Kid Rock
Kim Kardashian, Superstar (sex tape)
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Kraines, Joyce
Kraines, Larry
American Tragedy and
Bruce Jenner and
Kardashians’ divorce and
Kris’s infidelity and
and Robert Kardashian’s illness and death
and Robert Kardashian’s marriage to Jan
on Robert Kardashian’s relationships with Shawn and Denice
on Roberts
Simpson and
Kramer, Donna
Kris Jenner … and All Things Kardashian (Jenner)
Kutcher, Ashton
La Costa
La Puma, Joe
Leach, Joe Carl
Leach, Leslie Johnson
Leach, Robin
Leigh, Jennifer Jason
Leno, Jay
Levin, Ira
Lippman, Michael
Lohan, Lindsay
Lookinland, Mike
Lopez, Jennifer
Los Angeles Times
Love Ranch
Lowe, Rob
Mason, George
Mastrogeorge, Harry
Matsuno-Parmenter, Linda
Matthews, Shanelle
MCA Radio Network
McCarroll, Patrick
McCormick, Maureen
McGovern, George
meatpacking industry
bribery scandal in
Great Western Packing
Medina, Rich
Mengers, Sue
Michael, George
Migdal, Joni
American Tragedy and
Ellen Pearson and
Kardashians’ divorce and
Khloé’s paternity and
Kris’s affair and
Robert Kardashian’s death and
and Robert Kardashian’s defense of Simpson
Robert Kardashian’s efforts to convert
Robert Kardashian’s house-hunting with
and Robert Kardashian’s interview with Walters
Mirren, Helen
Miss USA pageant
Moomaw, Donn
Moore, Roger
Movie Theater Network
Movie Tunes
Mungle, Beverley
Mungle, Charles
Mungle, Debbie Kathleen
Mungle, Karen
Murinson, Alexander
Myers, Larry
Naked Gun
National Enquirer
New York Post
New York Times
Nicklaus, Jack
Nielsen, Leslie
9/11 terrorist attacks
Nixon, Richard
Norwood, Sonja
Obama, Barack
O’Brien, Pat
Odom, Lamar
O’Neill, Terry
Ordyan, Sarkis
organized crime
Orist, Michelle Willett
Osbournes, The
Palmer, Adele
Parker, Angel
Pascal, Amy
Patton, Juanita Ethel
Pearson, Ellen
Penn, Sean
Pennino, Phil
People v. O.J. Simpson, The: American Crime Story
Pierre Cardin
Pitt, Brad
Playboy Mansion
Presley, Elvis
death of
Presley, Lisa Marie
Presley, Priscilla
Principal, Victoria
Public Storage
Puerto Vallarta
Pulvers, Nicole
Radio & Records (R&R)
Rancho La Costa
Ray J
Reagan, Nancy
Reagan, Ronald
Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, The
Redford, Robert
Reed, Robert
Reinhold, Judge
Resnick, Faye
Richards, Kim
Richards, Kyle
Riches, Lani
Richie, Nicole
Ritter, John
Rivers, Joan
Rivers, Melissa
Riviera Country Club
RKO General
Roberts, Ken
Rocky II
Rodgers, Phil
Roldan, Alex
Rolling Stone
Rooney, Mickey
Rose, Amber
Rose, Axl
Rosenfeld, Meyer and Susman
Rothschild, Harry
Rothschild, Peter
Rue, Brent
Rue, Happy
Run of His Life, The: The People v. O. J. Simpson (Toobin)
Ryan, Jack
Ryan, Meg
St. John, Jill
Sajak, Pat
Sanders, George
San Diego School of Law
San Diego Union-Tribune
Sanudo, Carlos
Sanudo, Cesar
death of
gold coins of
Jacqui’s marriage to
Kris’s relationship with
and Kris’s relationship with Kardashian
Sanudo, Rudy
Sawyer, Diane
Schenz, Jacqui
Schiller, Lawrence
Schiller, Stephanie
Schuller, Robert
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
Schwimmer, David
Scott, Chrystie Crownover
Seacrest, Ryan
Secret Life of Cyndy Garvey, The (Garvey)
September 11 terrorist attacks
Sex Tape
Shakarian, Demos
Shakarian, Evangeline “Vangie”
Shakarian, Issak
Shakarian, Richard
Shannon, Harry (Kris’s stepfather)
Shannon, Mary Jo (“M.J.”) Campbell Houghton (Kris’s mother)
cancer of
Shapiro, Robert
Shriver, Maria
Simpson, Aaren
Simpson, Arnelle
Simpson, Jason
Simpson, Justin
Simpson, Marguerite Whitely
Simpson, Nicole Brown
breast implants of
Kris’s affair and
murder of
O.J.’s abuse of
O.J.’s marriage to
O.J’s trial for murder of
Simpson, O.J.
