Souls of the Never

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Souls of the Never Page 15

by CJ Rutherford

  Sanctuary—The Attack on Dwenn

  The fact they were attacking in the middle of the night meant there was a degree of uncertainty as to Dwenn’s location. As there was no way she could know Krista and Katheryne were on Sanctuary, she should still be in the control centre, maintaining the block.

  Toshi chose to target the portal on the entrance passage to the room, so the five of them assembled there, ready to assault together. Toshi and Krista were to engage Dwenn and any other traitor if he was there. The others had to take out the guards, thus eliminating any distractions before assisting in taking Dwenn out.

  But the best laid plans rarely survive the initial moment of contact, and this was the case as Toshi entered the room. It appeared to be empty.

  Krista held back out of sight for the initial encounter; she would enter to take Dwenn off balance at the most opportune time. The four others stood as their eyes adjusted to the dim light coming off the displays.

  Toshi stretched out his awareness as the displays flickered randomly. He tuned into the patterns, concentrating on what was missing instead of what was apparently present. A screen at the back of the room flashed up a status which illuminated a row of seating, the chairs casting a series of shadows across the floor. Except one of them which remained unchanged.

  Toshi linked to the others and they separated, circling around where he’d indicated. He continued to scan the room, but except for the anomaly, he saw nothing untoward.

  He grunted an invisible hammer struck him, savage and unexpected, and he flew ten feet though the air to strike the doorframe. For any normal being this might have been a killing blow, but Toshi rolled into a crouch, facing his invisible assailant.

  The others turned toward him, missing the movement behind as the anomaly closed on them. Toshi opened his mouth to shout, but before a sound escaped his lips a funnel of flame shot from the shimmer, engulfing the others. They scattered, rounding on the enemy. Their armor and shields saved them from being incinerated, but before they could regroup, a blast of lightning hit them, overloading the shielding and dropping them, twitching to the ground.

  Toshi drew a pistol and aimed at the source of the attack, but he staggered under a series of blows from behind. The pistol skittered across the floor as he collapsed onto his hands and knees.

  He lashed out like lightning, his legs flashed through the air behind him. He was gratified when they connected with something solid. He heard a curse as someone landed hard on the ground beside him. He still couldn’t see anything there, but a Liberia didn’t need sight to fight. Now they were close, Toshi homed in on the heartbeat and struck down hard with both fists. He was rewarded with an explosion of air and breaking bones as the traitor, Dzall appeared from nowhere. Toshi jumped up and grabbed his assailant around the neck with one arm as his hand flew upward and sideways, jerking the head around. The resulting crack caused a jerk before the body slumped under him.

  He rounded, searching for his mislaid weapon, but froze as a single shot rang out. Krista stood in the doorway with her pistol raised. The lightning was gone, but there was still no sign of Dwenn; for Toshi was certain only Dwenn was capable of the power displayed here.

  The others were sitting up and shaking their heads, as Toshi reached to his belt and withdrew a handful of small silver globes.


  The others heard the linked warning, and as Toshi threw the spheres outward in a circle, they closed their eyes and covered their ears.

  The stunners exploded like miniature suns, as blinding beams of light and cracks of thunder filled the room. Toshi flitted his eyes back and forth.

  “Watch for shadows!” he yelled to Krista as more stunners went off. The others cowered under the assault, but Toshi raised his retrieved pistol in unison with Krista and they filled the air in front of them with projectile fire. A shape materialised as the firepower drained whatever cloaked it. Toshi linked to Krista, and they stopped firing as she retreated to the corridor.

  Toshi turned and gave his full attention to the thing which had been Dwenn. The other three warriors were on their feet and crossed to back him up.

  Dwenn stood, her face a mask of rage, murder and madness. Toshi felt the power emanating from her, but he was confident she’d be unable to withstand an assault by four Liberi.

  “It’s over, Dwenn,” he said. “You have power, I’ll grant you that, but there’s no way you can take all of us at once.”

