamond back and forth between my fingers. "Letting people know about us?"

  His voice was low, gravelly, somewhat unsure; he sounded intimidated as hell which was a first for him. But something about it turned me all the way on.

  "I might," I said. His eyes shot up to my face and he glared. "Or, I could..." I stopped and leaned my head back and smiled up at him. "I thought telling people about this is exactly what you wanted from me?" I asked. "Isn't that why you demanded I get on my knees for you back there? To show just how much you owned me and how no one else ever would?"

  His full lips split into a grin so wide that it reached the edges of his eyes, and he nodded. "Damn right." He moved his fingers between mine and clasped them down over the back of my hand. He drew me to him and leaned down to kiss me, then lifted his other hand and brushed his knuckles up and down against my breasts through my blouse, forcing my nipples to
become erect within less than a second. I nearly creamed in my panties, which is what I definitely didn't need right now, and threw a hand into his chest to shove him away. A low, throaty chuckle escaped him and he rubbed his thumb across my bottom lip. "Sorry, babe," he said. "But I couldn't pass up the opportunity."

  "I'm going to need you to not do things like that on days like today," I warned him with a stern look in my eyes and voice.

  He smirked and lowered his eyes down to my skirt. "That's a little on the long side, is it not?"

  "Are you joking?" I asked. He shook his head at me and shrugged. "I teach six-year old’s, Roman, I'm not heading out to the MC and serving drinks to your boys behind that bar."

  "My brothers," he corrected with a chuckle. "And what I meant is that you're gonna have to hike that thing up on the bike. It's a lot longer than the one you were wearing the other night which means it's liable to get jacked up on the ride out there."

  I sighed while trying to think of a quick solution. "Okay, so I'll hike it up and you can just drop me off somewhere in the back. That way no one will be able to see my underwear and the parents won't throw a fit about me flashing their kids."


  "But you know..." I lifted the strap of my purse on my arm and dumped my phone and keys inside. "This would be so much easier if you just had your own truck."

  He nodded. "I'm gonna be working on one out there at the garage this morning to bring home, along with a few other cars for Riggs."

  "Oh? Is mine included?"

  His eyes narrowed. "Your car doesn't need work on it, babe."

  "Okay great! If that's the case, then by the time you pick me up from school this afternoon, it should be waiting for me in the driveway, right?"

  He looked away from me and leaned his head. "You know, I'm not too sure about all that shit just yet," he said.


  "Yeah." He paused. "I'm thinking I might need to take you for another test run tonight just to make sure you're staying put for good."

  I folded my arms over my chest and stared up at him while holding back a grin. "Is that so?"

  "Yeah, darlin', I'm thinking so." He smirked at me, then reached behind himself and snatched his cut from the back of the couch, put it on and headed toward the door. "By the way, you've got a new key on your chain."

  "A new key for what?"

  "This house," he said. "I didn't want you having the one from Jeremiah anymore, so I switched them out."

  "That means you gave me the key from your chain instead?" I asked him. He nodded. "You've never given a woman a key to your house before."

  "'Cause it was never gonna be hers to begin with," he replied. He rolled his eyes up toward the ceiling and snickered. "This house always belonged to you, Colette. It was just a matter of time before you finally claimed it as such."

  "And if I never did?" I questioned. He shrugged. "You don't have any idea what the hell you would've done with yourself if we had never gotten married, do you?"

  "Outside of the club, nope," he said. "But for a long time, I was good with that shit; not caring, just going whatever way the wind blew. Then for a long time, I wasn't.

  "And now?"

  "Now?" He chuckled. "Now there's no way in hell I'll ever be good with going back to that shit ever again." We smiled at each other, knowing the reason for it, and he jerked his chin. "We need to start heading out so I can get you to school before that principle of yours tries to come out and kick my ass for you being late."

  As I made my way out the door ahead of him, he smacked me on the ass with the back of his right hand. I turned around and did the same to him, then raced to his bike while laughing my head off before he could catch up to me.

  Chapter Thirteen


  After a twenty-minute drive through the city, we finally made it to the school in one piece, and on time with about another fifteen minutes to spare which surprised me. Roman pulled into the parking lot near the back just as I had asked him to, and while some parents looked over at us when they heard the roar of his bike, others were too busy trying to shuffle their children inside the school to bother with paying much attention to us.

  When I hopped off the seat behind him, I quickly handed him my helmet and pulled down my skirt. Then I fixed my blouse and grabbed my bag from his satchel that was attached to the front of the bike near the bar handles.

  "What the hell is my hair looking like?" I asked him, trying to pat down as many loose strands I felt.

  He lifted his shoulder and made a face. "Looks damn good to me. Kinda all over your head like it was last night after I wore you out."