Deep Canyon house and
in Ford Bronco police chase
Gulliksen and
infidelity of
Kris and
luggage of
in murders of Nicole and Goldman
murder trial of
Nicole abused by
Nicole’s marriage to
Olympics and
robbery conviction of
Robert Kardashian as business partner of
Robert Kardashian’s defense of
Robert Kardashian’s friendship with
Robert Kardashian’s meeting of
Robert Kardashian’s reading of letter of
Tom Kardashian and
Simpson, Sydney
Sinbad Show, The
Singer, Marty
Smith, Bubba
Smith, Chuck
Snoop Dogg
Soloway, Jill
Somers, Suzanne
Soviet Union
Spallino, Cindy
Spears, Britney
Sports Illustrated
Spradlin, Jack
Springsteen, Bruce
Stafford, Susan
Stallone, Sylvester
Steiger, Rod
Stellini, Joe
Stepford Wives, The
Stewart, Alana
Stewart, Martha
Still the Happiest People (Shakarian)
Straza, George T.
Sullivan, William A.
Susan Miller Dorsey High School
Swift, Taylor
Tafelski, Marla
Tafelski, Vicki
Taft, Leroy “Skip”
Tambor, Jeffrey
Taub, Simon
Taylor, Elizabeth
Thomas, Damon
Thompson, Linda
Thompson, Tristan
Thomsen, Vicky Kron
Thorn Birds, The
Three’s Company
Tijuana Country Club
Tom, Donna
Toobin, Jeffrey
Trevino, Lee
Trump, Donald
Trupp, Beverly
Truth in Advertising
Turner, Lana
Tyra Banks Show, The
Tyson, Mike
USC (University of Southern California)
USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture)
Vanity Fair
Vaughn, Robert
Vernon, Calif.
Vietnam War
Village People
Vivid Entertainment
Walters, Barbara
Washington Post
Wasser, Dennis
Wasser, Laura
Waterman, Ilza
Waterman, Todd
Watson, Linda
Watson, Tom
Wayne, John
Weatherford, Cheryl Wallace
West, Kanye
West, Kim Kardashian, see Kardashian, Kim
West, North
West, Saint
Westwood United Methodist Church
Wheeler, Jeffrey B.
Wheel of Fortune
White, Vanna
Williams, Wendy
Willwerth, James
Wilson, Bob
Women’s Wear Daily
Wright, Lynn
Wyatt, Mary
Wyatt, Walter
Yetnikoff, Walter
Young Presidents’ Organization
Zimmerman, Joan
RFK Jr.: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the Dark Side of the Dream
Crazy Rich: Power, Scandal, and Tragedy Inside the Johnson & Johnson Dynasty
The Other Mrs. Kennedy: Ethel Skakel Kennedy: An American Drama of Power, Privilege, and Politics
State of a Union: Inside the Complex Marriage of Bill and Hillary Clinton
Just Desserts: Martha Stewart—The Unauthorized Biography
Front Row: Anna Wintour—The Cool Life and Hot Times of Vogue’s Editor in Chief
House of Hilton: From Conrad to Paris: A Drama of Wealth, Power, and Privilege
Toy Monster: The Big, Bad World of Mattel
Madoff with the Money
Seinfeld: The Making of an American Icon
Barbara Walters: An Unauthorized Biography
Idol: Rock Hudson: The True Story of an American Film Hero (with Jack Vitek)
JERRY OPPENHEIMER is the New York Times bestselling author of Crazy Rich: Power, Scandal, and Tragedy Inside the Johnson & Johnson Dynasty, as well as unauthorized biographies of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Hillary and Bill Clinton, Anna Wintour, Rock Hudson, Martha Stewart, Barbara Walters, Ethel Kennedy, Jerry Seinfeld, and the Hilton family. He has also worked in several different capacities as a journalist, including as an investigative reporter and a producer of television news programs and documentaries. You can sign up for email updates here.
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Title Page
Copyright Notice
Some of the Cast of Characters
ONE Stay Classy, San Diego
TWO School Days
THREE Meeting the “Mob”
FOUR Hole in One
FIVE Enter Kardashian
SIX An Affair to Remember
SEVEN Coffee, Tea, or Me?
EIGHT Kardashian and Presley
NINE A Corrupt Family Business
TEN A Kardashian Childhood
ELEVEN Jesus and the Kardashians
TWELVE A Stepford Wife
THIRTEEN Wedding Bells
FOURTEEN A Three-Thousand-Dollar Belt
FIFTEEN Who’s Your Daddy?
SIXTEEN Another Affair
SEVENTEEN Emotional Wreck
EIGHTEEN Enter Jenner
NINETEEN Kissin’ Cousins
TWENTY Fatal Friendship
TWENTY-ONE Dire Warnings
TWENTY-TWO Tragic Times
TWENTY-THREE Lonely Farewell
TWENTY-FOUR “Kim Kardashian, Superstar”
TWENTY-FIVE It’s Reality
TWENTY-SIX A “Complex” Lie
Selected Bibliography
Also by Jerry Oppenheimer
About the Author
THE KARDASHIANS. Copyright © 2017 by Jerry Oppenheimer. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.
Cover by Olga Grlic
The Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available upon request.
ISBN 978-1-250-08714-0 (hardcover)
ISBN 978-1-250-08716-4 (ebook)
eISBN 9781250087164
Our ebooks may be purchased in bulk for promotional, educational, or business use. Please contact your local bookseller or the Macmillan Corporate and Premium Sales Department at 1-800-221-7945, extension 5442, or by email at [email protected].
First Edition: September 2017
The Kardashians Page 32