  Dwenn’s eyes narrowed, but instead of hesitating, she smiled. “Hmm, an interesting turn of phrase, Toshi. I may just have to do that.”

  She tilted her head back and laughed.

  None of them could ever recall a crueller, more tormented sound, and it shook them to their core, rattling their confidence as an irresistible sensation of fear grew deep in their souls.

  How could they hope to defeat this power? Toshi thought. This being had returned from death to confront them and was unstoppable. As she stood there, emanating the terrible energy, the Liberi quaked with terror and shrank back. None of them dared to move in case they drew the wrath of this mighty one before them, but even as their terror mounted, they began to be awestruck by her incredible beauty.

  Toshi wondered what he saw in Laren, when in comparison to this vision before him she seemed so plain.

  Dwenn continued to laugh. It was such a lovely sound, musical and full of joy. Toshi knew he would do anything, absolutely anything in his power to make her happy. He loved her. They all did. Who could fail to love this being of insurmountable perfection? As he looked at the others, he saw tears matching his own flowing down their cheeks. They were blessed to be in the presence of their Goddess, and they bowed before her, offering up their souls.

  Outside in the corridor Krista fell to the floor, the contents of her stomach barely remaining within her body, as bile stung her throat. Her head exploded with pain, and she curled into a ball, shaking uncontrollably.

  She felt the initial fear grow into an attempt to twist her emotions; to draw her into complete devotion to the being. She felt a tug, and something lurched at the core of her being. A need to offer herself to her new love threatened to overwhelm her, to strip her of any will or self control.

  Krista gritted her teeth. She felt...knew who did this. She’d been in love with Dwenn for years before the final battle where they’d both died, so she knew what she was being forced to feel now was wrong, that her mind was being raped and abused by this creature. She understood now how the other Liberi were twisted to betray their friends.

  They were utterly and helplessly in love with Dwenn, and any wish she suggested would be a further way for them to worship their goddess. They were powerless against the demands of their hearts.

  Krista’s heart rejected the false emotions, and she shook as she regained her own will. Slowly, she uncurled her quivering limbs, shaking her head to remove the last vestige of the corruption. She knew she had moments to break the spell, for she knew that’s what this had to be. The others would be drawn in hopelessly and totally, and soon they would be lost forever.

  Krista steadied herself and prepared for a fight to the death with her true love.

  “So, Dwenn...miss me?” she asked, as she stepped into the doorway.

  The reaction was instantaneous. The cackling laughter halted and Dwenn took a step backwards in shock. Krista was vaguely aware of the others as they slumped to the floor. She just prayed to the Maker she’d recovered fast enough to save them, but let a breath out as Toshi cursed. Her lips twisted briefly. Toshi never cursed, so she took this as a good sign.

  She turned her full attention on the figure before her. The madness in Dwenn’s eyes was still there, but it seemed to soften as Krista watched.

  “Krista?” Her voice was like a little lost child’s as her expression lightened. “Is that you? Oh, my love, thank the Maker you’re here!”

  Dwenn’s features turned desperate and horrified, as tears formed in her eyes.

  “Please Krista, p
lease save me,” Dwenn pleaded. “I’m trapped in here, trapped inside this...this, thing.”

  Tears flowed down Dwenn’s cheeks as she continued. “You wouldn’t believe the things it’s making me do, Krista…terrible, awful things, but I can’t help it. It’s too strong for me…I can’t stop it. Please, Krista…please help me.”

  For the briefest instant Krista wavered. The voice, the way she held herself, it was all Dwenn. She took a step towards her, ready to take her in her arms and tell her it would be fine.

  Her Liberi’s heightened awareness revealed a flash of contempt in Dwenn’s eyes, before the creature she had become renewed the facade.

  Krista maintained her mask of concern for her lover as she walked slowly towards her.

  “Thank you, oh thank you, Krista.” Dwenn spread her arms to receive her lover, gratitude evident on her face.