  "Great." I slightly rolled my eyes and laughed quietly to myself. "Not exactly the kind of look I was going for in front of children, which means that I'll need to hit up the bathroom before the classroom in order to keep from scaring these kids out of their skin."

  "Whatever you feel you've gotta do, babe." He stood up from his bike and wrapped his arm around my neck, pulling me to him and whispering, "Just make sure it doesn't look too good that you've got other motherfuckers looking at you sideways for it."

  I made a face at him and lifted my hand, pressing it against his chest. "Roman." His heart was beating so fast that I could feel it pumping between my fingers.

  "Listen, darlin', I know how men operate, alright?" he said, searching his eyes across the parking lot. "Maybe not the ones around here, yuppie looking motherfuckers -- but regardless of that shit, we're all the same. At least with much of them seeing us like this, they'll know what's up and won't even think of trying shit."

  "They weren't ever going to do that anyway because believe it or not, they knew what was up long before you ever came along," I told him. He arched his brows and his jaw stiffened. "And I don't mean because of your brother." He nodded and deeply exhaled as if relieved. "Besides, I would never think of giving anybody in this school the time of day even if I was paid to."

  He bobbed his head and laughed aloud. "Shit like that is what I know for a fact, darlin', especially after having had a few good tastes of me now, yeah?" He grinned. "I just wanna make sure that it's all good on both ends."

  "It is," I reassured him. "Now I need to get inside so that I can start fixing this mess on my head."

  "Alright." He bent down to kiss me, so deep and slow, that my toes curled inside my shoes. My sex went slick in an instant, my heart rate climbed to a number not even on the charts, my pulse thumped so erratically inside my skin that I could hear it beating in my right ear and above all else, I felt like fainting again.

  I finally pushed him away before I could. "I need to go," I told him. He gulped and stared down at me out of breath, and with that same look of lust and hunger in his eyes that I had seen last night and this morning, twice. If I didn't get the hell away from him soon, I was going to be in trouble. "You need to go." I shoved him in the chest and he dropped his arm from around my neck, laughing as he sat back down on his bike.

  He looked over his shoulder at the other teachers and parents who were pretending not to look at us while doing just that, and smirked. Then he brought his eyes back to me and nodded. "What time do I need to be back here to pick you up?"

  "3:15. School lets out at 2, but since they cut our afterschool program a few months back, supposedly to save money, I keep a few students whose parents don't get off work until a little after that."

  "Alright, I'll be here then," he said. I smiled at him and turned on my heel. "Colette," he called out to me, the sound of his voice as he said my name aloud making me shiver. I glanced over at him and lifted my brows in question. "I've just gotta say that I think you look damn good in that teacher's outfit. Maybe you can teach me a thing or two while wearing it, and nothing else underneath it, tonight."

  "Maybe so," I replied. "If you're a good enough boy and behave."

  The corners of his lips twitched in humor and he winked at me. "Yes ma'am." Then he placed the helmet on top of his head and revved up the engine to h
is bike again.

  I started making my way inside the building after he sped from the parking lot, avoiding all eyes and whispers being thrown in my direction, and headed straight to the women's faculty bathroom near the teacher's lounge to fix my hair. Once inside, I placed my bag and purse on the couch near the window, then moved over to the mirror and used my fingers to comb through any tangles and strands that were wholly out of place.

  Not a minute later, three of my nosiest co-worker friends came ramming through the door and waving their arms out to either side of themselves like a group of flying monkeys straight from The Wizard of Oz. Jane was first, a mousy brunette with pale skin and green eyes who could've very easily been crowned queen of being in everyone else's business but her own on more than one occasion. Our school ranged from kindergarten to sixth grade with various classes and teachers placed for each set across the building. She taught fourth grade and often complained about how much she hated one of her favorite student's fathers, if only because he didn't have the decency to call her back after their random one night stand in some fifty-dollar motel room near the edge of the city that took place a few months back.

  Next was Avida, everybody's favorite second grade teacher. Tall, lanky and naturally tanned with straight black hair that cascaded down the center of her back in waves, she was only ever mildly nosey if only because she didn't have much of a life of her own outside of school. No husband, no children and not even a hovering and bossy mother or dog to occupy her time, whatever was going on with everyone else seemed to be a hell of a lot more entertaining than whatever wasn't going on with her.

  Lastly was Merna; slightly overweight with bright red hair and dark freckles that surrounded the corners of her deep-set blue eyes, she had been married for at least nine years with kids popping out for every one since her third-year anniversary. This made her the least nosey of the bunch if only because she often had too much going on in her own life to keep up with what was going on in anyone else’s; even so, she still made time to hang around the gossip mill for if nothing else, shits and giggles.


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