  Krista entered the embrace, resting her head against Dwenn’s shoulder, as she passed an arm around her back to draw them closer. As Dwenn began to close her arms around what she thought was yet another willing puppet, Krista plunged the blade up into her ribcage, deep enough to rupture the heart of the girl she loved.

  Krista realized at last her hope had been foolish. There was nothing left of her Dwenn, except the memories this thing was using to deceive them. She knew Dwenn’s soul had been twisted and corrupted beyond any attempt to heal it, and her only choice was to release it from its torment.

  The creature’s face was close enough to kiss, and Krista did so now, just a peck on the cheek. It was enough to say goodbye, as the body of Dwenn pushed itself back and looked down at the knife protruding from her chest.

  “Why, Krista?” The creature evidently wanted to maintain the act to the end, to punish her old lover as much as possible, but Krista decided she’d had enough.

  “Because Dwenn died years ago, when your bastard master murdered her,” she said in a voice colder than death. “You’re just a shell, a poor copy of the person she was. The wonderful, brilliant, girl who I loved completely.”

  The creature was on its knees now, with black, dead blood pooling beneath it.

  “All you have left is a whisper of her, trapped there inside you.” Krista held Dwenn’s head in one hand as she drew another knife. “One I’m about to set free.”

  “You won’t do it, bitch.” The real evil inside revealed itself in a last ditch attempt to save its life. “If I die, I’ll take her soul with me. I’ll spend eternity playing with the slut. I’ll make her curse the day she ever met you, by the time I’m done, your precious little Dwenn will...”

  She didn’t finish the sentence. She might have found it difficult with the blade between her teeth, pushed upwards into her brain. The creature fell backwards in a heap. Krista stood silent for a second before whispering one word.


  She stretched out her mind, and watched the light of a single soul arise in joyous freedom. It seemed to linger for the briefest time, and Krista was overcome with a feeling of love and gratitude before the released essence of her love’s soul passed into the Never.

  Tears flowed down Krista’s face as Toshi gathered her into his arms.

  Goodbye my love, she thought, as she leant into Toshi and wept.

  Sanctuary—The Attack on B’ran

  Derren had never been in B’ran’s quarters, but Laren had. During their time on the Island she had recounted the meeting she’d had with him, shortly after arriving on Sanctuary. How B’ran offered her a drink which must have been drugged, as the vague memory of him forcing himself upon her sickened her.

  She had been seven years old at the time. Old enough to know what had happened was wrong, but young enough so B’ran was able to ridicule her story, painting her out as a misguided child with a vivid imagination.

  Laren attempted suicide a dozen times over the years before she met Toshi. What started out with him being her protector and counsellor had grown into mutual love between them.

  So as she stepped through, into a room which had been a place in her nightmares for years, she shuddered. Then Katheryne was there beside her, and she felt the strength renew within her, and her confidence return as this presence which was Katheryne linked with her and bolstered her spirit.

  Derren was there along with Chran, whose skin was bright green, a sure sign of his eager anticipation. As Laren closed the portal she looked around the room, the entranceway to B’ran’s quarters. It was empty, but music could be heard playing from an open doorway ahead.

  Derren took the lead and advanced toward the sound. A quick glance around the frame and he looked back, two fingers indicating two people in the room. The rest of them closed up towards the doorway, but Katheryne put her hand on Derren’s arm.

  There was something...wrong. As she extended her senses into the room and saw B’ran for the first time, there was an aura of….staleness, surrounding him. He was definitely alive, but it was like he was preserved, not fresh somehow. Then as Katheryne tasted his thoughts, the truth and the revulsion it caused within her made her withdraw, disgusted.

  He was using the energies of the young Liberi to extend his life, siphoning off their life force a trickle at a time to inflate his own. He should have died years ago.

  Derren saw her sickened expression, but Katheryne signalled she was fine, so they approached the doorway, and Derren flew inwards.

  The other person in the room was one of the traitors, a Liberi called Rhen, from the planet Oaxa. He was large and reptilian with claws at the end of his long fingers. Derren had known him for years, and although they weren’t as close as Toshi or Laren, they had spent many a night drinking each other’s health.

  His betrayal had hit Derren hard, but not as hard as he hit Rhen now. Derren knew he needed to take the reptilian out fast using maximum force and violence, lest Rhen be allowed to use his superior strength and size to its best effect.

  Derren’s initial attack knocked Rhen off balance but he was already recovering, so Derren launched into a fluid sequence of attacks, blows so fast they couldn’t be seen by a normal eye.

  But Katheryne was no longer normal, so she watched as over a hundred punches and kicks landed on Rhen in under a second. The effect was devastating. Ren’s body convulsed so fast his internal organs battered his insides, the thick bones of his ribcage shattering and piercing his lungs, and with each successive assault blood flew from them, out of his mouth and nose. In another second Ren lay dying on the floor with Derren standing over him, breathing deeply with his hands clenched, and his eyes wide with a mixture of anger and pain.

  Katheryne crossed to him and laid her hand on his shoulder as she poured her love and support into him, in an attempt to relieve his guilt. She was gratified when he turned and gave her a brief smile. A crash and a scream of fury interrupted their thoughts.

  B’ran had tried to raise the alarm, but Laren intercepted him and threw him against a wall, shattering a picture frame with his head. As Derren and Katheryne turned she screamed in fury and attacked.

  Laren lashed out with her foot, connecting with B’ran’s large stomach. They heard the air empty from his lungs as he flew across the room. They stood back. They knew what had happened here so many years ago. Laren needed to vent her anger. And besides; Derren had told them of the conversation in the cell. Neither felt any inclination to halt Laren’s retribution.

  “Remember me B’ran?” she hissed between clenched teeth as she hauled him up and head-butted him, breaking his nose into a bloody hole above his mouth.

  B’ran screamed in pain, but his voice was silenced by fear as he recognised the grown up seven year old face, grimacing two inches from his own.

  “Yes, you do, and I’m glad,” she whispered. “There won’t be any drugs to blunt the pain I’m about to cause you.”

  She grabbed him between the legs, and B’ran squealed like a pig as she sank her fingers in and squeezed as hard as she could. His face grew red as he gasped for breath, but Laren simply held on and smiled

  “Please,” he whimpered, “please stop.”

  Laren released him just long enough for a look of relief to show on his face, before she reached down and grabbed one of his hands, twisting it effortlessly to break his arm so badly the bone protruded from his skin.

  He screamed in agony and horror as she continued her assault, breaking the fingers on his other hand, punching him so hard and so many times that his face became a toothless bloody mess, but all the time careful to limit any damage which would prevent his interrogation. It was torture, pure and simple, but she had lived with torture ever since this thing had robbed her of her innocence.

  Finally, she stood back, breathing heavily, her eyes red with anger and tears. B’ran cowered in a ball at her feet, and as she lowered her head to his ear, he tried to turn away. “I’m not finished yet,” she whispered, and B’ran cried out in terror and agony as she ripped his ear off.

  Laren stood back, spitting as she wiped the blood from her mouth. The others looked at her with varying expressions. Derren’s was one of staunch approval, and Chran’s skin shone with a maroon tint as he conveyed his pride in her.

  But Katheryne looked on in horror at the broken creature before her. Derren had just killed Ren, but that was nothing compared to the violence she watched Laren inflict on another being.

  Then she remembered back to a couple of days ago, to when she had almost killed the beast. She recalled now how much she enjoyed it at the time.

  As she looked into Laren’s soul, Katheryne realized none of this was about enjoyment or satisfaction for her. She had needed to do it, for if she hadn’t, she would have to live with the demons of his assault for the rest of her life.

  She looked across into Laren’s eyes and nodded her acceptance. She felt Laren relax. Katheryne’s approval was important to her, much more so than the others.

  Katheryne laughed inwardly. If she’d been so inclined, she might be happy about the disciples she was gathering. As it was, she was glad she’d gained another close friend and a moment passed between them as if to confirm it.


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